Let's try and be respectful of all the players and casters, and enjoy the awesome SC2!
Day 1 is press only day - look forward to the crowd tomorrow! |
Poll: Group A - Who will advance?Kas & MC (147) 63% KiLLeR & MC (43) 18% Beastyqt & MC (28) 12% Kas & Beastyqt (6) 3% Kas & KiLLeR (5) 2% Beastyqt & KiLLeR (4) 2% 233 total votes Your vote: Group A - Who will advance? (Vote): Kas & Beastyqt (Vote): Kas & KiLLeR (Vote): Kas & MC (Vote): KiLLeR & MC (Vote): Beastyqt & MC (Vote): Beastyqt & KiLLeR
Poll: Group B - Who will advance?Socke & SeleCT (101) 41% SeleCT & Killer (93) 38% Socke & Killer (30) 12% Socke & DieStar (14) 6% SeleCT & DieStar (5) 2% DieStar & Killer (4) 2% 247 total votes Your vote: Group B - Who will advance? (Vote): Socke & DieStar (Vote): Socke & SeleCT (Vote): Socke & Killer (Vote): SeleCT & Killer (Vote): DieStar & Killer (Vote): SeleCT & DieStar
It's kinda ironic that I'm from Europe and the events with the worst schedule for me are European ones. I'm going to miss all of these games as I work from 09:00-17:00, and get home at around 18:00 :sadface:
Indeed, and what gamers are used to playing at 09? Yeah, not that many..
Can't believe I'm gonna miss this because I don't have Internet at my place T_T
gl hf all, go MC!
That picture of Rotti in the second video ROFL
On August 17 2011 05:45 Choboo wrote: That picture of Rotti in the second video ROFL Indeed xd A blonde Rotti, oh oh ;>. Looking forward to this event, holidays, so I'm able to watch all of it xd.
Noooooooooooooooo, MC play around 2PM in PST   
2 Killers is kinda fun :D
Is this break between 11 and 15 made so we can watch gsl code s ? probably not, but still awesome
And I got day off tomorow this is great:D
I see two killers here and one name killer in the BW powerrank. How many of them are there?
Wait so does it start at 8 in the morning BST or evening? Stupid question but just checking
idra replaced by killer ???
saaad i was hoping for idra vs mc   
for me it smells like idra read MC and went on ill mode xD
Nice videos, looks like it's gonna be a killer event
MC fighting! Show Huk why he should've stayed with the bosstoss!
will there be vod's or replays?
I don't see this in the upcoming events calendar on the right, as such I'm still confused as to when this is actually happening, how many hours from now?
On August 17 2011 06:34 juked wrote: why idra no go!! because he didn't qualify...
Puma Fighting!!!!!