As far as having open public channels, there's far more negative to them than positive and we maintain a stance that creating an open chat environment without a social structure behind it is an invitation for moderation and support disasters. Most people that want chat channels though are referring to guild channels, or otherwise channels they themselves can operate and choose to invite others to, and we see those as completely valid forms of chat (there's a social structure backing the channel). As I said, back in September, it's unlikely to be anything we attain for ship, but the social group-type chat features are still very much a desire for the future.
No social tools at launch beyond the friend list/facebook stuff just like we had in SC2. No clan system, it's all stuff they want "in the future"
My biggest complaint of D3 beta is that the game looks like bnet 0.2 hasn't even stepped up to version 0.3 yet. There's a "find public group" button and nothing else. If you don't want to play a specific quest, what do you do? If you want to find people to trade with, how do you do it? It's just like SC2. If you have people on your friends list you can play with them, but you are basically cut off from everyone else.
They are making the same mistake all over again. The thing is, Diablo to me requires even more social tools than SC2 bnet did, and people were universally unhappy with one, I don't see how people will be satisfied when D3 delivers the same underwhelming UI.
I just don't understand what kind of online system actively tries to stop you from communicating with other players.
Do you really want chat channels?
Edit: seems like everyone in that thread are very much against it as well.
"Let's repeat the same mistakes we did with starcraft 2." "I'm not the only one who feels lonely among the masses of boring silent rushers." "I would miss that if it werent there. Battle.net will feel so empty. Alone under millions." "I will no longer be purchasing Diablo 3. This is pathetic." "Let's not even try to fix it let's just throw it out (the game)." "dear god is blizzard seriously clueless about how open chat channels were what made the sc1/wc3/d2 communities grow huge and have a very "home-like" feeling to them?"
When I opeened friend list in Beta and there was Cain yelling "You have no friends." I was ROFL for quite some time, made me wanna see FotR once again ^^
Yea B.net 2.0 sucks, all SC2 players know that. I really dont know why Blizzard dont want country chats, such a nice thing back in days that even when totally new you had people to talk with in native language... No privacy either - if someone wants to harass you, your chat on anything... well he can. Lets just hope everyone has 1000 pals to play with, everyone is nice and nobody want to hack or abuse something and then you gotta love new b.net.
Not impressed, not impressed at all. Back in D2 days there weren't even a lot of serious online RPG-based mass multiplayer games to compete with D2. Nowadays there are gazillions of them out there, and with good quality too. How is D3 going to appeal to the generic mass of gamers when it lacks the 'community' feeling?
I think what they meant is that they don't have the staff power or programming capabilities to weed out the bots and spammers.
Come on, is this really necessary? I mean... I can understand their arguments, but their not very accurate really. Since when were general chats in D2 all that bad? I mean sure, there will be some idiots here and there, but that's unavoidable anyway, Diablo requires socializing. This certainly won't help the cause... I'm a little dissapointed, hopefully things turn out alright. I'd hate to be let down by the most anticipated game of this millenium >.>
United States1719 Posts
Can't say I expected better from blizz since bnet 0.2 was unveiled in sc2 :\ i'll still buy the game, but the old blizzard that used to be a dream factory lost its place in my heart a long time ago
You have to understand, you guys are the minority. The research pretty much confirms what Blizzard is doing. Basically, the biggest demographic of multiplayer videogames, 14-25 year old males, is a complete turn off to every other demographic. It's a negative experience for everyone else. Almost every other year, I read a major study showing how the biggest stumbling block to the expansion of hardcore multiplayer games is its current player base.
WoW's player base is generally older than most games in the market nowadays, especially FPS and action games. And I still have most general chat channels turned off on most of my characters. SC2's community is even worse, just judging from in game chat.
I can definitely see more negatives than positives in allowing public chat channels. It's pretty odd that they don't have guild support, though, as many of my current and former WoW guildmates are likely to pick up this game.
I have spent years telling everyone how I would trash every other game when D3 comes and now it's getting to a point where I consider not even buying it.
i bought sc2 and regreted it, seems like this one will go to the same path so im not making the same mistake again (:
Oh my god.... how can they be so clueless. This is starting to make me angry. I wish there was something we could do. >_<
They're not clueless. They're not putting these features in to save money (on development time, on moderators, on complaints from players with thin skins, etc.) and they're simply presenting it as "Daddy Blizzard knows best!"
United States1719 Posts
On February 07 2012 06:50 Yacobs wrote: They're not clueless. They're not putting these features in to save money (on development time, on moderators, on complaints from players with thin skins, etc.) and they're simply presenting it as "Daddy Blizzard knows best!" not just to save money, but to MAKE money by eliminating the option of bartering item for item through chat, and forcing users to use the AH for their every trading needs. KACHING!
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
we simply don't have the technology!!!!
Why do they have to keep making the same mistakes and again and again, don't they learn?
This is awful! I read the thread on battle.net, this quote sums up what I think:
"How are we supposed to meet people we enjoy gaming with, if we can't talk to people we don't already know?"
This is why we need open chat channels!
United States1719 Posts
On February 07 2012 07:35 mark05 wrote: Why do they have to keep making the same mistakes and again and again, don't they learn? elimination of chat channels = higher profits && community complaining = irrelevant bitching and whining cuz u gonna buy the game anyway -> eliminate chat channels
The packaged goods people have arrived!
Ugh blizzard, just ugh. Where else do you go but chat channels to meet people?
EDIT: Im not being sarcastic.
This has been known for ages already so i'm not sure what the fuss is about really. Then again, at this point it seems the raging mob has great pleasure picking up their torch and pitchfork to rip into Blizzard about pretty much anything. Yet most, if not all of them will still end up buying the game at release. There's so many other way to communicate with others these days, mainly voice comms ( skype, ventrilo, teamspeak and such ) but also all sorts of big community forums. I personally know more then enough people who will play D3, and especially with max 4 player per game it will be really easy to fill up games. You actually see how many spots there are free in games your friends are in via the friendslist now, which is really neat ! And if you somehow dont have any friends there will still be public games to join and meet new people.
tl;dr : see you all at release. =)