On December 19 2005 05:56 User11 wrote:
will u stop flaming?
will u stop flaming?
Take it easy, I'm with you... Now I am a highschool student and I don't have any credit card, but you know, man, I'm with you.
Don't get offended about Strafe or other guys, they are just some guys who are a bit depressed and need some love(which I pity that they are not able to show any in peticular...), we get good people in the Internet, and bad, you can't always hope the best of TL.net, TL like real life, has many good people but it is also filled with clever yet pathatic and cruel people that suck up to the admins(so they wont ban them, obviously). Ignore them.
How ever, I do wish you to take every possible job opportunities you have and do them regardless of what they offer. House cleaning is not that bad, people have took much much harsher jobs than all the ones you've been offered(not that I'm in a position to discuss which job is harsh but still, I know ppl who will clean toilet everyday for 50 cents in china).
I also demand(can I demand? haha...) you to be home at christmas so it will be a nice story through out. "I worked so hard so I can be home at christmas" sounded a way better story than "I worked but failed to be home at christmas"
One last thought, you do not need to sound angry with the people who are flaming you. I once was angry with the ppl that were flaming at me and flamed back, and guess what, I got banned :p But I grow out of it so yeah... no worries. Keep your composure, be noble man. Why zorro with out any money in his pocket manage to get himself into the nobleman's house and gather information? He's got the composure of a nobleman. You must be high in spirit status, even if you are cleaning houses and picking up shits like a servant, you can still be noble, and ppl will like you more.
Do what ever it takes to get home. Make good story.
One last thought, a quote of mine... "We live our life in such way that we can keep our grandkids entertained with our wonderful stories we make." Make your memory a good one, no regrets.
Done~ hopefully you read them all... I think it might help.
I have a happyman holding a cup because I'm in the lead in liquibet, EAT MY DUST suckers! :p
Ah darn~ You not gonna be him till feb 2nd? Dammit~ that just ruins the whole story...
How about(excuse me) get into a ship and get smuggled into canada illegally :D that'll make a ten times better story with the draw back that you might die and not able to tell any story at all :p