Went in a little different direction with this one...
Thought of this last night before bed, and just worked on it today lmao. If you guys like enough, I'll make an actual video for it. HAPPY 11/11/11, and I hope you all made wishes!
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If all of this could happen, oh all the things that I would do
With a wish, just a wish I would wish this song came true
I would pass on all the millions and the power to abuse
With a wish, just a wish to make this whole song come true
Boxer would be papa
Jessica would be mom
Day[9] would be my brother, and all my worries would be gone
Would not be Plat no more, no I would be Grandmaster
And every game I played or watched would have Tastosis as the caster
MarineKing would win “2” GSLs
In his prime, yes it’s time Clide would win a few as well
And I’d have Nada’s muscles, and his hair, then I’d hide
Cuz the Brood War pros would migrate and destroy us till we cried
Don’t pinch me if I’m dreaming, I know it’s wishful thinking
Uncle WhiteRa, teach me special tactics when you’re done drinking
Oh it’s so exciting, I don’t know what’s next for me
I swear I’ll find you Gracken, and GET YOU BACK THAT F4 KEY!
If all of this could happen, oh all the things that I would do
With a wish, just a wish I would wish this song came true
I would pass on all the millions and the power to abuse
With a wish, just a wish to make this whole song come true
(A bunch of Oh Whoahs)
Just a wish
Just a wish
Just a wish
I would quite my day job. Starcraft would be life
Nestea as the best man, Lindsey Sporrer as my wife
That would be so “excellent” yes that would be fantastic
It could happen, when I say these things I’m not being sarcastic
iNcontroL would take an MLG
and I bet that SeleCT would be singing songs about me
I’d have Husky’s fanbase and his subs, I can try
Thanks to every one of you for helping this wish come alive
Don’t pinch me if I’m dreaming, I know it’s wishful thinking
Uncle WhiteRa, teach me special tactics when you’re done drinking
Oh it’s so exciting, I don’t know what’s next for me
I swear I’ll find you Gracken, and WE GON’ GET THAT F4 KEY!
If all of this could happen, oh all the things that I would do
With a wish, just a wish I would wish this song came true
I would pass on all the millions and the power to abuse
With a wish, just a wish to make this whole song come true
(A bunch of Oh Whoahs)
Just a wish
Just a wish
Just a wish
All this that I’m hoping for
I really don’t think it’s a lot to ask
And cousin Catz, please come teach me to do that ultralisk drop harass
My creep would spread automatically
And Evershock? He would never be mad at me
I wouldn’t need micro and there wouldn’t be an Deezer to snip pros when they’re laddering
Go go ya’ll! Every Terran that I played wouldn’t call any mules and the base would have no walls
And colossi are so tall
Make them just fall over when hit by a roach ball
There’d be no cheese in my league
Starcraft would be on TV
Trust me, believing is key
Oh, and Slasher would be even more bald
Chorus x2
If all of this could happen, oh all the things that I would do
With a wish, just a wish I would wish this song came true
I would pass on all the millions and the power to abuse
With a wish, just a wish to make this whole song come true
(A bunch of Oh Whoahs)
Just a wish
Just a wish
Just a wish