I am Marine. I manage Impulse eSports. I wanted to make a statement in regards to what has been brought against our team and player PhysicsLee.
I just want to say to everyone that I would never knowingly allow a hacker to be a part of my team, and I hope that at least some people will believe that. I have managed this team for a very long time now. We came up from a clan called xDooMx back at SC2's start. I have always, in my own life and with this team, strived to do my best and what is right every day. I think that is all that anyone can do.
This being said I will also share a bit of a story because I feel it relates to this situation, and may shine a light on how I handle a situation such as this, and how I think we should all look at SC2 a bit more in these types of situations.
About 5 or so years ago I was involved in a bad situation. Someone felt that I was snitching on someone on trial, and began to spread rumors and accusations against me. None of it was true, but I watched as one by one almost everyone I knew began to accuse and shun me. I had a friend, however, who never turned on me, but also let me know if these things were true I should run. Anyways, the documents came out, and they proved that I had never said a damn thing. I will never forget how it felt to have at least one person believe me amidst a sea of accusers.
Because of this, I believe very strongly in “Innocent until proven guilty”. However, I do believe you should be cooperating in an investigation, and searching for the truth in the situation. I have done my best to co-operate with URTL and talk to others in the community. Before this ever grew to this magnitude I looked at some replays, talked to other people in the community, and even Lee’s previous team managers in an attempt to figure out what was going on. I never saw anything I felt was conclusive. I talked to my player, and he has sworn he is innocent. As a team manager I want to believe my player and stand by his side. “Innocent until proven guilty”
In light of all of the new things coming forward, and some people investigating Lee, I have decided to pull him from all competitions and leagues. I fully understand URTL’s decision as I stated before, and I hope that we can get to the truth. I would say to those who believe he is hacking or boosting: gather all your evidence and save it. Then, when you feel you truly have all you need to make a case, do it, outline it, and make something very solid and substantial.
Finally, if Lee is shown to be confirmed guilty, I will be the first one to apologize and go after him. I love this game, and hate hackers that ruin it. But, like I have said, he has sworn he is innocent, and I believe the right thing to do here is trust someone who has never given me reason not to. Maybe I will end up being wrong, but “If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything”. This is just me trying to do my best in a very difficult situation.
P.S. If anyone has experience with a situation like this I would welcome any good advice.
Good post. Glad to hear that you are not going to jump the gun off a few pieces of evidence. Quite honorable that you also stand by your players until the time is right.
you seem nice. and thats nice. best of luck to impulse.
I don't have anything to add, but GL in this tough time. Stay positive and things will work out.
What is URTL's decision, I saw it mentioned a few times in your post but never saw what it was?
that's good and all, but for people like me who have no idea what you are talking about, you should have explained the situation or linked to a previous thread :D
Innocent until proven guilty is what most people seem to forget when it comes to (supposed) hackers~
I feel like the semi-pro scene has a lot of drama and a culture of its own O.o
who and the what scandal?
On April 19 2013 04:27 RemarK wrote: What is URTL's decision, I saw it mentioned a few times in your post but never saw what it was?
First they cleared him. Now they said it is pending review, and he may not play till they come to a conclusion.
Interesting, yet another post about some drama around some player on some team... without details or a rundown of what happened - other than that "somebody" hacked or something.
Is there some thread/link containing context for this? I haven't heard anything about this until now.
Physics is a boosted account - he has a booster play both GM ladder games and clanwars for him. The booster uses a production tab hack but does not maphack, so the replays generally look fine (it's just that he always seems lucky in countering builds). Source: I know the guy who boosts his account and I've been following this situation for some time wondering when it would come to light.
Very, very easy way to prove this for yourself:
Tell physics to send you the replays from the games he played on stream yesterday (where he went 0-8), or any other games where you KNOW 100% that it's him. This would exclude clanwar reps where he all-killed, GM ladder games that are on replay sites like drop.sc, etc.
Compare the two batches of replays in SC2gears. They will be nothing alike.
The booster has good mechanics, but his apm is much lower (200-250 or so). The guy who you know as physics has different hotkeys and much higher apm (300-400+, because he spams a lot) but has much worse mechanics and is a significantly worse player overall.
There, that's it. You can even tell looking at Physics' match history on battlenet. Whenever he's on one of his insane ladder winstreaks, or playing a clanwar game, his apm will be in the 200's. Whenever it's him playing as himself, it will be in the 400's. The pattern will match up 100%.
If you want to discuss further, PM me.
On April 19 2013 04:48 orangeorange wrote: Physics is a boosted account - he has a booster play both GM ladder games and clanwars for him. The booster uses a production tab hack but does not maphack, so the replays generally look fine (it's just that he always seems lucky in countering builds). Source: I know the guy who boosts his account and I've been following this situation for some time wondering when it would come to light.
Very, very easy way to prove this for yourself:
Tell physics to send you the replays from the games he played on stream yesterday (where he went 0-8), or any other games where you KNOW 100% that it's him. This would exclude clanwar reps where he all-killed, GM ladder games that are on replay sites like drop.sc, etc.
Compare the two batches of replays in SC2gears. They will be nothing alike.
The booster has good mechanics, but his apm is much lower (200-250 or so). The guy who you know as physics has different hotkeys and much higher apm (300-400+, because he spams a lot) but has much worse mechanics and is a significantly worse player overall.
There, that's it. You can even tell looking at Physics' match history on battlenet. Whenever he's on one of his insane ladder winstreaks, or playing a clanwar game, his apm will be in the 200's. Whenever it's him playing as himself, it will be in the 400's. The pattern will match up 100%.
Pretty much what I thought http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/1ck1vo/physicslee_and_the_impulse_esports_scandal/c9hakk1?context=3
On April 19 2013 04:48 orangeorange wrote: Physics is a boosted account - he has a booster play both GM ladder games and clanwars for him. The booster uses a production tab hack but does not maphack, so the replays generally look fine (it's just that he always seems lucky in countering builds). Source: I know the guy who boosts his account and I've been following this situation for some time wondering when it would come to light.
Very, very easy way to prove this for yourself:
Tell physics to send you the replays from the games he played on stream yesterday (where he went 0-8), or any other games where you KNOW 100% that it's him. This would exclude clanwar reps where he all-killed, GM ladder games that are on replay sites like drop.sc, etc.
Compare the two batches of replays in SC2gears. They will be nothing alike.
The booster has good mechanics, but his apm is much lower (200-250 or so). The guy who you know as physics has different hotkeys and much higher apm (300-400+, because he spams a lot) but has much worse mechanics and is a significantly worse player overall.
There, that's it. You can even tell looking at Physics' match history on battlenet. Whenever he's on one of his insane ladder winstreaks, or playing a clanwar game, his apm will be in the 200's. Whenever it's him playing as himself, it will be in the 400's. The pattern will match up 100%.
If you want to discuss further, PM me.
Hey orange I sent you a PM.
I would suggest trying what orangeorange talks about. I also think physics isn't a maphack abuser at all, just a guy paying the wrong people to level his account. Haven't seen evidence that indicates he himself uses cheats.
I want to remind everyone that this CHEAT player fake GM "PhysicsLee" is also asking for donations on his stream. This guy is a liar trying to scam people out of money by misleading them about who he is. This guy lost 0-8 while streaming 1v1 yet somehow prior to those 8 games was on a 22 game consecutive win streak in high GM!!!! LOLLLL this guy is a scamming lying piece of trash who deserves severe punishment from the community.
On April 19 2013 05:50 TricksAre4Figs wrote: I want to remind everyone that this CHEAT player fake GM "PhysicsLee" is also asking for donations on his stream. This guy is a liar trying to scam people out of money by misleading them about who he is. This guy lost 0-8 while streaming 1v1 yet somehow prior to those 8 games was on a 22 game consecutive win streak in high GM!!!! LOLLLL this guy is a scamming lying piece of trash who deserves severe punishment from the community.
Why don't put everything on hold until we get some kawairice level of proof ? :p
Don't see the need for the thread when the vast majority of readers aren't going to be aware of the "scandal" in the first place.
Would have been more efficient to just apologize on Skype and Battlenet and PMs zzz.
On April 19 2013 04:48 orangeorange wrote: Physics is a boosted account - he has a booster play both GM ladder games and clanwars for him. The booster uses a production tab hack but does not maphack, so the replays generally look fine (it's just that he always seems lucky in countering builds). Source: I know the guy who boosts his account and I've been following this situation for some time wondering when it would come to light.
Very, very easy way to prove this for yourself:
Tell physics to send you the replays from the games he played on stream yesterday (where he went 0-8), or any other games where you KNOW 100% that it's him. This would exclude clanwar reps where he all-killed, GM ladder games that are on replay sites like drop.sc, etc.
Compare the two batches of replays in SC2gears. They will be nothing alike.
The booster has good mechanics, but his apm is much lower (200-250 or so). The guy who you know as physics has different hotkeys and much higher apm (300-400+, because he spams a lot) but has much worse mechanics and is a significantly worse player overall.
There, that's it. You can even tell looking at Physics' match history on battlenet. Whenever he's on one of his insane ladder winstreaks, or playing a clanwar game, his apm will be in the 200's. Whenever it's him playing as himself, it will be in the 400's. The pattern will match up 100%.
If you want to discuss further, PM me. Since you the know guy "boosting" you should get them to make an announcement about it, or out them yourself. Both of them are in the wrong here if it's true, imo.
On April 19 2013 07:36 Gamegene wrote: Don't see the need for the thread when the vast majority of readers aren't going to be aware of the "scandal" in the first place.
Would have been more efficient to just apologize on Skype and Battlenet and PMs zzz.
This is not an apology as that would indicate some level of guilt. It is simply a statement in regards to a Reddit post which is linked at the top.