Sometimes, the stars align, pigs fly, and we actually do something almost right and definitely cool in a League of Legends game. This thread is dedicated to those of us who feel the need to express our exploits and remind everyone else that, just for a brief moment, we were almost as awesome as LoCicero.
So now, rather than the GD thread, use this one to tell everyone how awesome you are!
(As for why it is the LoCicero Memorial thread, well, it has to mirror the QQ thread. And while Loci isnt known for bragging about how awesome he is, he is known for being awesome all the time. Hence the Locicero Memorial General Awesomeness thread)
To start off, a few of my coolest moments in LoL:
My only Penta Kill: 1-5 Annie goes positive in the span of 5 seconds. Using TF to port behind Baron, having the sight time out, then stealing it with a blind Tri card. Every time I carry Soniv's Viktor.
Alright, contributing! The time when I managed to get Loci to add me on LoL The time when I carried my friends with my drunk revive/tp jungle master yi (15/4 i think)
Oh ya! I totally forgot the time Loci added me. Talk about awesome.
my best moment was blind flash stealing baron as support sona with ult (hitting their smiter) q passive. we then proceded to get brutally crushed under our mid inhib tower 2 minutes latter anyway because it was already like 34-8 or something in their favor but it still felt awesome.
also winning a 4v5 60 minute everyone full items and pots game as trist. at one point i sold my used ga to get a new one, only to find out it doesn't reset the timer
we're barely ahead and have a messy teamfight in their jungle. It looked like they were out of position but it was actually a bait, so everyone dies except for janna and ad soraka. While janna and soraka are trying to b, we have vision of olaf and lux slowwwwly taking baron and janna soraka won't even bother to try and delay or stop them. Pretty annoyed at this point.
When we all respawn I see lux and olaf derping, trying to push our top inner turret while our team is almost at mid river. I make the call to rush mid before they b in time. No one listens at first, but when they see me nunu'ing a full hp veigar and ignoring his stun that's zoning me by channeling my ult to keep him within killing range, I pop my shureylia's to let the rest of my team catch up, secure the kill, then take mid turret and inhib along with catching the rest of their team that we zerg after taking inhib, pushing to the nexus and winning the game. feels good man
On January 22 2012 14:02 Two_DoWn wrote: Oh ya! I totally forgot the time Loci added me. Talk about awesome.
I has a wild Smash on my flist. Does that count?
jungle yi in a normal game. Our team is behind at 10 minutes mark, then after they double kill bot they go for dragon and I quadra kill them 1 vs 4, and steal dragon in the middle of the fight, going from 0-0-0 to ungodly fed in under 12 seconds. pretty hilarious. through exhaust too
also making dyrus ragequit once
telling my team that the other team was at baron while we were doing dragon. so i ult as ezreal from dragon to baron and i steal it and i didn't notice till like 1 min later when they surrendered.
and then carrying vs lapaka :D
crushing guardsman bob, xpecial, and kritical kill in a tournament game with 6000 people watching
felt good man
On January 22 2012 13:55 Two_DoWn wrote: Sometimes, the stars align, pigs fly, and we actually do something almost right and definitely cool in a League of Legends game. This thread is dedicated to those of us who feel the need to express our exploits and remind everyone else that, just for a brief moment, we were almost as awesome as LoCicero.
So now, rather than the GD thread, use this one to tell everyone how awesome you are!
(As for why it is the LoCicero Memorial thread, well, it has to mirror the QQ thread. And while Loci isnt known for bragging about how awesome he is, he is known for being awesome all the time. Hence the Locicero Memorial General Awesomeness thread)
To start off, a few of my coolest moments in LoL:
My only Penta Kill: 1-5 Annie goes positive in the span of 5 seconds. Using TF to port behind Baron, having the sight time out, then stealing it with a blind Tri card. Every time I carry Soniv's Viktor.
Every time I get called a troll while playing Viktor, then proceed to carry my team, as well as Two_Down.
Also: Random rogue lasers for a Triple Kill.
That time I carried a ranked game 4v5 as Lux when Abenson's modem apparently exploded.
In another game as Lux blind laser stealing baron and killing someone in the process just to add injury to insult.
Not really a cool moment, but in all of my ranked games today I had teammates who talked politely, discussed picks in champ select, responded to calls and pings, and didn't rage at feeders but tried to support them. I also won all of them. Awesome.
We were doing arranged 5s, our team got quite behind in overall gold, lost 2 teamfights in a row, enemies started doing baron, i was playing pantheon and ulted it and my friend flash tibbers'd 4/5 of enemy team and baron at the exact time that i landed. We 2-man stole the baron and aced the enemy team.
Then my friend submitted this play to top plays of the week and they did not accept it, but accepted some silly kennen stealing dragon with a shuriken. REAL
A while ago, I was just farming lane minions as Malphite, and upon performing a ground slam, I killed Eve.
Playing a premade normal. We're behind 5-20, then they 5 man dive mid and give our kass a pentakill.
Playing solo queue ranked, behind 5-20ish again, steal baron 4 times in a row and win.
United States4053 Posts
A nice moment today: I'm playing Heal/CV Soraka, and the AD Kennen on my team dives bot lane for a tower kill. He goes out the back way, and unbeknownst to him, the enemy Wukong is TPing in in the enemy tri brush. I run after Kennen, who all the while is enduring the tower's barrage and is extremely low, I expend all three of my heals for several hundred points of healing, Kennen lives with a couple bars, and we turn and kill Wukong.
Doing a baron steal and three dragon steals in the same with with lee sin qq smite w to a ward behind.
I once stole baron with lvl one lux lazer. We still lost but it was awesome.
Carrying my team with WW. Don't know how the hell I did it, but I did, and it was awesome.
On January 22 2012 16:53 starfries wrote: Not really a cool moment, but in all of my ranked games today I had teammates who talked politely, discussed picks in champ select, responded to calls and pings, and didn't rage at feeders but tried to support them. I also won all of them. Awesome.
Hey, now you're making it up. :p