yes sorry to confuse people, I meant no teamkilling as in our own guys. Shooting others is recommended :p
Also yeah a base camp sounds awesome, we need to pick 2 servers, one America and one EU. Just so people can switch between them if they need to. However there is one problem with base camps. They can be raided while we're offline, and there is no way to stop this due to the nature of the game. We'd have to pick a damn good hiding spot. Also they only work on one server, but if we can find one that is regularly decent then we can try to fit in that one.
Team Liquid vs Everyone else :D
Okay, got everything up and running now.
TeamLiquid ID: Archas In Game: Archas Steam: N/A
Teamliquid ID: Al Bundy Steam Account: Hovito99 In-game name: Hovito
Teamliquid ID: Lampan In Game: Lampan Steam: Lampan
Teamliquid ID: ifonlyiwereawsum In Game: Sylley/Ifonly Steam: ifonlyiwereawsum
Hey guys could you tell us what server(s)s are you playing on? I'd join the TS3 channel but I don't have a microphone yet
Will be setting up the mod and hopefully play by tomorrow.
So I think its probably best if we have two "Go To" servers that people can just favorite so we can better manage meeting up in game. So when people log on they can just hop on the server and the ts3 channel and be good to go. I imagine we will want each of them on opposite timezones so we can choose to play in the day or night.
Does anyone have any suggestions for what servers to use or a better way we could organize this?
Sounds good to me. As I'm new to the game I'll let you guys choose the servers.
Teamliquid ID: Sonminiser In Game: Sonminiser Steam: Sonminiser
I try to avoid confrontation with other players, but if its between taking their life or losing mine I'll always shoot first ask questions later.
TeamLiquid ID: Dacendoran In Game: Dacendoran Steam: Dacendoran skype:kerokyrako
TeamLiquid ID: PaqMan In Game: PaqMan
I need to get a mic!
I'd suggest a dallas server like dallas four and either UK SAS server or one of the french ones. From experience these seem to work ok
Yea that sounds good to me. I haven't been on any FR servers yet, myself. I tend to bounce between Virginia, UK and RU, depending on what time of day I want to play at (I'm finding more and more that there some very unique advantages to playing at night time).
On May 23 2012 19:25 icystorage wrote:guys, make a base camp and start a community and shit  like a small town or something and implement politicis and law enforcement and shit like that :D
Sounds awesome, can totally re-enact something like Highschool of the Dead.
Speaking of base camps, just came across a heavily fortified military installation south of vybor with lots of barbed wire and sandbags around. Two tents full of loot, and no zombies either. After looting both tents for all I could carry I made my way through one of the buildings next to them, curious as to whether there was another stash somewhere nearby. As I crept my way into the building I spotted a bandit with a sniper rifle lying down watching out of the other door. POW! Slug to his head. Extremely cautious now I checked the rooms one by one, and sure enough there was a guy sat in a room with a shotgun watching the door. unfortunately for him I shot first and didn't stop till I was sure he was dead. Lotsa nice loot for me! Went to loot the bandit at the other door and the server crashed 
I guess one of them was the host and rage-quit so that he didn't lose his loot. Still, felt good ruining days of hard work and survival for two people and profiting from their deaths.
Maybe I'm a bit too into this kill or be killed thing. But as a general rule I only trust people from here.
On the bright side, no bandit skin yet. I think its bugged. Means people will think before shooting me, which gives me plenty of time to "think" them in the head.
Oh and my current location is Vybor near the north west airfield if people want to meet up at all. I should be on tonight around 8PM GMT, hoping to find some NVG's so I can start hunting at night too.
make a base camp! D:< and trade with each other, set up an economy and a make shift government
On May 24 2012 22:17 icystorage wrote:make a base camp! D:< and trade with each other, set up an economy and a make shift government  i will personally run around collecting zombies to run into our enemies compound. This distraction will allow you guys to flank them and take all their loot while they deal with the hordes of zombies. lol or u guys could be boring and make a government ^^
ok I just woke up im gonna pick the "Go To" servers to edit into the OP today. unless anyone else has any suggestions im just gonna make them a dallas and a french server like Spartacus suggested. If anyone has any other ideas now is the time to speak up.
Teamliquid ID: Disregard In-Game: Vitruvius
Once TL staff decides to resolve my Teamspeak issue, then I can actually login.