On September 27 2011 07:18 TuElite wrote: Very nice indeed well done. You should include the link to the contest so that we can vote for you!
If you want to vote in the Tt esports contest (or haven't already) follow THIS link. I voted for No.5 as I felt voting for myself was kind of silly, that, and I liked his design.
the oGs looks kinda squashed above the tlaf sign, also the tlaf sign should be the singular large patch because its the teams bigger sponsor
american football jerseys have the large central player number, obviously in starcraft we dont have that but i think i would prefer the TL logo to be larger and more central with the teamliquid name above
then for ogstl i would have one name over each pec.
not trying to be picky or anything, its amazing work what youve done. just giving my opinon
for the Tt Esports comp does every shirt HAVE to have one of whitera's broken english phrases on it? seems every entrant has one of his phrases on it but i think if he was expected to wear the shirt the joke would get pretty old pretty fast. again not trying to be an ass
edit: nvm - The Design must feature a saying from White-Ra (Special Tactics, etc). so its just a funny shirt comp, then your design is fine, gl.