Newly Updated APMAlert now has a few new features! Its now fully integrated into the game, with automatic game-detection and a new APMLive functionality (including colored text telling you whether you are above or below the minimum APM you set!). It also has ingame commands to help you change settings while playing.
Please read the readme for further instructions. Current Version: 1.0 Updated 1/22/09 for 1.16.1 Note: CL should be able to Auto-Update you to the latest version.
- Changed the way alerts are enabled at the beginning of the game. Now you will have 20 seconds after you first reach 110% of your mininmum apm, or the 1:50 mark, whichever comes first, before sound alerts will enable themselves. This should help people with high minimum apm's set to reach them before being alerted.
- Fixed a crash bug that sometimes occurred at the end of games.
- Modified the way offsets are stored and handled internally, making it easier to update for future versions.
- Removed about half the hooks into SC's functions, resulting in a smaller footprint and less ban risk from warden.
- Fixed the default local time clock positioning so its not overlapped by the bottom interface for protoss/zerg. You can either fix this yourself if you already have the 0.9 version using ingame commands (/movelocal), or reset your settings to default through the configuration window and then recustomize your settings.
- Enhanced version number.
+ Show Spoiler [Changes in 0.9] +- The action hook now works for all players, and LiveAPM works in replays now
- The alert sound will not interrupt itself, so if you have a long sound file, it will finish before the sound is played again.
- Text now refreshes properly, so there's no need for that ugly background box behind it any more.
- When displaying APM in replays, the selected player's name will be display beside it, so you can more clearly see whose APM it is
- The formula for APM calculation has been changed a bit so that it can actually calculate during early parts of the game (the APM will be very dynamic during this part of the game) [Thanks MoC
- Mineral Efficiency has been removed, as it was fairly useless, buggy, and didn't work at all in replays. Sorry if you were using it =/
- The plugin now enables/disables itself automatically when you start a game, and because of this, the PowerUp/PowerDown sounds have been removed. This should fix any problems you might have had with rejoining BNet after using it.
- An elapsed game time ingame
- A local time clock ingame
- ObsAPM display (that is, displaying APM's like replays if the plugin detects that you are an Obs)
- A 'display all APMs' options for replays/ObsAPM
- Better ingame-command checking
- Bugs that existed in player apm display should be ironed out.
- Player names in Observer APM display are now colored by player color.
Screenshots of the current version: + Show Spoiler + Download links: 1.16.1 version: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlert.zip 1.16.0 version: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlert1160.zip 1.15.3 version: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlert1153.zip Source: http://rockify.net/APMAlert/APMAlertSrc-
Big thanks to MasterOfChaos for his Offset Updater!
DXWnd Port if no longer supported, use ChaosLauncher/WMode instead! + Show Spoiler +DXWnd Port for BWL Updated 8/23/07Uses the same file that DXWnd does to do the windowing, just allows it to be loaded and used with BWL, so that your other plugins can be used. For those who do not know, DXWnd is used to play SC in a window, rather than full screen. Current Version: 0.2Now updated for 1.15.1Download link:http://rockify.net/DXWndPort/DXWndPort.zipSame deal, just extract to the SC dir and enable it in BWL, and it'll work. New in this version- Now allows you to log onto battle.net while in windowed mode.
Nice, will try!
Thank you
(yeah I'm an APM bitch)
So is this like APMLive, or it just warns you when you drop below the APM you set?
On June 17 2007 12:34 Metal[x] wrote: So is this like APMLive, or it just warns you when you drop below the APM you set? It just warns you. Although if I can get it printing messages out, I should be able to give it the same functionality as APMLive as well. (I have problems doing stuff like that cause I'm working in Delphi though (incompatibility issues with C/C++ and such) so thats why its not included in this first version)
Germany2896 Posts
The simplest solution for showing text ist getting the handle of the bw-window devicecontext and then printing the text via GDI every few msec. You were a bit faster than me, I was just planning to add a IPM (inputs per minute) function. Where every Click/keypress would count as Input.
Nevermind, it seems to work just fine now, I think.
On June 17 2007 13:11 MasterOfChaos wrote: The simplest solution for showing text ist getting the handle of the bw-window devicecontext and then printing the text via GDI every few msec. You were a bit faster than me, I was just planning to add a IPM (inputs per minute) function. Where every Click/keypress would count as Input. Yeah, I realize the easiest way is uing GDI. Really not a fan of that though, its very hackish I know for a fact I can print text using BW's inbuilt functions, the main problem is that I can't seem to get it to let me print strings properly (the address never comes out properly). I guess the best way now that I think about it would be to allocate memory in the SC process, use WriteProcessMemory, and then pass it that address.
Edit: I also ported DXWnd to BWL format in a seperate plugin (by request). Check OP for download link.
Is it possible to minimize BWL to systemtray like it used to be?
On June 17 2007 14:09 abandonallhope wrote: Is it possible to minimize BWL to systemtray like it used to be? Thats up to Ashur to fix, unfortunately (I want that back too ).
On June 17 2007 12:03 tec27 wrote:- Automatic game start/end detection
I would so LOVE this, if you've got time and want to do it, PLEASE, do it. :D
Germany1302 Posts
On June 17 2007 12:03 tec27 wrote:NEW! - DXWnd Port for BWLUses the same file that DXWnd does to do the windowing, just allows it to be loaded and used with BWL, so that your other plugins can be used. Current Version: 0.1Download link:http://rockify.net/DXWndPort/DXWndPort.zipSame deal, just extract to the SC dir and enable it in BWL, and it'll work.
Might be a noob question or kinda "if you don't know you won't need it" but I'll ask anyway, what is this for?
EDIT: After downloading some .dll file I tried and figured it out.
On June 17 2007 15:07 Chosi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 17 2007 12:03 tec27 wrote:NEW! - DXWnd Port for BWLUses the same file that DXWnd does to do the windowing, just allows it to be loaded and used with BWL, so that your other plugins can be used. Current Version: 0.1Download link:http://rockify.net/DXWndPort/DXWndPort.zipSame deal, just extract to the SC dir and enable it in BWL, and it'll work. Might be a noob question or kinda "if you don't know you won't need it" but I'll ask anyway, what is this for? EDIT: After downloading some .dll file I tried and figured it out. I'll edit a better description in to make that a little more obvious
Sounds cool, is there a program that lets u see your current apm in game? if so, can someone send a link of it?
On June 17 2007 21:08 HiddenTalent wrote: Sounds cool, is there a program that lets u see your current apm in game? if so, can someone send a link of it? Not at the moment, but I'm fairly close to being able to add that to this plugin
oh nice, thanks
are you going to release the source code of your plugins?
Germany1302 Posts
When using the Window Plugin Bnet cannot identify my version correctly, is this normal or just me?
On June 18 2007 02:10 Chosi wrote: When using the Window Plugin Bnet cannot identify my version correctly, is this normal or just me? Hmm, you're right, and thats something I hadn't tested. I'll work on getting that fixed.
Edit: Done! 
On June 18 2007 01:10 water-hand wrote: are you going to release the source code of your plugins? Eventually, yes. Just need to clean up my code a bit first, its very messy atm