On July 16 2007 04:46 SoMuchBetter wrote: i dont recognise the hanbit ace whatsoever he plays p. sc2 stream isnt clear enough to read his id off of it
Germany / USA16648 Posts
omg free vs flash and oov vs tester at the same time
this SUCKS
i wanna see both
haha i feel the same way carnac
On July 16 2007 04:46 VioleTAK wrote: I don't care, KTF is out already, they should let the legend play.
who wants to see a legend of protoss get horribly raped?
You don't like using the "Emily" account anymore?
By.Flash <Shin Peaks of Baekdu> Free[gm] - GAME 5
Flash RED at 2 Free YELLOW at 7
Russian Federation987 Posts
Free lost two ACE matches . And now this T>P map.. Do it for me please Free.
Standard so far with both players.
8 pylon-10 gate -11/12 assimilator
8 depot 10 rax for Free.
Free gets a cyber bore once his gate finishes.
Free blocks his ramp with a zealot, and despite Flash's scv breakdancing infront of it, it doesn't get in.
Scratch that, the scv somehow manages to get past Free's zeal and makes a run through Free's base before dying to a goon.
Flash FE's to his nat with only 3 rines for defense.
A zeal from Free starts to harass Flash, killing two marines before Free's dragoon starts attacking.
2 goons from Free attacking Flash's nat now, popping marines and scvs alike.
Clumsy control for Flash almost loses him his tank, but Free retreats his goons.
Flash has a vulture/scv/tank repeling Free now, and a nice scv drill allows him to kill a goon. Mines are laid and Free retreats his forces.
Free is expoing to his nat.
Flash scouting the map with a vulture.
Free has a robo facility up, and warps an observatory.
A FLEET BEACON coming for Free. 2 base carriers? Omg
Both players mining their expoes at full now. Flash has two factories both with addon. Free has 2 gates and 2 STARGATES.
Flash scans the stargates perfectly, because he's a hacker.
Free gets a third gate while building his CARRIERS.
Flash builds 2 more factories. He moves out with some scvs, vults and 5 tanks.
Free spots the push with 4 goons, but has to retreat.
Germany / USA16648 Posts
Flash scans the stargates perfectly, because he's a hacker.
I hate 2 base Carriers :/
A shuttle from Free forces Flash to unsiege his tanks and Free rushes the attack with his goons, but more tanks from Flash force Free back again.
Flash beginning the siege on Free's natural. Tons of tanks, cliff tanks, vults, mines and missile turrets creeping foward.
Free goes ahead and starts attack with his carriers. His two carriers pewpewpewing away the attack.
Flash is a bit slow on getting goliaths, and his push is stopped and repelled.
Flash moving out again with scv/golly/tank.
Free is camping in his base with goons and 3-4 carriers.
Free warps a nexus at the 8:00 expo.
Flash pushing into Free's nat!
Free has about 5 carriers attacking Flash's position, Flash defending his push with approx 10ish gollies.
Free makes a premature attack on Flash's position as he's apt to do. His goons melt into delicious blue soup and his carriers lose a bunch onf interceptors to MASSTURRETSHOLYSHIT and goliaths.
Looking bad for Free D=
Flash creeping steadily into Free's natural. The MASSTURRETS plan from Flash really putting the nail in his carrier plan.
Free's carriers are delegated to stopping the flow of additional reinforcements from Flash.
Free loses his nat, and then Flash charges his gollies to his other expo at 8.
FREE CARRIERS ARE ATTACKED MIDFLIGHT OMG. Free loses 2 a carrier and damages the rest.
Flash has well over 20 offensive turrets.
Free runs several goons into the GIANTTURRETFIELD(tm) and wipes out several before rushing to the defense of his only expo/
Goons and cars defend Free's expo for a while, but Flash has a TON of gollies!
The gollies take the goons out, but Free is able to kill off the gollies at the cost of another carrier.
Flash expoes to corner 10.