![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/HNfoNEG.png)
TL GM / Master hacker thread contains a database of confirmed hacker and is a place to discuss general hacking / cheating related subjects. keep it civil and productive.
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01.06.2013: summer break
done with finals and got some time to kill. will be going through the backlog at a relaxing pace. would like to see somebody step up and take some responsibility, since i could use a hand or two. my idea is to share an account to maintain this thread and set up a nice little skype convo. if you have a solid post count and you are going through some of the reps and following the thread i'm talking to you. it would make this thread run smoother and better.
this thread follows the format of the TL Hacker Database thread. the OP is worth a glance, especially if you are considering submitting a replay. any submission should follow the format:
Hacker name
i strongly suggest using drop.sc for uploading replays. not only is it easy to use, but you also get easy access to other replays of the same player. adding timestamps to the description makes it easier for the people who want to review your submission as well. extracting someones battle.net url and sc2ranks url can be done through sc2gears. open the replay, right click their profile pic (or their profile area) and copy the links you want (can also be found through drop.sc).
List of known and confirmed HOTS hackers
season 2
[CONFIRMED] bsubluebest - 4200185/1
[CONFIRMED] buhlazeD - 4605348/1
[CONFIRMED] IMEstrella - 4205108/1
[CONFIRMED] ThorZaINRC - 3250066/1
season 1
[CONFIRMED] Amis - 2011041/1
[CONFIRMED] Apocalypzer - 1224299/1
[CONFIRMED] Dragon - 3648553/1
[CONFIRMED] DragonStyle - 2625064/1
[CONFIRMED] FearlesS - 2778848/1
[CONFIRMED] Premasiri - 1816062/1
[CONFIRMED] KimJongUn - 3803485/1
[CONFIRMED] llllllllllll - 2823864/1 aka angryhobbit
[CONFIRMED] nXt - 608307/1
[CONFIRMED] Farbauti - 894229/2
[CONFIRMED] llllllllllIl - 3193355/1 aka Luvz
[CONFIRMED] CriTiCal - 1721677/1
[CONFIRMED] LaBrutte - 777643/1
[CONFIRMED] PIdr/ - 4331812/1
[CONFIRMED] ClubGLAM - 3219210/1
[CONFIRMED] IlIlIIlIIlIl - 1383086/1 aka MicroJackson
[CONFIRMED] llIllIIIIlll - 2294172/1 aka snoopie
[CONFIRMED] GrayFox - 689470/1 aka ScNzoohairZ
[CONFIRMED] RdBotOt - 1073023/1
[CONFIRMED] Predators - 409953/1
[CONFIRMED] PiLLowTaLK - 515115/1 aka Lone
[CONFIRMED] NickMIller - 4411757/1
[CONFIRMED] zero - 325036/1
[CONFIRMED] GosuDecku - 2206875/1
[CONFIRMED] goobypls - 4373899/1
[CONFIRMED] xNightmarex - 2421105/1 aka Vulcan
[CONFIRMED] llllllllllll - 2386773/1 aka AngryHobbit
[CONFIRMED] Dakkon - 4518229/1 probably not real Dakkon (WoL hacker)
[CONFIRMED] IlllllllIlll - 3321825/1 aka NewChelsea
[CONFIRMED] GarGabUse - 1125894/1
[CONFIRMED] IIIIIIIIIIII - 4165189/1 aka SkyTooK
[CONFIRMED] WaShiNGjApe - 2894045/1
[CONFIRMED] Shape - 4362460/1
[CONFIRMED] llllllllllll - 3955349/1 aka WLHadam
List of known and confirmed WOL hackers
february 2013
[CONFIRMED] Dakkon - 3069710/1
[CONFIRMED] LiquidSnute - 4216302/1 (not real snute)
[CONFIRMED] StellarMango - 689611/1
[CONFIRMED] NITRIXeDRINK - 119429/2 AKA: Daisuki
[CONFIRMED] HippoFarmer - 656733/1
[CONFIRMED] sovereignone - 3071144/1
[CONFIRMED] ZergKiller - 2025653/1
[CONFIRMED] CamelHumper - 1427423/1
[CONFIRMED] Nerffy - 4165463/1
[CONFIRMED] AbbaZabba - 3809953/1
[CONFIRMED] CombatEx - 2253157/1
[CONFIRMED] fibonacci - 2998609/1
[CONFIRMED] Malloc - 942044/1
[CONFIRMED] EsteeLauder - 3474029/1
[CONFIRMED] Thylacine - 3095538/1
[CONFIRMED] saloed - 752244/2
[CONFIRMED] UnitedStates - 3437376/1
[CONFIRMED] Makaveli - 3343761/1
[CONFIRMED] IIIIIIIIIIII - 3322073/1 (note: previously Dysphoria/eTNa)
[CONFIRMED] Wardou - 857218/1
[CONFIRMED] LiquidJelly - 944664/1
[CONFIRMED] KJH - 3591852/1
january 2013
[CONFIRMED] IlIlIlIlllll (note: previously OnTheThrone) - 2569922/1
[CONFIRMED] Tool - 1701882/1
[CONFIRMED] LGkouhai - 2409438/1
[CONFIRMED] ThenMeIsNoob - 3992811/1
[CONFIRMED] Pegasus (note: previously Demonoid) - 460514/2
[CONFIRMED] Escobar - 1413287/1
[CONFIRMED] LaurenElise - 2895907/1
[CONFIRMED] Pxeba - 442185/2
[CONFIRMED] Adalf - 2141556/1
[CONFIRMED] TsuWoo - 3654986/1
[CONFIRMED] lul - 2628495/1
[CONFIRMED] Dysphoria (note: previously etNa) - 3322073/1
[CONFIRMED] Duffgirl - 2089041/1
[CONFIRMED] LPGTtSultan - 3067366/1
[CONFIRMED] MilliAtto - 1738000/1
[CONFIRMED] Riski - 1748239/1
[CONFIRMED] Hotlinez - 2005847/1
[CONFIRMED] KotoKot - 159210/2
december 2012
[CONFIRMED] EGldra - 435745/1
[CONFIRMED] BlinK - 2930419/1
[CONFIRMED] BlackCitadel (note: previously AnnaProsser) - 3807486/1
[CONFIRMED] RatzDeezer - 4009964/1
[CONFIRMED] Tragic - 2660649/1
[CONFIRMED] lllIIIIllllI - 4062083/1
[CONFIRMED] Eaer - 2861908/1
[CONFIRMED] Nerffy - 2811054/1
[CONFIRMED] VaporizerQC - 2503956/1
[CONFIRMED] Hawkeye - 2930563/1
[CONFIRMED] Hailey - 2812355/1
[CONFIRMED] thunderBIRD - 3819306/1
[CONFIRMED] IlIlIlIlIlIl - 4016200/1
[CONFIRMED] NewChelsea - 3321825/1
[CONFIRMED] IIllIIllll (note: previously Jaycraft) - 3130146/1
[CONFIRMED] WLHgeorge - 2425557/1
[CONFIRMED] RainbowDash - 3076586/1
[CONFIRMED] etNa - 3322073/1
[CONFIRMED] Analthaabe - 2307884/1
[CONFIRMED] llllllllllll - 2688673/1
[CONFIRMED] Shinrei - 1230151/1
[CONFIRMED] TEXǂEneMecH - 1099102/1
[CONFIRMED] maphacker - 2781325/1
[CONFIRMED] TOPTisalie - 377486/2
november 2012
[CONFIRMED] whysomad - 3388632/1
[CONFIRMED] Fox - 3932361/1
[CONFIRMED] AngryHobbit - 2823864/1
[CONFIRMED] CrazyAPM - 135792/2
[CONFIRMED] murdera - 2954072/1
[CONFIRMED] RatZSkitzø - 3025644/1
[CONFIRMED] llllllllllll - 3228704/1
[CONFIRMED] SuiNy - 2826277/1
Zwei legacy
[CONFIRMED] Loogicc + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack
Replays: http://drop.sc/259776
1 :08 – Proxy 2 gate in base on 4p unscouted map
6 :35 : Pulls all his drones and move them back to his main because theres a bane all-in incoming (he had no vision of anything at all)
[CONFIRMED] BlackRa + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description : Maphack
Replays : http://drop.sc/253823
19 :51 : Moves all his probes to kill an hidden nydus (very obvious)
0 :56 : About to proxy in base but when scv approach the ramp he backs off his own probe to hide it outside and proxy there (on 4 player unscouted map)
2 :34 : drops a forge when terran adds extra barrack for a marine all in (no scout)
4:10: drops canons to hold the all-in
4:40: fog of war peaking
5:20: fog of war peaking on a 4 players unscouted map
11:24: pre-storm on the terran army that is in fog of war
[CONFIRMED] Heisenberg (named changed from JohnSmoke) + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: maphack
Replays: http://drop.sc/242989
3:33: Proxy pylon near his opponent base on an unscouted 4 players map
Makes no defense at all vs a zerg opponent with an open entrance until the 7:43 minutes with no scout - very odd for a high level toss player. Any lings run by would have won the game.
11:05 to 11:53 : This moment is a little tricky but at 11:05, Heisenberg is fighting at his base with his camera vision on his army and is busy microing. During a 2 second window, a drone passes by his proxy pylon (other side of the map) and gets an expo close to it (disappear from the minimap view). There's strong chances that the player didn't notice it as he was busy fighting and he didn't move his camera vision to see what went by. At the 11:53 minute mark, Heisenberg warps in zealot at the proxy pylon and sends them straight to the expo.
12:48: (very strong evidence) Moves his entire army into his base while his opponent was about to do a huge drop with every single overlords he had. No prior hint to this drop.
Proxy 2 gate in base with no prior scout on shakuras
Proxy in base 2 gate with no prior scout on entombed valley
Proxy 2 gate with no prior scout on entombed valley
In this replay, there is multiple fog of war peaking at the enemy base (on a 4 player map) without previous scouting. Happens until the 5 minute mark.
5:17: Goes proxy pylon near his enemy base, without any previous scouting once again
**Notice also that in none of the replays Heisenberg scouts his opponent yet always knows their location
[CONFIRMED] eSsEnCeS + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack + blink hack
2:39 camera on fow over newly started cc, glorfindel going cc first, rallies gateway towards his base (not at scv in his base)
3:14 2 times the camera goes down to glorfindels cc and starts chronoing zealots
3:40 another peek over cc, sending probe and zealot, does not bother with scv which gets back into base.
3:43 camera hovering over the 2 raxes glorfindel is making.
3:48 same as above
4:20 starting his fourth gate probe and zeal at glorfindels nat.
4:28 looks up the ramp, and runs probe and zeal up to target the scv, clicks the scv just as it gets into vision
5:45 looks into fow at glorfindels base
6:10 looks at xnc outside his base where glorfindel has an scv, sends 2 stalkers there after.
6:33 looks up at ramp
8:00 another look at glorfindels base. still fourgating. glorfindel in his base now.
8:20 looks up glorfindels ramp as he sneaks below it, sending a sentry up to give vision as he picks away at units and a constructing bunker. moving to expand now.
9:33 new look into base
9:50 same as above
10:30 same as above
10:41 same as above
11:40 same as above and pulls back.
12:40 moving up his ramp, turns around with entire army to kill a hellion at the xel naga that he was just leaving (no vision of it).
12:50 stares directly at glorfindels army outisde the southern xel naga tower
13:12 same as above now outside the northern xel naga tower. Moves out to intercept as glorfindel splits up his army.
13:43 looks at 4 medevac drop incoming and moves up to intercept. moves back to natural but turns stalkers around to fend of drop again
14:12 stares at glorfindels army outside his base.
15:45 stares at glorfindels army at his natural.
16:05 same as above
17:02 same as above
17:42 glorfindel is moving out to his third, he has no vision, ready to attack it as it moves in.
2 :28 : go at xel naga tower to « scout » the 2 proxy racks (as we will understand a little later)
4:40: pulls probe to kill incoming bunker rush but he puts them back to mining because he realize he has enough to kill without the probe (and still not seeing whats coming)
12:41: stare at opponent incoming army in the fog of war
18:08: moves his whole army at his 3rd base, because his opponent was arriving to attack it
19:42: Blink hack
[CONFIRMED] whysomad + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: maphack
Replays: http://drop.sc/199012
4:22: On antigua, cross position, he sends his reaper cross position to attack his opponent with no previous scouting.
5:03. He moves his reaper in his opponent base, upground in order to hit a few lings that were down the ground. And that instead of going for the workers (hard to explain, watch the replay you'll see it).
10:31: Stims his army with no vision of his ennemy, to cut him off at the his own 3rd base.
4:29: rally reaper at his opponent base and already clicks repetively attack-move command ON a marine through fog of war (on shakuras close pos with no scouting)
11:27: Moves out of his natural, split his army to prepare for his opponent attack
11:36: Stims his whole army without seeing anything yet - his opponent was just about to appear in the FOW
4:54: suspicious army movement when stalker is coming to harass
6:33: Sends his army out to cut off a prove that was going to proxy pylon
7:00: Go directly kill a proxy hidden pylon, then goes back to his base
[CONFIRMED] Nerffy + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack
Replays: http://drop.sc/257240
1 :44 : obvious camera block as his base for close to two minutes. His workers go away from his current vision and build buildings (not possible with where he was staring)
5:37: micro his units while his camera his locked at other place on the map
7:04: same camera lock again
10:57: go kill hidden probe
11:01: controls his army with his camera being locked again
11:13: kill an hidden proxy pylon clicking on it in the fow with no map control at all
1 :47 : same camera block as explained in the other replay
4:37: camera ablock
8:32: go straight to kill an hidden proxy
10:54: go straight to kill another hidden probe
[CONFIRMED] LGFuzeMagoo + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack
Replays : http://drop.sc/258567
Proxy 2 gate on a 4p unscouted map
3:13: spam click 4k apm
Proxy 2 gate on a 4p unscouted map
1:48: spam click 12k apm
[CONFIRMED] oGsSHIFTY + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack + Blink hack
Replays: Replay #1: http://drop.sc/260930
0:42 - looks through fog at lifted main +scvs
1:23 - looks through fog at cc/scvs
2:29 - says in chat "who lifts off" when he hasn't even scouted
4:21 - looks through fog at bunker
4:48 - looks through fog at incoming scv
4:50 - reacts to incoming scv with no vision
5:48 - looks through fog at base/structures
5:52 - still looking around base, through fog
6:28 - looks through fog at base again
6:32 - still looking
6:58 - looks through fog at base
7:28 - looks through fog at base
7:55 - looks through fog at army/bunker/base etc
8:25 - looks through fog at incoming banshee
8:29 - looks through fog at incoming banshee
8:32 - reacts to incoming banshee with no vision and sends stalkers to where it's going
8:42 - watching banshee through fog
8:58 - looks at banshee through fog
9:03 - looks at banshee through fog
9:04 - looks at base/units/structures through fog
9:18 - watching base through fog while he moves out
9:26 - watching base through fog while he continues to move forward
9:42 - watching base/units through fog
9:55 - looks through fog and sees units moving out (pulled his units back before this happened)
10:03 - pulls all his probes from line to be with his units for the army he has no vision of yet
10:15 - moves camera so he can see his army + enemies through fog on screen
10:26 - blink hack
10:28 - blink hack
10:30 - blink hack
10:37 - blink hack
10:54 - reacts to enemy about to move up ramp with no vision, pulls units back inside main
Replay #2: http://drop.sc/261401
0:05 - sends probe to opponent
0:50 - looks at base through fog, then looks at probe setting down 1st pylon
1:55 - rallys gateways to inside opponents base he hasn't scouted yet
5:06 - admits to maphacking in chat
5:08 - looks at probes through fog
5:52 - looks at secret nexus through fog and sends zealot to it
5:58 - looks at secret nexus through fog
6:04 - looks at secret nexus through fog again
6:41 - looks again
[CONFIRMED] IlIllIllIllI (Name changed from DayNine) + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack + auto split workers + auto probe production
Replays:Replay #1: http://drop.sc/261573
2gate proxy, never scouted
0:05 - sends probe to opponents base
0:50 - reacts to probe putting down pylon, no vision
1:15 - looks through fog at opponents base
2:20 - prepares probe at his nats ramp for incoming scouting probe he has no vision of, and looks at probe through fog
2:46 - looks through fog at base
3:00 - looks through fog again
3:26 - looks through fog again
6:23 - looks through fog
Replay #2: http://drop.sc/261658
2gate proxy, never scouted
0:05 - hack auto splits probes, sets rally, and starts 1st probe. (can see it in sc2gears as well)
Example by frames:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/gvIbI.png)
0:12 - sends probe to opponent
1:52 - looks through fog at probe
Replay #3: http://drop.sc/261781
2gate proxy, never scouted
0:27 - sends probe to opponent
1:00 - looking through fog at base
3:15 - looks through fog at zealot coming
Replay #4: http://drop.sc/261803
0:40 - does some crazy clicks at front of his ramp, does not look normal at all, apm spike of 600+ in less than a second, have to see replay to understand what i'm talking about. But it definitely is not normal.
Example by frames:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/SlwRD.png)
1:51 - sends probe to opponents natural
2:19 - walls off opponents ramp, hasn't even scouted base yet
3:28 - does the crazy clicks again, at his natural
3:30 - does the clicks again
6:39 - probe starts by itself at his natural
7:03 - reacts to nydus in his base that he has no vision of, a-moves probes exactly to where it is
7:04 - probe starts by itself at his natural
7:21 - probe starts by itself at main, and his natural
7:38 - probe starts by itself at main, and his natural
7:56 - probe starts by itself at natural
8:20 - probe starts by itself at natural
8:25 - probe starts by itself at main
8:38 - probe starts by itself at natural
8:41 - probe starts by itself at main
8:54 - probe starts by itself at natural
8:58 - probe starts by itself at main
9:09 - reacts to nidas in his base he has no vision of and sends stalkers
9:11 - probe starts by itself at natural
9:28 - probe starts by itself at natural
Replay #5: http://drop.sc/262306
2gate proxy, never scouted base
0:06 - sends probe to opponent (can see base through fog where he clicks)
0:52 - probe starts by itself at main
3:30 - looks through fog and sends zealots
3:36 - looks through fog
[CONFIRMED] LGWhite + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack
Replays: Replay #1: http://drop.sc/260744
10:48 - reacts to observer he has no vision of (through fog)
Replay #2: http://drop.sc/260757
2gate proxy, never scouts to see if opponent is even there
0:06 - sends probe to opponents base
3:29 - rallys gateways to oppenents base, that he never scouted
Replay #3: http://drop.sc/261056
2gate proxy, never scouted base
0:07 - sends probe to opponents base
0:57 - reacts to scv by looking through fog at it
1:43 - looks through fog at scv that just dropped a barracks
Replay #4: http://drop.sc/261083
2gate proxy, never scouted base
0:07 - sends probe to opponents base
3:17 - looks through fog at base, rallys gateways to it
13:16 - reacts to probe he has no vision of
13:18 - looks at probe through fog
Replay #5: http://drop.sc/261085
2gate proxy, never scouted base
0:08 - sends probe to opponents base
2:55 - looks through fog at base
3:21 - looks through fog at base and rallys both gateways
Replay #6: http://drop.sc/261396
2gate proxy, never scouted base
0:07 - sends probe to opponents base
3:20 - watching gate through fog
3:39 - looks through fog at base, and rallys both gateways
Replay #7: http://drop.sc/261474
2gate proxy
0:05 - sends probe to opponents base
Replay #8: http://drop.sc/261662
2gate proxy
0:05 - sends probe to opponents base
Replay #9: http://drop.sc/261749
2gate proxy, never scouted base
0:10 - sends probe to opponents base
2:30 - looks through fog at opponents base, rallys both gateways
2:34 - looks through fog
Replay #10: http://drop.sc/261773
2gate proxy, never scouted base
0:05 - sends probe to opponents base
Replay #11: http://drop.sc/261825
2gate proxy, never scouted base
0:05 - sends probe to opponents base
1:46 - looks through fog at probe+gateway being thrown down
3:20 - looks down through fog at gateways
3:30 - looks down through fog at base, and rallys both gateways
Replay #12: http://drop.sc/262147
2gate proxy, never scouted base
0:05 - sends probe to opponents base
6:30 - calls out opponents number of drones (production/units hack)
8:17 - moves out when he sees lings are moving away from him
8:24 - moves back out when he sees lings retreating
8:27 - looks at lings at xel naga through fog of war
10:33 - reacts to lings coming
Replay #13: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ss632g
5:16 - looks at expo through fog of war
5:17 - looks at marines through fog of war
5:18 - rallys robo to base that he never scouted.
6:44 - moves units to where your marines are, has no vision of them
8:21 - reacts to marines coming to his base, pulls probes before he even has vision of them.
12:13 - reacts to scv about to scout, moves stalker to it before he even has vision.
[CONFIRMED] SlayerSkwick + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack +Blink hack
Replays: http://drop.sc/258020
2 :39 : Calls what his opponent his doing with no scouting
3:44: pulls drones to kill scv building a bunker rush before having vision of it
4:34:transfer all his drone from main base to natural to be ready to fight the incoming all-in with no scouting/vision
2 :09 : spam clicks like i’ve never seen and reaches 6k apm (look at the mouse clicks)
2:41: calls his opponent build and gas timing with no scouting
4:53: spam clicks again
10:30: Blink hack
1 :17 : proxy 2 gate in base on a 4 player unscouted map
[CONFIRMED] tCvralaren + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack + Blink hack + auto probe production and worker split
0 :02 : auto-split workers + probe production
2 :18 : says he already « beat toxsik as zerg », which happens to be vralaren main race. From that perspective, I assume vralaren was playing this game.
2:24: sends probe to opponent base with no previous scouting on a 4 players map and queue 3 pylon block at the entrance
12:41: Blink hack
15:42 Blink hack
Proxy 2 gate on a 4 players map
tCvralaren also playing with known hackers (who are now banned) at severals occasion:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/qdtJ8.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YqiPC.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/kCRUU.png)
Quote from Vralaren before he was banned from TL:
On September 04 2012 04:45 Vralaren wrote:
LOL i was sitting in skype with him when he did it. we rofled so hard :p.... Even though i don't maphack i find it hilarious when my friends make you people rage![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
User was warned for this post
LOL i was sitting in skype with him when he did it. we rofled so hard :p.... Even though i don't maphack i find it hilarious when my friends make you people rage
User was warned for this post
[CONFIRMED] FameToFlame + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack + Blink hack
Replays: http://drop.sc/256811
6 :17 - walks out to intercept marines incoming
8:50. He looks through fog of war at my army in my natural, despite never having scouted where my base was.
9:40 scouts my army through fog of war. Builds a bunch of cannons to defend my all in which he hasn't seen.
9:50 does a guardian shield and prepares to attack without having vision of my army
2 :28 : Queues 3 pylon to block ramp without scouting on a 4 players map
11:46: pulls all probes to kill a nydus that he doesn’t see
13:42: blink hack
27:25: Blink hack
0:11: spam clicks and reaches 13 000 apm (look at his insane clicking… 3rd party program in use)
0:50: Calls out opponent 6 pool based on the minerals not being used with no scout (opponent decides to drone and get an ovy instead)
5:10: drops 4 spines to stop incoming all-in
1 :41 : send his drone to block the ramp on a 4 players map (cross position) in order for his 6 pool to work vs terran (and still fails) with no previous scouting
[CONFIRMED] RapDawg + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description : Maphack + Blink hack
Proxy 2 gate in base on shakuras
2 :24 : queue 3 pylons to block ramp on a 4 players map
10:58: Blink hack
12:18 Blink hack
15:20: Blink hack
2 :23 : Queue 3 pylons to block the ramp on a 4p map again
12:08: Blink hack
[CONFIRMED] VampirA + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack
0:04 - sends probe to your base
0:19 - looks through fog at your base, clicks probe to it again
0:32 - looks through fog at your base, clicks probe to it again
0:39 - looks through fog at your base, clicks probe to it again
0:47 - looks through fog at your overlord
1:01 - looks up through fog at your base for a split second
1:26 - looks through fog at your base
1:28 - still looking through fog
1:31 - still looking through fog to see your pool timing
1:41 - looking through fog at your base
1:44 - looking through fog at your base
1:46 - still looking
2:03 - looking through fog at your scouting drone
2:06 - still looking through fog at your scouting drone (moving camera with it)
2:10 - still watching drone through fog
2:23 - reacts to you pulling drones off the line (sees through fog)
2:38 - looks through fog at base
3:55 - looks through fog
0:04 - sends probe to your base
0:26 - looks through fog at base/overlord moving
0:38 - reacts to your overlord that he has no vision of and stops probe
0:41 - looks through fog at overlord
0:50 - looks through fog at overlord
0:56 - still watching overlord through fog, waiting for it to pass so he can sneak his probe by
1:03 - looking through fog at base
1:08 - still looking through fog
1:24 - looking through fog at your base
1:30 - from where his probe is sitting he has perfect view of your base through fog
1:40 - looking through fog waiting for his proxy pylon to finish
1:51 - still looking
1:53 - moves camera over to look through fog
2:09 - looks over through fog at base to see your pool starting
2:22 - still has full view of your base through fog
2:32 - same as above
2:50 - moves camera over to look through fog
3:07 - still has pretty much near-full vision of your base through fog
3:36 - looks through fog at your base
0:04 - sends probe to your base
0:24 - looks through fog of war at your base, clicks probe to go there again
0:32 - looks through fog of war at your base, clicks probe to go there again
0:47 - looks through fog at your base
0:53 - looking through fog still
1:36 - glances through fog at base
1:37 - looks through fog at your base
1:41 - looks through fog at barracks
2:20 - looks through fog at barracks
0:03 - sends probe to base
0:26 - looks through fog at base
1:27 - if you notice in all the replays he positions his proxy to where he can see half/all of the persons base, always.
1:46 - moves camera over to look through fog
1:50 - has full view of base through fog from where his proxy is
2:13 - looks through fog of war at probe going out to scout
2:15 - still following probe through fog of war
[CONFIRMED] JustinBieber (renamed from Theory) (note: not FXOTheory)+ Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack + blink hack + auto-probe
Notable times for auto-made probes (most of the time he isn't even looking at base, nor used hotkey):
3:38 - probe starts by itself
3:56 - probe starts by itself
4:13 - probe starts by itself
4:30 - probe starts by itself but it makes him supply blocked
5:01 - probe starts by itself
5:20 - probe starts by itself
5:37 - probe starts by itself
5:54 - probe starts by itself
6:11 - probe starts by itself
6:20 - turns auto-made probes off
6:20 - production ceases
7:03 - probe starts by itself
7:15 - turns it off again
8:29 - probe starts by itself
9:03 - probe starts by itself
9:38 - probe starts by itself but supply blocked again
10:27 - probe starts by itself
10:45 - turns it off
12:24 - probe at main, AND at natural base starts by itself
12:36 - probe at main, AND at natural base starts by itself
12:52 - probe at main, AND at natural base starts by itself
13:09 - probe at natural starts by itself
13:11 - probe at main starts by itself
13:29 - turns it off (can see when he does this every time)
Notable times for map hacks:
0:28 - sends probe to your natural (hasn't scouted your base)
1:04 - builds pylon outside your base on the low ground
1:08 - looks through fog of war at your base
1:14 - looks through fog at your base again
1:26 - leads probe along the inside of your base (still hasn't actually revealed your there yet)
1:38 - starts proxy gate inside your base (still hasn't scouted to know you're there)
1:38 - also note: from his point of view atm he can see your base from where his camera is through fog of war + your probe
2:48 - looking at your base+minerals through fog of war
3:09 - looks at your base through fog of war and sees you pulling probes
5:22 - looks through fog of war at your probes
(nice hold off of 1 gate btw)
8:01 - looks through fog of war at your base at the probe your moving qued to make another gate
11:33 - slowly slides camera by your base looking through fog of war
11:43 - looks at your obs (without vision of it)
Auto made probes:
0:56 - probe starts by itself
4:02 - probe starts by itself
4:18 - probe starts by itself
4:35 - probe starts by itself
4:52 - probe starts by itself
5:10 - probe starts by itself
5:26 - probe starts by itself
5:44 - probe starts by itself - gets supply blocked for leaving it on and not paying attention
6:44 - probe starts by itself
8:05 - probe starts by itself
9:57 - probe starts by itself
14:28 - probe starts by itself
14:32 - probe starts by itself at his natural expo
Map hacks:
1:53 - waits for probe to pass by to start his 2nd gateway (no vision of probe)
3:10 - looks through fog of war at base
5:07 - reacts to probes+zealots about to come down ramp out of vision
6:17 - sees through fog of war the position of enemy units and clicks away from them
8:25 - reacts to zealots coming down ramp (not in vision) and runs his zealots away
11:57 - looks through fog of war and sees where enemy stalkers are and clicks his stalkers by them instead of going where he was originally going (near mineral line)
12:22 - ques pylon at opponents natural, then changes his mind and ques elsewhere (since he seen the stalkers was exactly where he que'd)
13:13 - looks through fog of war at stalkers at nat. ramp
14:35 - looks through fog of war at proxy pylon he never scouted and clicks units to it
20:29 - looks around opponents base through fog of war
Blink hack:
17:53 - one stalker blinks back, but he never selected 1 to blink
17:56 - one stalker blinks back, but he never selected 1 to blink
18:03 - one stalker blinks back, but he never selected 1 to blink
18:08 - one stalker blinks back, but he never selected 1 to blink
18:11 - one stalker blinks back, but he never selected 1 to blink (can see he had immortal selected)
18:12 - one stalker blinks back, but he never selected 1 to blink (immortal still selected)
18:33 - one stalker blinks back, but he never selected 1 to blink (also wasn't focused on screen)
18:40 - one stalker blinks back, but he never selected 1 to blink (also again, wasn't looking)
Auto-made probes:
6:14 - probe starts by itself
6:43 - probe starts by itself
7:31 - probe starts by itself
7:43 - probe starts by itself
8:00 - probe starts by itself
8:05 - probe starts by itself at natural
Map Hacks:
4:51 - reacts to scv about to go up his ramp through fog of war
10:11 - reacts to drop going to his base and pulls units back to main
10:16 - reacts to marines (3) not in vision coming up his natural ramp (he figures easy kill units)
10:25 - reacts to drop at natural he has no vision of and sends units to it (look at his view then back at everyone)
11:29 - reacts to drop at his main that he has no vision of yet
11:31 - looks through fog of war at medivac
0:03 - hack auto splits workers, sets rally, selects nexus and starts first probe in less than 1 second
0:13 - sends probe to his base
2:24 - looks through fog of war at base and rallys 2 proxied gateways to it
3:14 - looks through fog at zealot coming
2:23 - looking through fog
3:31 - probe starts by itself at nexus
3:42 - looking through fog at 2 zealots
3:47 - probe starts by itself
4:04 - probe starts by itself
0:03 - hack auto splits workers, sets rally, selects nexus and starts first probe in less than 1 second
2:18 - looks through fog of war at 2 gateways just set down
3:21 - looks through fog at zealot
3:48 - probe starts by itself
4:00 - probe ques by itself
4:20 - probe ques by itself
5:27 - reacts to your probes+zealots moving away from your ramp
6:05 - looking through fog of war
6:09 - looking through fog of war at zealots
[CONFIRMED] GrayFox aka zooHairz + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack
Replays: http://drop.sc/217871
The 2 lings scout at the beginning was a weird move but anyway.
9:57: moves back the lings to his main, after clicking the natural of his opponent without knowing yet that units are close to his base
9:58: moves his queen from his main to his natural to defend against the threat that he has not yet seen (I think you guys might have missed this one which makes it even more suspect)
11:45: Lings attack the natural just as the army leaves. Could be luck but the timing is perfect.
11:55: Queen goes from his main to his natural once again to defend the next threat that he has not seen once again
17:02: Clicks foward to the banshee in the fog just as they are about to pop up and fungles them with his infestors.
5:48: It's a normal timing for a ling scout around 3rd base to see if there's a probe/pylon around. Though, the way he does it is very unusual. First of all, people normally queue up attack-move behind minerals and then to the next to the base down the map. The way he does it: he always keep his vision on his lings, clicks in front of the 3rd expo mineral patch, then clicks back a bit to the left (why never queuing behind?), well from the full view, the probe was starting to run out and the click a little up to the left made a difference in cutting off the probe. Found this way of scouting a little suspicious
10:40: Wants to do a ling hit and run one the 3rd base once again, but instead of clicking where the third is he clicks close to the ramp. Units happened to be clumped up just on the right of that spot, which made him get a surround on those. It seems to me like the surround was planified before getting vision of the units. Slow down to see the clicking through fog (exactly where he wants to send the lings). It is not as unusual as some other of his moves, but in addition to everything else it's suspect.
15:25 to 15:30: Slow down the speed of the replay - He clicks towards his opponent army in the fog (which he cannot take with only few lings) then decide not to go, sits a little in place and then starts back to run down. The place he clicks just happen to cut off 6-8 stalkers that were reinforcement to the main army of the protoss which is now away from the action.
15:21: In all this action, he keeps macroing really fast in his base going from a base to another, and then make an overseer and place it somewhere at his natural (right on an observer). I had to watch the replay about 4-5 times to even notice the observer at the speed things were going and while he was attacking.
16:32: Lings unburrow and start running down though, suddenly stop and run back up (as the toss army was moving towards them). Waits a bit for the toss army to be away and then counterattacks the 3rd again.
21:48 This one is the most suspect move of the game. Dt's morphing and going to the base at the bottom of the map. Zoohair suddenly takes lings and infestors from his army, sends them to that expo and rally his spawning units there as well. He didn't have vision of anything coming, nor knew his opponent had a DT shrine.
This replay:
Moves back his overlord to avoid a void ray, then makes it do a nydus. Very obvious move.
4 :44 : Sends lings to kill the scouting scv incoming from the watch tower
5:35: Sends all his lings to the right unscouted base, and only 1 to “scout” the other unscouted one.
5:54: Stare at the marines coming out of their base to attack him in the Fog of war
ZoohairZ statement:
On September 09 2012 11:55 zoohairZ wrote:
i hacked a few days way back when i came back to sc2 from diablo 3 and had lost my passion for the game. i was being a dick and just trolling with hacks for a bit which was pretty stupid. shame on me.
i hacked a few days way back when i came back to sc2 from diablo 3 and had lost my passion for the game. i was being a dick and just trolling with hacks for a bit which was pretty stupid. shame on me.
It is clear that ZoohairZ hacked in those replays, what is left to know is if still does hack or not.
[CONFIRMED] SKoreaSuckS (renamed from superstar) + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack + automated actions (auto probe production)
Replays: http://drop.sc/247132
0:55 - sends 2 probe to your base on 4 player map
1:30 - looking through fog at base, spamming clicks for probes
2:16 - reacts to you pulling scvs off line
4:18 - reacts to scv + marines about to come up ramp that he has no vision of (sends a bunch of probes)
7:37 - probe starts by itself
7:37 - probe starts by itself at natural
8:11 - starts cannoning up (can see opponent is making banshees)
9:08 - moves stalkers as close as he can to the right for the incomming banshee
9:09 - looks through fog at banshee
12:34 - looks through fog at ramp
12:35 - looks through fog at other ramp
13:28 - looks through fog
13:45 - looks through fog at your army moving out
13:46-47 - looks again through fog at army
15:52 - looks through fog around your bases
16:01 - somehow selected banshee before it uncloaked? (maybe a bug)
16:44 - sends units to where cloaked banshee is, that hasnt even attacked yet, nor has vision of.
17:19 - looks through fog at army
18:23 - watching bansehee through fog for a few seconds
18:52 - looks through fog at army
19:38 - looks through fog at army
5 :08 : auto probe production
5 :45 : Everything that follows this timing is very obvious auto-probe production, the nexus is never selected anymore and probes are constantly being produced one by one
[CONFIRMED] MMXaetheRial + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack + Desync hack
Replays: http://drop.sc/251297
0 :34 – Look at ennemy base in fog on 4 players map
0:56: Proxy 2 gate in base without scouting on 4 player map
2 :20 : Queues pylon block at the bottom of the ennemy ramp with no scouting on 4 player map
9:50 moves his stalkers to the back of his base to kill the incoming overseer with no vision
13:49: game get “desync” after he lost
Match History:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/r177N.png)
[CONFIRMED] MoreQQmoreGG + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: desync hack - all wins/ties in match history
Match history:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ceipJ.png)
[CONFIRMED] YetiMachine (name changed from Daenerys) + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: maphack+ blink hack
Replays: http://drop.sc/171394
13:46 Blink hack
15:20 Blink hack
As explained earlier, I will refer to Blink hack when a player is blinking stalkers though don’t have them selected. They blink automaticly which has been found to be an option on maphack
Instant army reactions to enemy positioning attacking through replay with no map vision.
Possible Blink hack (which I have not looked for in this replay).
[CONFIRMED] IMNesTea + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: maphack+blink hack
Replays: http://drop.sc/188053
15 :57 – Blink hack
18 :05 – Blink hack
19 :46 - Blink hack
[CONFIRMED] MirandaLawsn (name changed from NMxJValjean) + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack
Here are the replays we went through in the cast. Actually, we only mentionned the last one so let me explain what is weird about it really quick: On tal arim against player Gren, at 11:49 from vision of Jvaljean, the camera view is close to his natural without having vision of one of his unit that is getting attacked. He selects it and moves it back with no hotkeys, nor has vision over it, so my question is how did he select that unit.
[CONFIRMED] DsNinetail + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack
Replay: http://drop.sc/188346
1-Not scouting opponent base in 15 minutes
2- 10:15 phoenix engagement
3- Doesn't touch his army all game long EXCEPT when opponent approches (no watch towers/obs in his possession)
4-15:56 - Blinking without having according stalkers selected – blink hack
[CONFIRMED] GameOfDrone + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: maphack + blink hack
Replays: http://drop.sc/188270
1-PvZ, doesn't scout a single time opponent bases in a 24 min game (nor get observers)
2- 7:44, the fun begins, goes proxy pylon to attack an unscouted zerg, bring his army (zerg sees it coming pump units and start moving foward). Gameofdrone cancels proxy pylon, canon up his base and back off before even seeing vision of it.
3- 11:04: Warps in 4 stalkers, move them to the overlord that just got into a corner of his base (can't see from his vison) and kill the changeling sitting in the corner.
4- 14:06 - 14:10 : Counterattack by the zerg, Gameofdrone backs his army to cut him off few seconds before he comes into vision and back his warped in stalker in base to protect
EDIT: 15:50: Blink hack, blinking stalkers 1 by 1 as the unit selection doesn't correspond
16:39: Blink hack again
5- 18:48: wants to finaly takes his third and send a zealot +probe to the expo, though he noticed the zergling is burrowed (before reaching it) and since he has no observer around he changes direction to another expo where no ling is sitting.
6- 21:40, proxy pylon next to an unscouted expo, warp in 4 zealot to kill it while he attacks the 3rd base of the zerg (and yet didnt scout the "normal" 4rth which is at the right of the 3rd on that map cause there is no expo there)
[CONFIRMED] Venusaur (name changed from LGlightpwner) + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: maphack
[CONFIRMED] IlIlIlIlllll (note: previously OnTheThrone) + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: maphack
I've went threw all those replays and there is a lot of fishy moments and only a few obvious. Most likely, a youtube video will be made to highlight the important moments in the replay whenever the time allows it. For now, here are a few parts I noted:
Vs Ender
6:55 on antigua: moves queens foward and back lings before VR gets in vision range
Vs Kabaam
On shakuras:
-Sends his first overlord in diagonal and does not scout the base at the left while he his early pooling
3:10 : sends his lings in cross position without previous scouting and clicks the building threw fog of war at the bottom ramp as he already know the spawn position and that buildings are there
11:27: moves an overseer in his base, brings it with his queen close to the left side of his base to catch a coming observer (out of vision)
15:37: clicks army threw fog of war for the final engagement as his army been sitting doing nothing for a very long while (very suspicious timing to move foward).
Watched the other replays as well, suspicious/obvious as well though I didn't note timings as the first one were enough to accuse him.
In every single replay, this guy does not creep spread, spread overlord for scouting, nor use any watch tower a single time.
Additional video proof: http://www.twitch.tv/tcfnick/b/333352880
Replay being analysed in that VOD: http://drop.sc/257584
[CONFIRMED] ReDz + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack
Replays: http://drop.sc/194460
http://drop.sc/replays?game_format=2v2&player=#212553 - team replay pack
http://drop.sc/replays?game_format=1v1&player=#212553 - 1v1 replay pack
[CONFIRMED] LGIntel + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Auto-injects and possible maphack
Replays: http://drop.sc/231420
In this replay, the first inject at 5:14 is not legit, as the unit selection did not correspond with the inject that was going on. Unfortunately, the queen in this replay only remained alive for a few minutes so it is not as obvious as what is about to come.
In those 3 replays, LGIntel uses auto-injects for everything past the 7 minute mark (realized it upon watching the replays again). The queens are never selected, yet still performs perfect injects during the 20+ minute games.
This replay alone is suspicious but not enough to conclude anything off it. Though, considering the 4 other replays in which auto-injects were used, I believe that maphack was being used here.
5 :42 : backs his units to his base while he was planning to 4 gate which is fishy
In this replay, Intel does not bother scouting his opponent gas nor how much energy was saved on the nexus to know if he was getting 4 gated or not. Based on that, I’d say that there is no logic reason to explain why Intel backed his units off to fend off a 4 gate, while he was 4 gating himself.
[CONFIRMED] Terran + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: maphack
Replays: http://drop.sc/214200
6:25: goes with few scvs for an early pressure but decides to go back when he's almost at his opponent third because theres too much defense (without even scouting the base)
13:01: very obvious maphack there - moves his marines down to catch off mutas that were flying by
Same map as the last replay, though this time he changes completly his build (vs zerg again) and decide to early complete wall off - his opponent was going for a 6-7 pool.
8:29: Banshee changes direction to chase a probe that is going to proxy through FOW
10:03: Suspicious scan on an obs at his natural (obs that was just arriving/was not seen before and he moved his vision back only to scan the obs)
11:31: stares at opponents units in the FOW coming to him
14:16: Goes for a pylon to the top of the map, though this could be only to scout for an expo in a "normal" game.
15:33: Stares at a hidden pylon in FOW that is currently warping in some units. After seeing the units that have been warped, he moves a thor to his 3rd to defend the incoming units.
Notice how at the 18 minutes mark, Terran still didn't scout his opponent base nor has used a single scan on it (that's every game - no scan spend on scouting ever).
[CONFIRMED] ROOTBobRoSs + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Desync
Match history:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/pTQx3.png)
Replays : http://drop.sc/246712
0:07 - confirms that he is xSvEn in chat (someone he/she just played last game)
0:21 - sends probe to enemy base (changes mind a bit after and brings probe back)
3:07 - camera reacts to scv not in his vision for a split second
5:29 - looks through fog at enemy natural ramp where 3 marines are and sends units to it
5:34 - looks through fog at marines
5:57 - looks through fog at expo/cc/ramp/rines/bunker
6:00 - still looking through fog
6:27 - reacts to your marine push and pulls units back
6:47 - reacts to your marine push again and looks through fog and sends units to them
7:46 - looks through fog of war
9:37 - looks through fog at your medivacs/marines coming
9:51 - reacts (camera view) to your helions checking his third.
13:10 - looks through fog at your base/buildings
13:12 - looks through fog at your expo
13:13 - looks through fog at your units breaking rocks
13:43 - looks through fog at your incoming units
13:47 - looking through fog and clicks HTs to where your units are
0:06 - sends probe to enemy base
0.25 - looking through fog of war at probe leaving base
0:26 - moves camera down to watch probe through fog of war
0:37 - reacts to probe to make sure his isn't seen (no vision)
http://drop.sc/244664 (this is before he changed his name) CFCaPTaiNCaM
1:40 - sends probe to enemies ramp
2:43 - looks through fog of war
3:04 - looking through fog of war
3:41 - looking through fog of war at drone starting hatchery at his 3rd
3:43 - still looking
2:56 - looks through fog of war at base
4:00 - looks through fog of war at expo
[CONFIRMED] xSvEn + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack
Replay: http://drop.sc/245209
2:58 - rallys gateway to your base (never scouts)
3:18 - re-rallys gateway outside your natural (just before your scv starts expo, marines at your nat.)
3:53 - looks in fog of war at your marine
3:54 - moves a bit left/down and looks in fog of war at your ramp/expo
4:11 - has zealot about to run up your ramp but a marine is literally about to pop out and he reacts instantly (in fog of war) to it and moves zealot away
4:23 - moves zealot away from your expo (your pulling scvs from line down your ramp)
4:25 - looks down in fog of war at all the scvs you pulled out
4:33 - clicks exactly where you're building a bunker in the fog of war
5:29 - looks in fog of war at your natural expo + bunker that holds 3 marines.
5:55 - looks through fog of war at your ramp
6:23 - looks through fog of war at your cc that you landed to the left of your nats mineral line
6:30 - looks again, and sees the mule you just dropped and goes for it instantly
7:47 - looks through fog of war
7:49 - looks again before clicking, sees you lifting cc
7:52 - looks through fog of war again at your cc lifting to your base
7:53 - looking in fog, tries to pick off the two marines he cant see yet (not hard to see this)
9:34 - moves camera up a little to see scvs+units coming down your ramp through the fog and pulls his stalkers back
10:12 - looks through fog of war at your base
10:13 - moves camera left and looks through fog of war at your hidden base he never scouted (pretty incriminating)
12:08 - can see on minimap that you're about to drop in his base, (why else would he warp in that many units without seeing anything inside his base)
13:24 - looks through fog of war at your units at the xel-naga
0:24 - sends probe to this guys base
0:38 - clicks around the outside of the inside of his base to send probe
0:50 - constantly watching through fog of war at his probe to see where it is going so he doesn't get scouted
1:03 - still watching his probe through fog of war
1:08 - sees that the other guys probe is gonna see his probe (through fog of war) frantically tries to move his probe away
1:15 - looking through fog again
2:00 - looking through fog of war at his base
2:07 - starts his proxy at this guys nat, that he has never scouted
2:11 - looks through fog of war again at his base
2:20 - sees his probe on his minimap and sends his probe out to catch it
2:30 - tries to fake probe out that he is just "scouting" if you get what i mean. See this a lot lately in hackers replays
2:47 - rallys his gateways to inside other guys base that he hasnt scouted
2:50 - looks through fog of war at enemys probe sitting in his base
2:54 - looking through fog of war
3:05 - re-rallys gateways inside his unscouted base (he knows he is there, who does this without scouting?)
3:29 - looks through fog of war at his base yet again
3:37 - still randomly looking through fog of war
5:18 - opponent even says "no scouting"
Replay: http://drop.sc/246705
0:03 - the hack auto splits workers for him, sets rally, and starts first probe, you can see this pretty easily.
(3 different minerals are clicked at the same exact time+probe is started at the same time + rally is set at the same exact time, all in less than 1 second)
0:12 - sends probe to unscouted base
1:00 - starts proxy at natural of unscouted base
2:06 - sees forge through fog of war
2:08 - looks at forge through fog of war
2:09 - looks at base through fog of war
2:12 - sends probe exactly where enemy scouting probe is, with no vision
2:13 - clicks a few times exactly where the probe is before it's in vision
2:31 - looks through fog of war at ramp where probe + gateway building+forge are
2:36 - cancels forge cause of his forge that he hasn't scouted
2:59 - looks through fog of war at the probe in his base and clicks to it multiple times
3:10 - looks through fog of war at enemies ramp again
4:34 - looks through fog of war at base and sends probes
4:48 - looks through fog at ramp
5:04 - looks through fog at ramp again
5:06 - moves camera down to look at base through fog
5:09 - moves camera down from his probes to look through fog at ramp
5:11 - still looking through fog at ramp/base
5:14 - looking through fog at ramp
0:03 - hack auto splits workers, sets rally, selects nexus and starts first probe in less than 1 second
0:12 - looks through fog of war at enemy base and sends probe to it
0:54 - looks through fog at base
0:56 - reacts to scv by ramp and moves probe away
1:16 - reacts to 2 scvs coming to him, he trys to keep his probe out of vision
2:09 - looks through fog of war at hidden barracks at natural and sends probe to it
2:54 - looks through fog of war at barracks
3:02 - reacts to scv coming
3:14 - looks through fog at ramp
3:15 - looks through fog at base
3:16 - looks through fog at refinery
3:17 - looks through fog at barracks
3:45 - looks through fog at ramp/base
3:48 - looks through fog at marauder next to barracks
4:03 - looks through fog at marauder
4:36 - looks through fog at 2 marauders coming
5:04 - looks through fog at marauders at his natural
5:06 - reacts to them about to come up his ramp
6:06 - looks through fog at scv at xel naga and sends units
6:22 - looks through fog at opponents natural ramp at marauder + bunker building and sends units after he sees bunker isnt finished
6:38 - looks through fog at enemy cc, then looks at ramp
8:22 - sees scv coming on minimap and sends unit to it (reaction with no vision)
9:39 - reacts to enemy push about to come up his ramp (split units up about 5-10seconds before as well)
10:51 - looks through fog at enemy natural ramp
10:58 - looks through fog at medivacs loaded
11:02 - looks through fog at base/buildings
11:05 - looks through fog at natural/medivacs/units
11:22 - looks through fog at medivacs coming to his base from the side
12:20 - looks through fog at 2 scvs that have a cc and 2 refinerys que'd up
12:53 - looks through fog at enemy units
13:50 - looks through fog at enemy units
13:55 - looks through fog at enemy units
14:29 - same as above
15:15 - reacts to enemy unit movement
[CONFIRMED] WiNDOW + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Desync
Match history:
![[image loading]](http://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz276/bobby_978/WINDOWdesynchack.png)
[CONFIRMED] vEnCiDo + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: maphack
Replays: http://drop.sc/243647
0:05 - looks at your base in fog of war and instantly sends probe to your base that he hasn't scouted yet.
0:08 - shift queue probe along the side, inside your unscouted base leading down the side a bit.
0:41 - looks through fog of war at your base. (unscouted)
0:43 - looks again through fog of war at your base. (unscouted)
0:47 - looks yet again, at your base through fog of war. (waiting to see where your initial probe goes obviously)
0:52 - looks again, at your base through fog of war. Sees your building a pylon near your ramp and instantly reacts, sending his probe originally going into your base, to behind the mineral line at your natural.
1:13 - starts pylon outside your base at your nat. to the side of your unscouted base.
1:23 - looks again through fog of war at the pylon at your ramp. (unscouted base still)
1:25 - moves camera to the right of where he was looking inside your unscouted base through the fog of war at the probe your sending out.
1:30 - looks at your probe through fog of war leaving your unscouted base.
1:35 - looks down at your probe again through fog of war.
1:40 - he sends one of his own probes outside his natural to prepare for your scout.
1:45 - if you actually look at the everyone screen, he clicks exactly where you click to send your probe. Not once but a few times.
1:51 - he starts proxy gate outside your natural, by your unscouted base.
1:57 - acts like his probe is scouting to deter your probe about to leave fog of war into yours/his real vision. Causing you to turn and scout south. (He tried to be slick)
2:06 - builds 2nd gateway at your unscouted base.
2:09 - looks through fog of war at your base to see the forge you just started.
2:14 - looks through fog of war and rallys his gates inside on the other side of your pylon and forge.
2:22 - looks through fog of war again at your unscouted base.
2:47 - cancels 1 gateway and starts a forge outside your unscouted base.
2:58 - probe is patrolling outside his base by his ramp exactly where the three pylons you're gonna place are.
3:08 - looks through fog of war at your base and rallys his gateway to your unscouted base.
3:11 - looks at his probe patrolling where your three pylons aren't even started yet outside his base. (can see you pre-que'd them)
3:19 - positions his probe so its inside by the wall where your pylons are about to be placed right before he even has vision of your probe. (he was hoping to stop your cannon rush he never scouted)
3:41 - looks through fog of war again at your unscouted base and moves zealot to it.
0:05 - sends probe instantly to opponents unscouted base
0:19 - Opponent says "inbase proxy gate incoming" (which is what ends up happening)
0:49 - looks in fog of war at opponents base
0:52 - reacts to opponent probe building a pylon near ramp and moves probe away
0:54 - looks through fog of war again
1:19 - looks through fog of war
1:21 - looks through fog of war
1:44 - looks through fog of war
1:49 - looks through fog of war at probe building gateway
3:00 - looks through fog of war at gateways building units
[CONFIRMED] FnaticTRICKY (formely known as Impa) + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Here's a youtube video with some replay evidence where the accused uses maphack and blink hack.
[CONFIRMED] SeNoRCHaNG (renamed from FXONooBTaKkZ) + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack + Blink hack
Replays:+ Show Spoiler +
Replay #1: http://drop.sc/254151
2gate proxy, without scouting
0:10 - sends probe to opponent
1:07 - looking down through fog
1:18 - looking down through fog
1:45 - looking down through fog
1:58 - looks down through fog again, didn't note every time. Happens quite a bit.
2:13 - looking through fog at base
2:17 - same as above
2:30 - same as above
2:35 - same as above
Happens more after this, every few seconds. Not noting all the times, pretty obvious in the replay
Replay #2: http://drop.sc/258527
1:53 - sends probe to opponent, never scouted where base was
2:30 - walls off ramp of un-scouted base
Replay #3: http://drop.sc/259169
1:51 - sends probe to opponent, never scouted
2:22 - walls off ramp of un-scouted base
Replay #4: http://drop.sc/260852
Cannon rushes
1:52 - looks through fog of war at drone, sends probe to un scouted base
5:01 - reacts to ling coming to his base without vision, pulls probes
6:30 - looks through fog at base
6:43 - looks through fog at expo starting
6:44 - probe starts by itself (i'm sure it happens more in the game, but this will be the only noted time.)
6:45 - looks through fog at base
7:28 - looks through fog at expo
7:38 - looks through fog at drone transfer
7:41 - looks through fog at base
8:20 - looks through fog at queen spreading creep
8:47 - looks through fog at expo, gas timing
10:08 - looks through fog at overseer morphing
10:36 - reacts to incoming lings, with no vision
11:04 - looks through fog at burrowing spine, and lings/creep edge
11:17 - looks through fog at lings
12:01 - looks through fog at spine making near him
12:24 - positions camera so he can see if lings will run to his units or not while he takes 3rd expo
12:42 - looks through fog at enemy units
12:46 - looks through fog at enemy units again
12:49 - looks through fog at units, and 1 roach being sent out, sends some stalkers to kill it, with no vision.
13:03 - looks through fog at units
13:05 - looks through fog at units
13:30 - blink hack
13:22 - blink hack
13:28 - blink hack (he isn't even looking at his stalkers and they blink back) (not noting anymore blink hack times)
That's enough of this replay, pretty evident enough
Replay #5: http://drop.sc/261660
2gate proxy, without scouting
0:04 - sends probe to opponent
0:36 - looks through fog at base
0:43 - looks through fog
0:46 - reacts to probe leaving to scout, and pulls his probe back, has no vision of this
1:05 - looks through fog at probe
1:28 - looks through fog
1:29 - still looking
2:33 - looks through fog at ramp
3:05 - looks through fog at probe
3:10 - looks through fog at probe that set down a pylon outside his base, pulls probes
2gate proxy, without scouting
0:10 - sends probe to opponent
1:07 - looking down through fog
1:18 - looking down through fog
1:45 - looking down through fog
1:58 - looks down through fog again, didn't note every time. Happens quite a bit.
2:13 - looking through fog at base
2:17 - same as above
2:30 - same as above
2:35 - same as above
Happens more after this, every few seconds. Not noting all the times, pretty obvious in the replay
Replay #2: http://drop.sc/258527
1:53 - sends probe to opponent, never scouted where base was
2:30 - walls off ramp of un-scouted base
Replay #3: http://drop.sc/259169
1:51 - sends probe to opponent, never scouted
2:22 - walls off ramp of un-scouted base
Replay #4: http://drop.sc/260852
Cannon rushes
1:52 - looks through fog of war at drone, sends probe to un scouted base
5:01 - reacts to ling coming to his base without vision, pulls probes
6:30 - looks through fog at base
6:43 - looks through fog at expo starting
6:44 - probe starts by itself (i'm sure it happens more in the game, but this will be the only noted time.)
6:45 - looks through fog at base
7:28 - looks through fog at expo
7:38 - looks through fog at drone transfer
7:41 - looks through fog at base
8:20 - looks through fog at queen spreading creep
8:47 - looks through fog at expo, gas timing
10:08 - looks through fog at overseer morphing
10:36 - reacts to incoming lings, with no vision
11:04 - looks through fog at burrowing spine, and lings/creep edge
11:17 - looks through fog at lings
12:01 - looks through fog at spine making near him
12:24 - positions camera so he can see if lings will run to his units or not while he takes 3rd expo
12:42 - looks through fog at enemy units
12:46 - looks through fog at enemy units again
12:49 - looks through fog at units, and 1 roach being sent out, sends some stalkers to kill it, with no vision.
13:03 - looks through fog at units
13:05 - looks through fog at units
13:30 - blink hack
13:22 - blink hack
13:28 - blink hack (he isn't even looking at his stalkers and they blink back) (not noting anymore blink hack times)
That's enough of this replay, pretty evident enough
Replay #5: http://drop.sc/261660
2gate proxy, without scouting
0:04 - sends probe to opponent
0:36 - looks through fog at base
0:43 - looks through fog
0:46 - reacts to probe leaving to scout, and pulls his probe back, has no vision of this
1:05 - looks through fog at probe
1:28 - looks through fog
1:29 - still looking
2:33 - looks through fog at ramp
3:05 - looks through fog at probe
3:10 - looks through fog at probe that set down a pylon outside his base, pulls probes
[CONFIRMED] Gerudo (name changed from ivansKi) + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: Maphack + Blink hack
Replays: + Show Spoiler +
3 :00 : Forge first + 2 canons before scouting when his opponent was going early pool
13:35: Blink hack – Stalkers blinking 1 by one as the unit selection did not correspond
1 :12 : Proxy 2 gate on 4 player map unscouted
1 :20 : Proxy 2 gate on 4 played map unscouted
3 :00 : Forge first + 2 canons before scouting when his opponent was going early pool
13:35: Blink hack – Stalkers blinking 1 by one as the unit selection did not correspond
1 :12 : Proxy 2 gate on 4 player map unscouted
1 :20 : Proxy 2 gate on 4 played map unscouted
[CONFIRMED] ChoboSmurf + Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Description: maphack
Replays: http://drop.sc/227618
4:00: Double nexus opening when his opponent is going CC first - no scout
4:13: Look at ennemy expo in FOW on shakuras - still no scout
7:35: Proxy pylon at the top base near hidden expansion
7:52: Warps in units to the hidden expansion before scouting it (which traps the zealot in between the top right and top left base) - this is the most obvious proof of the mh as noone would randomly trap his units there for no reason
12:54 - Backs off without scouting the third while he has map control in front of his opponent base (there's no expansion there obviously)
13:44 - Moves back his army from the middle of the map as the ennemy moves out
13:52: Is ready to catch the drop at his base - he ONLY has units prepared to catch a drop in that base (1/5)
10:50: Moves 4 zealot and attack the hidden expansion without scouting it
13:12 - Is killing rocks to go at the spot the CC moved - still no scout
15:28: Warps in zealot in his base just as 2 medivacs are coming to drop - no vision of it
6:39 - Look opponent base in FOW on 4 player map with no scouting
7:44 - Walks to opponent base straight without knowing where his base is
8:00 - Changes his army direction to go kill 2 lone stalkers at the watch tower
10:00 - Puts down a robo just when the DT shrine is going down
**Notice that ChoboSmurf has not scouted his opponent base in any of his matches and do not try to keep map control at all (not seeing once his opponent base at 20+ minute mark).
+ Show Spoiler [14.04.2013] +
use the url tag
when you submit a replay please make the Hacker name field a link to the hackers battle.net page. it will speed up the process. this thread courtesy wo1fwood is helpfull if you don't know how to: BBCoTL.
still asking for some more help to confirm hackers. drop me a pm if you are regular contributor. cheers!
when you submit a replay please make the Hacker name field a link to the hackers battle.net page. it will speed up the process. this thread courtesy wo1fwood is helpfull if you don't know how to: BBCoTL.
still asking for some more help to confirm hackers. drop me a pm if you are regular contributor. cheers!
+ Show Spoiler [05.04.2013] +
it's about damned time
this is now also the hots hacking thead.
small update now! been really busy with univ for a couple of months, and will probably contiunue to be so, but summer break is not far away luckily. and as you have probably noticed i haven't updated the thread in a while. which kinda sucked since it was the end of wol and start of hots, but that was how the cookie crumbled.
i have ofc been following the thread. there seems to be a lot of activity still, which is wonderful. also sc2hdb made a nice tool for beeping when you queue up vs confirmed hackers from this thread. if i had the capacity to update the database still, that would be a great tool.
i have looked at the source code and have been talking to him a lot during the development process. it's nothing shady, and i will vouch for him at least. the only sad part is ofc my inactivity and thus the diminished value of this tool, because of the outdated database.
hopefully this can be changed with some focussed effort. feel free to pm me if you want to contribute to updating this thread.
this is now also the hots hacking thead.
small update now! been really busy with univ for a couple of months, and will probably contiunue to be so, but summer break is not far away luckily. and as you have probably noticed i haven't updated the thread in a while. which kinda sucked since it was the end of wol and start of hots, but that was how the cookie crumbled.
i have ofc been following the thread. there seems to be a lot of activity still, which is wonderful. also sc2hdb made a nice tool for beeping when you queue up vs confirmed hackers from this thread. if i had the capacity to update the database still, that would be a great tool.
i have looked at the source code and have been talking to him a lot during the development process. it's nothing shady, and i will vouch for him at least. the only sad part is ofc my inactivity and thus the diminished value of this tool, because of the outdated database.
hopefully this can be changed with some focussed effort. feel free to pm me if you want to contribute to updating this thread.
+ Show Spoiler [14.02.2013] +
valentine's day update
good activity lately! changed listings to be grouped by months. the ideal thing would have them be grouped by season, but we'll fix that in hots.
i'd like more input on Dakkon! i added a summary post. feel free to chime in!
a lot of bad apples has been added to the list since last time, all of them are under february. even some from SEA and KR.
also feel free to shoot off reports to blizzards hacking site linking to analylsis posts.
peace out!
good activity lately! changed listings to be grouped by months. the ideal thing would have them be grouped by season, but we'll fix that in hots.
i'd like more input on Dakkon! i added a summary post. feel free to chime in!
a lot of bad apples has been added to the list since last time, all of them are under february. even some from SEA and KR.
also feel free to shoot off reports to blizzards hacking site linking to analylsis posts.
peace out!
+ Show Spoiler [12.01.2013] +
the good samaritan
after hots replays started to get posted in the thread i sadly was not able to review them due to no HOTS access, tl user hyeon took note of this, contacted me and provided me with beta access. a big thanks to you.
i wrote two blogs related to hacking. the first one is a small guide on detecting some of the automation hacks. i see a lot of people post that they don't know how to in this thread, so i thought it would help. second one is about how fickle it is to catch maphackers, without stepping on toes, and how we can change this thread to make it easier.
i also started up a thread for submitting HOTS replays: HOTS GM/Master Hacker Thread.
since last time there has been some really good 'snowballing' in the thread, where a submission leads to more submissions, and less people are posting here without submitting, which is good. this weeks batch of fresh assholes:
after hots replays started to get posted in the thread i sadly was not able to review them due to no HOTS access, tl user hyeon took note of this, contacted me and provided me with beta access. a big thanks to you.
i wrote two blogs related to hacking. the first one is a small guide on detecting some of the automation hacks. i see a lot of people post that they don't know how to in this thread, so i thought it would help. second one is about how fickle it is to catch maphackers, without stepping on toes, and how we can change this thread to make it easier.
i also started up a thread for submitting HOTS replays: HOTS GM/Master Hacker Thread.
since last time there has been some really good 'snowballing' in the thread, where a submission leads to more submissions, and less people are posting here without submitting, which is good. this weeks batch of fresh assholes:
- NA: Pegasus, LGkouhai, ThenMeIsNoob, Tool, IlIlIlIlllll, Escobar, SKILLCAPPED, LaurenElise, Pxeba
+ Show Spoiler [04.01.2012] +
hacky new year
after the last update some poor fella with the same name as a hacker got really upset when people wrongfully started accusing him of hacking. i do believe he even called blizzard. korona pm'd be with not only a good solution to this problem, but also copy pasteable code having done all the hard work himself. thank you a lot.
now you have the ability to 'easily' find and check the battle.net url id against whoever you're about to unleash on. if they are the same you can flame away without a care in the world. notice that the number behind the slash also need to be the same.
don't be discouraged from posting if you are not Master or GM, even though it says so in the title, i don't mind.
people are still submitting in an orderly fashion, and more HOTS replays are getting posted. as i have mentioned earlier i don't have HOTS atm, so if anyone would like to analyze / review HOTS replays i would be much obliged.
it's been fairly quiet around new years, and only 3 suckers from NA is going on the list, also moved ChoboSmurf to banned. it seems like he is, if someone could confirm this it would be great.
after the last update some poor fella with the same name as a hacker got really upset when people wrongfully started accusing him of hacking. i do believe he even called blizzard. korona pm'd be with not only a good solution to this problem, but also copy pasteable code having done all the hard work himself. thank you a lot.
now you have the ability to 'easily' find and check the battle.net url id against whoever you're about to unleash on. if they are the same you can flame away without a care in the world. notice that the number behind the slash also need to be the same.
don't be discouraged from posting if you are not Master or GM, even though it says so in the title, i don't mind.
people are still submitting in an orderly fashion, and more HOTS replays are getting posted. as i have mentioned earlier i don't have HOTS atm, so if anyone would like to analyze / review HOTS replays i would be much obliged.
it's been fairly quiet around new years, and only 3 suckers from NA is going on the list, also moved ChoboSmurf to banned. it seems like he is, if someone could confirm this it would be great.
+ Show Spoiler [29.12.2012] +
catching up
very good form on latest submissions. leave feedback if you don't agree with the listings.
don't post accusations without also providing replay and take care when wording your post, but on the other hand don't be afraid to post a replay you feel is suspicious. pm me if you are unsure.
even though someone's analysis is posted it's really hard to be sure, adding in more replays after helps reinforce the analysis and makes my sleep easier at night.
as long as no one starts up a HOTS thread posting replays here is fine, but i can't confirm and list. when i get HOTS i'll start up a thread if nobody beats me to it.
RezJ made a good post on maphacking on the bnet forums, i think is worth a read: The Maphacking Problem and a Possible Solution and presonally i do agree that they should rely more on community support for dealing with the issue.
new newbs:
very good form on latest submissions. leave feedback if you don't agree with the listings.
don't post accusations without also providing replay and take care when wording your post, but on the other hand don't be afraid to post a replay you feel is suspicious. pm me if you are unsure.
even though someone's analysis is posted it's really hard to be sure, adding in more replays after helps reinforce the analysis and makes my sleep easier at night.
as long as no one starts up a HOTS thread posting replays here is fine, but i can't confirm and list. when i get HOTS i'll start up a thread if nobody beats me to it.
RezJ made a good post on maphacking on the bnet forums, i think is worth a read: The Maphacking Problem and a Possible Solution and presonally i do agree that they should rely more on community support for dealing with the issue.
new newbs:
- EU: KotoKot, Hotlinez, Riski, MilliAtto, LPGTtSultan, IIIIIIIIIIII, Dysphoria(previously: etNa)
NA: EGldra, AnnaProsser, BlinK
+ Show Spoiler [19.12.2012] +
do they know it's christmas
hots replays have start trickling in and as soon as i get hots beta access / hots gets released i'll start up another thread in hots forum if nobody else beats me to the punch, but for now this thread is an ok place to put and spread awareness. going to take an xmas break, but will be back for the week after for more analysis. will probably update the OP to make the layout consistent. i think it should be sorted by date, then server, so the most recent ones are the most visible ones.
just 5 confirms this time around, all of them seem clear cut. please feel free to voice any flaws you find in the analysis in the thread.
also added nerffy since he has been active lately, it also seems like Jaycraft (switched his name to barcode and 'reached' gm) was banned, but not quite sure. Demonoid also changed his name to IlIlIlIlIlIl.
hots replays have start trickling in and as soon as i get hots beta access / hots gets released i'll start up another thread in hots forum if nobody else beats me to the punch, but for now this thread is an ok place to put and spread awareness. going to take an xmas break, but will be back for the week after for more analysis. will probably update the OP to make the layout consistent. i think it should be sorted by date, then server, so the most recent ones are the most visible ones.
just 5 confirms this time around, all of them seem clear cut. please feel free to voice any flaws you find in the analysis in the thread.
- NA: RatzDeezer, Tragic, lllIIIIllllI, Eaer
EU: WLHgeorge
also added nerffy since he has been active lately, it also seems like Jaycraft (switched his name to barcode and 'reached' gm) was banned, but not quite sure. Demonoid also changed his name to IlIlIlIlIlIl.
+ Show Spoiler [12.12.2012] +
busy week
good form on recent submissions, also more more frequent submissions. think i up with most of backlog from takeover.
again i must insist that we refrain from posting 'yes i just played him, he hacks' without submitting replay. when trying to find conclusive evidence of maphacking i feel like you need a good 3-5 replays to be certain (there are exceptions to this ofc). automation hacks however are really easy to spot.
another tip for the productive: when you play someone you suspect might be a cheater on ladder ask his previous opponents if they care to submit the replay to drop.sc. makes it a lot faster and easier to get a good grip on whether or not someone is hacking.
i have decided to reformat the OP so that confirms gets sorted by date of addition, then server, so it's easier to take a quick look for active ne'erdowells. will also update with old confirms that now are active again, but don't have time to do it now.
fresh batch of confirms
good form on recent submissions, also more more frequent submissions. think i up with most of backlog from takeover.
again i must insist that we refrain from posting 'yes i just played him, he hacks' without submitting replay. when trying to find conclusive evidence of maphacking i feel like you need a good 3-5 replays to be certain (there are exceptions to this ofc). automation hacks however are really easy to spot.
another tip for the productive: when you play someone you suspect might be a cheater on ladder ask his previous opponents if they care to submit the replay to drop.sc. makes it a lot faster and easier to get a good grip on whether or not someone is hacking.
i have decided to reformat the OP so that confirms gets sorted by date of addition, then server, so it's easier to take a quick look for active ne'erdowells. will also update with old confirms that now are active again, but don't have time to do it now.
fresh batch of confirms
- NA: VaporizerQC, Hawkeye, Hailey, IlIlIlIlIlIl, thunderBIRD, Demonoid, NewChelsea
EU: RainbowDash, etNa, Analthaabe, llllllllllll, Shinrei
+ Show Spoiler [05.12.2012] +
drop.sc it like it's hot
please use drop.sc when you upload files, it's less work for me. the interface is really easy (drag / drop) so it shouldn't be any more work for you. pretty please. lets try to keep the whining and pointless arguments to a minimum the following week. if you are annoyed with blizzard's impotence, posting a short qq in this thread isn't going to help their circulation, raising awareness however is.
please post replays when you play people that other people have accused, but aren't confirmed yet. the snowball effect is really powerful (in regards to spotting a hacker), and i wish more people would contribute with actual replays.
this week's batch of hackers:
if you disagree with any, or have more replays of them please submit greivances or replays in thread.
thanks to korona for providing insight, and thanks to people who participate and submit reps (especially through drop.sc).
also added a banner. was in a spy mood after reading the perfect spy, and based it on the poster for the movie tinker, tailor, soldier, spy.
please use drop.sc when you upload files, it's less work for me. the interface is really easy (drag / drop) so it shouldn't be any more work for you. pretty please. lets try to keep the whining and pointless arguments to a minimum the following week. if you are annoyed with blizzard's impotence, posting a short qq in this thread isn't going to help their circulation, raising awareness however is.
please post replays when you play people that other people have accused, but aren't confirmed yet. the snowball effect is really powerful (in regards to spotting a hacker), and i wish more people would contribute with actual replays.
this week's batch of hackers:
- NA: JayCraft
EU: maphacker, EneMech, TOPTisalie
if you disagree with any, or have more replays of them please submit greivances or replays in thread.
thanks to korona for providing insight, and thanks to people who participate and submit reps (especially through drop.sc).
also added a banner. was in a spy mood after reading the perfect spy, and based it on the poster for the movie tinker, tailor, soldier, spy.
+ Show Spoiler [28.11.2012] +
a friendly takeover
greetings GM/Master map hacker and general hacking and cheating thread inhabitants. i have taken over this thread in Zwei’s absence and will be updating the op with confirmed hackers. in this occasion i have taken the liberty of doing some tinkering on the OP. hoping to make it cleaner and better looking in the coming weeks.
reformatted, rearranged and added the following ne'erdowells:
if there are anyone who disagrees with the analysis of these players please air your grievances in thread.
greetings GM/Master map hacker and general hacking and cheating thread inhabitants. i have taken over this thread in Zwei’s absence and will be updating the op with confirmed hackers. in this occasion i have taken the liberty of doing some tinkering on the OP. hoping to make it cleaner and better looking in the coming weeks.
reformatted, rearranged and added the following ne'erdowells:
- NA: Fox
EU: llllllllllll, RatZSkitzø, murdera, CrazyAPM, AngryHobbit, SuiNy
if there are anyone who disagrees with the analysis of these players please air your grievances in thread.
+ Show Spoiler [Zwei's epitaph] +
My last update
I'm sorry to inform everyone that I will not be updating this thread anymore. I do not have the time for it, nor the motivation anymore. I feel like this is growing out of { just as it once got on BW and WC3 - I highly doubt Blizzard will react to it more than they currently do. My passion for Starcraft has been decreasing over the past few weeks and I will not be playing it much more anymore. I've decided to switch over to LoL as I find the game interesting, yet different than starcraft in every aspect. I wish you guys the best of luck in this fight against hackers.
It is up to the mods to keep this opened for public discussion about hackers, or to close it as I will not be updating the OP anymore.
I'm sorry to inform everyone that I will not be updating this thread anymore. I do not have the time for it, nor the motivation anymore. I feel like this is growing out of { just as it once got on BW and WC3 - I highly doubt Blizzard will react to it more than they currently do. My passion for Starcraft has been decreasing over the past few weeks and I will not be playing it much more anymore. I've decided to switch over to LoL as I find the game interesting, yet different than starcraft in every aspect. I wish you guys the best of luck in this fight against hackers.
It is up to the mods to keep this opened for public discussion about hackers, or to close it as I will not be updating the OP anymore.