So I came up with something. I call it:
Presentation: The Tripolar 2 in 1 Bipolar Magnet of Consciousness
by FourFace - Title: self-proclaimed Psychonaut
Forget the title. Seriously take 5 seconds to forget it. Now ..
Visualize a pitch black thing, like a black hole but instead of sucking stuff into it it repulses every thought energy in your mind. It is Fear. It has a circular cone-shape, and you can see the tip of the cone when you are thinking straight and feel no discomfort whatsoever. You can't see the bottom of it though, it reaches far down into the abyss of your soul and gets wider as you descend.
For the sake of argument let's imagine that this cone, with magnetic repulsion properties is in the middle and there are 3 elements which circle it in. Those 3 elements are aligned sort of like the edges in the symbol popularized by the TV series charmed:
If you disregard the circle and what's between the outer circle and inner triangle thingy then this is how it would look like from the top staring down from the tip of the cone into the abyss of your soul you remember.
So those 3 elements also reach down into the abyss if you look at it from a profile perspective, like 3 cylinders or pillars they're aligned in a circle around the cone, and have magnetic properties of their own. They are fixed so that they can't approach the cone despite having opposite polarity. The cone however is shapeable like plasticine and tends to be drawn to, lean towards whichever element has more powerful magnetism. More on that later.
Now imagine the world you perceive right now, your window to the space time continuum, as a crystal ball floating round and round in the space between the cone and the elements.
The ball contains every sensory input from smell, sight, sound to touch (raw input) and also all your recollection of past events plus the impressions and emotional and intellectual substance that came from evaluating them. You are that ball.
The let's call it portal sphere, because it is the portal to your physical, neurobiological existence, has the same polarity as the fear cone. Meaning it is attracted by the 3 elements around the cone.
By this time you're probably thinking that this whole thing is going to be like a rickroll into some sort of scientology-like approach to religious fanaticism, with the 3 elements being the father, the Jesus and the holy phantom but you're wrong.
The 3 Element are states of mind:
a) an active, positive state of mind longing for constructive interaction with every aspect of the outside world. You could say that this state has a motto like: "Everything is important".
b) a rejecting state of mind. This is when you consciously decide something isn't worth remembering (hopefully not this blog entry). It's where boredom comes from and the :/ face when someone tells an awful joke and laughs despite. A repugnant state to be in.
c) a dreamlike state of mind. Characteristic for daydreaming or visually imagining, or just pondering about past, present and future possibilities.
The portal sphere changes it's composition according to the events that unfold in your life and the way you deal with them emotionally and intellectually. So when you encounter someone who you can have a good time with, and you're having a great time at that moment .. you are going to inject the component which is magnetically drawn to the a) state of mind described above, and the ball will spin around avoiding the fear-cone all the way to that pillar.
Unfortunately the portal sphere absorbs the magnetic force of an element, depending on the distance to it; meaning you can't stay ultra-mega happy for long and the force of the a) pillar is slowly fading and the portal sphere is bound to be drawn in by the other two elements OH NO! This also changes the subjective well-being you've come to experience with that friend of yours,
and you are likely to drift away into imagination or plain boredom if for some reason that friend is busy talking with someone else for example. This often times can make the portal sphere spin and cause a sense of psychological disorientation as you can't settle for a dominating state of mind.
Remember that the fear-cone is a cone and it gets wider along the vertical line so the portal sphere will generally avoid slipping downward, but if it is very close to for example the a) pillar and the a) pillar looses it's magnetic power.. then the force of pillar b) and c) won't be enough to maintain the level of height while pulling it back. You will experience a state of panic, a falling sensation like something is wrong with you and you are unable to have a good time.
Likewise if the c) pillar was the dominant one which suddenly lost the power to hold on to the portal sphere, you are going to experience a bad memory or an unsettling perspective for the future. Generally the idea is you don't want to be slipping down that ugly tunnel because you are bound to loose yourself in the subconscious misery that lurks there because the more you sink the less magnetic attraction you get from the pillars. On top you get the most attraction so you need to build up a momentum like an orbit so you can spiral upwards to the conscious and happy part where there is no or little fear. The upper part of this construction is total consciousness / love btw., because the portal sphere can move freely as there is no fear blocking it's movement.
To get there you need a map and you need to know how to locate yourself (portal sphere). After you know where you are the art is to inject just the right components into the portal sphere by subjectively manipulating your state of mind.. so you can catch that orbital force upwards. When you're in a) you need to get to b) and to c) etc without loosing momentum so you have to lubricate yourself, be smooth like a fish. Never let any trauma bring you down because trauma is the part of you that is attracted to the fear-cone. Depressed people have lots of that and they are bound to loose track of which pillars they can sequentially hitchhike to get back on track.
TLDR: The idea is to keep track of how you are feeling at a given moment, so you can easily deal with any situation. If you don't feel very well, it's because your mind tells you that your current way of making experiences is not worth remembering, or you're not interacting enough with your surroundings, being absent-minded. You need to get the best out of even the negative states of mind so you can quickly make comparisons and realize which state is more fun to be in and then pursue it.