Lately there have been a few requests in the NA Practice Group thread for replay analysis. I enjoy doing these and giving a running commentary, as it is a form of wish fulfillment for me, as I decided to go to grad school instead of getting into casting for League. So, in the hopes of making teamliquid into better players in general, let's begin!
Here are the ground rules:
1) I will probably say things that come off as insulting. This is not because I don't like you, it's because I'm an insensitive, elitist, washed-up jerk--however, as a general rule, I don't say these things unless they are true.
2) I love doing this, but I am busy with becoming a doctor in clinical psychology, macking teh honeys, and generally being 25. I probably can't do more than one a day or a couple a week depending on my schedule.
3) I'm not, by any means, an amazing player, and I don't claim to be. I'm bad--but my standard of comparison is running into CLG in normals pre-season 1, getting dominated by Nyjacky in ranked 5s, having once been top 200 in NA, and being friends with a bunch of strong plat/diamond players. I'm not trying to be modest when I say that I'm not good, but just keep in mind that my reference point for both you and me is in the nosebleeds.
4) With that in mind, I welcome replays of all levels! I think it's great that you want to get better at this game! I owe everything to the people who taught me how to play by talking to me or playing with me or giving me lessons or just letting me watch them soar over people's heads and go 24-0-x bravery Kat (Locodoco, Jougen, Yiruru, Smash, Chauster, Dyrus, Milo, Navi, Gandhi, Soniv, Roffles, Neo, Uta, and many, many others that I can't remember off the top of my head). I also learned a lot from playing with TL in the infancy stages of this forum, back when we were just THE BIGGEST THREAD ON TL gggggggggggggggg so shoutout to all the TL players, good and bad, who have gamed with me and witnessed a real 5HITCOMBO bipolar rage moment.
5) That being said, I will sometimes stop in the middle of a replay if I think that there's not much instructional value in it. Sometimes their Draven will go 10-0 in the first 6 minutes of the game, and there's not much you can learn about getting 2-shot after that point.
Anyway, let's get started analyzing! Post away!
Please include your runes and masteries and a short synopsis of the game and anything you want looked at in particular with a link to your replay in LOLReplay .
Here is an example: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=352635¤tpage=39#763
I remember you from back in the day. I might do this if I can get LoLreplay to work, it was laggin me out whenever I used it.
I'm going to play a game and upload the replay afterwards. Would love to know what I can improve about my general gameplay.
I'm pretty excited about this. If you feel like doing this live on stream for funsies, lemme know....
ok Corvette I will do it no idea why because I should go to bed and im sick but I always like to do those, will edit it in later. Just one thing upinfront: I will mention your mistakes I will completly (mostly) ignore the mistakes of the teammates/enemy so I sometimes tell that you did a mistake even though it worked because of your information when you made the judgement.
I guess you play Janna, cause its uploaded from jannas pov?
Edit: that is not spectator replay, which makes that really really hard and the first time I started it took a year to load and was hella bugged Yeah that is unwatchable for me sorry, might be a bug on my side or with the replay, maybe its better I should really go to bed
LEAGUEREPLAYS LINK: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2742524/ MIRROR: http://www.mediafire.com/?cgvqv29mj8wmjnf
I'm probably going to write a lot of stuff here such as skill levels, and my own comments, etc. so I wanna put it into spoilers. Pregame information/context: + Show Spoiler +This is a tourney game for my school, consequently I'd like your comments for all the people on my team (though it might be a lot to ask really). I'm the Olaf, and of course my friends are on my team. I chose this replay we beat this team 2-1 but now in the finals we have to face them again and this is the game we lost. Last season I peaked just above 1700, my jungler peaked middle 1600s, my mid peaked 1697, the ADC made 1500 and the support peaked in mid-1600s as well (I feel this may be relevant due to the elo of the people we played against). As for their team, the ADC/Support duo were 1700/1500 though they didn't play like it (imoimo), their mid is 1650 atm, top something silver and jungler 1900 though now he's 2k.
Champ Select + Show Spoiler + As we were most threatened by their jungler we opted to ban his two strongest junglers, Shaco and Amumu. His third (and only remaining) jungler is Maokai, who we left open here because we wanted to either take it from him or play Lee against it, however they banned Lee and we ended up fping Blitz so it was probably a mistake to just let him have a champ he was strong on. Bans: Shaco/Lee (perhaps targeting our jangler) Amumu/Vlad (targeting our mid in case this doesn't make sense l0l) Shen/Zyra
Picks: Blitz/Mao Leona Graves Cho/Ez WW Olaf Morg/Ahri
Rationale: As mentioned we banned his junglers who are also coincidentally champions that tend to give us problems. Our ADC plays mainly Ezreal and Graves with some Caitlyn, so we knew we could take Ez or Graves along with Blitz which our support used to main, so when Blitz was left open we fped him. They then picked Mao (his only jungler remaining so that makes sense) and Leona to counter Blitz. We got Cho and Graves for aoe/teamfighting and because Cho is an ambiguous pick since both my jungler and I play Cho. Graves also should go well with Blitz for the in lane burst off of grabs. They grabbed Ez/WW so I knew it was WW top. For my pick I got Olaf and my mid took Morg as a pretty safe mid who can farm against pretty much anything. I picked Olaf because I recognized the Maokai + WW combination as something that I ran into something a lot a long time ago when WW top was actually popular and wanted to be able to trololol away from the inevitable level 6 gank. However they then picked Ahri which is good against both of our solos and in retrospect perhaps Olaf wasn't such a great pick because I had trouble catching their carries.
My game analysis/questions. This section will be mostly from my point of view as I know what I was thinking but not necessarily what my teammates were thinking. + Show Spoiler + 0:00 - As a team we generally don't like invading as much but our level 1 plan is virtually always to ward their wraiths, so we proceed to do that. However we definitely didn't move out of fountain quickly enough. I opted for a boots 3 start in case we got a catch at their wraiths/Mao level 3 ganked top. 0:55 - Sure enough we found Ahri at their wraiths but failed to capitalize burning both Blitz's flash and hers. Morg was trying to bait out Ahri's juke by just autoing her but probably should have just thrown the binding as if it had landed Ahri would be 100% dead. Nevertheless we get our ward down and they counterward it and we run down to our red to check for a potential counterinvade. 2:16 - WW gets to lane and I note that he must have warded the river due to his starting items. 3:00 - As Cho goes for the invade on Mao's red I get in position to prevent WW from going to assist. Should I have just gone to his red? In the end I don't feel like this invade was worth it as although Mao had to back Cho got nearly nothing out of it and had to walk all the way back to our jungle setting him back. 3:14 - I get the hell out of his tri cause he has exhaust ignite 4:20 - Mao comes in to gank top and we turn it. However Mao gets out. For my first back I got a flask cause feel that playing against WW is really playing against his mana bar early so I wanted to be able to still be in lane for when he was oom so I could shove/kill. 7:30 - We're both about half health, I have ignite and he has no summoners. I opted to play it safe here but in retrospect I feel like having ult I could have just ignited him and gone for the kill. Meanwhile at dragon we have a miscommunication and lose a fight resulting in them getting drag. 10:25 - Our ward spots Mao heading top, Cho looks for the countergank. This is a pretty big play here. 11:14 - Cho misplaced his rupture slightly and I ran away as I was low and my abilities were on cd. However I didn't take into account Cho's feast and further misplayed by tunneling on Mao since he was closer instead of going for my axe to hopefully snipe WW with a long range undertow or else better damage Mao. Our ward spots Ahri heading top but Morg wanted to fight anyway so we stayed. 11:30 - Morg flashes over the wall and doesn't shield herself while ulting only WW then Ahri cleans us up. This is what really started setting us back I think. However it's important to note at this point bot lane is so ridiculously in our favor we're only behind 1k despite being down 4 kills and a drag. 14:50 - I come down for a dragon play but both of us back off. I was really scared because Ahri was so big, but should we have just forced the issue 5v4? The fact that all I did was push mid a bit and then go back top really let WW get his cs back up. 16:20 - Fight at drag, they get it but we trade 1 + top turret for it. 18:00 - We probably should be grouped now shoving mid tbh 20:30 - Pick on Mao but we backed off the inner turret since we were low and Ez was full. 23:30 - Fight at their inner turret. Morg did not shield herself when she went in then we all eat a billion damage from Maokai ult and Ahri's spells and we lose the fight despite getting their turret. 25:30 - Pings at baron. Since there were 2 bot (did not know Mao was backing) I feel like we could have just taken it. Also Morg gets a giants belt for some reason (??? lol) Then at this point we start wasting a whole lot of time mid despite the fact that it's already all the way pushed. I think we were afraid of Mao/Ahri at that point but I think we should have just started shoving out the other lanes as 5 instead of letting them farm for free. The whole idea here was that we could win a fight so we wanted to get a hook but it just never happened. 30:20 - Morg ulted only Leona and we weren't in position 32:30 - Fight in their top jungle. Since all Ez had was a triforce I wanted to zone Ahri out but didn't do a good enough job. Also no one prevented WW from destroying Graves so he dies (definite misplay with how much interruption we have thru Morg shield/Cho qw/Blitz qer). WIth 4 alive and them losing Mao we make a baron play. We get interrupted but kill 2 and back. After this point I felt like WW was suddenly too tanky and managed to get on Graves every fight, Maokai was unkillable and I couldn't catch Ez nor Ahri. We kept fighting and sometimes won fights but they took an inhib off of Ez quadra and we slowly lost by attrition.
General questions/notes - I maxed Q first for waveclear and reliability, but should I be maxing E first in the WW lane? - We wasted a LOT of time just wandering out in mid lane for no reason while WW/Ezreal caught up in farm. This along with the Ahri triple kill probably is what killed us in the end. - I've stopped doing my own analysis past the Ezreal quadra kill because I feel at that point the game was pretty much over and it's a lot of the same thing happening in the same way. Nevertheless it was a really close and intense game.
Thanks in advance for your input!
EDIT: Added a leaguereplays.com link
On January 30 2013 10:05 57 Corvette wrote:So I've been in this situation may times before, supporting for a bad ADC. What things otherwise could I improve on (Other than build, I know I didn't have sightstone and its important) http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2742141/ Yeah, sorry corvette, this is gonna be hard without a spectator replay, could you find one where you have replay functions on your replay?
On January 30 2013 11:47 OnceKing wrote:LEAGUEREPLAYS LINK: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2742524/MIRROR: http://www.mediafire.com/?cgvqv29mj8wmjnfI'm probably going to write a lot of stuff here such as skill levels, and my own comments, etc. so I wanna put it into spoilers. Pregame information/context: + Show Spoiler +This is a tourney game for my school, consequently I'd like your comments for all the people on my team (though it might be a lot to ask really). I'm the Olaf, and of course my friends are on my team. I chose this replay we beat this team 2-1 but now in the finals we have to face them again and this is the game we lost. Last season I peaked just above 1700, my jungler peaked middle 1600s, my mid peaked 1697, the ADC made 1500 and the support peaked in mid-1600s as well (I feel this may be relevant due to the elo of the people we played against). As for their team, the ADC/Support duo were 1700/1500 though they didn't play like it (imoimo), their mid is 1650 atm, top something silver and jungler 1900 though now he's 2k.
Champ Select + Show Spoiler + As we were most threatened by their jungler we opted to ban his two strongest junglers, Shaco and Amumu. His third (and only remaining) jungler is Maokai, who we left open here because we wanted to either take it from him or play Lee against it, however they banned Lee and we ended up fping Blitz so it was probably a mistake to just let him have a champ he was strong on. Bans: Shaco/Lee (perhaps targeting our jangler) Amumu/Vlad (targeting our mid in case this doesn't make sense l0l) Shen/Zyra
Picks: Blitz/Mao Leona Graves Cho/Ez WW Olaf Morg/Ahri
Rationale: As mentioned we banned his junglers who are also coincidentally champions that tend to give us problems. Our ADC plays mainly Ezreal and Graves with some Caitlyn, so we knew we could take Ez or Graves along with Blitz which our support used to main, so when Blitz was left open we fped him. They then picked Mao (his only jungler remaining so that makes sense) and Leona to counter Blitz. We got Cho and Graves for aoe/teamfighting and because Cho is an ambiguous pick since both my jungler and I play Cho. Graves also should go well with Blitz for the in lane burst off of grabs. They grabbed Ez/WW so I knew it was WW top. For my pick I got Olaf and my mid took Morg as a pretty safe mid who can farm against pretty much anything. I picked Olaf because I recognized the Maokai + WW combination as something that I ran into something a lot a long time ago when WW top was actually popular and wanted to be able to trololol away from the inevitable level 6 gank. However they then picked Ahri which is good against both of our solos and in retrospect perhaps Olaf wasn't such a great pick because I had trouble catching their carries.
My game analysis/questions. This section will be mostly from my point of view as I know what I was thinking but not necessarily what my teammates were thinking. + Show Spoiler + 0:00 - As a team we generally don't like invading as much but our level 1 plan is virtually always to ward their wraiths, so we proceed to do that. However we definitely didn't move out of fountain quickly enough. I opted for a boots 3 start in case we got a catch at their wraiths/Mao level 3 ganked top. 0:55 - Sure enough we found Ahri at their wraiths but failed to capitalize burning both Blitz's flash and hers. Morg was trying to bait out Ahri's juke by just autoing her but probably should have just thrown the binding as if it had landed Ahri would be 100% dead. Nevertheless we get our ward down and they counterward it and we run down to our red to check for a potential counterinvade. 2:16 - WW gets to lane and I note that he must have warded the river due to his starting items. 3:00 - As Cho goes for the invade on Mao's red I get in position to prevent WW from going to assist. Should I have just gone to his red? In the end I don't feel like this invade was worth it as although Mao had to back Cho got nearly nothing out of it and had to walk all the way back to our jungle setting him back. 3:14 - I get the hell out of his tri cause he has exhaust ignite 4:20 - Mao comes in to gank top and we turn it. However Mao gets out. For my first back I got a flask cause feel that playing against WW is really playing against his mana bar early so I wanted to be able to still be in lane for when he was oom so I could shove/kill. 7:30 - We're both about half health, I have ignite and he has no summoners. I opted to play it safe here but in retrospect I feel like having ult I could have just ignited him and gone for the kill. Meanwhile at dragon we have a miscommunication and lose a fight resulting in them getting drag. 10:25 - Our ward spots Mao heading top, Cho looks for the countergank. This is a pretty big play here. 11:14 - Cho misplaced his rupture slightly and I ran away as I was low and my abilities were on cd. However I didn't take into account Cho's feast and further misplayed by tunneling on Mao since he was closer instead of going for my axe to hopefully snipe WW with a long range undertow or else better damage Mao. Our ward spots Ahri heading top but Morg wanted to fight anyway so we stayed. 11:30 - Morg flashes over the wall and doesn't shield herself while ulting only WW then Ahri cleans us up. This is what really started setting us back I think. However it's important to note at this point bot lane is so ridiculously in our favor we're only behind 1k despite being down 4 kills and a drag. 14:50 - I come down for a dragon play but both of us back off. I was really scared because Ahri was so big, but should we have just forced the issue 5v4? The fact that all I did was push mid a bit and then go back top really let WW get his cs back up. 16:20 - Fight at drag, they get it but we trade 1 + top turret for it. 18:00 - We probably should be grouped now shoving mid tbh 20:30 - Pick on Mao but we backed off the inner turret since we were low and Ez was full. 23:30 - Fight at their inner turret. Morg did not shield herself when she went in then we all eat a billion damage from Maokai ult and Ahri's spells and we lose the fight despite getting their turret. 25:30 - Pings at baron. Since there were 2 bot (did not know Mao was backing) I feel like we could have just taken it. Also Morg gets a giants belt for some reason (??? lol) Then at this point we start wasting a whole lot of time mid despite the fact that it's already all the way pushed. I think we were afraid of Mao/Ahri at that point but I think we should have just started shoving out the other lanes as 5 instead of letting them farm for free. The whole idea here was that we could win a fight so we wanted to get a hook but it just never happened. 30:20 - Morg ulted only Leona and we weren't in position 32:30 - Fight in their top jungle. Since all Ez had was a triforce I wanted to zone Ahri out but didn't do a good enough job. Also no one prevented WW from destroying Graves so he dies (definite misplay with how much interruption we have thru Morg shield/Cho qw/Blitz qer). WIth 4 alive and them losing Mao we make a baron play. We get interrupted but kill 2 and back. After this point I felt like WW was suddenly too tanky and managed to get on Graves every fight, Maokai was unkillable and I couldn't catch Ez nor Ahri. We kept fighting and sometimes won fights but they took an inhib off of Ez quadra and we slowly lost by attrition.
General questions/notes - I maxed Q first for waveclear and reliability, but should I be maxing E first in the WW lane? - We wasted a LOT of time just wandering out in mid lane for no reason while WW/Ezreal caught up in farm. This along with the Ahri triple kill probably is what killed us in the end. - I've stopped doing my own analysis past the Ezreal quadra kill because I feel at that point the game was pretty much over and it's a lot of the same thing happening in the same way. Nevertheless it was a really close and intense game.
Thanks in advance for your input! EDIT: Added a leaguereplays.com link Okay, I'll see what I can do as far as a whole-team analysis .
0:46 - This is a case of bush anxiety by Morgana. She can't just stop moving while she's in the bush and she reveals herself before your team is ready for no reason. I think the standard opening build in solo lanes has evolved beyond boots + 3 or boots ward pot--nowadays it's either cloth 5, red pot + pots, faerie + pots, or 2 wards + infinity pots. Morgana's gonna get pushed out of lane by Ahri really easily with one pot for sustain and no mana regen, and you could lane for 10 minutes in complete safety if you started something like 2 wards + hella pots.
0:58 - Practice skillshots! That was the easiest bind and hook of all time! Blitz definitely shouldn't have flashed, either.
1:00 - Too split on the invade, work on team cohesion and sticking as a tight unit. You can spread into two groups or something like that but make sure that if you get engaged on by 4 (Ahri you saw go around the corner already) that you can fight it or safely escape.
1:30 - I think you should definitely start Chogath with a wolf -> blue start, and as blue team you should have Graves/Blitz take small golems so they hit level 2 on the first wave. The reason for Cho at blue buff is that it gives him sustain and speeds his clear time and when you take red buff it lasts longer during the times you'll be peaking in terms of early gank power (level 3/4).
2:00 - You don't need to leash him that hard, he should just chug potions. Now bot lane has missed half the first wave and Ezreal/Leona are ahead on experience, which is pretty hard for Graves/Blitz.
2:50 - As Olaf vs Warwick, you definitely just want to focus on farming. Small amounts of harass to make him waste his mana and pots is good, but your priority is getting that Giant's Belt so you can 100% ignore him and make him look dumb for being so weak. Just farm perfectly, he can't do anything to you without a gank or level 6 so you have total control of the lane until then. Bully him a bit, but not at the expense of your cs--you're the strongest bruiser in the game right now with items, so just focus on hitting your plateaus asap.
3:00 - Your Chogath goes in to counterjungle which feels like a really bad choice here. He catches Mao and forces him out but then what? No kill is really possible given the events that happened and Cho can really only take smalls. Meanwhile, you start running towards their red buff and miss the experience from a siege creep plus a bunch of small minions while giving Warwick free damage on you. Now Warwick is going to be massively ahead in levels and gold on you for no gain on your team's part. I would suggest cutting the fancy plays out of your team strategy. Just play totally standard until you guys get to the point where you understand more sophisticated tactics like counterjungling. Right now, you guys are totally owning yourselves trying to make big plays because they're just failing and all of the investment of time and missed xp/cs/time/free damage that went into it is for nothing. Personally, I time all of my risky stuff to be when there's no chance I'll miss a siege minion. Understanding siege minions is one of the most important parts of zone theory.
3:20 - Blitz should ward a bit further out against a strong cc ganker like maokai instead of trying to be economical with wards. You want one to see him coming as soon as he even comes close to dragon and one in the tribush in case he comes around the backside, at least until Morg starts warding her sides of the river.
3:50 - You are currently way overextended with no wards and very low possibility of farming. You might want to use this time to go buy wards and some pots or something, but it's hard because you tried to make that play and only have 10 cs. Warwick is going to be very happy with his lane situation and will most likely hit 6 before you.
4:20 - Sho nuff, you gettin gank3d. If I saw you pushed that hard to the tower with a start that I knew didn't have any wards I'd be camping your lane until you bought wards.
5:00 - WTF LOL THEY ARE SO BAD HAHAHAHAHA (this is why you don't chase). Now you are going to be massively ahead in lane. Damn, they just totally threw their massive advantage for no reason when they could have just taken your tower and made you miss 3 waves of xp.
5:50 - Remember that thing I said earlier about the tribush ward? Here comes Maokai into a Leona Ezreal lane.
6:00 - Your harass timing is really bad. You're tanking about 7 caster creeps and you've got no armor, the amount of damage you're taking from attacking Warwick is a lot larger and he outsustains you. Just farm here--your goal is to get too big to kill by farming and only kill this retarded ignite/exhaust Warwick when he makes a huge mistake.
6:37 - It's better than nothing, but that's not going to give you much warning that Maokai's coming. I'd have put it in the tribush and asked my Morgana to ward their wraiths. That way you can't really be surprised by any river ganks of any sort. At the same time, your Chogath is at their blue warding, which is good because you know it's going to be up soon, but he's really behind in jungle and 2 of his own camps are still up. He should focus on playing standard and just getting strong so he can be useful later instead of setting himself behind on levels to go for hail mary counterjungle plays. Also, tell Cho to get 2 points in e at the very least before maxing W.
7:20 - Case in point, Cho gets owned after setting himself back trying to make a huge play. He has to learn how to not outplay himself before he starts trying to outplay other people.
7:40 - Now your whole team is trying to save a completely dead player and it gets Blitz killed. If someone gets caught doing something retarded just cut them off before they spread the cancer to the rest of your team.
8:00 - See how one player's incredibly bad plays can give the opponents massively free advantages? The other team gets 2 kills and a dragon for free because they warded and waited for Cho to outplay his own team. Now you guys are massively behind. This is how you snowball against bad players, you just ward the rivers, farm, and play totally standard. Wait and just keep letting their weak players own their team then take objectives after they own themselves.
9:58 - Finally Blitz wards a good spot on the map. That's exactly where you need it against a ganker that can gapclose from long distances like Mao.
10:15 - Here goes Cho again, trying to make a high-risk, low-probability, low-payoff situation while he's behind already and his entire jungle is up. Worse, he's got double buffs so this kind of play might not only set him behind, but potentially set the enemy team ahead. Graves and Blitz get engaged on by Ezreal/Leona bot lane and end up trading Ezzy for Blitz, which is really good for you guys.
11:20 - This was bad because like the only way for you guys to get a kill here is to bait WW into ulting Olaf (which he is basically never going to do unless your ult is down) and Cho just sat in the bush taxing xp for a minute while you didn't even try to zone WW and just indiscriminately shoved him to tower. You should have at least let him come out and calmly controlled the wave so it sat in the middle of the lane. Maokai is there and Cho doing nothing for a full minute pays off in a retarded manner, but when WW ults you and you break it with your ult for some reason you don't all-in with Cho and no kills come of it.
11:43 - Morgana tries to make a huge, greedy towerdive play and gets Ahri a triple kill by just showing up.
I'm gonna stop analyzing here. Your team's main problem is that you guys think that you're going to outplay the other team by doing insanely risky stuff and you end up owning yourselves as the enemy team sits there like wtf lol ok free kills. You all need to learn how to play safe before you can start playing risky. Everyone needs to farm better, and you guys should probably look at some pro games and watch the spots that they ward and try to figure out why they ward where at the time they do, and what their coverage looks like and why. Mechanically, everyone was about as good as the other team was, so it's not a matter of skill. You guys are just outplaying yourselves too hard by doing high-risk, low-payoff, heavy-investment kinds of plays. The kinds of plays you want to make are very small ones, like zoning your lane opponent off of a siege creep or doing a timed shove of a minion wave to a tower so you can go buy right before an objective comes up or a gank timing comes. As it stands, your team doesn't understand how to play standard, so when they go to outplay it ends up working against them.
As far as champ select goes, I'll just say that Olaf is never, ever a bad pick, so don't worry about that .
Alright, thanks a lot! I'll show my team your comments and we'll work on it.
Ranked caitlyn play, brand snowballed stupidly hard but I'm mostly looking for mechanic / laning tips
The Vayne replay is for comments on my laning against a kill lane (Taric/Graves). I think i played perhaps a little too scared for a long period of time in lane, when I could have gotten more harrass in for a less favourable all in on their part.
Mastery/Runes + Show Spoiler +I think I generally run a 14/13/3 mastery page on ads, with a 9 ad red, 9 mr blue, 9 armor seal, and ad quints for runes. Very standard stuff. On Vayne I might run the standard 21/9/0 but I've come to really like the defensive perks the 14/13/3 gives and it makes me feel a lot tankier when trading in lane.
Thoughts on the games + Show Spoiler +So I personally don't think there's too much to learn from the Caitlyn game since the Brand was 21/2/X or something ridiculous. All fights were decided in a matter of seconds. However I do want to scrutinize my own laning mechanics, as it's one of the things I'm trying to work on at the moment. Team fighting and the like can come later, but every game starts at the lane.
Some of the things I want to really take a harder look at, for Caitlyn specifically, is harrassing in lane, trap placement, and more generally is how to stay calm in a trade/fight so I output the necessary damage without getting myself into too much trouble.
The second point comes especially hard for me at times, and I think this is very evident when I'm against a more aggressive lane, ie Blitz/Leona/Taric. I tend to play far too scared, and I zone myself a lot of the times. I think I played fairly well against the Taric/Graves lane in the second replay, but I still think I played far too passive for too long, and I think i was down 30+ cs at some point when I dont' think I really needed to be. Thresh also made a few very clutch hooks to swing the kills in my favor in the mid game.
One last thing I suppose is a general guide line on how to play from behind. I think from my first caitlyn replay you saw that I was very flustered and played very poorly after the first few grabs in lane. Support issues aside, I still think I should have been more vigilant and calm even when playing from the backfoot, but I'm really not sure how to do this.
Thanks in advance if you have the time to take a look at this 5hit <3
I am not mister 5Hit but I will do that, I can watch it will spoiler it
ok, removed the thoughts on the game and wont watch the vayne game, why do you post games like this when you are 13/1 at the end, yes you can learn stuff from that but you can learn more from games when you are far behind.
Unfortunately LoLrecorder recorded that Janna game in first person only, but I have another game I'd ask to be analyzed, mainly focusing on what to do when behind in jungle early and what to do when your team doesn't help you/respond to pings/whatever
On January 30 2013 21:01 Ente wrote: I am not mister 5Hit but I will do that, I can watch it will spoiler it
ok, removed the thoughts on the game and wont watch the vayne game, why do you post games like this when you are 13/1 at the end, yes you can learn stuff from that but you can learn more from games when you are far behind. Ah ok, I mostly just wanted to take a look at my lane play, but I know what you mean. I'll see if I can get replays of games that weren't too one sided.
I'd like to send good old 5hit a replay, but I don't know how to make one. How u do diz.
On January 31 2013 10:56 Ketara wrote: I'd like to send good old 5hit a replay, but I don't know how to make one. How u do diz. http://www.leaguereplays.com/
download the client thing, and make sure it's running while you're playing. One thing to note, if you're using the spec mode replay option, make sure to wait at least 3+ minutes after your game has ended before viewing the replay or it's hella buggy, and typically breaks the replay in my experience.
On January 30 2013 15:13 Nos- wrote:Ranked caitlyn play, brand snowballed stupidly hard but I'm mostly looking for mechanic / laning tips http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/1255376The Vayne replay is for comments on my laning against a kill lane (Taric/Graves). I think i played perhaps a little too scared for a long period of time in lane, when I could have gotten more harrass in for a less favourable all in on their part. http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/1255402Mastery/Runes + Show Spoiler +I think I generally run a 14/13/3 mastery page on ads, with a 9 ad red, 9 mr blue, 9 armor seal, and ad quints for runes. Very standard stuff. On Vayne I might run the standard 21/9/0 but I've come to really like the defensive perks the 14/13/3 gives and it makes me feel a lot tankier when trading in lane. Thoughts on the games + Show Spoiler +So I personally don't think there's too much to learn from the Caitlyn game since the Brand was 21/2/X or something ridiculous. All fights were decided in a matter of seconds. However I do want to scrutinize my own laning mechanics, as it's one of the things I'm trying to work on at the moment. Team fighting and the like can come later, but every game starts at the lane.
Some of the things I want to really take a harder look at, for Caitlyn specifically, is harrassing in lane, trap placement, and more generally is how to stay calm in a trade/fight so I output the necessary damage without getting myself into too much trouble.
The second point comes especially hard for me at times, and I think this is very evident when I'm against a more aggressive lane, ie Blitz/Leona/Taric. I tend to play far too scared, and I zone myself a lot of the times. I think I played fairly well against the Taric/Graves lane in the second replay, but I still think I played far too passive for too long, and I think i was down 30+ cs at some point when I dont' think I really needed to be. Thresh also made a few very clutch hooks to swing the kills in my favor in the mid game.
One last thing I suppose is a general guide line on how to play from behind. I think from my first caitlyn replay you saw that I was very flustered and played very poorly after the first few grabs in lane. Support issues aside, I still think I should have been more vigilant and calm even when playing from the backfoot, but I'm really not sure how to do this. Thanks in advance if you have the time to take a look at this 5hit <3 Here we go, Caitlyn game first--I'll get to the Vayne game another time, because I love me some Vayne.
First thoughts, though--how come Barrier instead of Cleanse against Lulu/Swain? I definitely prefer Cleanse to Barrier in almost every situation, though the couple times I've tried out Barrier it has been pretty effective.
Anyway, here we go!
0:49 - The entire enemy team is out on the map covering their invade spots and you just showed up in game. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see people make because it can often lose the game. I mean, no big deal if you're just playing for fun, but if we're talking about a serious game, buy items and get out there early, especially if you have stuff you can do at lv 1 like trap lanes/river. I also don't think your opening item choice is that solid, I prefer dblade or longsword 2 pots right now, but it's just my preference.
1:40 - You definitely want to take small golems when you're blue side. Half a level advantage on your opponents when you show up in lane is huge, especially when your build has so much sustain anyway.
1:50 - Nunu is off facechecking, you probably want to be with him in case he runs into Lulu/Ezreal in the bush. If he gets focused you can put damage down on someone while he gets out or all-ins. Doing nothing when you could be doing something never good. (Edit: This is still strictly worse than taking golems lol)
2:05 - You see them in lane, you can't be surprised by them. Even though Jayce is missing, you should be near the creeps imo.
3:15 - Nice escape. I definitely don't like your choice of q over w though. WEQQQR on Cait imo. Your goal as Cait/Nunu is to establish a perimeter with traps in lane and slowly expand it towards their tower so they can't do anything about you permashoving them to tower in complete safety. W is what sets Caitlyn apart from other ADC in lane.
3:35 - You see Xin at blue and pings go down on him. Start shoving immediately so that Ezreal/Lulu have to miss creeps to help out and you're free to move about in case something happens. There's 0 gank threat right now because you know exactly where Xin is. Ezreal only has pots and Lulu for sustain right now so shoving here is good.
5:00 - You're not doing bad, but the wave isn't where you want it to be. Ideally you want it so that the tower is hitting minions and there's a lot of pressure on the opponents in terms of harass from you. Learn how to shrug off tower aggro while harassing. Right now the wave is just kind of sitting in a place where they can farm from the safety of their tower with no tower shots stealing creeps, which just makes laning slightly more risky for you with no benefit. Nunu probably needs to ward river near dragon and tribush. If Brand wards the dragon side of his river or your wraiths you can get away without warding tri.
5:39 - The wave is shoving towards you. This is bad as Nunu/Cait. You pretty much always want it to be going towards the enemy as Nunu/Cait because your goal is to just take down their tower and switch lanes to do the same to someone else. Once you've got all 3 outers down you group and use your gold advantage to pressure inner towers or objectives like dragon, assuming you haven't already taken it from the map control you're denying your opponents.
6:50 - This was really good tower harass. You should be doing this every wave. It makes it really hard for opposing ADCs to farm.
7:40 - You saw Ezreal bluepill, you should be shoving the wave and probably buying right now. Nunu's out of wards and you have enough for a bunch of small items or a BF Sword and more pots. I would probably aim for getting Dblade, Vamp Scepter, Zerks and Zeal/BF, depending on when the teamfights are going to start. You want BF for teamfights and zeal if laning is going to go on for a while.
8:40 - Nunu got knocked out of bluepill by sheepstick and didn't go to buy wards. You need to instruct him to do that right now and hold the lane at your tower until he sets up wards again.
9:30 - Okay everyone else on their team is top so you can shove again lol.
11:45 - As soon as you see Xin you should be immediately running. Don't bait if they will just kill you.
12:00 - Not running as soon as you saw Xin got Nunu killed. Cait isn't a carry that wants to fight people until she has 6 items unless she has a huge advantage over them.
12:40 - Knowing that they have to bluepill, set the lane up so that you'll lose the least amount of xp/gold and bluepill to buy items. You have enough for Zerks/Dorans/pots right now or other core items. You might skip dorans at this point.
13:10 - Greedy and your positioning is really bad here. You don't want to be in a spot where you might get creep blocked. Your range can last hit from behind the minion wave. Your support isn't near you either so it's very risky of you to do that by yourself. Still, nothing came of it.
13:48 - Thirster rush isn't bad but because it's still so early you might consider getting boots 2 and a Zeal first. Having pure damage on Caitlyn isn't as good as having pure dmg on someone like MF or Ezreal because you don't have reliable damage skills and you still lose fights with people straight up. Still, this is just a stylistic choice and I don't necessarily disagree with it--I would have just got Zerks/Zeal for the passive procs and movespeed. Also, do you see how going for that one extra wave caused you to miss a teamfight where you might have picked up some kills?
14:27 - You should be juggling dragon aggro with Trundle here because he is so low, and you definitely should have secured it before netting away. Ezreal ult or flash smite could have stolen that. Hell, flash auto could have stolen that. Even though their team is down you still should always make sure the dragon kill is secured before getting out.
15:00 - You should be autoattack spamming like a madman to get your health back up. Why buy Bloodthirster if you're not going to use it? I think this is the biggest issue with your Cait play--you're pretty good mechanically but your understanding of the reason you pick Nunu/Cait is wrong. If you just sit there and play Cait like any other ADC you're not going to be able to abuse her strengths. You should be pushing wave to their tower constantly as long as wards are up and traps are in good spots. Harass them under tower and take it down right before you get your Bloodthirster/Zeal/Zerks, and then move to a different lane to keep the pressure on. Your power curve as Caitlyn needs to be very smooth--you're not Vayne or Trist who can show up late and win every fight, and you're not MF or Draven who can all-in a lot, and you're not Graves/Ezreal who can just sit there farming and rely on pure damage output. Caitlyn is a safe, utility pick for tower push strats. You snowball early objectives into teamfights with your gold advantages. Nunu is just the best support for this because bloodboil's interaction with Cait's passive is stupid early and snowball/absolute zero keep you safe in lane. I'm gonna stop analyzing here because mechanically you are doing just fine--it's just Cait/Nunu theory you need to work on .
Unspecific question: Is it ok to post a replay that is an example of me generally not knowing how to turn a personal advantage (won late/got fed) into a team advantage?
I find it a lot easier to look at my own lane play and try to improve, but it'd be great to hear high-level feedback on how to affect the general game flow (i.e., taking the lead on directing the team to do stuff, deciding when to engage, prioritizing teamfights correctly)
I'm really bad (1200-1300) in LoL, and while some of it is related to me playing sleep-deprived too often, I still haven't figured out why I'm much better at converting leads into wins on some days than on others (beyond just plain statistical variance). But I realize that asking for that kind of advice might be too vague, so I'm not sure if a replay is the best way to learn this.
I intended to lose a game today and send in the replay to ask how I could have won the game, and then I never lost a game today.
5hit replay analysis works, would do again. 10/10
Hahahaha. Yeah, win or lose, I don't care. I'll analyze whatever you want, it's not like because you won you played well or because you lost you played badly. I can tell you what you need to work on--usually trouble with converting advantages stems from either a lack of strategic knowledge or an incorrect analysis of actually having an advantage in the first place.