The goon/reaver of both players meet in the bottem lane!
Reach has better positioning and kills a dragoon and even fires off a scarab. Free does little other than get shot at. Free retreats upwards back intp his base.
Reach charges foward heading towards Free's main.
Another reaver comes out for Free, as well as a third gate. Reach has had a thrid gate for a while now.
Free's expo has finished, probes transfered and mining. Free warps a 4th gateway now as well.
Reach begins an expo at the 5:30 expo in the bottem lane.
Reach charges up the top lane into Free's nat!
Reach's dragoons force is SMASHED, but he does nail one of Free's reavers. Free's goons and remaning reaver make short work of MANTOSS's army forcing a hasty retreat.
Reach's expo has finished, he transfers probes.
LArge zealgoon force from Free charges down the bottem lane towards the expo. The shuttle for Free's reaver is clumsily lost, and the reaver soon after.
Free continues the attack with just his goonzeal and Reach pulls his nat probes.
Reach has another reaver, but has lost virtually ALL HIS GOONS.
Free charges into Reach's base with a handful of goons after razing Reach's nat!
Reach has macroed up enough defense however to take care of the attack. Goons and another reaver clean up the attack.
Free finishes up a TArchives and warps a nexus at the 10:00 expoin in the bottem lane. Free is up to 5 gates now. Reach has 4
Reach charges his group of goons up the center lane towards Free.
Free has double ninjas out!
sexy pretty performance!!
Still have doubts over Reach's PvP.
Free double reaver drops Reach!
Only one scarab goes off at the probes, it nails a good handful of them however.
Reach lands a reaver to harass Free, it snipes a high templar from Free before dying violently to several goons.
And Reach GGs as his reaver dies, he doesn't believe he can win the game at his point!
Reach < Free @ Monty Hall KTF 0-1 Hanbit
Free hwaiting! =D
Germany / USA16648 Posts
new ktf uniforms are ugly as shit
Hery[Hyo] <Python> menso[zero] - GAME 2
Hery PEACH at 1 Menso BROWN at 8
that zerg playing against hery looks 10
Menso 12 hatches at his natural and sends a drone the correct way to Hery's base.
Hery standard so far, depot-rax.
Menso 11 pools in his main.
Menso[zero] defeated Draco in some prelims.
Looks a good semi pro, from reps I've seen.
See how he does vs the good boys!
Hery gets his second rax about halfway through his first.
Menso's scout drone almost kills a scv before dying.
Menso's expo finishes and he starts mining there with drones. Menso lays his thrid hatch at his ramp and gets gas.
Hery expoes to his nat.
39489 Posts
Hery gets an eng bay and starts an academy. Menso starts ups to lair.
Hery's expo finishes and he transfers scvs.
Menso lays a sunken at his nat and powers drones.
Hery starts an infantry upgrade, probably attack, and lays down 2 more barracks for a total of four. His acad has finished, he has a couple of medics out.
Comsats come up for Hery and Menso tries some scouting/probing with a group of lings. Menso flees before the infantry start firing.
MEnso starts an expo to the main at 7.
Hery starts to move out with a group of MM, Menso lays 2 more sunks at his nat.
Menso's spire finishes
Hery starts to mass turret his mineral lines.
Hery scouts Menso's expo at 7. Hery getting his starport.
Menso has a hydra den up. Menso's muta harass is doing nothing other than getting his muts damaged against Hery's marines.
Hery easily defending the harass.
Welcome to the real world Mensol!
Menso gathering together his troops for a mutaling flank defense.
Hery gathering a large group of medarine in the middle of the map.
Menso secures his base at 7 with sunks and morphing lurkers.
No player being really aggressive of decisive.
Hery gets 2 more rax, and Menso gathers together his group of lurklingmuta.
Hery still doesn't want to attack Menso, opting to wait for tanks and vessels.
Menso upping to hive.
Hery FINALLY moving out for real.
Huge blob of infantry and tank/vessel move out.
Menso moving to flank with a HUGE blob of lurkerling and muta!
Tanks start shelling Menso's sunkens, Menso's troops in his nat are getting killed.