Canada19447 Posts
I was watching Faces For Radio which is done by the same guys behind Epileptic Gaming. Its a good show that follows general gaming, news, community stuff. One of their callers phoned in about the GSI and i thought DjWheat's comments raised some interesting ideas for a community project we could start.
So i was going to do a big write up, but ill let the video speak for itself. The relevant part is from 18:30 to 22:00 so let it stream a bit. Since the announcement of SC2 we've already seen an influx of new users to the site and as we are dedicated to the progaming scene i think this has potential to be a cool community project that could spread beyond our little home on the internet.
I know theres alot of members who want to "give back" or do their share at the site and don't know how. This sort of project could be just for you.
If you are skeptical as to if this could work or its usefullness, ill tell you a quick story.... about a year ago Manifesto7 started a thread looking for volunteers for a project to compile a whole bunch of statistics for progaming. Thedeadhaji and I volunteered (neither of us staff, i think i had 400 posts) and created this massive Excel database of numbers. There wasn't a real direction for it and just a few brief ideas but we just just kind of ran with it. This of course evolved into the TLPD (thats the light version ofcourse, it was all actually programed by PoP and all our original work was scrapped haha).
So if this sort of project that DjWheat mentioned inspires you or your are looking to get involved with a project like this, post in this thread and we'll see where it takes us.
<embed src="http://services.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f8/271534723" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=1442316228&playerId=271534723&viewerSecureGatewayURL=https://services.brightcove.com/services/amfgateway&servicesURL=http://services.brightcove.com/services&cdnURL=http://admin.brightcove.com&domain=embed&autoStart=false&" base="http://admin.brightcove.com" name="flashObj" width="486" height="412" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" swLiveConnect="true" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed>
That's a good idea. There's lots of tutorials for players wanting to improve, but nothing aimed at helping spectators understand the game.
As someone who only played War3 in the beta, I can't understand much of what's going on in pro War3 games (even the ones cast in English), so I can definitely see the need for some spectator tutorials for BW.
Umm I'm not sure I follow. It sounds like he's just talking about having someone help noobs understand what's going on in a game, but isn't that what a commentator is for? Tasteless does a very good job of that.
Canada19447 Posts
Bob and i were just talking about why we have no interest in Warcraft 3 matches. Cause we don't know whats going on. Tasteless does do a good job, but in the interests of a growing community and the influx of users that will come with SC2 this falls in line with plans we are already working on. You have to think outside the box on this - its not about the people who are here learning its about the people who could want to learn but don't know where to start.
I watched a bunch of the GSI vods with some of my friends who haven't played SC in years. I was explaining different things to them between tasteless and there appreciation for what was going on increased 100x.
A very good idea. I'd be tempted to try this, but I know little about making movies, and stuff like that. I'd like to try anyway I guess. I learned SC by watching a lot of VOD's. At first, I relied on english commentaries, by Diggity and Moletrap so I could understand, and I also browsed through the TL strategy forum, looking for tips. Basically, I learned slowly, a bit at a time, until I was brought up to speed. A video like what they were talking about would have helped me enormously in my understanding of the game. ==edit== As for tasteless commentating GSI, I was talking to a friend of mine from high school. Apparently he'd been watching them, and he really liked it. He said that Tasteless made it a lot easier to understand, but it was clear that he (my friend) still had a long ways to go (especially about zerg, because there were practically no zerg in the invitational).
Yeah, basically we could use a primer for folks who know little to nothing about the game (and maybe some less basic stuff too, like descriptions of the matchups and common strategies. That starts to overlap with existing tutorials).
When the poker craze started in America a few years ago, every poker show had a short description of the game and the terms used, for people who weren't familiar with holdem. We're suggesting the SC equivalent (which obviously requires a lot more material).
One thing to think about is how you'll get this information to the people that want it. Searching starcraft on google doesn't bring you to TL, and just plopping it down on youtube won't do anything so the hard work put into these will be for nothing.
Canada19447 Posts
Don't worry, i got plenty of contacts
Some quick points from the stream: - Guy says whats missing from Starcraft community are tutorial videos. - Strategies that people come up with makes the game so damn interesting. - Potentially more audience interest if we show what each unit does, basic strats, etc; BW is just like any other sport.
Personally, I think it would be interesting to see this kind of stuff. Like at the very least, a video demonstrating each unit's capabilities and their roles in the game, with subsequent tutorials expanding on their roles in each matchup as well as strategies commonly used.
I wouldnt say its a big priority or anything, since thats what the single-player campaign does, but videos does accelerate learning. For example, I was a fairly bad player for a while: I would have one worker per mineral patch, and almost always build defensive structures first. The first Pimpest Plays was how I got into the progaming scene. Replays came around, and I watched those for hours, emulating and learning at the same time. I didnt know that tanks had range longer than their sight until someone explained why Terrans were floating their ebays out and such. Anyway, for two years, I didnt play at all; I simply watched and observed, but I eventually came out ten times better than I was before.
This is something that a few ambitious people can work on, and wouldnt require more than one or two persons to capture on video. One can record the game and then comment, or a team of two can comment and record at the same time. In addition, there should be standards in quality of the tutorials produced.
I wanted to do something like this months ago. I'd like to help.
I think Im gonna try a short demo later this week.
youtube clip on how to produce quality videos on camtasia: + Show Spoiler +
Calgary25964 Posts
I'll help 100%. I think it's really simple what we need:
-1 video on basic gameplay (Mining, expanding, dropping, etc.) -3 videos, one for each race. -6 videos, one for each matchup (Note these videos might end up being longer than Youtube's limit, so there may be 100 videos but they would still fit together as "6" videos. These would be fairly specific, showing that 9 Pool beats Nexus first but can't beat Forge first) -1-3 videos on advanced tactics (Micro, macro, timing, grouping, etc.)
EDIT: I would ask that no one jumps on this project by themselves. It needs to be a cohesive series that is a collaborative effort that is released in one big push.
I think going even more basic than that is better chill, for instance videos on what the units and buildings actually do.
On March 04 2008 22:54 Chill wrote: I'll help 100%. I think it's really simple what we need:
-1 video on basic gameplay (Mining, expanding, dropping, etc.) -3 videos, one for each race. -6 videos, one for each matchup (Note these videos might end up being longer than Youtube's limit, so there may be 100 videos but they would still fit together as "6" videos. These would be fairly specific, showing that 9 Pool beats Nexus first but can't beat Forge first) -1-3 videos on advanced tactics (Micro, macro, timing, grouping, etc.)
EDIT: I would ask that no one jumps on this project by themselves. It needs to be a cohesive series that is a collaborative effort that is released in one big push.
I also think that it would be nice to have a long but simple video on each key units micro like you said at the end. Like marine vs lurker, tank vs goon, zealot vs tank, reaver / shuttle, etc. Just explain what the goal of the micro is, and a quick showing of it, so when people see it in the games, they will appreciate it much more, as that is one of the key things that sets these people apart from everyone else.
Im in, kennigit, make an application format so you pick out the best people that want to help. I'll apply. This definetly sounds as something I can easily help in.
Calgary25964 Posts
On March 04 2008 22:58 ATeddyBear wrote: I think going even more basic than that is better chill, for instance videos on what the units and buildings actually do.
On March 04 2008 22:54 Chill wrote: -3 videos, one for each race.
How is that not encompassed by this? Why would we limit the knowledge we're going to give people? We might as well put it all out there and they can watch what they want.
is awesome32269 Posts
Just a side quick note. For showing micro or stuff that happens fast:
You could show microless battles to show how lurkers kills marines in an instant and then show marine micro killing lots of lurkers. This kind of approach to explaining things makes the "language" of the tutorial universal. Although I realize some things have to be written the more video + picture the more attractive it is for new people to see.
People get scared by walls of text.
I just dont see why this is necessary, and also i really don't understand the point of having one for every matchup...you can't possibly explain all the details of every matchup in one video per match up
Calgary25964 Posts
On March 04 2008 23:13 GoSuPlAyEr wrote: I just dont see why this is necessary, and also i really don't understand the point of having one for every matchup...you can't possibly explain all the details of every matchup in one video per match up
Sure you can.
On March 04 2008 23:17 Chill wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2008 23:13 GoSuPlAyEr wrote: I just dont see why this is necessary, and also i really don't understand the point of having one for every matchup...you can't possibly explain all the details of every matchup in one video per match up Sure you can.
prove it