Varus, the Arrow of Retribution![[image loading]](http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120407043113/leagueoflegends/images/thumb/1/16/Varus_OriginalSkin.jpg/640px-Varus_OriginalSkin.jpg) Only marksman too sexy for his shirt.
+ Show Spoiler [Season 4 Patch Notes] +V4.5: Rune Rework, April 3rd, 2014 •All champions have had their base armor increased by 4. + Show Spoiler [Base Stats] +Health- 400(+82) Health Regen- 4.5 (+0.55) Mana- 250 (+36) Mana Regen- 6.5 (+0.5) Range- 575 Attack Damage- 46 (+3) Attack Speed- 0.658 (+3%) Armor- 17.5 (+3.4) Resistance- 30 Movement Speed- 330
+ Show Spoiler [Change Log] +V1.0 - 6/6/13 I exist!
V1.1 - 7/30/13 Modified skill/item section, cleaned up some typos, complied with new tags.
V2.0 - 6/30/14 Updated for Season 4.
Passive: Living Vengence On a champion kill or assist, Varus gains 40% attack speed for 6 seconds. On a minion kill, Varus gains 20% attack speed for 3 seconds. + Show Spoiler +A solid passive. Creep bonus makes CSing easy by saving wasted spells, advantageous trades, and quick turret destruction from high attack speed. Kill/Assist bonus can snowball a team fight or skirmish fast.
Q: Piercing Arrow First Cast: Varus starts drawing back his next shot, gradually increasing its range and damage. Maximum range is achieved in 2 seconds. Second Cast: Varus fires, dealing physical damage to all enemies in the arrow's path, reduced by 15% per enemy hit (down to a minimum of 33%). While preparing to shoot, Varus cannot auto-attack or use his other abilities, and his movement speed is slowed by 20%. After 4 seconds, Piercing Arrow is automatically cancelled and half of its mana cost is refunded.
Cooldown: 16/14/12/10/8 Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana Minimum Damage: 10/47/83/120/157 (+100% AD) Maximum Damage: 15/70/125/180/235 (+160% AD) Range: 850-1475 Projectile Speed: 1900 + Show Spoiler +Incredible range. Great for picking up farm when you're zoned out, stealing objectives, or sniping down runner from a fight.
W: Blighted Quiver Passive: Varus' basic attacks deal bonus magic damage. They also apply Blight for 6 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. Varus' other abilities detonate Blight, dealing magic damage equal to a percentage of the target's maximum health per stack. This damage is capped at 360 against monsters.
On-hit Damage: 10/14/18/22/26 (+25% AP) Blight Damage per Stack: 2%/2.75%/3.5%/4.25%/5% (+2% per 100AP) Stacked Blight Damage: 6%/8.25%/10.5%/12.75%/15% (+6% per 100 AP) + Show Spoiler +The keystone of Varus' kit. Pew, pew, pew, E R and Q(purely for the rhyme, don't do this as a combo.) %magic damage on a marksman is pretty cool as it makes armor stacking against Varus not as strong as other marksmen.
E: Hail of Arrows Active: Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals physical damage and desecrates the ground for 4 seconds. Desecrated Ground reduces healing effects by 50% and slows enemy movement speed.
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10 Cost: 80 mana Physical Damage: 65/100/135/170/205 (+60% bonus AD) Slow: 25%/30%/35%/40%/45% Range: 925 + Show Spoiler +Damage, AOE slow, and heal reduction!? Sign me up! Great for pushing clumped up lanes, popping W stacks, and disengaging. The damage was lowered in the most recent change to Varus, but the utility outstrips the change.
R: Chain of Corruption Active: Varus flings out a tendril of corruption that infects the first enemy champion hit, dealing magic damage and immobilizing them for 2 seconds. The corruption then attempts to spread towards nearby enemy champions, applying the same damage and immobilize if they stay in range of the infected champion for 2 seconds. The corruption will continue to spread until there are no further targets in range, but each champion may only be infected once per cast.
Cooldown: 120/105/90 Cost: 120 mana Magic Damage: 150/250/350 (+100% AP) Spread range: 550 Tendril break range: 600 Range: 1075 Projectile Speed: 2000 + Show Spoiler +Great teamfighting and disengaging ult. Works well with other AOE CCs to remove their ability to break the tendrils such as Jarvan, Amumu, Nunu, and Rumble. A word of warning: There is a cast time, so take that into account when you use it. Even pro players miss this ult a lot.
When you dance with death, lead: An Overview Varus is a marksman that mixes the strong auto attack heritage of his position with percentage based magic damage from his spells. Like Ashe, he has no direct escapes or speed boosts and relies on his spells to accomplish that by slowing and snaring. He boasts an above average auto attack range at 575, between the average of 550 and the high 600+ ranges, along with long range skillshots to give him quite a good amount of poke. Given the nature of his % magic damage fighting becomes a rhythmic mix of autos and spells. Bring Varus if your team needs CC and wants some more magic damage in light of popular AD centric comps.
Pros • Diverse damage types • Strong range • CC utility • Snowballs teamfights
Cons • No escapes • No on-demand steroid • Skillshot reliant • So sexy it hurts
My arrows always find their marks: The things you carry. Runes: Marks: Armor Pen Seals: Armor Glyphs: Magic Resist Quints: AD x1, Attack Speed x2 + Show Spoiler +Blighted Quiver supplies enough damage to farm effectively under tower, freeing Marks up to better champion damage.
Masteries: + Show Spoiler +
Summoner Spells:
: Trusty flash, don't leave fountain without it.
: The "Better than barrier" with a speedbost.
Skill order: Level 1-3: EWQ Priority: R>Q>W>E
Items: The Burst Build
![[image loading]](http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130116005955/leagueoflegends/images/b/bd/Berserker%27s_Greaves_item.png) ![[image loading]](http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130116010245/leagueoflegends/images/2/2f/Blade_of_the_Ruined_King_item.png) ![[image loading]](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131123185815/leagueoflegends/images/4/41/Youmuu%27s_Ghostblade_item.png) ![[image loading]](http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130319090549/leagueoflegends/images/b/ba/Last_Whisper_item.png) ![[image loading]](http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130319090448/leagueoflegends/images/1/15/Infinity_Edge_item.png) + Show Spoiler +Makes use of the actives to load up stacks and pop them quickly and prove burst mobility.
The Traditional
![[image loading]](http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130116005955/leagueoflegends/images/b/bd/Berserker%27s_Greaves_item.png) ![[image loading]](http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130319090448/leagueoflegends/images/1/15/Infinity_Edge_item.png) -or-![[image loading]](http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130319091532/leagueoflegends/images/f/f8/Statikk_Shiv_item.png) ![[image loading]](http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130319090549/leagueoflegends/images/b/ba/Last_Whisper_item.png) ![[image loading]](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130319091558/leagueoflegends/images/7/72/The_Bloodthirster_item.png) + Show Spoiler +A more classic AD carry build. Phantom Dancer or Shiv depends on how much you need the waveclear.
The Token Defence
![[image loading]](http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130319090753/leagueoflegends/images/0/0a/Mercurial_Scimitar_item.png) ![[image loading]](http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130319090350/leagueoflegends/images/f/f4/Guardian_Angel_item.png) ![[image loading]](http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130319090154/leagueoflegends/images/0/03/Banshee%27s_Veil_item.png) + Show Spoiler +Scimitar gives solid MR in conjunction with the Bloodthirster shield and the QSS active while letting you pack a bit more punch. Guardian for when you need that 1 extra life. Veil to get away from catch abilities like blind bindings and hooks.
+ Show Spoiler [Credits] +LoLWiki: images, patch notes, and ability information. Alaric: His Vi thread is wonderful, and I heavily borrowed from it for formatting purposes.
Well, this has been my first guide in...anything, heh. Keep the criticism constructive and I will keep an open mind.
Plans for the future updates: Support synergy and opposing AD matchups. Skill/item revision.
Nice Guide!
A few points from me though:
1. I wouldn't take w level, especially on Blueside because it allows for a way better and faster clear of the doublegolems. E lvl 1 best imo because of the slow utility just in case you have some unwanted encounters in the jungle. For early trades AA+AA E is definitely stronger dmg wise than those 10 magic dmg u get from W.
If running ArPent Marks I'd just practice it cs'ing with it in a custom game to adjust to it instead of relying on W.
2. After the latest patch, imo definitely Q>W/E>E/W Q just does huuuuge dmg now, especially after you get your bt @ 11-13 min. E's dmg nerf is very noticable imo. What to max second is personal preference, I go E>W because I like the scaling slow % on E and %HP dmg is more important later into the game.
R.I.P. AP Varus Nashor's nerf and too many assassins too strong.
R>q>w>e is the best skill order atm.You start with q level 1 if you are blue side because you one shot small one and get the atk speed buff immediately.You get q if you think you will get zoned on red side so you can take the cs you wouldn't be able to otherwise just get e.
Obviously if a fight happens lvl 1 you will get e but you get skills the last possible second you don't learn them before you need them that's obvious .
Bt>zeal>lw is my personal favourite build but varus is one of the ad-s that pretty much any build order is viable honestly.
On June 06 2013 01:15 AsnSensation wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Nice Guide!
A few points from me though:
1. I wouldn't take w level, especially on Blueside because it allows for a way better and faster clear of the doublegolems. E lvl 1 best imo because of the slow utility just in case you have some unwanted encounters in the jungle. For early trades AA+AA E is definitely stronger dmg wise than those 10 magic dmg u get from W.
If running ArPent Marks I'd just practice it cs'ing with it in a custom game to adjust to it instead of relying on W.
2. After the latest patch, imo definitely Q>W/E>E/W Q just does huuuuge dmg now, especially after you get your bt @ 11-13 min. E's dmg nerf is very noticable imo. What to max second is personal preference, I go E>W because I like the scaling slow % on E and %HP dmg is more important later into the game.
R.I.P. AP Varus Nashor's nerf and too many assassins too strong.
On June 06 2013 01:25 nafta wrote:+ Show Spoiler +R>q>w>e is the best skill order atm.You start with q level 1 if you are blue side because you one shot small one and get the atk speed buff immediately.You get q if you think you will get zoned on red side so you can take the cs you wouldn't be able to otherwise just get e. Obviously if a fight happens lvl 1 you will get e but you get skills the last possible second you don't learn them before you need them that's obvious  . Bt>zeal>lw is my personal favourite build but varus is one of the ad-s that pretty much any build order is viable honestly.
I'll try out the lvl 1 stuff and see how I feel about it, even on paper I can see the merit on it. The ArPen marks are using the onhit damage make up for siding out AD reds for turret farming purposes. I've been having issues lately finding friends to jump in a custom game and push for me lately, which was an issue when I was rewriting the rune portion of the guide. Though in most realistic situations you aren't going to be pushed in lane until level 2 anyway.
I'll put in Q/BT first as another option, though I feel they are both viable options. I just followed what I saw the majority of Koreans do. 
Anything in particular you guys liked?
Hurricane should be more core than Shiv on Varus. It lets you rack up W stacks on 3 people in team fights and tearing them apart with when you land a skill and give arguably better wave clear than Shiv does. It may be my personal preference but I usually get better results when I get Hurricane for my main AS item.
Well I don't read any guides so my opinion on it doesn't mean anything :D.If someone needs to read something like this it's good I am only disagreeing with some of the stuff said ^^.
Valhalla18444 Posts
How come his Q's tooltip says he draws back his next shot, but it doesn't apply on-hit effects?
On June 06 2013 02:19 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: How come his Q's tooltip says he draws back his next shot, but it doesn't apply on-hit effects? Because it's a bow? ¯\(°_o)/¯
On June 06 2013 00:56 Gahlo wrote: If you go BotRK, you get a bottleneck with your AS between it and Berzerker Greaves. I tend to buy a Pickaxe before finishing BotRK to fix this. It causes a more organic stat buildup, allows opponent HP pools to build up more to make the most of the advantage of the active, and gives a quick transition into LW if you find yourself needing it a lot sooner than you would have thought. Shiv is picked over PD for mainly clearing, while tossing a tad more MS and magic AOE into the mix. maybe it won't be so great after the nerf, but i've been rushing elder lizard before botrk to provide an early balance between ad and attack speed and it feels pretty good.
the ad and passive burn make your long range poke hurt more and the spirit stone regen seems to put you over the line between running oom a little too frequently and having adequate mana to get stuff done.
as far as skilling is concerned, am i wrong for putting a 2nd point in Q first even if i'm maxing E? going from 15 to 70 base damage on a charged up Q seems like one of the highest % increase in base damage for a single skill point that i've seen.
also what do you guys think of varus mid? i started playing him there to replicate the way jayce can take huge chunks of a squishy champs hp by landing Q's from a safe distance and it has worked nicely so far. it'd probably be painful if you take a single step wrong against someone like zed or khazix, but against standard ap casters your Q outranges like everything and a couple auto's followed by an E seems to trade pretty nicely as long as you aren't taking every opponent skillshot in the face.
Valhalla18444 Posts
Varus is such an excellent champion. Easy to balance because of the simplicity of his kit, but it comes together really really well. Was very impressed by his design.
And I maintain that Varus is the universe's only male Harpy, which explains why he is so grumpy all the time. Them womens is cray
Thoughts on Ruunan's? Each bolt procs W if I'm not mistake, and the AoE lines up pretty well with E.
On June 06 2013 08:34 Apoptotic wrote: Thoughts on Ruunan's? Each bolt procs W if I'm not mistake, and the AoE lines up pretty well with E. No movement speed on it. It's "win-more."
On June 06 2013 08:34 Apoptotic wrote: Thoughts on Ruunan's? Each bolt procs W if I'm not mistake, and the AoE lines up pretty well with E.
It sucks, costs too much, doesnt give enough single target damage to burn down tanks in mid game, and it delays ie/crit/lw combo that you need to really kill people mid->late game, all so that you can do a bit more aoe that might not even be useful in a teamfight (other team too spread).
Which ADC arguably benefits the most from Runnan's??
On June 07 2013 11:32 GhostOwl wrote: Which ADC arguably benefits the most from Runnan's?? Probably Graves. He can take advantage of the extra hits to lower Quick Draw's cd, this having it inadvertantly give him mobility. However, the question really comes down to "Who does this item suck the least on?"
On June 07 2013 11:32 GhostOwl wrote: Which ADC arguably benefits the most from Runnan's??
Caitlyn. She benefits from Hurricane procs even on minions, and her long range lets her be far more likely to get multiple relevant targets.
On June 07 2013 15:25 JALbert wrote:Show nested quote +On June 07 2013 11:32 GhostOwl wrote: Which ADC arguably benefits the most from Runnan's?? Caitlyn. She benefits from Hurricane procs even on minions, and her long range lets her be far more likely to get multiple relevant targets. What am I reading? No one should be in range to be hit by hurricane if you're playing caitlyn.
On June 06 2013 01:25 nafta wrote:R>q>w>e is the best skill order atm.You start with q level 1 if you are blue side because you one shot small one and get the atk speed buff immediately.You get q if you think you will get zoned on red side so you can take the cs you wouldn't be able to otherwise just get e. Obviously if a fight happens lvl 1 you will get e but you get skills the last possible second you don't learn them before you need them that's obvious  . Bt>zeal>lw is my personal favourite build but varus is one of the ad-s that pretty much any build order is viable honestly.
How exactly do you kill the small golem in 1 hit? It has 300 hp :/ Maybe if your support throws an ability + auto too... But it's definitely not one shot!
Hmm, I never start with W first. I always start with either Q or E and max Q or E depending upon the lane. I always get W when I hit lvl 3 but I max it last depending on how I feel the game is going.
I always start with 1 Dorans and rush Bloodthirster then boots then PD then IE then LW and either GA or something else. I don't see the need for a Shiv because Varus has pretty good waveclear as it is and is just a waste of space in general in my opinon. Sometimes I go with BOTRK but not always. I prefer BT.
I just love Varus because he can be either very aggressive or very safe in lane.