![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/KizZBG/proleaguebanner.jpg)
Shinhan Bank Proleague 2007 - KTF MagicNs vs Hanbitstars
18:30 Korea Time @ MBC
The Games
Game 1
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/Reach.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/free%5Bgm%5D.jpg)
@ Monty Hall
So far this proleague season our hero MANTOSS has had an abysmal PvP record, going 0-4 in his games. In fact, according to Carnac's awesome Proleague Results thread, Reach has yet to win a game in the proleague thus far. Free on the other hand is a monster this proleague. He has participated in virtually every Hanbit proleague match and together with GGplay form Hanbit's core 1v1 lineup. Free has gone an amazing 15-7 in this proleague and 4-2 in PvP including a win against Much. This match is clearly in favor of Free, although I'm sure several KTF fans will vehemently disagree.
Prediction: Reach < Free
Game 2
![[image loading]](http://teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/Hery%5BHyo%5D.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/noimage.jpg)
@ Python
Hery has done decently this season for KTF, going 8-7 in his games. His TvZ wins aren't spectacular however, Hery going 1-2 in his games against the Swarm. However his one win was an ACE match against JJu, although granted it was on the terran haven Geometry. Menso though, has no record at all. He's a new player Hanbit is opting to give some experience. Therefore I will have to give the game to the player with significantly more televised experience.
Prediction: Hery > Menso
Game 3
![[image loading]](http://teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/noimage.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/noimage.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/noimage.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/noimage.jpg)
@ Chariots of Fire
Uncharacteristic of both teams, KTF and Hanbit have opted for 2v2 teams that have little to absolutely no experience. Mingu and JungHoon from Hanbit have NEVER played a televised match for them, 1v1 or 2v2. For KTF, it's also Raid's first televised game. Shield has one prior games experience, a terrible 2v2 where he partnered with star 2v2er ZergBoy and lost horribly. This match is a tossup, but I will give it to Hanbit just because Shield's last game was pitiful to watch.
Prediction: Raid/Shield < Mingu/JungHoon
Game Four
![[image loading]](http://teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/Chojja.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/images/liquibet/players/GanZi%5B3.33%5D.jpg)
@ Nemesis
Chojja has definitely lost the spark he had seasons back, but a recent resurgance in his play indicated otherwise. Chojja only sports a 1-2 ZvT record this season, however his 1 win WAS against Nada, a player many tout to be the most successful player ever to play the game of Starcraft. Ganzi for Hanbit has been almost a liability to the team, going a sad, sad 2-8 in his games. Ganzi has gone 0-2 this season, although his games against the zerg were against Jaedong. My prediction will go to Gnome Zerg.
Prediction: Chojja > Ganzi
Game Five @ Shin Peaks
Hrm, Shin Peaks is a pretty open map, viable for almost all matchups. KTF will probably send any of it's star players. Flash or Ra. Hanbit's ACE is almost virutally always Free, their best player.
Results:+ Show Spoiler +
Reach <free[gm]
Hery[Hyo] > mensol[zero]
by.raid /[Oops]Shield < > by.mingu/JungHoon
ChoJJa < > GanZi[3.33]
Ace: By.Flash < Free[gm]
KTF 2-3 Hanbit
Hery[Hyo] > mensol[zero]
by.raid /[Oops]Shield < > by.mingu/JungHoon
ChoJJa < > GanZi[3.33]
Ace: By.Flash < Free[gm]
KTF 2-3 Hanbit
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