Team Liquid Pokemon. This is a game we used to play on an old forum I went to (also unrelated to pokemon, also not called Team Liquid Pokemon). The premise is simple. The thread creator starts a game of pokemon, that the entire forum participates in.
-If this is a success, there may be a round two in Crystal, a round 3 in Emerald, and a round 4 in Diamond or Pearl.
Participation Includes -Naming Pokemon -Naming Trainer -Choosing movesets -Choosing what parties to use -Where to go -Etc.
So first things first.
Name the trainer.
Think of a name, and PM it to me with the title "Trainer Name". I will choose one PM at random, and this will be the name of the main trainer. If the name is too long I will pick another PM at random. Keep in mind there is a 7 character limit.
Next, the rivals name. PM me with title "Rival Name" and the same business will occur.
Lastly, a poll as to which starter to choose. The results will be announced at midnight PST, and the starter with highest votes will be chosen.
Poll: What starter shall be chosen? (Vote): Bublasaur (Vote): Charmander (Vote): Squirtle
Remember, having TL make EVERY decision is a pain, so I will split each town/surrounding routes into sections. I will ask what is to be done in each section, and after a good number of posts discussing that, I'll go about it.
Feel free to discuss ways in which this should be done differently (or at all), and if it runs smoothly good fun should be had.
MAJOR UPDATE PAGE LOCATION Game Update #1- Page 6 Section 2 Poll- Page 7 Game Update #2- Page 8
Canada7170 Posts
Squirtle ez. Gonna PM you.
EDIT: You wouldn't be able to do a stream would you? That would make this so fun.
is awesome32269 Posts
fagtron for hero name
gg.net for rival
Fagtron vs GG.Net, I see. Too bad you can't name the gym leaders. Then you could have all the sites. LololoL
Vatican City State1872 Posts
go to the volcano land and get infinite rare candy + a party full of lvl 99 ratattas
Vatican City State1872 Posts
Just as a reminder, when PMing me a name.
Please do a seperate PM for trainer and rival. That way one person doesn't get to decide both names.
United States7488 Posts
We need to capture a Metapod and nickname it Penis.
On August 07 2008 06:57 semioldguy wrote: We need to capture a Metapod and nickname it Penis.
Usually I'd have people PM me for a nickname, but I'll do this once I can.
Canada7170 Posts
Why capture a metapod? Get a caterpie and evolve it.
I think because it won't have the Harden ability.
Canada7170 Posts
It learns harden when it evolves, no?
United States7488 Posts
But don't you want it to be able to harden right away? How embarassing would it be to not be able to harden in a situation where you needed to because it just wasn't ready yet?
... though I guess String Shot could also be fun.
Yeah but then it knows tackle
Canada7170 Posts
Training a metapod without offensive capabilities is a bitch.
United States7488 Posts
... but harden can be a very offensive ability!
United States20661 Posts
and Beedrill just. y'know. sucks.
Since it's Blue, it'd be a crying shame if Squirtle isn't chosen.
United States7488 Posts
1. At 12:00 AM, PST I'll be opening 2 random PM's to determine Trainer and Rivals name. 2. Charmander is winning in the poll, I also voted for Charmander, but keep in mind it's difficult to beat Brock with Charmander.
Now, at midnight I will also begin playing, so start the discussion.
Section 1- Pallet Town and Route 1
Available Pokemon: Pidgey, Rattata
Unless otherwise stated, I won't do anything secret. I'm not using a walkthrough, so I don't know the locations of all secret items and stuff. So if I should get something that is out of the way, you need to post it.