I had a chance to go to the Anime Expo in L.A. this weekend, as the title may suggest. A friend came in from Ireland and he really wanted to go, but his parents did not want to take him. I have a car and two plus two makes four.
I have never been to anything quite like it. It was like part of the internet started existing in real life. There were a lot of clever cosplays. I didn't know 10% of the characters because I don't watch that much anime but the skill and effort put into the costumes were still evident. It was really cool.
My friend really wanted to see the Power Rangers panel at 10:00. We got to that in plenty of time, and even though I never watched the show I found the whole thing entertaining. A few awkward fanboyish questions like the cast members opinions on changes the producers made, disney rereleases and royalties. The cast members didn't know what they fans were talking about half the time and the other times they were doing their best not to bad mouth the powers that be. cyndaquil
We shopped around for a little bit afterwards. A lot of plushies, manga, and suggestive body pillows. My friend got a pedobear hat, some four dollar manga and a twenty dollar, five inch cyndaquil plushie.
Then there was a bomb threat. We were all herded out of the main hall into the west hall or the exhibition area. However there was no such bomb, only a homeless guy leaving his suspicious crates unattended. Ah well.
Did I say that I got a hat? No? Well I did, and it's awesome. Here it is:
but it's black...
Anyways before we headed home we had to get Tommie's even though it was close to midnight. Tommie's is an old LA burger place that uses a enormous amount of grease and chile when preparing their fine cuisine. The place was bustling as always and my friend enjoyed his taste of America.
It was well after midnight when we got back so no time or energy for SCII. Will be playing a long session today though, get better and all that jazz.
Cheers, -=Hyyde=-
AX has been a Los Angeles summer tradition that I had enjoyed for about half a decade (though not this year). Glad you liked the experience.
Wow. That is one sick hat. =o
Did you take any pics while you were there? It sounded awesome..
It was fantastic, I would definitely go again if I had the chance. I didn't think much of it before I went, more doing a favor for a friend but it rose well above my expectations. Everyone was nice and had that common interest.
I like the hat so much I want to try to make one myself. Bought the leather, needles and cutter online. All of it less that the price of the hat. Will be a fun summer project.
I took a lot of photos for my friend with different cosplayers but none of myself. Being in the photos didn't appeal to me much but I was happy to take them.
On July 05 2011 06:10 RANDOMCL wrote:I've always wanted to go to ACen (I'm from Illinois) but it always conflicts with school, work, or something else. I've never been to a con yet, so I'd appreciate pictures as well
I been to ACen. For god knows what reason, it has a significant number of crossplayers. I seen more traps in a day of ACen than 5 years of AnimeExpo.
I will post a few photos when I get a hold of them. The greatest crossplayers though were a set of Nurse Joys, some male some female, all in nurse outfits and hot pink wigs. Must have been a dozen of them at least.
Yeah I went to AX for the first time this year and had loads of fun. I'll probably make my own blog post later with pictures. Kalafina and Miku were awesome and taking pictures of all the cosplayers was really fun, especially since I could recognize about 80-90% of the characters. I'll definitely try to attend future ones as well