That's right folks, I'll be doing an 8 hour streamathon for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on February 7th! However, streaming single player games can be oh so lonely. So, we’re going to make a big social game out of it. I’ve invited 8-15 well-known gamers to simultaneously live-stream themselves playing and to share prizes with their audiences!! (That's YOU).
I love playing games, but given my time constraints, I must be selective! KoA:Reckoning seemed like a game that was right up my alley: open world RPG with bright colors and a badass combat system. Moreover, I love Todd McFarlane. He's the art director. How can I resist? :D
So, I reached out to 38 Studios (the developer) to see if I could have rights to stream the game on release day (similar to what I did with Skyrim). They kindly gave me the rights to stream, at which point I wondered how many of my friends were also excited for the game. As it turns out, pretty much all of them! So, rather than all game in isolation, I decided to organize a massive simultaneous streamathon where we all play the game at the same time!
38 Studios was so excited to hear about it that they threw in a ton of amazing prize giveaways (see below!). Since things were rapidly growing, I figured why not have a special web page where you could go to see everyone that was streaming and get updates and the like? Because this whole event is somewhat last minute, the webpage is being produced as we speak. I'll be posting a link to it as soon as it's done!
As you can tell, I take my fun very seriously.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an open world 3rd person action RPG.
1. Ken Rolston, the Lead Designer of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
2. R. A. Salvatore, New York Times bestselling fantasy author (who created the game universe and lore)
3. Todd McFarlane, the sexiest comic book artist of all time (Spawn/Spiderman).
4. And they were all brought together by Curt Schilling, the former Red Sox pitcher, who is a massive gamer and the CEO of 38 Studios.
Penny Arcade just gave the game a sick review: (“Better than Skyrim…smooth flashy combat system…[the art] in my opinion is absolutely beautiful...”).
Here's a free demo of the game!
Tuesday February 7th, 2012 from 2pm PST to 10pm PST (maybe later for me!)
TwitchTV stream page!
Event info page!
So far, the following gamers have agreed to participate: Ciderhelm, Lore (WoW); Total Biscuit, DJ Wheat, iNcontroL, JP McDaniel, Pomf et Thud (SC2); FourCourtJester, Travis, Chips et Noi (League of Legends); Soe (Any game ever); TobiWan (Dota2) and moar!
New: is now joining the fun! Yeah! :D
When 38 Studios heard about the streamathon, they got SUPER excited and offered the following prizes to be given away to viewers of the stream. I kid you not. They have offered the following:
• GTX 560 Nvidia Graphics cards
• A top of the line Doghouse Systems desktop laser engraved with the Reckoning logo and possibly autographed by the dev team/Visionaries
• A Spawn studio tour with Todd McFarlane
• A hand-drawn Destiny card of the winner's choice by Todd McFarlane
• A 38 Studios Providence studio tour with Curt Schilling and R. A. Salvatore
• Limited Edition McFarlane Troll figurine
• T-shirts
• A life-size Reckoning Great Hammer
Tune in on Tuesday! We'll have voting polls for the contests. All you have to do is make a vote and you're automatically entered into the drawing! .
I know right?
I'll be continuously updating this page as I get more info. This'll be the first time I've done something like this, so hopefully it'll go smoothly! :D. Woop!