On July 19 2012 17:28 Alaric wrote:
I'd say the biggest problem is that you're alone: on the 07/17 VoD you mention being tired at one point, hence why you aren't too insightful/cheerful. Right before I was thinking "it looks kinda hard because he talks to himself, if he loses the flow there's nobody to help him back on track", and after hearing that I was all "well if he had a co-commentator he could rely on him, they'd be filling/completing each other when somebody doesn't know what to say". It showed a lot once Soniv was on because even tho neither of you talked too much, you'd point out stuff, throw a "what do you think of it?" to take turns and avoid blanks, and it was generally more lively.
The voice is fine, it's just you seem to enjoy it more when you're talking to somebody rather than mute viewers (can't be checking chat too often).
Of course having somebody else on to commentate with you regularly (or even picking a highish dude hanging out in LiquidTraining during the setup) isn't always possible. But it seemed like you enjoyed it more yourself when you had somebody else with you.
I'd say the biggest problem is that you're alone: on the 07/17 VoD you mention being tired at one point, hence why you aren't too insightful/cheerful. Right before I was thinking "it looks kinda hard because he talks to himself, if he loses the flow there's nobody to help him back on track", and after hearing that I was all "well if he had a co-commentator he could rely on him, they'd be filling/completing each other when somebody doesn't know what to say". It showed a lot once Soniv was on because even tho neither of you talked too much, you'd point out stuff, throw a "what do you think of it?" to take turns and avoid blanks, and it was generally more lively.
The voice is fine, it's just you seem to enjoy it more when you're talking to somebody rather than mute viewers (can't be checking chat too often).

Of course having somebody else on to commentate with you regularly (or even picking a highish dude hanging out in LiquidTraining during the setup) isn't always possible. But it seemed like you enjoyed it more yourself when you had somebody else with you.
I'm hoping to be able to cast alongside Wave more often. The game the other night was not only our first time casting together, but also my frist time casting. I really enjoyed it, and I hope that others actually took something away from it. I feel like we worked fairly well together considering I've never done it before and it was our first time together.
But I agree with the sentiment that Wave has a great casting voice. Especially if he continues to have higher level players casting with him, he can gain insight for more commentary in the future.