The SC2 Balance Amnesty
By replying to this blog, I hereby affirm the following:
- That talented, hard-working professionals and gifted amateurs, innovators and hangers-on, worthy opponents, cheesers, good sports, bad sports, noobs, scrubs and the inexplicably retarded have been allocated by the hand of chance in equal measure to the three races of Starcraft 2.
- That in asymmetrical warfare there will be asymmetry, which will manifest as timings or periods of the game in which one race will seem favoured above another. That my own cross will always chafe harder than that borne by another's back, and that bearing it with good humour is a truer test of nobility than arguing over the weight of the load.
- That real or perceived imbalance between the races will wax and wane, be lost and rediscovered, and can in all likelihood never be banished beyond the reach of the most talented and dedicated to exploit - but that this will not diminish my admiration of their achievements.
- That it would be hypocritical to publicly denounce situational advantage as 'imbalance' if in my private exploration of the game's subtleties I still hope to encounter it to my advantage.
- That regardless of any genuine benefit conferred by race, my opponents will on average find their games as taxing as I do myself. If one golfer can play another of a lower or higher handicap, and yet earnestly congratulate him on a hard-won victory, I can do the same.
- That we are all of us at sea, and that tending the oars is a better use of our time than worrying which of us the waves currently bear aloft.
Signed: Andy Clitheroe
Who knows: if enough people sign up we might be able to swing an icon of our own!
Responses to Suggestions and Criticism
Though I appreciate your efforts, I think constructive criticism of the game should be upheld. These criticisms have made SCII a better game than it was 2 years ago, and everyone should be happy that the developers are listening and are actively trying to improve the game.
This is why the affirmations above don't include a vow to refrain from discussing balance. They are a framework for enjoying watching, playing and discussing Starcraft 2 with a minimum of needless rancour and animosity, not a rug to sweep problems beneath.
Signing, this is awesome.
This is pretty good. I agree with this.
signed - Andrew "Vindicare" Resendez: Random Player.
Signed - Evan "Bippzy" Kelly
4th point speaks the most to me i think, everyone complains about X imba... unless it is their race. signed
Signed - LightTemplar About time somebody said it!
oh comon, reading balance whines in "designated" threads is often times half the fun of this website. lol
Though I appreciate your efforts, I think constructive criticism of the game should be upheld. These criticisms have made SCII a better game than it was 2 years ago, and everyone should be happy that the developers are listening and are actively trying to improve the game.
As Michael Patcher pointed out, there is a big difference between a complaint and a whine. Actual balance whine should be struck down, however.
And by replying to this blog, I am not affirming your creed. I'm constructively criticizing it.
Signed - Erik "Forester" Halberg, Terran
This pledge is long overdue
I can't imagine this pledge NOT catching on. I'm sure a lot of Terran players are going to say to themselves after reading this, "You brought up some valid points. I never thought about SC2 this way... I guess I was wrong to think that other races are overpowered, because to be honest, I thought to myself 'I'm smarter than all these idiots. The only reason I could be losing is because of the game, because it's certainly not me, cuz I'm good.', but boy was I wrong! I hereby sign this pledge!"
On June 28 2012 07:12 Umpteen wrote:The SC2 Balance Amnesty By replying to this blog, I hereby affirm the following:- That talented, hard-working professionals and gifted amateurs, innovators and hangers-on, worthy opponents, cheesers, good sports, bad sports, noobs, scrubs and the inexplicably retarded have been allocated by the hand of chance in equal measure to the three races of Starcraft 2.
- That in asymmetrical warfare there will be asymmetry, which will manifest as timings or periods of the game in which one race will seem favoured above another. That my own cross will always chafe harder than that borne by another's back, and that bearing it with good humour is a truer test of nobility than arguing over the weight of the load.
- That real or perceived imbalance between the races will wax and wane, be lost and rediscovered, and can in all likelihood never be banished beyond the reach of the most talented and dedicated to exploit - but that this will not diminish my appreciation of their achievements.
- That it would be hypocritical to publicly denounce situational advantage as 'imbalance' if in my private exploration of the game's subtleties I still hope to encounter it to my advantage.
- That regardless of any genuine benefit conferred by race, my opponents will on average find their games as taxing as I do myself. If one golfer can play another of a lower or higher handicap, and yet earnestly congratulate him on a hard-won victory, I can do the same.
- That we are all of us at sea, and that tending the oars is a better use of our time than worrying which of us the waves currently bear aloft.
Signed: Andy ClitheroeWho knows: if enough people sign up we might be able to swing an icon of our own! Yup. QFT
signed -terran player who, despite reading and agreeing with this, still hopes that some changes are made
how do i sign? do i just say sign? sign!
On June 28 2012 08:15 neoghaleon55 wrote: oh comon, reading balance whines in "designated" threads is often times half the fun of this website. lol
Though I appreciate your efforts, I think constructive criticism of the game should be upheld. These criticisms have made SCII a better game than it was 2 years ago, and everyone should be happy that the developers are listening and are actively trying to improve the game.
As Michael Patcher pointed out, there is a big difference between a complaint and a whine. Actual balance whine should be struck down, however.
And by replying to this blog, I am not affirming your creed. I'm constructively criticizing it.
Thanks for this - I've edited the OP with my response.