![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/b75y9.jpg)
TPW Starry Night by lefix Map Size: 166x132 Tileset: Shakuras/Tarsonis Spawns: 2 Bases: 14 Published: EU, NA
About: This is basically a recycled version of Pegasus, with the halfs rotated instead of mirroring them. I wanted to do a space Shakuras theme at first, but since I don't like Shakuras that much, I mixed it up with Tarsonis and got this rather fancy purple/yellow contrast, which I love and hate at the same time :D
In terms of gameplay, I guess this map has 'harder' bases than ny maps usually do. The bases are nicely spread across the entire map. Even tho there are 14 bases total, it is not a real issues as it is highly unlikely players will both hold 7 bases each. Each base on the map is kind of unique, which hopefully should create various different gameplay scenarios - something that I always try to achieve with my maps.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/brVGL.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zkDRi.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Txtbd.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/O2r36.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BlMqY.jpg)
I like this name of the map, so will try it tomorrow just cause of that. ^^ GJ
I really like the look of the map. Also like the different expansions, especially the upper right/lower left ones. Since you can wall those off, they become really easy to defend with a small number of units.
I like the textures. I find the openness to be a bit too consistent throughout the map, though. Some tighter chokes would be welcome, maybe exchanging some 3x ramps for 2x or something. Kinda seems like the engagements will be the same no matter where you put your army.
I like seeing a big macro 2p map, though. Not sure why everyone thinks a map needs to be 4p to be big or have a lot of bases.
Love the texturing, except how the big hexes blend with dirt/crack textures.
This is the best map I have ever seen. Seriously. All major tournaments should immediately start using it.
I find the openness to be a bit too consistent throughout the map, though. Some tighter chokes would be welcome, maybe exchanging some 3x ramps for 2x or something. Kinda seems like the engagements will be the same no matter where you put your army.
I kind of agree. I also think the 7th bases should be removed, but other than that the map is pretty cool. (oh and I feel like the protoss decals should be a little less orange :-P)
Good job overall. Aesthetics are pretty nice, and the backdrop you chose works really well with the map.
SC2 maps seem to be degenerating into variations on connect the dots. You can be wherever you need to be with a hop skip and a jump. I feel like this is a little too homogeneous and connected, although I like it in contrast to the predominating GSL style of open ground + high ground platform, and you do it oh-so-well lefix.
That said, I really like the thought put into the bases, like the vertical 3rd and 4th base. I'm worried the low ground pocket 4th against the main will end up being the default 4th base, leading more towards ball of bases ball of units monolith engagement. Did you think about this as a 6m1hyg? I think that would really help light up the corners. Sort of how Daybreak used to be that way but once it had a full base in the middle every game was a 3 base --> middle --> slugfest.
Very cool textures of course. I'm curious how much itty-bitty work you had to do for the blue cracks on the dirt, did you put the dirt on top or paint the cracks carefully or just gently airbrush?
It's a bit boring the thirds look almost the same as my upcoming map hehe
It seems a little big. Whatever.
This is a really nice map. I like the aesthetics a lot.
I think you should consider putting some destructible rocks on the ramps to vary the width of the chokes. Also the top right and bottom left bases seem rather unnecessary and could be removed in favor of a bit more airspace in those corners.
This map is SO cool. So much so that I got really excited once I realized what I was looking at. However, what makes this map so cool is also what I feel happens to break the map...to an extent. Let me first demonstrate with a pretty picture: + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Mu5a6.jpg) Blue blob my army. Blue line is a wall. Red lines show enemy attack paths seen by tower. Orange shows only unseen ground path. Blue squares are bases my army is defending from the position it is in.
So basically you put your army in this "prime position" near the tower, and if you see an enemy attack you reposition your army accordingly. Thus, you're able to defend almost every base on your side of the map, which I highlighted using blue squares. With tower sight, that shouldn't be very hard to do.
However, other maps such as daybreak also have these prime positions. With daybreak, it happens to be at the XWT, just like on this map. The difference is that this map forces the player to utilize the prime location early in the game. That's because other maps provide better positions to put your army early game, where this map does not. As a result, the prime position on other maps don't really come into play until late game. Booooring. The early use of the prime position here is what makes this map so cool. Essentially, this map expresses the motto of "the best defense is a good offense" without requiring the player to commit to any sort of aggressive play.
Yet, the prime position on this map has some very big flaws that essentially break the map. It is too powerful and too exposed. You might think, "Well yeah...if it's strong it should be exposed and hard to defend." However, I'd argue against that since this strength also comes with a fairly large weakness of drop and air play. Designing a position that's strong for ground, but very vulnerable to air and drops is super cool. Though, I do feel it's a bit too strong. Will get to that in a bit.
Firstly, the prime position is too open. This doesn't make it a good spot to put your army early game, despite how cool it would be if you could. Yet, there isn't any better place to position your army to adequately defend your third aside the prime position. Considering just how hard that spot is to hold early game, you're probably not going to see players go beyond 2 base very often.
Secondly, if you do manage to secure the prime position early game and survive, it is way too strong. Being able to defend 5 bases from one location should make just about anyone cringe. Now, you do have to occasionally pace away from the prime location in order to get into the best position for an incoming attack. But the tower gives sight, so that pacing doesn't require any additional apm or skill from the player that is usually associated with scouting by other means.
Luckily for you, I have a suggestion that keeps the super awesomeness of how the prime position works, while fixing some of the problems that come with it. + Show Spoiler + The circle on ramp represents rocks, making that ramp just like the ramp outside the nat on CK. Base with red X, either remove it or make it a half base. Adjust the corner bases to make room for a droppable cliff behind it, which is outlined in white. The area with the white check mark is just a little area you could consider adding. Would allow for a little drop harass on the third, but I could see it being a bit too strong. The choke I added by the base at 12 is well....a choke.
The idea behind these changes is to allow the prime location to come into play earlier in the game, while emphasizing it's weakness. If your opponent is going for heavy drop or air play, utilizing the prime location will put you far out of position to deal with it. However, if your enemy is going for ground play and utilizing the prime location himself, you have the choice to either go drop/air harass or go ground yourself. Thus, this map really allows players to develop rock, paper, scissors types of scenarios.
Overall, this is some pretty cool stuff if you ask me.
Oooh, Timetwister. <3
Very well said. I really agree with those changes. Using some chokes to allow some forward positioning without having a huge army is just what this map needs.
Love the aesthetics of this map, purple and yellow is definitely unique.
As far as the layout is concerned I think it looks pretty solid and I am happy to see a 14 base macro map with only two spawns. Army positioning will change with every base your take and there are some quite strong forward positions, to make it less "in base turtle" style.
Well done, a good map.
Will come back with more detail when I get home.
This map looks amazing. Wow. Also Timetwister's changes seem baller.
Any chance you could get this published on NA? This map looks awesome!
trying out the suggested changes and playing around with rock placements. Also fixed quite a few funky mineral placements. I'll upload to NA as well as soon as the map reaches a more finalized state.
The slightly difference in colors of the high ground and low ground was en excellent choice. It make it extremely easy to see what's what
On November 06 2012 08:26 lefix wrote: I wanted to do a space Shakuras theme at first, but since I don't like Shakuras that much, I mixed it up with Tarsonis and got this rather fancy purple/yellow contrast, which I love and hate at the same time :D
Die you fool !