![[image loading]](http://bleap.net/tl/stream_online_justin.php?stream=waveofshadow) http://www.twitch.tv/WaveofShadow
Hey all! I've decided I may as well start documenting my absolutely abysmal failures at everything LoL so you guys can now watch me/laugh at me/give me advice/feel a deep pity for me. I don't know if people will actually want to watch this, but I'll stream every so often anyway, along with some decent (and some bad?) music and mebbe some friends too.
Elo: 1400-ish
Role: More or less everything I'm one of THOSE. You know, the ones who still play Random in SC2 because they just like everything too much to decide. Except I'm bad at all of them. (Best at AP/jungler though, probs.)
Goal: To crawl my way up to Gold rating (that's 1520) by the end of Season 2
Drop in, watch, have fun, and say hi!
Also, check out the official Riot forums; I have a post summarizing all of my solo queue games on my way to Gold! (Bump it if you want!) http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=2221645
Streaming some duo normal with a friend. Come watch!
Streaming some duo queue. Don't know why I punish myself like this after losing like 4 in a row yesterday....
Streaming some fail games with my fail friends. Apparently that normal Elo tool said I'm 1557 so...cool!
Anybody know how to change the channel on the own3d.tv website to the one I'm trying to create instead of #own3d.tv_186067 or whatever? Can't figure how to edit it or if it's at all possible....
Not sure if possible but I suggest just by sending email to owned about this: ) Which char you play most?
go to my livestreams (hover mouse over ur username), click edit, change your quakenet channel
Figured it out, thanks bear. Streaming right now with members of Severity Gaming, and TL!
looooooooooooooooooooooooooool YORDLE GANK SQUAD
On March 23 2012 14:23 gtrsrs wrote: looooooooooooooooooooooooooool YORDLE GANK SQUAD You got carried, yo Dat Ramble
haha SG Victorious representing SG BUT MY MUMU WAS GOOD TRUST THE MUMU BRO
Strreamin dem normalz Can't compete with Shake/Smash for viewers but I'll tryyyyy
On March 22 2012 14:45 WaveofShadow wrote: Anybody know how to change the channel on the own3d.tv website to the one I'm trying to create instead of #own3d.tv_186067 or whatever? Can't figure how to edit it or if it's at all possible.... I dunno if you figured it out yet but click on your name in the top right, then next to the Admin: thing click on Edit WaveofShadow or w/e it says, then My Livestreams, then edit, then change it
I did figure it out, thanks. Streaming a normal with all ma friends....we're going lose and it'll be awful.
Getting close to the goal! 96+ and climbing!
Taking a break from exams and straming some games.
Checked out your stream. I kinda like the music-mic balance in your setup. Pity the team had to feed akali though.
Thanks for letting me know it's working out ok (the balance I mean). The game did too...miraculous comeback.