For those interested in watching the VoDs: It's easiest if you go to playlists and scroll down. There are both English and Korean VoDs available, all in HD.
Here is the fully worked out and revised set of build orders, including lists of games that I thought were worth watching and particular build orders worth stealing. Keep in mind that I worked these out off of VoDs, not replays, so they may not be 100% accurate in all aspects, but they are pretty close. Also, I generally stopped writing down the build order once players started interacting with each other (i.e. 10-gate pressure vs. nexus first) because obviously the build of each player changes once pressure and trades start to occur.
Anyhow, here they are! Enjoy!
2013 Proleague Quartfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Match 1: + Show Spoiler +
Best Games: + Show Spoiler +
Set 1 [TvP](INnoVation vs. BeSt): + Show Spoiler +
Set 2 [PvP](Dear vs. Rain): + Show Spoiler +
Set 3 [PvP](Mini vs. PartinG): + Show Spoiler +
Set 4 [PvT](Classic vs. FantaSy): + Show Spoiler +
Set 5 [ZvZ](hyvaa vs. soO): + Show Spoiler +
Set 6 [PvP](Trap vs. Bisu): + Show Spoiler +
Set 7 ACE [TvT](INnoVation vs. FantaSy): + Show Spoiler +
Best Games:
INnoVation vs. BeSt G1 (macro)
Dear vs. Rain G2 (macro)
Builds to steal:
[PvT]BeSt G1
[PvP]Rain G2
[TvP]FantaSy G4
[ZvZ]soO G5
INnoVation vs. BeSt G1 (macro)
Dear vs. Rain G2 (macro)
Builds to steal:
[PvT]BeSt G1
[PvP]Rain G2
[TvP]FantaSy G4
[ZvZ]soO G5
Set 1 [TvP](INnoVation vs. BeSt): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague Quarterfinals 2013
STX Soul vs. SKT1
INnoVation vs. BeSt
Neo Planet S
Description: BeSt opens with a cheesy 10-gate vs. INnoVation's reaper expand, killing off several workers and taking an economic lead. INnoVation does his best to stay in the game with marine/widow mine drop aggression, but BeSt's early lead allows him to get further and further ahead with storm drops and good engagements. In a desperation attempt, INnoVation pulls his SCVs to defend BeSt's maxed army push, but is unable to hold on.
BeSt vs. INnoVation
(proxy 10-gate/core into macro)
10 proxy pylon
10 gate
**Chronoboost x2 on nexus**
13 gas
15 core
*probe cut at 15/18
17 zealot
*probe scout @2:40*
18 in-base pylon
19 probe
20 stalker
**All chrono on stalkers**
21 probe
23 pylon
24 probe
26 stalker
Pressure fails:
Expand + 2nd gas
Warp gate -> robo + 2 gates
Twilight + forge
+1 armor (->+2 armor) and charge, up to 7 gates
Templar archives -> immediate storm -> storm drop
No pressure -> take 3rd and start colossus
INnoVation vs. BeSt
(reaper opening w/ no scout)
10 depot
12 rax
13 gas
15 orbital
16 reaper
*scout with reaper*
17 CC
17 reactor
To defend pressure, cancels CC -> bunker at ramp
After holding pressure -> factory + marine poke
Marine/widow mine drop while expanding
STX Soul vs. SKT1
INnoVation vs. BeSt
Neo Planet S
Description: BeSt opens with a cheesy 10-gate vs. INnoVation's reaper expand, killing off several workers and taking an economic lead. INnoVation does his best to stay in the game with marine/widow mine drop aggression, but BeSt's early lead allows him to get further and further ahead with storm drops and good engagements. In a desperation attempt, INnoVation pulls his SCVs to defend BeSt's maxed army push, but is unable to hold on.
BeSt vs. INnoVation
(proxy 10-gate/core into macro)
10 proxy pylon
10 gate
**Chronoboost x2 on nexus**
13 gas
15 core
*probe cut at 15/18
17 zealot
*probe scout @2:40*
18 in-base pylon
19 probe
20 stalker
**All chrono on stalkers**
21 probe
23 pylon
24 probe
26 stalker
Pressure fails:
Expand + 2nd gas
Warp gate -> robo + 2 gates
Twilight + forge
+1 armor (->+2 armor) and charge, up to 7 gates
Templar archives -> immediate storm -> storm drop
No pressure -> take 3rd and start colossus
INnoVation vs. BeSt
(reaper opening w/ no scout)
10 depot
12 rax
13 gas
15 orbital
16 reaper
*scout with reaper*
17 CC
17 reactor
To defend pressure, cancels CC -> bunker at ramp
After holding pressure -> factory + marine poke
Marine/widow mine drop while expanding
Set 2 [PvP](Dear vs. Rain): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Quarterfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Dear vs. Rain
Bel'Shir Vestige
Description: Both players open with tenative expansions, Dear using DTs, Rain using a 2-gate robo opening. Rain, with his strange, delayed expansion, follows up with an incredibly powerful gateway timing, which Dear barely holds. Afterwards, Dear begins to pressure with immortal drops while taking a 3rd, which Rain attempts to punish with another powerful immortal/chargelot/archon attack. Unable to break the 3rd, Rain falls behind in economy and starts to fall apart against DT attacks, eventually losing to a powerful colossus attack.
Dear vs. Rain
(DT expand into colossus)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
21 zealot
23 pylon
23 warp gate (Chronoboost x1)
25 stalker (Chronoboost)
27 twilight
29 sentry
31 MsC (Chronoboost)
32 proxy pylon
32 gate
33 DT shrine
34 proxy pylon
@6:00 scout natural
40 nexus
41 robo
After defending, colossus followup
Takes 3rd + upgrades immediately
Rain vs. Dear
(2-gate FE into immortal/chargelot/archon)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
20 gate
21 warpgate
23 sentry
25 MsC (Chronoboost)
25 pylon
28 stalker
31 stalker
31 pylon
35 sentry
37 sentry
38 nexus
@6:00 send hallucination scout
38 robo
38 pylon
40 stalker
42 stalker
42 gate
@7:30 -> nexus finishes, move out
@8:30 3-gate pressure (3 sentries/5 stalkers/8 zealots)
MsC stays at home with observer
Immortal/chargelot/archon followup
@14:00 followup immortal/chargelot/archon push
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Dear vs. Rain
Bel'Shir Vestige
Description: Both players open with tenative expansions, Dear using DTs, Rain using a 2-gate robo opening. Rain, with his strange, delayed expansion, follows up with an incredibly powerful gateway timing, which Dear barely holds. Afterwards, Dear begins to pressure with immortal drops while taking a 3rd, which Rain attempts to punish with another powerful immortal/chargelot/archon attack. Unable to break the 3rd, Rain falls behind in economy and starts to fall apart against DT attacks, eventually losing to a powerful colossus attack.
Dear vs. Rain
(DT expand into colossus)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
21 zealot
23 pylon
23 warp gate (Chronoboost x1)
25 stalker (Chronoboost)
27 twilight
29 sentry
31 MsC (Chronoboost)
32 proxy pylon
32 gate
33 DT shrine
34 proxy pylon
@6:00 scout natural
40 nexus
41 robo
After defending, colossus followup
Takes 3rd + upgrades immediately
Rain vs. Dear
(2-gate FE into immortal/chargelot/archon)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
20 gate
21 warpgate
23 sentry
25 MsC (Chronoboost)
25 pylon
28 stalker
31 stalker
31 pylon
35 sentry
37 sentry
38 nexus
@6:00 send hallucination scout
38 robo
38 pylon
40 stalker
42 stalker
42 gate
@7:30 -> nexus finishes, move out
@8:30 3-gate pressure (3 sentries/5 stalkers/8 zealots)
MsC stays at home with observer
Immortal/chargelot/archon followup
@14:00 followup immortal/chargelot/archon push
Set 3 [PvP](Mini vs. PartinG): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague Quarterfinals 2013
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Mini vs. PartinG
Naro Station
Description: Both players open with a 3-gate pressure build, but due to some odd MsC scouting, PartinG is ill-equipped to deal with Mini's forces, causing him to retreat up his ramp and into his main. Mini contains PartinG while taking an expansion. After some attempts at using a warp prism to break out of the contain, PartinG gives up and decides to go for a counter while hallucinating a colossus to scare Mini away. However, Mini spots the colossus as a hallucination, uses perfect forcefields, and tears PartinG's army apart.
Mini vs. PartinG
(3-gate pressure)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
20 2nd gate
**3 on each gas**
21 warpgate
23 stalker
25 MsC
25 pylon
*MsC/stalker poke
@100% gateway 2 stalkers
**All chronoboost on stalkers**
31 gateway
33 stalker
34 probe
34 robo
34 proxy pylon
3-gate vs. 3-gate micro battle
Followup with stalkers + sentries, camp ramp
Leave MsC at home
PartinG vs. Mini
(3-gate pressure)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
*probe scout
20 gate
**3 on each gas**
21 warp gate
23 MsC
25 stalker
25 proxy pylon
@100% gateway 2 stalkers (chronoboost)
31 gate
32 robo
@6:00 scout main with MsC
Defend ramp with stalkers + sentry
Harass with MsC
After defending pressure -> warp prism to break out
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Mini vs. PartinG
Naro Station
Description: Both players open with a 3-gate pressure build, but due to some odd MsC scouting, PartinG is ill-equipped to deal with Mini's forces, causing him to retreat up his ramp and into his main. Mini contains PartinG while taking an expansion. After some attempts at using a warp prism to break out of the contain, PartinG gives up and decides to go for a counter while hallucinating a colossus to scare Mini away. However, Mini spots the colossus as a hallucination, uses perfect forcefields, and tears PartinG's army apart.
Mini vs. PartinG
(3-gate pressure)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
20 2nd gate
**3 on each gas**
21 warpgate
23 stalker
25 MsC
25 pylon
*MsC/stalker poke
@100% gateway 2 stalkers
**All chronoboost on stalkers**
31 gateway
33 stalker
34 probe
34 robo
34 proxy pylon
3-gate vs. 3-gate micro battle
Followup with stalkers + sentries, camp ramp
Leave MsC at home
PartinG vs. Mini
(3-gate pressure)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
*probe scout
20 gate
**3 on each gas**
21 warp gate
23 MsC
25 stalker
25 proxy pylon
@100% gateway 2 stalkers (chronoboost)
31 gate
32 robo
@6:00 scout main with MsC
Defend ramp with stalkers + sentry
Harass with MsC
After defending pressure -> warp prism to break out
Set 4 [PvT](Classic vs. FantaSy): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague Quarterfinals 2013
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Classic vs. FantaSy
Akilon Wastes
Description: FanTaSy, in his true BW style, opens with a technical tank push into a contain against Classic's stargate opening. Classic, in an odd display of unit control, is unable to break the contain and falls behind in economy, eventually crumbling against FanTaSy's followup pressure.
Classic vs. FanTaSy
(1-gate FE into stargate)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
21 zealot (cancel)
23 sentry
23 warpgate
23 pylon
25 MsC
26 nexus
*Cut probes
29 stalker
32 pylon
32 stargate
32 gate
*resume probe production
*halluncination scout @6:00*
35 stalker
45 oracle -> 4 phoenixes
45 3rd and 4th gas
Add robo + forge
**In response to marine/tank push
Immortal + warp prism + robo bay
+1 armor, 3rd nexus
Warp prism drop, use colossus/phoenix to clear tanks
FanTaSy vs. Classic
(FE into marine/tank push)
10 depot
12 rax
12 gas
15 orbital
16 reaper
17 CC
17 reactor
18 depot
19 factory
23 gas
26 orbital
26 techlab (on factory)
28 starport
33 tank (@100% techlab)
@100% starport -> medivac production
@6:40 scan main
44 ebay (@6:40)
Attack @7:45 (1 tank/10 marines/1 medivac/1 SCV)
Sieges natural from 3rd
Followup with 3 rax bio
stim + CS + +1/+1 -> Followup attack @14:00
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Classic vs. FantaSy
Akilon Wastes
Description: FanTaSy, in his true BW style, opens with a technical tank push into a contain against Classic's stargate opening. Classic, in an odd display of unit control, is unable to break the contain and falls behind in economy, eventually crumbling against FanTaSy's followup pressure.
Classic vs. FanTaSy
(1-gate FE into stargate)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
21 zealot (cancel)
23 sentry
23 warpgate
23 pylon
25 MsC
26 nexus
*Cut probes
29 stalker
32 pylon
32 stargate
32 gate
*resume probe production
*halluncination scout @6:00*
35 stalker
45 oracle -> 4 phoenixes
45 3rd and 4th gas
Add robo + forge
**In response to marine/tank push
Immortal + warp prism + robo bay
+1 armor, 3rd nexus
Warp prism drop, use colossus/phoenix to clear tanks
FanTaSy vs. Classic
(FE into marine/tank push)
10 depot
12 rax
12 gas
15 orbital
16 reaper
17 CC
17 reactor
18 depot
19 factory
23 gas
26 orbital
26 techlab (on factory)
28 starport
33 tank (@100% techlab)
@100% starport -> medivac production
@6:40 scan main
44 ebay (@6:40)
Attack @7:45 (1 tank/10 marines/1 medivac/1 SCV)
Sieges natural from 3rd
Followup with 3 rax bio
stim + CS + +1/+1 -> Followup attack @14:00
Set 5 [ZvZ](hyvaa vs. soO): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Quarterfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
hyvaa vs. soO
New Fighting Spirit
Description: In typical hyvaa fashion, he opens with an early speedling attack hoping to cripple his opponent, soO, who opened up with a 4-queen build. Realizing his pressure had failed against soO's clever evo chamber/roach warren/quadruple queen wall off, he stockpiles several roaches in a followup all-in. soO defends well, sits comfortably on 2 bases, and pushes out with a superior roach count and roach speed for the win.
hyvaa vs. soO
(hatch first into speedling)
9 overlord
15 hatch
17 gas
16 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> double queen/2 lings
@100gas -> speed
26 overlord
30 baneling nest
@5:30 -> ling production
40 roach warren
Mass up roach/zergling for attack @8:00
soO vs. hyvaa
(4-queen into roach)
9 overlord
15 hatch
15 pool
16 overlord
@100% pool -> double queen/2 lings
26 overlord
@100% queens -> double queen
@100% queens -> creep tumor x1 at front
@5:00 double gas/spine crawler
34 overlord
41 evo/roach warren
@6:45 -> lair, +1 attack, gas
Walloff with evo/roach warren/double queen
roach speed, +1 counterattack
STX Soul vs. SKT1
hyvaa vs. soO
New Fighting Spirit
Description: In typical hyvaa fashion, he opens with an early speedling attack hoping to cripple his opponent, soO, who opened up with a 4-queen build. Realizing his pressure had failed against soO's clever evo chamber/roach warren/quadruple queen wall off, he stockpiles several roaches in a followup all-in. soO defends well, sits comfortably on 2 bases, and pushes out with a superior roach count and roach speed for the win.
hyvaa vs. soO
(hatch first into speedling)
9 overlord
15 hatch
17 gas
16 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> double queen/2 lings
@100gas -> speed
26 overlord
30 baneling nest
@5:30 -> ling production
40 roach warren
Mass up roach/zergling for attack @8:00
soO vs. hyvaa
(4-queen into roach)
9 overlord
15 hatch
15 pool
16 overlord
@100% pool -> double queen/2 lings
26 overlord
@100% queens -> double queen
@100% queens -> creep tumor x1 at front
@5:00 double gas/spine crawler
34 overlord
41 evo/roach warren
@6:45 -> lair, +1 attack, gas
Walloff with evo/roach warren/double queen
roach speed, +1 counterattack
Set 6 [PvP](Trap vs. Bisu): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague Quarterfinals 2013
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Trap vs. Bisu
Description: Bisu decides to take a risk and go nexus first on the largest map in the map pool. However, Trap prepares a blind 10-gate into 3-gate strategy that catches Bisu completely unprepared. With a simple build order win, Trap takes the game.
Trap vs. Bisu
(10-gate into 3-gate pressure)
9 pylon
10 gate
13 gas
17 core
18 zealot
18 pylon
19 warp gate
21 stalker
22 2 gates (@4:00)
**All chronoboost on warpgate**
24 stalker
24 proxy pylon x2 (@5:00)
Bisu vs. Trap
(nexus first)
9 pylon
16 nexus
17 probe
17 gate
17 gas
17 pylon
20 gate
21 core
21 gas
28 warp gate
28 MsC (chronoboost)
28 gate
30 stalker (chronoboost)
32 stalker (chronoboost)
In reaction to early pressure:
Cancel any probes + chronoboost stalkers
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Trap vs. Bisu
Description: Bisu decides to take a risk and go nexus first on the largest map in the map pool. However, Trap prepares a blind 10-gate into 3-gate strategy that catches Bisu completely unprepared. With a simple build order win, Trap takes the game.
Trap vs. Bisu
(10-gate into 3-gate pressure)
9 pylon
10 gate
13 gas
17 core
18 zealot
18 pylon
19 warp gate
21 stalker
22 2 gates (@4:00)
**All chronoboost on warpgate**
24 stalker
24 proxy pylon x2 (@5:00)
Bisu vs. Trap
(nexus first)
9 pylon
16 nexus
17 probe
17 gate
17 gas
17 pylon
20 gate
21 core
21 gas
28 warp gate
28 MsC (chronoboost)
28 gate
30 stalker (chronoboost)
32 stalker (chronoboost)
In reaction to early pressure:
Cancel any probes + chronoboost stalkers
Set 7 ACE [TvT](INnoVation vs. FantaSy): + Show Spoiler +
2013 Proleague Quarterfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
INnoVation vs. FantaSy
Newkirk Precinct
Description: The game starts off with a disastrous marine/widow mine drop from FantaSy that gets shut down by a single widow mine without doing any damage. Scrambling to get back into the game, FantaSy counters INnoVation's cloaked banshee pressure with an emergency viking and ebay while attempting to put on his own banshee pressure. After doing almost no damage again, FantaSy opts for a 3rd CC, his only hope for getting back into the game, but before he can take his natural, INnoVation already has tanks sieged up, locking FantaSy onto 1 base. Unable to break out of his natural and unable to do any damage against INnoVation's airtight defenses, FantaSy is crushed by superior numbers and INnovation wins the ace match.
INnoVation vs. FantaSy
(marine/mine into banshee)
10 depot
12 rax
13 gas
15 depot
16 marine x4
16 orbital
17 factory
18 gas
21 depot
23 starport
23 techlab (on factory)
24 reactor (on rax)
**lift off factory**
28 widow mine
31 banshee/cloak
31 depot
34 techlab (on factory)
35 depot
41 banshee
41 depot
*cut marine production
43 CC
Deflects FantaSy's pressure with ease
Transition into cloak banshee pressure
with expansion + marine/tank/raven defense
FantaSy vs. INnoVation
(Proxy marine/mine drop)
10 depot
12 rax
13 gas
*SCV moves crossmap
15 depot
16 marine x4
16 orbital
17 proxy factory
20 gas
22 depot
23 starport
24 reactor
26 widow mine
@100% starport -> medivac (30/35)
30 depot
32 widow mine
38 depot
38 techlab (on starport)
@6:20 -> ebay
Transition into cloaked banshee
Attempt to secure expansion with marine/tank
3CC to catch up
STX Soul vs. SKT1
INnoVation vs. FantaSy
Newkirk Precinct
Description: The game starts off with a disastrous marine/widow mine drop from FantaSy that gets shut down by a single widow mine without doing any damage. Scrambling to get back into the game, FantaSy counters INnoVation's cloaked banshee pressure with an emergency viking and ebay while attempting to put on his own banshee pressure. After doing almost no damage again, FantaSy opts for a 3rd CC, his only hope for getting back into the game, but before he can take his natural, INnoVation already has tanks sieged up, locking FantaSy onto 1 base. Unable to break out of his natural and unable to do any damage against INnoVation's airtight defenses, FantaSy is crushed by superior numbers and INnovation wins the ace match.
INnoVation vs. FantaSy
(marine/mine into banshee)
10 depot
12 rax
13 gas
15 depot
16 marine x4
16 orbital
17 factory
18 gas
21 depot
23 starport
23 techlab (on factory)
24 reactor (on rax)
**lift off factory**
28 widow mine
31 banshee/cloak
31 depot
34 techlab (on factory)
35 depot
41 banshee
41 depot
*cut marine production
43 CC
Deflects FantaSy's pressure with ease
Transition into cloak banshee pressure
with expansion + marine/tank/raven defense
FantaSy vs. INnoVation
(Proxy marine/mine drop)
10 depot
12 rax
13 gas
*SCV moves crossmap
15 depot
16 marine x4
16 orbital
17 proxy factory
20 gas
22 depot
23 starport
24 reactor
26 widow mine
@100% starport -> medivac (30/35)
30 depot
32 widow mine
38 depot
38 techlab (on starport)
@6:20 -> ebay
Transition into cloaked banshee
Attempt to secure expansion with marine/tank
3CC to catch up
Match 2: + Show Spoiler +
Best Games: + Show Spoiler +
Set 1 [PvP](Dear vs. PartinG: + Show Spoiler +
Set 2 [ZvZ](hyvaa vs. soO): + Show Spoiler +
Set 3 [TvP](INnoVation vs. Bisu): + Show Spoiler +
Set 4 [PvP](Trap vs. Rain): + Show Spoiler +
Set 5 [PvP](Mini vs. BeSt): + Show Spoiler +
Set 6 [PvT](Classic vs. FantaSy): + Show Spoiler +
Set 7 ACE [TvP](INnoVation vs. Rain): + Show Spoiler +
Best games of the series:
Trap vs. Rain G4 (macro)
Classic vs. FanTaSy G6 (cheese)
INoVation vs. Rain G7 ACE (macro)
Builds to steal:
[ZvZ]soO G2
[PvP]Rain G4
[PvT]Rain G7
Trap vs. Rain G4 (macro)
Classic vs. FanTaSy G6 (cheese)
INoVation vs. Rain G7 ACE (macro)
Builds to steal:
[ZvZ]soO G2
[PvP]Rain G4
[PvT]Rain G7
Set 1 [PvP](Dear vs. PartinG: + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Quartfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Dear vs. PartinG
Akilon Wastes
Description: Dear opens blink while PartinG opens stargate. Using phoenixes to distract Dear, PartinG does massive economic damage with an oracle. In an attempt to strike back, Dear tries to all-in, PartinG holds with no problem. Dear, on his last legs, tries to expand but eventually dies to a counterpush.
Dear vs. PartinG
(Blink pressure opening)
9 pylon
*Chronoboost x3 on nexus*
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 in each gas**
16 pylon
18 core
*core scout
21 zealot
**3 in each gas**
23 pylon
23 warp gate
25 MsC
27 stalker
28 twilight
31 stalker
31 blink
*All chronoboost on blink*
31 2 gates
33 stalker
33 proxy pylon
No pressure, tech play -> nexus
Blink pressure at the front
Loses several probes -> all-in
All-in fails -> attempted expansion
PartinG vs. Dear
(Stargate expand)
9 pylon
*Chronoboost x3 on nexus*
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
16 pylon
18 core
21 zealot
23 pylon
25 MsC
25 warp gate
26 stargate
29 zealot
29 gate
33 phoenix
35 zealot
38 phoenix
42 oracle
42 pylon
42 robo
42 3rd gate
@100% warpgate -> zealotx2 -> zealot/sentry
*no more stargate production*
54 immortal
58 nexus
Defend nexus with zealot/sentry/immortal
Immortal/stalkers on high ground to prevent blinks
zealot/immortal/sentry on low ground
Constant immortal production + twilight -> blink
Add 2 gates (total: 5), attack with blink
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Dear vs. PartinG
Akilon Wastes
Description: Dear opens blink while PartinG opens stargate. Using phoenixes to distract Dear, PartinG does massive economic damage with an oracle. In an attempt to strike back, Dear tries to all-in, PartinG holds with no problem. Dear, on his last legs, tries to expand but eventually dies to a counterpush.
Dear vs. PartinG
(Blink pressure opening)
9 pylon
*Chronoboost x3 on nexus*
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 in each gas**
16 pylon
18 core
*core scout
21 zealot
**3 in each gas**
23 pylon
23 warp gate
25 MsC
27 stalker
28 twilight
31 stalker
31 blink
*All chronoboost on blink*
31 2 gates
33 stalker
33 proxy pylon
No pressure, tech play -> nexus
Blink pressure at the front
Loses several probes -> all-in
All-in fails -> attempted expansion
PartinG vs. Dear
(Stargate expand)
9 pylon
*Chronoboost x3 on nexus*
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
16 pylon
18 core
21 zealot
23 pylon
25 MsC
25 warp gate
26 stargate
29 zealot
29 gate
33 phoenix
35 zealot
38 phoenix
42 oracle
42 pylon
42 robo
42 3rd gate
@100% warpgate -> zealotx2 -> zealot/sentry
*no more stargate production*
54 immortal
58 nexus
Defend nexus with zealot/sentry/immortal
Immortal/stalkers on high ground to prevent blinks
zealot/immortal/sentry on low ground
Constant immortal production + twilight -> blink
Add 2 gates (total: 5), attack with blink
Set 2 [ZvZ](hyvaa vs. soO): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Quarterfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
hyvaa vs. soO
New Fighting Spirit
Description: Both players begin with an early expand, playing very passively. soO opens with a 4-queen build while hyvaa uses a speedling build to sneak in a very fast 3rd. soO hits with a 10:00 +1 speedroach timing which hyvaa barely defends at the cost of several drones. soO does a followup push a few minutes later; hyvaa's macro falters and, unable to reinforce as quickly as soO, hyvaa crumbles under the roach pressure.
soO vs. hyvaa
(4-queen into roach/queen timing)
9 overlord
15 hatch
drone x2
16 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> Queenx2, zergling x2
@100% queens -> queenx2
@100% queens -> spine
@6:00 gas x2
@6:00 roach warren + evo
@6:30 3rd gas
@100gas -> lair
@7:30 overlord flood
@100% lair -> roach speed, +1 range
@100% lair -> *Constant roach production*
@9:00 -> CREEP HIGHWAY!!
Pull queens + spine crawler Hits ~10:00
Identify weakness -> followup attack
hyvaa vs. soO
(hatch first into fast 3rd)
9 overlord
15 hatch
*drone x3
17 gas
16 pool
*drone x2
17 overlord
*drone x2
22 double queen
@100gas -> speed, pull drones off gas
@100% pool -> 4 lings
26 overlord
28 overlord
42 3rd hatch
@6:00 small flood of lings
@6:00 roach warren + evo
@6:30 2nd gas
@7:00 3rd and 4th gases
@100% lair -> *Constant roach production*
+1 attack, lair -> 3-base roach
Pull drones to defend
STX Soul vs. SKT1
hyvaa vs. soO
New Fighting Spirit
Description: Both players begin with an early expand, playing very passively. soO opens with a 4-queen build while hyvaa uses a speedling build to sneak in a very fast 3rd. soO hits with a 10:00 +1 speedroach timing which hyvaa barely defends at the cost of several drones. soO does a followup push a few minutes later; hyvaa's macro falters and, unable to reinforce as quickly as soO, hyvaa crumbles under the roach pressure.
soO vs. hyvaa
(4-queen into roach/queen timing)
9 overlord
15 hatch
drone x2
16 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> Queenx2, zergling x2
@100% queens -> queenx2
@100% queens -> spine
@6:00 gas x2
@6:00 roach warren + evo
@6:30 3rd gas
@100gas -> lair
@7:30 overlord flood
@100% lair -> roach speed, +1 range
@100% lair -> *Constant roach production*
@9:00 -> CREEP HIGHWAY!!
Pull queens + spine crawler Hits ~10:00
Identify weakness -> followup attack
hyvaa vs. soO
(hatch first into fast 3rd)
9 overlord
15 hatch
*drone x3
17 gas
16 pool
*drone x2
17 overlord
*drone x2
22 double queen
@100gas -> speed, pull drones off gas
@100% pool -> 4 lings
26 overlord
28 overlord
42 3rd hatch
@6:00 small flood of lings
@6:00 roach warren + evo
@6:30 2nd gas
@7:00 3rd and 4th gases
@100% lair -> *Constant roach production*
+1 attack, lair -> 3-base roach
Pull drones to defend
Set 3 [TvP](INnoVation vs. Bisu): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Quarterfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
INnoVation vs. Bisu
Bel'Shir Vestige
Description: Bisu starts with a very fast 1-gas expand while INnoVation goes for early aggression with widow mine/marine pressure, eventually adding in drops. Bisu defends quite well, losing only a few probes. The game continues with both players macroing, Bisu swatting aside the drop threats of INnoVation, and both players take their 3rds. While Bisu puts on a brilliant display of multi-tasking and good control, INnoVation manages to use good splits and brilliant positioning to completely dismantle Bisu's army at the 3rd and sprint forward for the win.
Bisu vs. INnoVation
(1-gate FE into colossus/blink)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gateway
15 gas
16 pylon
18 core
21 zealot (cancel)
21 nexus
23 MsC
23 warpgate
23 gas
24 pylon
26 stalker
29 robo
33 stalker
36 gatewayx2
39 observer
@6:30 natural gases
@7:00 forge
@7:30 robo bay
Forge -> +1 armor, Robo bay
Immediate colossus -> range
@9:45 add 3 gates
Blink -> +2 armor
3rd base, then templar archives
INnoVation vs. Bisu
(marine/mine drop aggression into bio)
10 depot
12 rax
13 gas
16 reaper
16 orbital
*rax scout
18 reactor
18 CC
19 depot
@100% reactor -> constant marine production
22 factory
29 OC
29 starport
31 widow mine
32 depot
@6:00 -> marine/widow mine poke
*reaper scouts proxies
42 widow mine
*6:30 reaper scout
48 medivac
@7:00 2 rax + 2nd and 3rd gas
@8:00 *marine/widow mine drop*
Add 2 techlab rax, add ebay + 3rd gas
+1 attack, reactor starport + 4th gas
3rd CC @10:00, barracks 4+5 @11:00
Add vikings, threaten drops while pressuring the 3rd
Macro your way to victory against superior upgrades WHAT?
STX Soul vs. SKT1
INnoVation vs. Bisu
Bel'Shir Vestige
Description: Bisu starts with a very fast 1-gas expand while INnoVation goes for early aggression with widow mine/marine pressure, eventually adding in drops. Bisu defends quite well, losing only a few probes. The game continues with both players macroing, Bisu swatting aside the drop threats of INnoVation, and both players take their 3rds. While Bisu puts on a brilliant display of multi-tasking and good control, INnoVation manages to use good splits and brilliant positioning to completely dismantle Bisu's army at the 3rd and sprint forward for the win.
Bisu vs. INnoVation
(1-gate FE into colossus/blink)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gateway
15 gas
16 pylon
18 core
21 zealot (cancel)
21 nexus
23 MsC
23 warpgate
23 gas
24 pylon
26 stalker
29 robo
33 stalker
36 gatewayx2
39 observer
@6:30 natural gases
@7:00 forge
@7:30 robo bay
Forge -> +1 armor, Robo bay
Immediate colossus -> range
@9:45 add 3 gates
Blink -> +2 armor
3rd base, then templar archives
INnoVation vs. Bisu
(marine/mine drop aggression into bio)
10 depot
12 rax
13 gas
16 reaper
16 orbital
*rax scout
18 reactor
18 CC
19 depot
@100% reactor -> constant marine production
22 factory
29 OC
29 starport
31 widow mine
32 depot
@6:00 -> marine/widow mine poke
*reaper scouts proxies
42 widow mine
*6:30 reaper scout
48 medivac
@7:00 2 rax + 2nd and 3rd gas
@8:00 *marine/widow mine drop*
Add 2 techlab rax, add ebay + 3rd gas
+1 attack, reactor starport + 4th gas
3rd CC @10:00, barracks 4+5 @11:00
Add vikings, threaten drops while pressuring the 3rd
Macro your way to victory against superior upgrades WHAT?
Set 4 [PvP](Trap vs. Rain): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Quarterfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Trap vs. Rain
Description: Both players go for early expands, Trap going for a greedier nexus first vs. Rain's standard 1-gate FE. Trap hides a 3rd base and both players play passive, going up to 3 bases (4 for Trap) early with both players go immortal/archon/chargelot. As he's approaching a maxed army, Trap attacks with a superior economy and superior gateway count. Rain holds on the best that he can, but the reinforcements and superior economy of Trap are too much, and Trap takes the win.
Rain vs. Trap
(1-gate FE into immortal/chargelot/archon)
9 pylon
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 probes on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 probes on each gas**
23 warpgate
23 MsC
23 nexus
*probe scout
25 stalker
30 gate x2
34 sentry
34 robo
@100% warp gate -> 1 sentry + 2 stalkers
(total: 3 sentries, 3 stalkers, MsC)
@7:00 3rd and 4th gases
forge + twilight -> immortals
+1 attack, charge
Add gateway (total: 4) + templar archives
+2 attack, 3rd nexus, +4 gateways (total: 8)
Trap vs. Rain
(Nexus first into immortal/chargelot/archon)
9 pylon
16 nexus
17 gate
17 pylon
19 double gas
**3 probes on each gas**
20 gate
20 core
27 warpgate
29 stalker (chronoboost)
31 MsC
35 sentry
35 pylon
40 robo
@6:30 -> 3rd and 4th gas
*2 more sentries (3 sentries, 1 stalker, MsC)
Proxy 3rd nexus.
Immortals + forge/twilight followup.
+1 attack + charge -> templar archives
"3rd" nexus, +2 attack, + like 10 gateways (total: 15)
Attack at 14:00 near maxed out
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Trap vs. Rain
Description: Both players go for early expands, Trap going for a greedier nexus first vs. Rain's standard 1-gate FE. Trap hides a 3rd base and both players play passive, going up to 3 bases (4 for Trap) early with both players go immortal/archon/chargelot. As he's approaching a maxed army, Trap attacks with a superior economy and superior gateway count. Rain holds on the best that he can, but the reinforcements and superior economy of Trap are too much, and Trap takes the win.
Rain vs. Trap
(1-gate FE into immortal/chargelot/archon)
9 pylon
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 probes on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 probes on each gas**
23 warpgate
23 MsC
23 nexus
*probe scout
25 stalker
30 gate x2
34 sentry
34 robo
@100% warp gate -> 1 sentry + 2 stalkers
(total: 3 sentries, 3 stalkers, MsC)
@7:00 3rd and 4th gases
forge + twilight -> immortals
+1 attack, charge
Add gateway (total: 4) + templar archives
+2 attack, 3rd nexus, +4 gateways (total: 8)
Trap vs. Rain
(Nexus first into immortal/chargelot/archon)
9 pylon
16 nexus
17 gate
17 pylon
19 double gas
**3 probes on each gas**
20 gate
20 core
27 warpgate
29 stalker (chronoboost)
31 MsC
35 sentry
35 pylon
40 robo
@6:30 -> 3rd and 4th gas
*2 more sentries (3 sentries, 1 stalker, MsC)
Proxy 3rd nexus.
Immortals + forge/twilight followup.
+1 attack + charge -> templar archives
"3rd" nexus, +2 attack, + like 10 gateways (total: 15)
Attack at 14:00 near maxed out
Set 5 [PvP](Mini vs. BeSt): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Quarterfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Mini vs. BeSt
Naro Station
Description: BeSt opens with a proxy oracle that does a ton of damage to Mini, who for some reason cancels his robo during the attack. Mini then mounts a failed counterattack. Opting to not attack and get ahead in macro, BeSt simply waits for colossus tech and pushes for the win.
BeSt vs. Mini
(proxy stargate)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
17 pylon
*probe scout
18 core
19 proxy pylon
21 proxy stargate
21 warpgate
24 MsC
26 zealot
30 oracle (chronoboost)
32 stalker
32 gateway x2
Add robo + defend
When ahead, colossus death!
Mini vs. BeSt
(3-gate robo pressure?)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
21 zealot
**3 in each gas**
23 pylon
23 warpgate
25 MsC (chronoboost)
27 stalker
*@5:30 zealot/stalker/MsC poke
31 stalker
31 gateway x2
32 robo
Attempt to play defensively after losing probes
Pressure -> Cancels robo at 95% (WHY? WHY?)
Failed counterattack, slowly dies in macro
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Mini vs. BeSt
Naro Station
Description: BeSt opens with a proxy oracle that does a ton of damage to Mini, who for some reason cancels his robo during the attack. Mini then mounts a failed counterattack. Opting to not attack and get ahead in macro, BeSt simply waits for colossus tech and pushes for the win.
BeSt vs. Mini
(proxy stargate)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
17 pylon
*probe scout
18 core
19 proxy pylon
21 proxy stargate
21 warpgate
24 MsC
26 zealot
30 oracle (chronoboost)
32 stalker
32 gateway x2
Add robo + defend
When ahead, colossus death!
Mini vs. BeSt
(3-gate robo pressure?)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
21 zealot
**3 in each gas**
23 pylon
23 warpgate
25 MsC (chronoboost)
27 stalker
*@5:30 zealot/stalker/MsC poke
31 stalker
31 gateway x2
32 robo
Attempt to play defensively after losing probes
Pressure -> Cancels robo at 95% (WHY? WHY?)
Failed counterattack, slowly dies in macro
Set 6 [PvT](Classic vs. FantaSy): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Quarterfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Classic vs. FantaSy
Newkirk Precinct
Description: FanTaSy goes for an 11/11 play that Classic shuts down with incredible micro and decision-making for the win.
Classic vs. FanTaSy
(MsC expand)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
14 gas
16 pylon
18 core
21 zealot -> cancel
21 nexus
chronoboost MsC + stalker
Cancel nexus -> build 2nd pylon on gateway, add gate + gas
Constant stalker production, keep MsC alive
Go into boss mode and beat the most incredibly difficult cheese possible.
Classic vs. FanTaSy
(11/11 proxy rax)
10 depot
11 rax
11 rax
12 SCV
13 SCV
14 marine
14 orbital
*Constant marine production*
@3:15 pull SCVs
*SCV scout @3:30
Bunker at the ramp @3:45
Bunker-walk toward production
STX Soul vs. SKT1
Classic vs. FantaSy
Newkirk Precinct
Description: FanTaSy goes for an 11/11 play that Classic shuts down with incredible micro and decision-making for the win.
Classic vs. FanTaSy
(MsC expand)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
14 gas
16 pylon
18 core
21 zealot -> cancel
21 nexus
chronoboost MsC + stalker
Cancel nexus -> build 2nd pylon on gateway, add gate + gas
Constant stalker production, keep MsC alive
Go into boss mode and beat the most incredibly difficult cheese possible.
Classic vs. FanTaSy
(11/11 proxy rax)
10 depot
11 rax
11 rax
12 SCV
13 SCV
14 marine
14 orbital
*Constant marine production*
@3:15 pull SCVs
*SCV scout @3:30
Bunker at the ramp @3:45
Bunker-walk toward production
Set 7 ACE [TvP](INnoVation vs. Rain): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Quarterfinals
STX Soul vs. SKT1
INnoVation vs. Rain
Neo Planet S
Description: Rain opens with his trademark stargate macro play while INnovation opens with a 3CC build, feigning pressure with a bunker rush. Rain follows up with a strong chargelot/storm timing @12:00 with 8 gateways which INnoVation defends with several bunkers and brilliant positioning. INnoVation counterattacks, taking out the templar immediately busting down the front for the win.
INnoVation vs. Rain
(3 CC into bio)
10 depot
12 rax
@100% rax -> constant marines
16 orbital
16 depot
18 CC
25 3rd CC
*faked bunker rush*
29 rax x2
29 gas x2
@50gas -> techlab
@100gas -> stim
@6:45 scan + ebay
factory + 3rd gas
starport + 4th gas
@9:00 -> rax x2
Take 3rd, add ghosts -> defend timing attack
Counterattack FTW
Rain vs. INnoVation
(MsC expand into storm/chargelot timing)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
21 zealot (cancel)
**3 in each gas**
21 nexus
23 MsC
23 warpgate
23 pylon
26 stalker
30 stargate
32 pylon
34 sentry
@6:20 natural gases
45 oracle (chronoboost)
47 pylon
forge + twilight followup
+1 armor, charge
@8:00 Add 4 gates + templar archives
@9:00 Add 3 gates (total: 8)
Immediate storm, +2 armor, cannons in minerals
@100% storm -> attack ~12:00
STX Soul vs. SKT1
INnoVation vs. Rain
Neo Planet S
Description: Rain opens with his trademark stargate macro play while INnovation opens with a 3CC build, feigning pressure with a bunker rush. Rain follows up with a strong chargelot/storm timing @12:00 with 8 gateways which INnoVation defends with several bunkers and brilliant positioning. INnoVation counterattacks, taking out the templar immediately busting down the front for the win.
INnoVation vs. Rain
(3 CC into bio)
10 depot
12 rax
@100% rax -> constant marines
16 orbital
16 depot
18 CC
25 3rd CC
*faked bunker rush*
29 rax x2
29 gas x2
@50gas -> techlab
@100gas -> stim
@6:45 scan + ebay
factory + 3rd gas
starport + 4th gas
@9:00 -> rax x2
Take 3rd, add ghosts -> defend timing attack
Counterattack FTW
Rain vs. INnoVation
(MsC expand into storm/chargelot timing)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
21 zealot (cancel)
**3 in each gas**
21 nexus
23 MsC
23 warpgate
23 pylon
26 stalker
30 stargate
32 pylon
34 sentry
@6:20 natural gases
45 oracle (chronoboost)
47 pylon
forge + twilight followup
+1 armor, charge
@8:00 Add 4 gates + templar archives
@9:00 Add 3 gates (total: 8)
Immediate storm, +2 armor, cannons in minerals
@100% storm -> attack ~12:00
2013 Proleague Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Match 1: + Show Spoiler +
Best Games: + Show Spoiler +
Set 1 (Zest vs. Dear): + Show Spoiler +
Set 2 [PvP](Puzzle vs. Classic): + Show Spoiler +
Set 3 [ZvT](Crazy vs. INnoVation): + Show Spoiler +
Set 4 [ZvT](hyvaa vs. Flash): + Show Spoiler +
Set 5 [PvP](Stats vs. Mini): + Show Spoiler +
Best games:
Zest vs. Dear G1 (macro)
Puzzle vs. Classic G2 (macro)
hyvaa vs. FlaSh G4 (macro)
Stats vs. Mini G5 (timing attack)
Builds to steal:
[PvP]Zest G1
[PvP]Dear G1
[PvP]Puzzle G2
[ZvT]Crazy G3
[PvP]Mini G5
Zest vs. Dear G1 (macro)
Puzzle vs. Classic G2 (macro)
hyvaa vs. FlaSh G4 (macro)
Stats vs. Mini G5 (timing attack)
Builds to steal:
[PvP]Zest G1
[PvP]Dear G1
[PvP]Puzzle G2
[ZvT]Crazy G3
[PvP]Mini G5
Set 1 (Zest vs. Dear): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Zest vs. Dear
Bel'Shir Vestige
Description: Both players play passive and go for an early expand. After a failed DT play, Zest goes for a massive immortal/archon/chargelot timing while taking a 3rd. Dear defends while harassing with a warp prism, but loses his 3rd base in the process. The game equalizes with Dear heading for colossus tech and Zest heading for tempests to counter the colossus. However, Zest is unable to reach tempests fast enough, and Dear wins with a strong colossus push.
Zest vs. Dear
(1-gate FE into DTs)
9 pylon
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot (cancel)
22 warpgate
24 sentry (chronoboost)
24 pylon
26 MsC
26 nexus
*probe scout for proxies
28 stalker
29 twlight
29 2 gates
*halluncination scout
32 DT shrine (cancel)
34 robo
Later add proxied DT shrine + warp prism
8:00 -> 3rd + 4th gases -> forge
DT in the front, drop in the back
Constant immortal production + charge
Immortal/chargelot/archon before 3rd
Dear vs. Zest
(1-gate FE into robo)
9 pylon
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
16 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot (cancel)
23 pylon
21 warpgate
23 stalker (chronoboost)
25 MsC
*stalker/MsC poke
28 sentry
30 nexus
32 sentry
32 robo
32 gate
34 sentry
34 pylon
Constant immortal production + forge -> +1 attack
Add twilight -> charge -> chargelot/immortal/archon
After defending DTs -> immediate 3rd
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Zest vs. Dear
Bel'Shir Vestige
Description: Both players play passive and go for an early expand. After a failed DT play, Zest goes for a massive immortal/archon/chargelot timing while taking a 3rd. Dear defends while harassing with a warp prism, but loses his 3rd base in the process. The game equalizes with Dear heading for colossus tech and Zest heading for tempests to counter the colossus. However, Zest is unable to reach tempests fast enough, and Dear wins with a strong colossus push.
Zest vs. Dear
(1-gate FE into DTs)
9 pylon
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot (cancel)
22 warpgate
24 sentry (chronoboost)
24 pylon
26 MsC
26 nexus
*probe scout for proxies
28 stalker
29 twlight
29 2 gates
*halluncination scout
32 DT shrine (cancel)
34 robo
Later add proxied DT shrine + warp prism
8:00 -> 3rd + 4th gases -> forge
DT in the front, drop in the back
Constant immortal production + charge
Immortal/chargelot/archon before 3rd
Dear vs. Zest
(1-gate FE into robo)
9 pylon
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
16 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot (cancel)
23 pylon
21 warpgate
23 stalker (chronoboost)
25 MsC
*stalker/MsC poke
28 sentry
30 nexus
32 sentry
32 robo
32 gate
34 sentry
34 pylon
Constant immortal production + forge -> +1 attack
Add twilight -> charge -> chargelot/immortal/archon
After defending DTs -> immediate 3rd
Set 2 [PvP](Puzzle vs. Classic): + Show Spoiler +
2013 Proleague Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Puzzle vs. Classic
Neo Planet S
Description: Both players open with passive fast expands into robo-based play. With his idle immortals, Classic begins an obnoxious immortal drop harass, following up with DTs. With constant harassment and good positional play, Classic batters down Puzzle's economy and eventually pulls out the win with a huge, maxed out attack.
Puzzle vs. Classic
(2-gate FE into robo)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
14 gas
16 gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 gate
21 warpgate
23 sentry (chronoboost)
25 MsC
@100% gateway -> double stalker (chronoboost)
@100% stalkers -> double sentry
31 pylon
37 nexus
38 robo
*@6:00 halluncination scout
41 forge
3rd nexus, defensive play
Classic vs. Puzzle
(1-gate FE into robo)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
14 gas
16 pylon
18 core
18 gas
21 zealot
22 pylon
24 MsC
26 stalker (chronoboost)
*MsC/stalker poke
30 sentry
32 pylon
33 robo
35 sentry
35 nexus
37 gate
@100% robo -> observer
*@6:30 halluncination scout
45 forge
Immortal drops -> 3rd nexus
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Puzzle vs. Classic
Neo Planet S
Description: Both players open with passive fast expands into robo-based play. With his idle immortals, Classic begins an obnoxious immortal drop harass, following up with DTs. With constant harassment and good positional play, Classic batters down Puzzle's economy and eventually pulls out the win with a huge, maxed out attack.
Puzzle vs. Classic
(2-gate FE into robo)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
14 gas
16 gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 gate
21 warpgate
23 sentry (chronoboost)
25 MsC
@100% gateway -> double stalker (chronoboost)
@100% stalkers -> double sentry
31 pylon
37 nexus
38 robo
*@6:00 halluncination scout
41 forge
3rd nexus, defensive play
Classic vs. Puzzle
(1-gate FE into robo)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
14 gas
16 pylon
18 core
18 gas
21 zealot
22 pylon
24 MsC
26 stalker (chronoboost)
*MsC/stalker poke
30 sentry
32 pylon
33 robo
35 sentry
35 nexus
37 gate
@100% robo -> observer
*@6:30 halluncination scout
45 forge
Immortal drops -> 3rd nexus
Set 3 [ZvT](Crazy vs. INnoVation): + Show Spoiler +
2013 Proleague Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Crazy vs. INnoVation
Naro Station
Description: Both players open up economically and tech up. INnoVation, in a fairly uncharacteristic move, makes a single tank before making hellions, blindly countering Crazy's 2-base roach drop/nydus all-in. Using clever positioning behind buildings, INnoVation makes short work of Crazy's drop and takes him out with ease.
Crazy vs. INnoVation
(hatch first into roach drop/nydus all-in)
9 overlord
15 hatch
17 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> 2 lings, double queen
26 overlord
@5:00 double gas
@6:30 -> lair + 2 gas + roach warren
@100% lair -> drops + roach speed + overlord speed
Overseer scout @~8:00
Hits @9:30 with drops into the main
Builds nydus for reinforcements
INnoVation vs. Crazy
(CC first into biomine)
10 depot
14 CC
15 rax
16 gas
@100 rax -> marine x2, double OC
22 factory
28 3rd CC
@100% reactor -> constant marine production
@100% factory -> techlab for tank x1
36 tank
40 double ebay
50 rax x2, gas x2, stim
Hellions x6 -> mines
Seeing the drop, moves his tank behind buildings
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Crazy vs. INnoVation
Naro Station
Description: Both players open up economically and tech up. INnoVation, in a fairly uncharacteristic move, makes a single tank before making hellions, blindly countering Crazy's 2-base roach drop/nydus all-in. Using clever positioning behind buildings, INnoVation makes short work of Crazy's drop and takes him out with ease.
Crazy vs. INnoVation
(hatch first into roach drop/nydus all-in)
9 overlord
15 hatch
17 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> 2 lings, double queen
26 overlord
@5:00 double gas
@6:30 -> lair + 2 gas + roach warren
@100% lair -> drops + roach speed + overlord speed
Overseer scout @~8:00
Hits @9:30 with drops into the main
Builds nydus for reinforcements
INnoVation vs. Crazy
(CC first into biomine)
10 depot
14 CC
15 rax
16 gas
@100 rax -> marine x2, double OC
22 factory
28 3rd CC
@100% reactor -> constant marine production
@100% factory -> techlab for tank x1
36 tank
40 double ebay
50 rax x2, gas x2, stim
Hellions x6 -> mines
Seeing the drop, moves his tank behind buildings
Set 4 [ZvT](hyvaa vs. Flash): + Show Spoiler +
2013 Proleague Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Flash vs. hyvaa
Newkirk Redevelopment Precinct
Description: In a fairly standard TvZ, both players open up economically with double upgrades into biomine and ling/bling/muta, respectively. Hyvaa expertly deflects FlaSh's first pokes while continuing his creep spread and taking almost no damage to his economy. Continuing his dominance, hyvaa manages to tech up to ultras and infestors. FlaSh, however, manages to pull hyvaa apart with drops and contant multi-tasking, stabilizing the game into a split-map stand-off. After a disastrous maxed out battle, hyvaa lost all of his high-tech units and fell to pieces against FlaSh's constant multi-pronged MMM aggression.
FlaSh vs. hyvaa
(3CC into biomine)
10 depot
14 CC
16 rax
17 gas
@100% rax -> marine x2
19 double OC
20 bunker
23 factory
24 depot
25 reactor
29 3rd CC
29 double depot to walloff
@6:00 start hellion production
*walloff done by 6:00*
@6:30 -> stim starts
*hellion poke
@7:00 -> double ebay
@10:00 -> move CC to 3rd
Add 2 rax, start mine production, add 2 gas
Bio mine play -> 11:00 (+1/+1, stim, CS, medivacs)
First poke @12:00
hyvaa vs. FlaSh
(Triple hatch into muta/ling/bling)
9 overlord
15 hatch
drone x2
16 pool
drone x2
17 overlord
@100% hatch -> double queen + 2 lings
26 overlord
@100% double queen -> double queen
@5:00 -> double gas
@6:00 -> zergling speed
@6:30 -> 3rd hatch
@7:00 double evo
@9:00 double gas + lair -> 4th hatch
Gas: ling speed -> double ups -> baneling nest -> lair -> spire
Mass lings + banelings before mutas
Going ling/bling/muta
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Flash vs. hyvaa
Newkirk Redevelopment Precinct
Description: In a fairly standard TvZ, both players open up economically with double upgrades into biomine and ling/bling/muta, respectively. Hyvaa expertly deflects FlaSh's first pokes while continuing his creep spread and taking almost no damage to his economy. Continuing his dominance, hyvaa manages to tech up to ultras and infestors. FlaSh, however, manages to pull hyvaa apart with drops and contant multi-tasking, stabilizing the game into a split-map stand-off. After a disastrous maxed out battle, hyvaa lost all of his high-tech units and fell to pieces against FlaSh's constant multi-pronged MMM aggression.
FlaSh vs. hyvaa
(3CC into biomine)
10 depot
14 CC
16 rax
17 gas
@100% rax -> marine x2
19 double OC
20 bunker
23 factory
24 depot
25 reactor
29 3rd CC
29 double depot to walloff
@6:00 start hellion production
*walloff done by 6:00*
@6:30 -> stim starts
*hellion poke
@7:00 -> double ebay
@10:00 -> move CC to 3rd
Add 2 rax, start mine production, add 2 gas
Bio mine play -> 11:00 (+1/+1, stim, CS, medivacs)
First poke @12:00
hyvaa vs. FlaSh
(Triple hatch into muta/ling/bling)
9 overlord
15 hatch
drone x2
16 pool
drone x2
17 overlord
@100% hatch -> double queen + 2 lings
26 overlord
@100% double queen -> double queen
@5:00 -> double gas
@6:00 -> zergling speed
@6:30 -> 3rd hatch
@7:00 double evo
@9:00 double gas + lair -> 4th hatch
Gas: ling speed -> double ups -> baneling nest -> lair -> spire
Mass lings + banelings before mutas
Going ling/bling/muta
Set 5 [PvP](Stats vs. Mini): + Show Spoiler +
2013 Proleague Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX soul
Stats vs. Mini
Akilon Wastes
Description: Stats opens blink stalkers while Mini opens with DTs into a 4-gate archon bust. Although the DTs were scouted and Stats was able to block the ramp, the followup archon bust made quick work of Stats feeble defenses, giving Mini the win.
Stats vs. Mini
(3-gate blink)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
20 gate
*probe scout
21 warpgate
23 stalker
25 MsC
26 twilight
*MsC/stalker poke
29 stalker
29 gate
32 stalker
32 blink
32 pylon
@6:00, MsC scout, recall
Mini vs. Stats
(DTs into 4-gate archon bust)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
21 zealot
23 twilight
23 warpgate
25 stalker
25 pylon
27 DT shrine
29 sentry
29 gate x3
31 sentry
31 proxy pylon
First DT warpin @6:25
Bust hits @7:30 with archon/4stalkers/4 zealots/3 sentries
KT Rolster vs. STX soul
Stats vs. Mini
Akilon Wastes
Description: Stats opens blink stalkers while Mini opens with DTs into a 4-gate archon bust. Although the DTs were scouted and Stats was able to block the ramp, the followup archon bust made quick work of Stats feeble defenses, giving Mini the win.
Stats vs. Mini
(3-gate blink)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
20 gate
*probe scout
21 warpgate
23 stalker
25 MsC
26 twilight
*MsC/stalker poke
29 stalker
29 gate
32 stalker
32 blink
32 pylon
@6:00, MsC scout, recall
Mini vs. Stats
(DTs into 4-gate archon bust)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
21 zealot
23 twilight
23 warpgate
25 stalker
25 pylon
27 DT shrine
29 sentry
29 gate x3
31 sentry
31 proxy pylon
First DT warpin @6:25
Bust hits @7:30 with archon/4stalkers/4 zealots/3 sentries
Match 2: + Show Spoiler +
Best Games: + Show Spoiler +
Set 1 [TvZ](Flash vs. hyvaa): + Show Spoiler +
Set 2 [ZvT](hitmaN vs. INnoVation): + Show Spoiler +
Set 3 [PvP](MyuNgSiK vs. Trap): + Show Spoiler +
Set 4 [ZvP](Crazy vs. Classic): + Show Spoiler +
Set 5 [PvP](Zest vs. Mini): + Show Spoiler +
Best Games:
hitmaN vs. INnoVation G2 (macro)
Crazy vs. Classic G4 (timing attack)
Builds to steal:
[TvZ]INnoVation G2
[PvZ]Classic G4
hitmaN vs. INnoVation G2 (macro)
Crazy vs. Classic G4 (timing attack)
Builds to steal:
[TvZ]INnoVation G2
[PvZ]Classic G4
Set 1 [TvZ](Flash vs. hyvaa): + Show Spoiler +
2013 Proleague Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Flash vs. hyvaa
Description: Both players open with passive early expands much like the night before. Flash, however, decides to skip his 3rd CC in favor of hellbat drops. With immaculate control, hyvaa expertly deflects Flash's pressure, taking a great economic lead. With a hellbat/marauder force, Flash starts taking control of the map at 10:00. After taking several great engagements and generally out-multi-tasking hyvaa, Flash does critical damage to hyvaa's economy and forces him to tap out.
Flash vs. hyvaa
(CC first into hellbat drops)
10 depot
14 CC
15 rax
16 gas
@100% rax -> marines x2
20 bunker
20 refinery
22 factory
22 depot
26 depot
28 double depot to walloff
28 starport
28 armory
28-32 hellions
37 medivac
*hellion poke
*Walloff done by 6:30*
*@7:00, start hellbat production*
@7:20 stim starts
@9:30 3rd CC
First hellbat drop arrives @8:00
Hellbat/marauder poke @10:00
@11:30 -> additional rax + ebays
hyvaa vs. Flash
(4-queen into roach/ling/bling)
9 overlord
15 hatch
16 pool
drone x2
17 overlord
@100% hatch -> double queen
@100% queens -> double queen
@4:45 -> double gas
@6:00 -> start zergling speed + overlord speed
@6:30 3rd hatch, double evo, baneling nest
@9:30 2 gases
Emergency roach warren for drops, evo block
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Flash vs. hyvaa
Description: Both players open with passive early expands much like the night before. Flash, however, decides to skip his 3rd CC in favor of hellbat drops. With immaculate control, hyvaa expertly deflects Flash's pressure, taking a great economic lead. With a hellbat/marauder force, Flash starts taking control of the map at 10:00. After taking several great engagements and generally out-multi-tasking hyvaa, Flash does critical damage to hyvaa's economy and forces him to tap out.
Flash vs. hyvaa
(CC first into hellbat drops)
10 depot
14 CC
15 rax
16 gas
@100% rax -> marines x2
20 bunker
20 refinery
22 factory
22 depot
26 depot
28 double depot to walloff
28 starport
28 armory
28-32 hellions
37 medivac
*hellion poke
*Walloff done by 6:30*
*@7:00, start hellbat production*
@7:20 stim starts
@9:30 3rd CC
First hellbat drop arrives @8:00
Hellbat/marauder poke @10:00
@11:30 -> additional rax + ebays
hyvaa vs. Flash
(4-queen into roach/ling/bling)
9 overlord
15 hatch
16 pool
drone x2
17 overlord
@100% hatch -> double queen
@100% queens -> double queen
@4:45 -> double gas
@6:00 -> start zergling speed + overlord speed
@6:30 3rd hatch, double evo, baneling nest
@9:30 2 gases
Emergency roach warren for drops, evo block
Set 2 [ZvT](hitmaN vs. INnoVation): + Show Spoiler +
2013 Proleague Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
hitmaN vs. INnoVation
Naro Station
Description: HitmaN opens with a standard 4-queen opening while INnoVation opens with a reaper expand into reaper/hellion. With an incredibly successful reaper/hellion poke, INnoVation kills off several queens and zerglings but loses all of his hellions in the process. To respond, hitmaN follows up with baneling bust to get far ahead. However, at the 14-minute mark, INnoVation moves out onto the map and begins his trademark hyper-aggressive extreme multi-tasking style, slowly wearing down his opponent and overpowering him with pure mechanics. With an 80-supply deficit and a droom drop at his 3rd, hitmaN loses the game.
hitmaN vs. INnoVation
(4-queen opening into baneling bust)
9 overlord
15 hatch
drone x2
16 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> double queen
@100% queens -> double queen
@5:00 -> double gas + 5th queen
Speed starts @6:00
@6:30 3rd hatch, double evo
After killing the hellions -> baneling bust
Muta/ling/bling followup
INnoVation vs. hitmaN
(reaper expand into biomine)
10 depot
13 rax
13 gas
16 reaper
16 orbital
16 depot
18 reaper
20 CC
22 factory
22 reactor
24 3rd CC
25 orbital
26-30 hellions
30 depot
30 techlab
35 depot
44 orbital
@7:00 stim starts
@7:00 -> hellion/reaper poke
@8:00 ebays
@8:30 -> additional rax + 2 gas
@10:00 -> take 3rd
hellion/reaper poke into biomine
First biomine poke @14:00
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
hitmaN vs. INnoVation
Naro Station
Description: HitmaN opens with a standard 4-queen opening while INnoVation opens with a reaper expand into reaper/hellion. With an incredibly successful reaper/hellion poke, INnoVation kills off several queens and zerglings but loses all of his hellions in the process. To respond, hitmaN follows up with baneling bust to get far ahead. However, at the 14-minute mark, INnoVation moves out onto the map and begins his trademark hyper-aggressive extreme multi-tasking style, slowly wearing down his opponent and overpowering him with pure mechanics. With an 80-supply deficit and a droom drop at his 3rd, hitmaN loses the game.
hitmaN vs. INnoVation
(4-queen opening into baneling bust)
9 overlord
15 hatch
drone x2
16 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> double queen
@100% queens -> double queen
@5:00 -> double gas + 5th queen
Speed starts @6:00
@6:30 3rd hatch, double evo
After killing the hellions -> baneling bust
Muta/ling/bling followup
INnoVation vs. hitmaN
(reaper expand into biomine)
10 depot
13 rax
13 gas
16 reaper
16 orbital
16 depot
18 reaper
20 CC
22 factory
22 reactor
24 3rd CC
25 orbital
26-30 hellions
30 depot
30 techlab
35 depot
44 orbital
@7:00 stim starts
@7:00 -> hellion/reaper poke
@8:00 ebays
@8:30 -> additional rax + 2 gas
@10:00 -> take 3rd
hellion/reaper poke into biomine
First biomine poke @14:00
Set 3 [PvP](MyuNgSiK vs. Trap): + Show Spoiler +
2013 Proleague Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
MyuNgSiK vs. Trap
New Fighting Spirit
Description: MyuNgSiK opens with a standard 2-gate expand while Trap opens with an oracle 3-gate designed to punish a fast expand. Trap forces a cancel on the nexus and eventually does massive damage with the oracle, killing off half of MyuNgSiK's probes. In a desperation move, MyuNgSiK moves out with 2 immortals and a warp prism for a counter push which Trap defends with ease. With no defense and no economy at home, MyuNgSiK falls to Trap's followup pressure.
MyuNgSiK vs. Trap
(2-gate FE into robo)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
*probe scout
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 gate
21 warpgate
23 sentry (chronoboost)
25 MsC
30 double stalker
32 sentry
35 robo -> immortal
37 sentry
39 nexus
Upon scouting oracle and aggressive force,
moves all units to mineral line and cancels nexus.
Trap vs. MyuNgSiK
(Stargate 3-gate)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 gas
16 pylon
*probe scout
18 core
19 gas
22 zealot
22 pylon
23 warpgate
25 stalker
27 stargate
29 stalker
29 gate x2
36 oracle -> 2nd oracle
Pressures at the front while threatening probe kills in the back
Forces nexus cancel
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
MyuNgSiK vs. Trap
New Fighting Spirit
Description: MyuNgSiK opens with a standard 2-gate expand while Trap opens with an oracle 3-gate designed to punish a fast expand. Trap forces a cancel on the nexus and eventually does massive damage with the oracle, killing off half of MyuNgSiK's probes. In a desperation move, MyuNgSiK moves out with 2 immortals and a warp prism for a counter push which Trap defends with ease. With no defense and no economy at home, MyuNgSiK falls to Trap's followup pressure.
MyuNgSiK vs. Trap
(2-gate FE into robo)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
*probe scout
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 gate
21 warpgate
23 sentry (chronoboost)
25 MsC
30 double stalker
32 sentry
35 robo -> immortal
37 sentry
39 nexus
Upon scouting oracle and aggressive force,
moves all units to mineral line and cancels nexus.
Trap vs. MyuNgSiK
(Stargate 3-gate)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 gas
16 pylon
*probe scout
18 core
19 gas
22 zealot
22 pylon
23 warpgate
25 stalker
27 stargate
29 stalker
29 gate x2
36 oracle -> 2nd oracle
Pressures at the front while threatening probe kills in the back
Forces nexus cancel
Set 4 [ZvP](Crazy vs. Classic): + Show Spoiler +
2013 Proleague Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Crazy vs. Classic
Neo Planet S
Description: Opening in standard PvZ style of triple hatch vs. FFE, Classic opens stargate, using phoenixes to shut down overlord vision while hiding a proxy pylon in the middle of the map. Realizing his proxy pylon wasn't scouted, Classic adds up to 6 gateways for a total of 7 and gears up for a strong 2-base allin. Crazy, who opened with very swift hive, decides to use swarm hosts to defend, but the swarm hosts come too late to participate in the initial push. Classic chronoboosts out an oracle to detect the swarm hosts, and after picking off several zerg bases and slowly transitioning to chargelot/archon with DTs, Classic manages to push Crazy down to a single base with no way to defend his swarm hosts, winning the game.
Crazy vs. Classic
(Triple hatch into SH)
9 overlord
15 hatch
drone x2
16 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> double queen
25 overlord
28 3rd hatch
31 overlord
@5:30 -> 3rd queen
44 overlord
@6:00 -> double gas
*@6:30 overlord scout
@7:10 lair
@7:30 4th queen
queen/spine crawler/ling defense
swarm host followup
Spire followup -> sH/corruptor
Classic vs. Crazy
(FFE into stargate/7-gate allin)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
16 nexus
17 probe
17 forge (in base)
17 pylon
20 gateway
20 double gas
22 cannon
26 core
**Chronoboost x2 on nexuses**
31 zealot
33 proxy pylon
36 stargate -> phoenix x4-5
38 warpgate
40 sentry
41 pylon
41 natural gases
@7:00 start +1 attack
Add 3 gates, +1, add 3 gates
@9:30 -> 7 gate attack
Build oracle for detection
templar archives + DT shrine
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Crazy vs. Classic
Neo Planet S
Description: Opening in standard PvZ style of triple hatch vs. FFE, Classic opens stargate, using phoenixes to shut down overlord vision while hiding a proxy pylon in the middle of the map. Realizing his proxy pylon wasn't scouted, Classic adds up to 6 gateways for a total of 7 and gears up for a strong 2-base allin. Crazy, who opened with very swift hive, decides to use swarm hosts to defend, but the swarm hosts come too late to participate in the initial push. Classic chronoboosts out an oracle to detect the swarm hosts, and after picking off several zerg bases and slowly transitioning to chargelot/archon with DTs, Classic manages to push Crazy down to a single base with no way to defend his swarm hosts, winning the game.
Crazy vs. Classic
(Triple hatch into SH)
9 overlord
15 hatch
drone x2
16 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> double queen
25 overlord
28 3rd hatch
31 overlord
@5:30 -> 3rd queen
44 overlord
@6:00 -> double gas
*@6:30 overlord scout
@7:10 lair
@7:30 4th queen
queen/spine crawler/ling defense
swarm host followup
Spire followup -> sH/corruptor
Classic vs. Crazy
(FFE into stargate/7-gate allin)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
16 nexus
17 probe
17 forge (in base)
17 pylon
20 gateway
20 double gas
22 cannon
26 core
**Chronoboost x2 on nexuses**
31 zealot
33 proxy pylon
36 stargate -> phoenix x4-5
38 warpgate
40 sentry
41 pylon
41 natural gases
@7:00 start +1 attack
Add 3 gates, +1, add 3 gates
@9:30 -> 7 gate attack
Build oracle for detection
templar archives + DT shrine
Set 5 [PvP](Zest vs. Mini): + Show Spoiler +
2013 Proleague Semifinals
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Zest vs. Mini
Akilon Wastes
Description: Mini opens with a 10-gate into 4-gate all-in against Zest's somewhat standard build. While the initial push seems to have been thwarted by Zest's brilliant defense, Mini manages to sneak a proxy pylon into Zest's main base during the counterattack. Using the combination of defensive forcefields and offensive zealot warpins in his opponent's main, Mini finishes Zest off with ease.
Zest vs. Mini
(MsC opening)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 gas
17 pylon
18 core
18 gas
*probe scout
21 zealot
25 stalker
26 MsC
26 2nd gate
28 stalker
*Chronoboost stalkers nonstop*
Mini vs. Zest
(10-gate into 3-gate pressure)
9 pylon
10 gate
**chronoboost x1 on nexus**
13 gas
15 core
17 zealot
17 pylon
21 stalker
22 gate x2
25 stalker
30 proxy pylon
KT Rolster vs. STX Soul
Zest vs. Mini
Akilon Wastes
Description: Mini opens with a 10-gate into 4-gate all-in against Zest's somewhat standard build. While the initial push seems to have been thwarted by Zest's brilliant defense, Mini manages to sneak a proxy pylon into Zest's main base during the counterattack. Using the combination of defensive forcefields and offensive zealot warpins in his opponent's main, Mini finishes Zest off with ease.
Zest vs. Mini
(MsC opening)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 gas
17 pylon
18 core
18 gas
*probe scout
21 zealot
25 stalker
26 MsC
26 2nd gate
28 stalker
*Chronoboost stalkers nonstop*
Mini vs. Zest
(10-gate into 3-gate pressure)
9 pylon
10 gate
**chronoboost x1 on nexus**
13 gas
15 core
17 zealot
17 pylon
21 stalker
22 gate x2
25 stalker
30 proxy pylon
2013 Proleague Grand Finals
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
FINALS: + Show Spoiler +
Best Games: + Show Spoiler +
Set 1 [TvP](BravO vs. Mini): + Show Spoiler +
Set 2 [ZvT](Soulkey vs. INnoVation): + Show Spoiler +
Set 3 [PvP](sOs vs. Dear): + Show Spoiler +
Set 4 [PvZ](free vs. hyvaa): + Show Spoiler +
Set 5 [PvZ](ZerO vs. Trap): + Show Spoiler +
Set 6 [PvP](Flying vs. Classic): + Show Spoiler +
Best Games:
Soulkey vs. INnoVation G2
free vs. hyvaa G4
ZerO vs. Trap G5
Builds to steal:
[ZvT]Soulkey G2
[PvP]Dear G3
[PvZ]free G4
[PvZ]Trap G5
Soulkey vs. INnoVation G2
free vs. hyvaa G4
ZerO vs. Trap G5
Builds to steal:
[ZvT]Soulkey G2
[PvP]Dear G3
[PvZ]free G4
[PvZ]Trap G5
Set 1 [TvP](BravO vs. Mini): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Grand Finals
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
BrAvO vs. Mini
Akilon Wastes
Description: In a blast from the past, Mini attempts a blink stalker all-in only to be met by an old-school 2rax. After being hard-countered, Mini tries to take map control with blink stalkers while trying to tech to DTs and expand. After pulling through with an incredible defense, Mini manages to claw his way back into the game. After killing off a small chunk of BrAvO's army, Mini realizes the counterattack potential and makes a huge zealot/templar shove, winning the game.
BrAvO vs. Mini
(2rax into bio)
10 depot
12 rax
13 gas
15 orbital
15 reactor
15 rax
15 depot
22 depot
@100% reactor -> 1 marine/1 reaper
*scout with reaper
@100% rax -> techlab -> concussive shells
32 depot
*constant rax + depot production*
35 combat shields
Response to pressure -> bunker + factory
followup widow mine/marine drop
Mini vs. BrAvO
(blink pressure into stalker/colossus)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
16 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot
23 pylon
23 warpgate
25 stalker
27 MsC
27 twilight
30 stalker
30 blink
*all chronoboost on blink*
32 gate x2
34 pylon
*@5:45 MsC scout
35 proxy pylon
*First warpin @6:30*
followup with DTs -> blink stalkers for map control
Transition into templar/zealot
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
BrAvO vs. Mini
Akilon Wastes
Description: In a blast from the past, Mini attempts a blink stalker all-in only to be met by an old-school 2rax. After being hard-countered, Mini tries to take map control with blink stalkers while trying to tech to DTs and expand. After pulling through with an incredible defense, Mini manages to claw his way back into the game. After killing off a small chunk of BrAvO's army, Mini realizes the counterattack potential and makes a huge zealot/templar shove, winning the game.
BrAvO vs. Mini
(2rax into bio)
10 depot
12 rax
13 gas
15 orbital
15 reactor
15 rax
15 depot
22 depot
@100% reactor -> 1 marine/1 reaper
*scout with reaper
@100% rax -> techlab -> concussive shells
32 depot
*constant rax + depot production*
35 combat shields
Response to pressure -> bunker + factory
followup widow mine/marine drop
Mini vs. BrAvO
(blink pressure into stalker/colossus)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
16 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot
23 pylon
23 warpgate
25 stalker
27 MsC
27 twilight
30 stalker
30 blink
*all chronoboost on blink*
32 gate x2
34 pylon
*@5:45 MsC scout
35 proxy pylon
*First warpin @6:30*
followup with DTs -> blink stalkers for map control
Transition into templar/zealot
Set 2 [ZvT](Soulkey vs. INnoVation): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Grand Finals
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
Soulkey vs. INnoVation
Description: Triple hatch before pool vs. The Innovation Build. After a very passive opening, Soulkey attacks with a powerful 1-1 ling/bling attack, crippling INnoVation's economy. INnoVation, however, recovers well and, using his upgrade advantage, begins his trademark "endless push". After several minutes of back and forth action, Soulkey's 4th is broken and INnoVation steps forward into the natural for the win.
Soulkey vs. INnoVation
(triple hatch into 1-1 ling/bling attack)
9 overlord
*13 drone scout
15 hatch
drone x3
17 hatch
17 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> queen x3
26 overlord
@100% queens -> queen x2
36 overlord
@5:30 2 gas
@100 gas -> zergling speed
@7:15 -> double evo
*@8:00 overlord scout
@8:00 -> lair, +1/+1
@8:30 -> baneling nest, macro hatch, 3 gas, burrow, ling production
*@9:30 zergling poke @3rd
@10:00 take 4th base
@11:00 -> 1/1 ling/bling attack
INnoVation vs. Soulkey
(triple CC into biomine)
10 depot
14 CC
15 rax
*SCV scout
@100% rax -> marine x4
18 orbital x2
20 3rd CC
21 double gas
26 depot
29 factory
31 depot
31 reactor
@6:30 -> 2 ebays
@7:00 -> rax x2 + techlab + hellions
@9:00 take 3rd base
@11:00 small marine/medivac poke
@16:00 start the endless push with +2/+2
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
Soulkey vs. INnoVation
Description: Triple hatch before pool vs. The Innovation Build. After a very passive opening, Soulkey attacks with a powerful 1-1 ling/bling attack, crippling INnoVation's economy. INnoVation, however, recovers well and, using his upgrade advantage, begins his trademark "endless push". After several minutes of back and forth action, Soulkey's 4th is broken and INnoVation steps forward into the natural for the win.
Soulkey vs. INnoVation
(triple hatch into 1-1 ling/bling attack)
9 overlord
*13 drone scout
15 hatch
drone x3
17 hatch
17 pool
17 overlord
@100% pool -> queen x3
26 overlord
@100% queens -> queen x2
36 overlord
@5:30 2 gas
@100 gas -> zergling speed
@7:15 -> double evo
*@8:00 overlord scout
@8:00 -> lair, +1/+1
@8:30 -> baneling nest, macro hatch, 3 gas, burrow, ling production
*@9:30 zergling poke @3rd
@10:00 take 4th base
@11:00 -> 1/1 ling/bling attack
INnoVation vs. Soulkey
(triple CC into biomine)
10 depot
14 CC
15 rax
*SCV scout
@100% rax -> marine x4
18 orbital x2
20 3rd CC
21 double gas
26 depot
29 factory
31 depot
31 reactor
@6:30 -> 2 ebays
@7:00 -> rax x2 + techlab + hellions
@9:00 take 3rd base
@11:00 small marine/medivac poke
@16:00 start the endless push with +2/+2
Set 3 [PvP](sOs vs. Dear): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Grand Finals
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
sOs vs. Dear
Korhol Floating Island
Description: While Dear opens with a solid
1-gate FE with stargate, sOs opts for a
hidden twilight council into a 4-gate blink
all-in. Although Dear responds in the best
way, sOs has too many blink stalkers and,
using simple blink micro, wins the game in a
very straightforward fashion.
sOs vs. Dear
(4-gate blink stalker all-in)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x2 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
23 stalker
23 twilight
23 warpgate
24 pylon
26 MsC
28 stalker
28 blink
28 gate x3
*All chronoboost on blink*
31 proxy pylon
Move out @6:00
First warpin @ 6:30
Dear vs. sOs
(1-gate FE into stargate)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
*probe scout
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot
23 pylon
23 sentry
23 warpgate
25 MsC
28 sentry
30 nexus
31 stargate
34 stalker
34 proxy pylon
*probe scout for proxies
36 gate
38 oracle
@6:00 hallucination scout
In response to scouting 4 gates:
Cancel oracle -> chronoboost void rays
Add 3rd gate
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
sOs vs. Dear
Korhol Floating Island
Description: While Dear opens with a solid
1-gate FE with stargate, sOs opts for a
hidden twilight council into a 4-gate blink
all-in. Although Dear responds in the best
way, sOs has too many blink stalkers and,
using simple blink micro, wins the game in a
very straightforward fashion.
sOs vs. Dear
(4-gate blink stalker all-in)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x2 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**3 in each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
23 stalker
23 twilight
23 warpgate
24 pylon
26 MsC
28 stalker
28 blink
28 gate x3
*All chronoboost on blink*
31 proxy pylon
Move out @6:00
First warpin @ 6:30
Dear vs. sOs
(1-gate FE into stargate)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
*probe scout
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot
23 pylon
23 sentry
23 warpgate
25 MsC
28 sentry
30 nexus
31 stargate
34 stalker
34 proxy pylon
*probe scout for proxies
36 gate
38 oracle
@6:00 hallucination scout
In response to scouting 4 gates:
Cancel oracle -> chronoboost void rays
Add 3rd gate
Set 4 [PvZ](free vs. hyvaa): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Grand Finals
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
free vs. hyvaa
Bel'Shir Vestige
Description: Both players open in a standard PvZ way until free starts an incredibly early 3rd nexus at 6:30. hyvaa makes a few pokes with zerglings while taking a 4th base and amassing a huge roach/hydra army. However, by 12:00 free's 3rd base economy kicks in, allowing him to push out with a fearsome gateway/colossus army to threaten hyvaa's 4th. After some back-and-forth engagements, free breaks through hyvaa's defenses and does a victory march through the 3rd, through the natural, and into the main for the win.
free vs. hyvaa
(FFE into fast 3rd/colossus)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
17 nexus
17 forge
18 pylon
18 gate
19 cannon
20 double gas
23 core
*@4:30-5:00 probe scout 3rd base
32 pylon
34 stalker
34 warpgate
39 sentry
41 MsC
42 nexus (@6:30)
42 pylon
48 sentry
@7:00 gate x2
@7:15 start +1 attack
@7:30 gate x3 + natural gases
@9:00 robo/twilight
Robo/twilight followup -> colossus/blink
@12:00 move out with 1 colossus/+2 attack
hyvaa vs. free
(triple hatch into roach/hydra/corruptor)
9 overlord
14 pool
16 overlord
16 hatch
15-17 zerglings
19 queen
21 hatch
22 queen
22 overlord
30 overlord
@5:30 2 gas
@6:00 -> start speed + zerglings
@100gas -> lair
*@7:00 zergling poke at 3rd
@7:30 3rd gas
@100% lair -> remaining gases + hydra den
Hydra/roach/corruptor midgame
hydra speed -> +1 range/hydra speed/roach speed
spire/infestor followup
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
free vs. hyvaa
Bel'Shir Vestige
Description: Both players open in a standard PvZ way until free starts an incredibly early 3rd nexus at 6:30. hyvaa makes a few pokes with zerglings while taking a 4th base and amassing a huge roach/hydra army. However, by 12:00 free's 3rd base economy kicks in, allowing him to push out with a fearsome gateway/colossus army to threaten hyvaa's 4th. After some back-and-forth engagements, free breaks through hyvaa's defenses and does a victory march through the 3rd, through the natural, and into the main for the win.
free vs. hyvaa
(FFE into fast 3rd/colossus)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
17 nexus
17 forge
18 pylon
18 gate
19 cannon
20 double gas
23 core
*@4:30-5:00 probe scout 3rd base
32 pylon
34 stalker
34 warpgate
39 sentry
41 MsC
42 nexus (@6:30)
42 pylon
48 sentry
@7:00 gate x2
@7:15 start +1 attack
@7:30 gate x3 + natural gases
@9:00 robo/twilight
Robo/twilight followup -> colossus/blink
@12:00 move out with 1 colossus/+2 attack
hyvaa vs. free
(triple hatch into roach/hydra/corruptor)
9 overlord
14 pool
16 overlord
16 hatch
15-17 zerglings
19 queen
21 hatch
22 queen
22 overlord
30 overlord
@5:30 2 gas
@6:00 -> start speed + zerglings
@100gas -> lair
*@7:00 zergling poke at 3rd
@7:30 3rd gas
@100% lair -> remaining gases + hydra den
Hydra/roach/corruptor midgame
hydra speed -> +1 range/hydra speed/roach speed
spire/infestor followup
Set 5 [PvZ](ZerO vs. Trap): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Grand Finals
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
ZerO vs. Trap
Newkirk Precinct
Description: Both players blindly choose a greedy build, but ZerO's 3 hatch before pool is stronger than Trap's 16 nexus. In order to make up for the economic difference, Trap attempts a warp prism 6-gate attack which ends in complete and utter failure. 60 supply down and unable to secure a 3rd base, Trap looks hopeless, but with brilliant harassment and incredibly good engagements, he manages to claw his way back into the game. After 20 minutes of brilliant positional play from both players, the gigantic maxed armies face off in the middle of the map, leaving both players without an income. A bizarre base race scenario then ensues with Trap coming out as the victor.
ZerO vs. Trap
(triple hatch into roach/hydra)
9 overlord
15 hatch
drone x3
17 hatch
18 pool
18 overlord
@100% pool -> triple queen
32 overlord
39 overlord
@5:45 2 gas
*@7:00 overlord scouts
@100gas -> lair
@100gas -> ling speed
@7:30 gas x2
roach/hydra midgame
Lategame swarm host/corruptor/broodlord army
Trap vs. ZerO
9 pylon (in main)
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
16 nexus
*probe scout
17 forge
17 pylon (at natural)
19 gate
21 double gas
27 core
29 cannon
31 pylon
34 stargate -> phoenix x4-5
34 warpgate
38 sentry
@6:00 -> natural gases
39 pylon
44 sentry
49 phoenix
51 robo
@7:15 start +1 attack
@7:30 gate x5
@8:30 gate x1
phoenix -> robo/7-gate/+1 attack
@9:30 Warp prism 7-gate attack
Immortal/colossus followup
Lategame stalker/colossus/void ray army
Woongjin Stars vs. STX Soul
ZerO vs. Trap
Newkirk Precinct
Description: Both players blindly choose a greedy build, but ZerO's 3 hatch before pool is stronger than Trap's 16 nexus. In order to make up for the economic difference, Trap attempts a warp prism 6-gate attack which ends in complete and utter failure. 60 supply down and unable to secure a 3rd base, Trap looks hopeless, but with brilliant harassment and incredibly good engagements, he manages to claw his way back into the game. After 20 minutes of brilliant positional play from both players, the gigantic maxed armies face off in the middle of the map, leaving both players without an income. A bizarre base race scenario then ensues with Trap coming out as the victor.
ZerO vs. Trap
(triple hatch into roach/hydra)
9 overlord
15 hatch
drone x3
17 hatch
18 pool
18 overlord
@100% pool -> triple queen
32 overlord
39 overlord
@5:45 2 gas
*@7:00 overlord scouts
@100gas -> lair
@100gas -> ling speed
@7:30 gas x2
roach/hydra midgame
Lategame swarm host/corruptor/broodlord army
Trap vs. ZerO
9 pylon (in main)
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
16 nexus
*probe scout
17 forge
17 pylon (at natural)
19 gate
21 double gas
27 core
29 cannon
31 pylon
34 stargate -> phoenix x4-5
34 warpgate
38 sentry
@6:00 -> natural gases
39 pylon
44 sentry
49 phoenix
51 robo
@7:15 start +1 attack
@7:30 gate x5
@8:30 gate x1
phoenix -> robo/7-gate/+1 attack
@9:30 Warp prism 7-gate attack
Immortal/colossus followup
Lategame stalker/colossus/void ray army
Set 6 [PvP](Flying vs. Classic): + Show Spoiler +
Proleague 2013 Grand Finals
Woongjin Stars vs. STX soul
Flying vs. Classic
Neo Planet S
Description: Both players opt for an early expand, Flying going robo tech and Classic going stawrgate tech. After some successful oracle/phoenix harassment, Classic transitions into colossus while Flying builds up for an immortal/archon/chargelot attack. After threatening to attack his opponent, Flying takes a 3rd and denies his opponent's 3rd. However, Flying fails to make a tempest switch in time and is overrun by Classic's huge colossus count in the end.
Flying vs. Classic
(1-gate FE into robo)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot (cancel)
*@3:30 scout for proxies
23 MsC
23 warp gate
24 nexus
26 sentry
26 robo -> observer
29 stalker
28 gate
32 sentry
6-gates before 3rd base
classic vs. Flying
(1-gate FE into stargate)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot (cancel)
*@3:30 scout for proxies
23 stalker
23 warp gate
23 pylon
25 MsC (chronoboost)
28 sentry
30 nexus
30 stargate -> oracle -> phoenix
31 pylon
34 sentry
*@6:30 hallucination scout
colossus followup
Woongjin Stars vs. STX soul
Flying vs. Classic
Neo Planet S
Description: Both players opt for an early expand, Flying going robo tech and Classic going stawrgate tech. After some successful oracle/phoenix harassment, Classic transitions into colossus while Flying builds up for an immortal/archon/chargelot attack. After threatening to attack his opponent, Flying takes a 3rd and denies his opponent's 3rd. However, Flying fails to make a tempest switch in time and is overrun by Classic's huge colossus count in the end.
Flying vs. Classic
(1-gate FE into robo)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot (cancel)
*@3:30 scout for proxies
23 MsC
23 warp gate
24 nexus
26 sentry
26 robo -> observer
29 stalker
28 gate
32 sentry
6-gates before 3rd base
classic vs. Flying
(1-gate FE into stargate)
9 pylon
**Chronoboost x3 on nexus**
13 gate
15 double gas
**2 on each gas**
17 pylon
18 core
**3 on each gas**
21 zealot (cancel)
*@3:30 scout for proxies
23 stalker
23 warp gate
23 pylon
25 MsC (chronoboost)
28 sentry
30 nexus
30 stargate -> oracle -> phoenix
31 pylon
34 sentry
*@6:30 hallucination scout
colossus followup
If there's any questions about the formatting or whatever, let me know! Thank you all! Enjoy!!! :D
EDIT: Added races to all matchups and build order suggestions
EDIT: Added VoD link, some directions for finding VoDs