Ryung spawns in the 10 o'clock position. MajOr spawns in the 5 o'clock position. Both players going for 1-1-1 and then CC. Ryung making cloak banshees. MajOr makes viking and raven to defend against banshees and follows with cloak banshees of his own. MajOr gets his third first at the 7th o'clock position and makes lots of blue flame hellions. Ryung tries to control the center with marines and tanks, but MajOr's mobility allows him to pick off a few marines while he builds his mech army. Two prong hellbat drops from MajOr is successfully defended with minimal damage as MajOr messed up the execution. Ryung trying to find a way to engage, but MajOr's defensive position is too strong. Small engagement outside MajOr's third goes his way and he pushes out to take out Ryung's fourth. MajOr keeps rolling into Ryung's third at the 1 o'clock position. Ryung tries to get around the contain to go for a counter, but MajOr is well defended. Ryung is down to only his natural, but manages to retake his third. He's still down 50 supply and forced to lift his 4th base at the 9 o'clock. MajOr positions himself again outside of Ryung's 3rd allowing Ryung to retake his 4th. MajOr kills the 3rd base once again. Ryung tries to counter attack, but MajOr cleans it up and Ryung gg's.
Ryung spawns at the 7 o'clock position. MajOr spawns at the 1 o'clock position. MajOr opens with two reapers and then a CC on the low ground. Ryung goes for a 1-1-1 once again with cloaked banshees before getting his CC. MajOr tries a hellion runby but Ryung was able to defend easily. Ryung's banshee doesn't do much damage either. Both players playing passively using the same composition as the previous game. Ryung takes his 6 o'clock third base and MajOr takes the 12 o'clock. Ryung pushes out to MajOr's third, but loses his entire army decisively. At the same time MajOr drops hellbats into Ryung's third and main to disrupt mining. MajOr is now taking a position right outside of Ryung's third. MajOr's position is too strong and Ryung is forced to lift his third and concede his position. MajOr takes his 4th and eventually loses his contain. Ryung also takes his fourth at the 9 o'clock. MajOr sieges up once again right outside of Ryung's third. Ryung tries to break the contain, but loses his army and he gg's.
Nestea spawns in the top left and Jim spawns in the bottom right. Jim goes for a gateway expand but Nestea delays it with a proxy hatchery in Jim's natural. Jim follows up his expansion with 5 gate pressure. Nestea drops 4 additional spines and starts massing lings but his speed is not finished as the attack starts. Jim attacks into the natural before all of the spines finish. Nestea loses all of his lings as the spines finally finish and Jim powers through the natural killing off all of the spines. Nestea has to gg. Jim takes game 1
Game 2: NesTea spawns in the bottom left and Jim spawns in the bottom right. Nestea opts for a hatch first while Jim chooses gateway expand, again. Nestea builds a proxy hatch in Jim's natural. Jim follows up his gateway expand with robo tech going into immortals. Nestea gets a lair while on 2 bases. Jim pushes out with 2 immortals and a gateway army. Nestea is building an infestation pit. As he sees Jim moving out he drops 5 additional spines Jim attacks befor speed and the spines finish. Nestea starts building swarmhosts during the attack and Jim loses his MSC after dropping 2 timewarps. swarmhosts begin spawning as Jim moves into the natural but he immediately gives on top of them and kills them off. Jim forcefields the main ramp to block locusts while he kills off the natural. Jim moves into the main finishing off the swarm hosts and warps units in until Nestea ggs. Jim takes the series 2-0!
MajOr spawns in the bottom left while Jim spawns in the top right. Major goes for a reaper expand while Jim goes for a mothership core expand. Jim's tech choice is stargate but he fails to deny the reaper scout. Jim opens oracle from his stargate and makes a robo. Major starts producing a widow mine after scouting the stargate. The oracle only gets 1 kill before being chased away by marines and a widow mine. Major counters with a marine widow mine drop that kills 4 workers. Jim techs up to colossus while getting a few phoenixes for map control and drop defense. Major goes for a standard bio comp and gets a 2nd starport. Major stays on 2 base for a long time while Jim grabs a 3rd and starts double upgrades. Major pulls a bunch of scvs and moves across the map as his 1-1 finishes. the armies engage outside of the natural of Jim. Major's army is crushed as phoenixes kill all of the vikings while colossi are still alive. Phoenixes lift up tons of units and Major is cleaned up and ggs. Jim takes game 1!
MajOr spawns in the top left while Jim spawns in the bottom right. MajOr fast expands with 2 rax behind it. Jim goes for a gateway first and sends his zealot and stalker across the map right away while expanding behind the pressure. Jim gets a fast +1 armor and makes 4 more gateways but a reaper gets a full scout of his base. Major goes up to 5 rax after scouting. Major only has 1 bunker as Jim attacks and it falls right away before repair can be used. Jim has a pylon in the natural of Major. Major pulls his scvs to defend but Jim has a much larger army supply. Jim just runs over Major's meager defenses and Major has to gg. Jim wins 2-0 and advances to the Ro16!
Ryung spawns in the bottom left and NesTea spawns in the bottom right. Ryung goes for a CC first on the high ground and NesTea chooses to go 3 hatch before pool. Ryung builds a 3rd CC after his factory. Ryung goes for a cloak banshee follow up after his 3rd CC while Nestea drones like mad behind just queens. Nestea takes a 4th while Ryung starts attacking wtih his first cloakshee and hellions. Nestea has no detection ready and loses his queens in the natural. Ryung gets double upgrades behind his attack and adds on more infrastructure. Nestea holds off the pressure and maintains a 20 worker lead and goes for spire. Ryung transitions into a bio mine composition as he lands his 3rd base. Ryung pushes out and Nestea goes for a ling baneling backstab. Banelings kill a bunch of workers in the natural. Nestea is at 93 workers (39 more than Ryung). Nestea comes out to meet the main army of Ryung and the armies trade. Nestea is just flooding out zerglings 60 at a time while getting an infestation pit. Ryung redirects his attack focus to the 4th of Nestea and kills the base. Nestea decides to counter attack but is not cost efficient in his trades. Nestea double expands and both armies attack each others' bases. Nestea kills the 4th of Ryung and Ryung forces a cancel on Nestea's north expansion. Ryung keeps pressuring and kills the ultralisk cavern with a drop. The point of contention continues to be Nestea's 4th base. Nestea finally shoves back the forces of Ryung with his ling muta bane. Ryung drps below 100 supply and Nestea just rallies units across the map. Nestea throws away all his mutas to spawning marines and transitions into ultra infestor. Nutlipronged harass from Ryung takes out Nestea's 4th and building 5th. Nestea counter attacks the 4th of Ryung with his infestor ultra army but loses everything without taking out the PF. Ryung counterattacks and Nestea has nothing left. Nestea ggs!
Ryung spawns in the bottom right and NesTea spawns in the top left. Ryung opens CC first on the high ground vs. a hatch first for Nestea. Nestea takes a 3rd base and techs up to spire. Ryung begins with hellbat drops and bio mine. Nestea sends a queen across the map and starts dropping creep at the 3rd of Ryung with an overlord. the queen drops a bunch of creep tumors at the future 3rd of Ryung. Ryung begins hellbat dropping but it doesn't do much damage. The hellbat drop does some damage until mutas spawn and shut it down. Ryung sees creep arriving at his natural so he takes his 3rd at the 4 o clock base. Ryung moves across the map with his army to clean up creep. Nestea counter attacks and forces a lift on the 3rd CC. Banelings connect heavily with the army of Ryung. Nestea tries to kill the floating 3rd but loses some mutas to marines before retreating and failing to kill it. Ryung maintains a supply lead throughout these engagements. Ryung takes a 40 supply lead by the 17 minute mark as Nestea throws away more banelings for no kills. Nestea harasses the 3rd and main of Ryung with his mutas while trying to take a 4th. Ryung just walks across the map with his larger army and kills Nestea's 4th. Ryung finishes 3-3 before Nestea gets an infestation pit. Nestea counter attacks the 3rd of Ryung as Ryung pushes Nestea's natural. Ryung sends his army home but loses his 3rd base. Nestea also forces a cancel on Ryung's 4th and escapes with all of his mutas. Creep is still blocking the other 2 expansions on Ryung's side of the map. Ryung floats his main orbital to take a new 3rd. Zergbong runs all of his banelings into a thor. Both players deny each others' 4th again. Nestea has a large supply lead but engages with his army in fragments losing all of his lings before banelings arrive and banelings killing close to nothing. 40 mutas of Nestea start camping Ryung's production. widow mine hits every muta of nestea. Ryung goes for an attack after the mutas get damaged but Nestea crushes it with his lings and banes. Nestea counter attacks and loses most of his units. Ryung counter attacks the counter attack. Nestea pulls all his drones at his 4th to defend and loses them. Nestea loses all of his mutas and ggs! Ryung wins 2-0!
Game 1: MajOr spawns in the top right and Ryung spawns in the bottom left. Major opens up with 2 rax reaper with 1 makarax in his natural. Ryung opens rax, CC, factory. Major loses his first reaper with 0 kills and no scouting information and decides not to go into Ryung's main with his other 4 reapers. Major expands after his reaper opening fails. Both players tech up to starport and make a viking. Both players follow their viking with a raven. Mech vs. Mech. Both players research blue flame. Major goes for single armory upgrades while Ryung decides to go double armory. Both players macro up to a max army with minimal harass. There is a big engagement on the right side of the map with both armies trading but Major losing more. Ryung loses 20 workers to a blue flame hellbat drop but stays 10 supply ahead. After establishing 4 bases Ryung begins the air transition making a fusion core and 2 extra starports. Major begins his air trainsition slightly later adding on 2 staports as well. Major loses his few vikings to the 10 vikings of Ryung. Battlecruiser production begins for Ryung as well as +1 ship weapons as his +3 armor is already finished. Major is far behind in air upgrades just starting his 2nd armory. Ryung trades away his ground army while building air. Major is making a viking raven force. Ryung reveals his BCs but isn't able to break Major's defenses right away. More vikings rally in for Ryung and as the ravens run out of energy Ryung starts to break through. Major has to gg. Ryung wins game 1!
Game 2: MajOr spawns in the bottom right and Ryung spawns in the top left. Major opens fast double gas into 1-1-1 whil Ryung goes for a CC after gas before getting his factory. Major goes for cloak banshee and Ryung goes for reactored hellions. Viking first from the starport for Ryung after scanning and seeing Major's starport with researching tech lab. Major loses his banshee to a widow mine with 0 kills. Major moves out for a 16 marine 1 tank raven attack while Ryung has just hellions and a raven. Ryung pulls scvs from his natural to help defend but Ryung doesn't have enough. Major takes a 20 supply lead and starts attacking the natural CC. Ryung pulls more scvs from his main but a 2nd tank shows up. Ryung ggs and Major sends it to game 3!
Game 3: Ryung spawns in the bottom right and MajOr spawns in the top left. Gas first for Ryung with a quick factory. Major goes straight to starport off 2 gas. Ryung goes for a fast medivac while Major starts researching cloak and building a banshee. Ryung's drop is chased away by marines and does no damage. Both players follow up their first starport unit with a raven. Major loses his banshee with 3 scv kills and Ryung's CC finishes much earlier. Both players follow up their openings with marine tank. Major looks to pressure the natural of Ryung but Ryung has enough units out to deter his push. Ryung's 3rd CC finishes as Major starts his. Ryung begins double bio upgrades as Major adds on 2 additional factories and transitions into mech. Ryung goes for a large drop in the main of Major with marines and tanks but Major is able to defend. Major begins a turret ring around his main base. Ryung denies the 4th base of Major with a drop and the main armies engage near Major's 3rd killing most of the hellbats. Armies engage on the left side of the map and Major is forced back. A bio force runs up the right side of the map and kills Major's 3rd. Major ggs and Ryung advances 2-1!
It's pretty sad how little blizzard seems to do to hype days like this up, it wouldn't be hard to get an intern or someone to make sure they have a reddit/LR thread up early and are spamming twitter earlier. Do they even put in game overalls up yet for each day of WCS :/
On July 17 2013 07:00 Laryleprakon wrote: Good luck Nestea/Jim!
It's pretty sad how little blizzard seems to do to hype days like this up, it wouldn't be hard to get an intern or someone to make sure they have a reddit/LR thread up early and are spamming twitter earlier. Do they even put in game overalls up yet for each day of WCS :/
Yeah... What is their IPL-team doing? I seem to remember that they really wanted this to succed. Making a LR-thread is the least you would expect.
On July 17 2013 07:00 Laryleprakon wrote: Good luck Nestea/Jim!
It's pretty sad how little blizzard seems to do to hype days like this up, it wouldn't be hard to get an intern or someone to make sure they have a reddit/LR thread up early and are spamming twitter earlier. Do they even put in game overalls up yet for each day of WCS :/
Yeah... What is their IPL-team doing? I seem to remember that they really wanted this to succed. Making a LR-thread is the least you would expect.