Funtime is over, start behaving in here. You all know the rules and this isn't the place for some kind of comments or discussion. Keep it to the games and keep balance, the casters and meta discussions out of here.
On September 19 2011 15:40 Amui wrote: oh my god.....what hope does protoss have left if MC can't beat a second tier zerg..............
MC had a bad engagement, no imbalance at all really, it's a part of every RTS game, bad decision, bad engagement, lose your units, enough said. Unlucky because i LOVE MC, sad to see him go, but its his own fault really. Poor engagement
ZERG OP! jokes, monster actually played really good and had a nice follow up to the infestors. i always thought of MC as a really good player but kindof a flash in the pan. used certain abusive strats that got figured out pretty quickly and ever since they've been figured out he has done terribly in tournaments.
Zergling, hydras, roaches, Broodlord Ultra,lings, a marine with no conscious Question: What do these things all have in common ? Everybody knows hes a motherfuckin' Monster !
Someone please tell me how MC could have ever played that any better than he did lmao, but you say he played like shit when he did everything perfectly.
I have to say, Monster had a set build, great follow-up tech switch. MC was playing in the passive backseat the entire game. Monster also continuously made drones at the correct times.
Nice win for Monster. Sorry to all the MC fanb out there.
BTW, wasn't MC known as the suicide toss back in BW? Hmmm, maybe his style is becoming July-esque. =P
god... mc was the best personality in the GSL. all the old personalities are being replaced by new players, but i can't get to know the new players because there are no more playxp interviews.