first thing I see opening stream "YOU DIED"
oh man, i remember these times
twitch chat isn't working for me - you aren't burdened by things in your pack - you get slower if you have heavier armor/weapons
also, you can sell things later, but for not a very large amount of souls - if you get a bottomless box, you can use it at bonfires and clear your inventory of any extraneous stuff (just to reduce clutter)
Yea... and just FYI you have items to remove poison, and you can buy spells to remove it too.
it's hard because it's hard, and because there's a learning curve to the controls
once you figure them out and have a better idea of how enemies attack, you won't struggle so much with the mechanics
edit: also, don't feel bad, I spent sooooooo much time in these early areas
Watching wave die repeatedly to rats and undead things amuses me greatly.
You should figure out what your green bar does
<_< Still not the worst sewer level I've ever experienced. I assume it's a sewer level. What with the rats and undead.
wave - if someone is blocking with a shield, forward+R1 kicks them and breaks their block
Who's the guy scrubbing it up and helping out Wave with those extra estus charges
This fucking ass game. How in the shit did I apparently miss EVERYTHING you're supposed to do in the early game?
I apologize for leading you to the Sorc teacher that you didn't even rescue yet 
Most of the things you missed were just stuff you probably didn't notice first time through. Although now that you got the Residence key, you should be fine now, since you now know what your objectives atm are (two bosses).
edit: And one tip that will help you forever. If you aren't blocking, let go of block. You gain back stamina way faster. Also get used to holding up shield right when you are about to be attack. Think of it as a much safer parry.
Thanks for the support guys. Fuck dogs.
Wave is playing Dark Souls which is cool!
So I'm gonna do a viewer giveaway to celebrate the 100 follower milestone as soon as I finish the game. Going to pay it forward in a way and give away a copy of Dark Souls 2. I've set the rule that in order to be eligible you have to be following my stream and on the stream when I give it away, and it will be sometime before Saturday during my normal streaming hours. I can't guarantee it but I would love to give it away to a TLer over some rando (I do want to be fair) so whether you guys take this as advertising or whatnot, you should hit follow on my stream at some point soon and come hang out with us.