Team Liquid now has its very own DayZ Server!!!!!
Come join us on USA 1337! This Server is temporarily down, but will be back up soon, in the mean time you can use Tofucakes server which all TLers are Welcome to use, US 382
Come join us on USA 1337!
A important message from TSBspartacus:
OK guys the teamspeak city channels are set up.
Move there when general chat is busy or whenever you want. If its empty, no need to go there since no-one else is in. It is
Common courtesy to announce you are moving there so people in the chat know that city is now a danger-zone.
Anyone not in the city group but in the city, be prepared to be shot on sight by TL members that are in the group.
As far as defining the boundaries, just the general area; so for Cherno anywhere between Balota and Prigorodski (including Prig though since its basically part of Cherno) and all the surrounding hills. As a general rule, if you can see any part of the city, get in the chat.
Move there when general chat is busy or whenever you want. If its empty, no need to go there since no-one else is in. It is
Common courtesy to announce you are moving there so people in the chat know that city is now a danger-zone.
Anyone not in the city group but in the city, be prepared to be shot on sight by TL members that are in the group.
As far as defining the boundaries, just the general area; so for Cherno anywhere between Balota and Prigorodski (including Prig though since its basically part of Cherno) and all the surrounding hills. As a general rule, if you can see any part of the city, get in the chat.
What it means: New channels have been created on the Dayz TS server for the benefit of people in specific cities, if you are in a major city (elektro/cherno) but fail to let people in the channel know you are there, you are running a very serious risk, and may be shot on sight.
Hello and welcome to the Teamliquid Dayz players list! The purpose of this thread is to help TL'ers find other TL members who can help them survive in the barren, zombie infested wasteland known as Chernarus! I know that with just a bit of coordination we can all have a blast in this Eastern European hellhole we
for those who dont know what Dayz is, it is a mod for ArmA II that introduces players into an enormous zombie wasteland while requiring them to scavenge for food, water, and a myriad of other valuable supplies across a massive area, all while managing a host of environmental dangers including zombies, hunger, thirst, illness, and potentially even other players looking to kill you for your supplies. Will you become a friendly scavenger helping those in need that you comes across? Or a ruthless bandit murdering and stealing from everyone you see to survive? In Dayz, roleplaying and gameplay are seamlessly intertwined, your interactions with other players will directly determine your success in the game. So working together is a good idea.
If you would like to know more about this fascinating new mod, then you should take a look at this thread:
In there you can find links to installation instructions,
Now on to business, I have heard word that Mango will be setting up a teamspeak channel specifically for Dayz! (Until then TBSpartacus has set up a User channel open to everyone, so if you want to play go hop on!) This will make it much easier for people to locate each other and play together. To further facilitate that, I thought it would be a good idea to keep a list of TLers who are interested in teaming up with each other to play. This should make it easier to stay in touch with other players.
So in this thread im going to try and keep an organized list of TL'ers who want to work together and their contact info. If you want to have your name on the list, simply post in this thread the following bits of information and il edit you into it

1) your In game (ArmA II) handle
2) your steam contact info or preferred form of contact (note: if for any reason you dont want to give this info then its no problem, il still add you and leave your TL account as the main contact)
And that's it! Now lets hit the field and find some baked beans!
Contact List
+ Show Spoiler +
Teamliquid ID: PassiveAce
In game name: Passive
Steam account: Passive
Teamliquid ID: TBSpartacus
In Game: Phil
Steam: Spartacus
Teamliquid ID: Aeres (currently known as Archas)
In Game: Archas
Teamliquid ID: jtype
In Game: Neskobar
Steam: jtype
Teamliquid ID: Coriolis
In Game: Descolada
Teamliquid ID: Yourfired
In Game: Derek
Steam: You're fired.
Teamliquid ID: Cynry
ARMA Handle : Philippe
Steam ID : Cynry
(plays on French and EU servers)
Teamliquid ID: Mcgriddle
ARMA handle: mcg
Steam ID: mcgriddle
Teamliquid ID: torm3ntin
In Game: torm3ntin
Steam: torm3ntin
Teamliquid ID: Al Bundy
In-game name: Hovito
Steam Account: Hovito99
Teamliquid ID: Lampan
In Game: Lampan
Steam: Lampan
Teamliquid ID: ifonlyiwereawsum
In Game: Sylley/Ifonly
Steam: ifonlyiwereawsum
Teamliquid ID: Sonminiser
In Game: Sonminiser
Steam: Sonminiser
TeamLiquid ID: Dacendoran
In Game: Dacendoran
Steam: Dacendoran
TeamLiquid ID: PaqMan
In Game: PaqMan
Teamliquid ID: Disregard
In-Game: Vitruvius
Teamliquid ID: adx2infinitum
In Game: adx2infinitum
Teamliquid ID: TheRealFluid
In Game: Fluid
Steam: The King of the North
Teamliquid ID: roflwaffles55
In Game: Robert
Teamliquid ID: FlyingToilet
In Game: nSFlyingToilet
Steam: nSFlyingToilet
TeamLiquid ID: RoosterSamurai
In Game: RoosterSamurai
Steam: _syntaxerror_
Teamliquid ID: Chrispy
In Game:Cpt. TwinkleToes
Steam: Cpt. Whoopass
Teamliquid ID: Slow Motion
In Game: Kevin
Teamliquid ID: Blondinbengt
In Game: Blondinbengt
Steam: blondinbengt
Teamliquid ID: Fontong
In Game: Fontong
Steam: Fontong
Teamliquid ID: ToT)OjKa(
In Game : Miguel Migmiggyson
Steam : [TL]OjKa
TL ID: rwrzr
In Game CPT. Ramsey
Steam CPT. Ramsey
Teamliquid ID: Folca
In Game : FoX
Steam : ppofstlouis
in game: dj
steam: scarecrow
Teamliquid ID: Stopher
In game name: Stopher
Steam account: stopherthedt
Teamliquid: B0NJWA
In Game: Bonjwa
Steam: uionmvcb100
Teamliquid ID: Paperscraps
In Game: Paperscraps
Steam: Paracuity
TL ID: Cellblock
In Game: Gilgamesh
Steam .zyc0
Team Liquid ID: drumsetjunky
In Game: drumsetjunky
Steam: drumsetjunky
In Game: Vathas
Steam: firedragoon356
TL: Senx
Steam: Senx
DayZ: Senx
TL: Razt
Steam: ActionDanger
DayZ: Action
TLID: Silidons
In Game: Page
Steam: page14
TL ID: Taxexempt
IGN: Tax
Steam: Taxexempt
Teamliquid ID: Misfitbum
In Game: Misfitbum
Steam: Misfitbum
TL: Bismillah
In Game: Ghazi
Steam: ow_nightstalker
Teamliquid ID: Shootemup.
In Game: Shootemup252
Steam: Shootemup252
TL: Cilien
game: Cee
steam: c_racer
TL: Maestrosc
Game: trevor
Steam: mnofstl007
Teamliquid ID: Wuzzy
In Game: Wuzzy
Steam: wuzzyii
Teamliquid ID: bK-
In Game: bK
Teamliquid ID: Nufo
ARMA Handle: Nufo
Steam: Nufo
Teamliquid ID : Mascherano
In Game : Quilmes
Steam : kun
TL: FaRess
Game: FaRess
Steam: SFaRess
TL: Hittegods
Game: Humphrey Banghard
Steam: hittegods
TL : MyDarkDemise
Game : Ritsuka
Steam : [eZ]Bacon Strips
TL: bre1010
Game: ben
Steam: bre1010
Teamliquid ID: ChaseC11
In game: Chase Choate
Steam: ChaseC11
Team Liquid ID: CrazyF1r3f0x
Game: CrazyF1r3f0x
Steam: CrazyF1r3f0x
TL ID: sc4k
Game: Xavier
Steam: HamerD
TL ID: UmbraaeternuS
Game: Umbra
Steam: Umbra
TL: Lichblazer
In Game: Lichblazer
Steam: Lichblazer
TL: Peawok
In Game: peawok
Steam: peawok
TL: Zealos
In Game: Isaac
Steam: TC Zealos
Teamliquid ID: Frequently
In Game: linda ronstadt
Steam: Nocturnal85
TL ID: MarkT34
Steam ID: theulitjew
ArmA handle: Vice
TL: Praetorial
Steam: Praetorial the Purist
Ingame: Praetorial
Teamliquid ID: Syi
In game name: Liquid`Syi (Just so please can recognise im from TL )
Steam account: 0wn3dbym3h
TL: Soullogik
steam :
in game : soullogik
TL: Random_Guy09
in game : RandomGuy
tl: mindwarp
TL: ffswowsucks
Steam ID: tetsu0jin
dayZ: Terminator
Teamliquid ID: Tufty
In Game: Tufty
Steam: Tufty_
in Game: Gin
Steam: Guinea-Saurus-Rex
TL ID : Fearman
Ingame ID : Fearman
Steam : fearman_frank_castle
TL ID : MoreFlame
Ingame ID : notBlackHaze
Steam : notBlackHaze
Ingame ID : DoGo
Steam : all_devourer
TeamLiquid ID: Radel
In Game: Ryan
Steam: radelrym
Ingame: IggNight
TLID: Malpractice.248
Ingame: Malpractice
TLID: Demidyne
IGN: Darkenon
Steam: Darkenon
TL ID : MiyaviTeddy
Ingame ID : METALGEAR (oddly)
Steam : I'm a what?
Teamliquid ID: oZii
InGame: Walter
Steam: asheth007
Teamliquid ID: bwallywalls
In Game: Brian
Steam: bwallywalls
Tl ID: TheEmulator
In Game: Brendan
Steam: TheEmulator
TL: ibreakurface
In game: PlainPlane
Steam: Plain_Plane
tl: derp (AKA Tofucake)
in game: tofucake
-TL: bumwithguns
-in game name: bum1
-steam id: bumwithguns
TL -- CatfooD
Game -- CatfooD
TL: ZaaaaaM
In game: Daeron
Steam ID: daeronnn
TL: cluck
In Game: clucK
Teamliquid: Xiao KA
In Game: Xiao KA
Steam: Xiao KA
TL: ToolshedToss
In game: Toolshed
Steam: Toolshedkn
TL: ayaz2810
Steam: ayaz2810
Game: Phillip
TL: killamane
steam: thekillamancan
Game: killaman
Teamliquid ID: oZii
InGame: oZii
Steam: asheth007
Teamliquid ID: Deadstrider
Ingame: Daniel
Steam: snerty
TL ID: jonkop
Ingame: Jon Kopchick
Steam: jk5099
TL ID: lambda-
Ingame: lambda
Steam: lambda
TL ID: Veldril
Ingame: Nasher
Steam: nasher151
Teamliquid ID: Googity
In Game: JoeyB83
Steam: wintehs
Teamliquid ID: NEXUS6
In Game: nexus6
Steam: nexus6
TL: Canhanrah
In Game: Canhanrah (Steam)
tl id: sc2terran
steam: wolferyy
Name: Keenan
Steam: ThorZorz
TL ID: Echthroi
Steam ID: Doctor Grover
Game ID: Doctor Grover
TL ID: MeatLoaf
Steam ID MeatLoaf
Game ID: MeatLoaf
Teamliquid ID: Jimmifett
In Game: Jimmifett
Steam: ZombieKillerJim
TL: tiechiman
TL: Tiegrr
Steam ID: T3hNinja
ARMA: Tiegrr
TL: ptmc
dayz: ptmc
Teamliquid ID: Riku
In game name: Renee
Steam account: GinRyuChan
TL: p4NDemik
Steam: p4NDemik
dayz: coming soon after work today
Teamliquid ID: PassiveAce
In game name: Passive
Steam account: Passive
Teamliquid ID: TBSpartacus
In Game: Phil
Steam: Spartacus
Teamliquid ID: Aeres (currently known as Archas)
In Game: Archas
Teamliquid ID: jtype
In Game: Neskobar
Steam: jtype
Teamliquid ID: Coriolis
In Game: Descolada
Teamliquid ID: Yourfired
In Game: Derek
Steam: You're fired.
Teamliquid ID: Cynry
ARMA Handle : Philippe
Steam ID : Cynry
(plays on French and EU servers)
Teamliquid ID: Mcgriddle
ARMA handle: mcg
Steam ID: mcgriddle
Teamliquid ID: torm3ntin
In Game: torm3ntin
Steam: torm3ntin
Teamliquid ID: Al Bundy
In-game name: Hovito
Steam Account: Hovito99
Teamliquid ID: Lampan
In Game: Lampan
Steam: Lampan
Teamliquid ID: ifonlyiwereawsum
In Game: Sylley/Ifonly
Steam: ifonlyiwereawsum
Teamliquid ID: Sonminiser
In Game: Sonminiser
Steam: Sonminiser
TeamLiquid ID: Dacendoran
In Game: Dacendoran
Steam: Dacendoran
TeamLiquid ID: PaqMan
In Game: PaqMan
Teamliquid ID: Disregard
In-Game: Vitruvius
Teamliquid ID: adx2infinitum
In Game: adx2infinitum
Teamliquid ID: TheRealFluid
In Game: Fluid
Steam: The King of the North
Teamliquid ID: roflwaffles55
In Game: Robert
Teamliquid ID: FlyingToilet
In Game: nSFlyingToilet
Steam: nSFlyingToilet
TeamLiquid ID: RoosterSamurai
In Game: RoosterSamurai
Steam: _syntaxerror_
Teamliquid ID: Chrispy
In Game:Cpt. TwinkleToes
Steam: Cpt. Whoopass
Teamliquid ID: Slow Motion
In Game: Kevin
Teamliquid ID: Blondinbengt
In Game: Blondinbengt
Steam: blondinbengt
Teamliquid ID: Fontong
In Game: Fontong
Steam: Fontong
Teamliquid ID: ToT)OjKa(
In Game : Miguel Migmiggyson
Steam : [TL]OjKa
TL ID: rwrzr
In Game CPT. Ramsey
Steam CPT. Ramsey
Teamliquid ID: Folca
In Game : FoX
Steam : ppofstlouis
in game: dj
steam: scarecrow
Teamliquid ID: Stopher
In game name: Stopher
Steam account: stopherthedt
Teamliquid: B0NJWA
In Game: Bonjwa
Steam: uionmvcb100
Teamliquid ID: Paperscraps
In Game: Paperscraps
Steam: Paracuity
TL ID: Cellblock
In Game: Gilgamesh
Steam .zyc0
Team Liquid ID: drumsetjunky
In Game: drumsetjunky
Steam: drumsetjunky
In Game: Vathas
Steam: firedragoon356
TL: Senx
Steam: Senx
DayZ: Senx
TL: Razt
Steam: ActionDanger
DayZ: Action
TLID: Silidons
In Game: Page
Steam: page14
TL ID: Taxexempt
IGN: Tax
Steam: Taxexempt
Teamliquid ID: Misfitbum
In Game: Misfitbum
Steam: Misfitbum
TL: Bismillah
In Game: Ghazi
Steam: ow_nightstalker
Teamliquid ID: Shootemup.
In Game: Shootemup252
Steam: Shootemup252
TL: Cilien
game: Cee
steam: c_racer
TL: Maestrosc
Game: trevor
Steam: mnofstl007
Teamliquid ID: Wuzzy
In Game: Wuzzy
Steam: wuzzyii
Teamliquid ID: bK-
In Game: bK
Teamliquid ID: Nufo
ARMA Handle: Nufo
Steam: Nufo
Teamliquid ID : Mascherano
In Game : Quilmes
Steam : kun
TL: FaRess
Game: FaRess
Steam: SFaRess
TL: Hittegods
Game: Humphrey Banghard
Steam: hittegods
TL : MyDarkDemise
Game : Ritsuka
Steam : [eZ]Bacon Strips
TL: bre1010
Game: ben
Steam: bre1010
Teamliquid ID: ChaseC11
In game: Chase Choate
Steam: ChaseC11
Team Liquid ID: CrazyF1r3f0x
Game: CrazyF1r3f0x
Steam: CrazyF1r3f0x
TL ID: sc4k
Game: Xavier
Steam: HamerD
TL ID: UmbraaeternuS
Game: Umbra
Steam: Umbra
TL: Lichblazer
In Game: Lichblazer
Steam: Lichblazer
TL: Peawok
In Game: peawok
Steam: peawok
TL: Zealos
In Game: Isaac
Steam: TC Zealos
Teamliquid ID: Frequently
In Game: linda ronstadt
Steam: Nocturnal85
TL ID: MarkT34
Steam ID: theulitjew
ArmA handle: Vice
TL: Praetorial
Steam: Praetorial the Purist
Ingame: Praetorial
Teamliquid ID: Syi
In game name: Liquid`Syi (Just so please can recognise im from TL )
Steam account: 0wn3dbym3h
TL: Soullogik
steam :
in game : soullogik
TL: Random_Guy09
in game : RandomGuy
tl: mindwarp
TL: ffswowsucks
Steam ID: tetsu0jin
dayZ: Terminator
Teamliquid ID: Tufty
In Game: Tufty
Steam: Tufty_
in Game: Gin
Steam: Guinea-Saurus-Rex
TL ID : Fearman
Ingame ID : Fearman
Steam : fearman_frank_castle
TL ID : MoreFlame
Ingame ID : notBlackHaze
Steam : notBlackHaze
Ingame ID : DoGo
Steam : all_devourer
TeamLiquid ID: Radel
In Game: Ryan
Steam: radelrym
Ingame: IggNight
TLID: Malpractice.248
Ingame: Malpractice
TLID: Demidyne
IGN: Darkenon
Steam: Darkenon
TL ID : MiyaviTeddy
Ingame ID : METALGEAR (oddly)
Steam : I'm a what?
Teamliquid ID: oZii
InGame: Walter
Steam: asheth007
Teamliquid ID: bwallywalls
In Game: Brian
Steam: bwallywalls
Tl ID: TheEmulator
In Game: Brendan
Steam: TheEmulator
TL: ibreakurface
In game: PlainPlane
Steam: Plain_Plane
tl: derp (AKA Tofucake)
in game: tofucake
-TL: bumwithguns
-in game name: bum1
-steam id: bumwithguns
TL -- CatfooD
Game -- CatfooD
TL: ZaaaaaM
In game: Daeron
Steam ID: daeronnn
TL: cluck
In Game: clucK
Teamliquid: Xiao KA
In Game: Xiao KA
Steam: Xiao KA
TL: ToolshedToss
In game: Toolshed
Steam: Toolshedkn
TL: ayaz2810
Steam: ayaz2810
Game: Phillip
TL: killamane
steam: thekillamancan
Game: killaman
Teamliquid ID: oZii
InGame: oZii
Steam: asheth007
Teamliquid ID: Deadstrider
Ingame: Daniel
Steam: snerty
TL ID: jonkop
Ingame: Jon Kopchick
Steam: jk5099
TL ID: lambda-
Ingame: lambda
Steam: lambda
TL ID: Veldril
Ingame: Nasher
Steam: nasher151
Teamliquid ID: Googity
In Game: JoeyB83
Steam: wintehs
Teamliquid ID: NEXUS6
In Game: nexus6
Steam: nexus6
TL: Canhanrah
In Game: Canhanrah (Steam)
tl id: sc2terran
steam: wolferyy
Name: Keenan
Steam: ThorZorz
TL ID: Echthroi
Steam ID: Doctor Grover
Game ID: Doctor Grover
TL ID: MeatLoaf
Steam ID MeatLoaf
Game ID: MeatLoaf
Teamliquid ID: Jimmifett
In Game: Jimmifett
Steam: ZombieKillerJim
TL: tiechiman
TL: Tiegrr
Steam ID: T3hNinja
ARMA: Tiegrr
TL: ptmc
dayz: ptmc
Teamliquid ID: Riku
In game name: Renee
Steam account: GinRyuChan
TL: p4NDemik
Steam: p4NDemik
dayz: coming soon after work today
We officially have our own teamspeak channel on the Teamliquid server!
You can find it under the community tab of the teamliquid server, anytime your playing DayZ and want some company, feel free to hop on! Big thanks to TBSpartacus for organizing it, and TheMango for making it
You can find it under the community tab of the teamliquid server, anytime your playing DayZ and want some company, feel free to hop on! Big thanks to TBSpartacus for organizing it, and TheMango for making it

TL DayZ server
Some badass TLers pitched in and bought a DayZ server! USA 1337 is now our server of choice! (if any of the people who helped purchase the server would like to pm me who they are so I can give you credit I would greatly appreciate it!)
Some badass TLers pitched in and bought a DayZ server! USA 1337 is now our server of choice! (if any of the people who helped purchase the server would like to pm me who they are so I can give you credit I would greatly appreciate it!)
So, now that we have found a bunch of people who want to play together, the next step is to organize the games!

TBSpartacus went ahead and made a steam group for us, so go ahead and join it if you have steam, if you dont have steam dont worry, you will not be excluded from anything.