Two of my favorite players, awesome.
after watching mc vs sen, I highly doubt sen will lose.
Wow, hope white-ra drops out fast :D joke ofcourse But would not be sad if he loses against goody  watching TakeSen till White-ra drops out and switching to you after that
super excited for this ! sen hwaiting!
this has to be starting when i'm going to bed, doesn't it? >.>
if there are vods of this i'll check them out for sure.i love everybody loves sen and white ra. ^^
tyvm endrey for setting this up. =)
Nice! You rock Endrey! I ve got a question: Do you pay the 50Bucks from your own money? O.o
On July 13 2011 03:10 Sarang wrote: this has to be starting when i'm going to bed, doesn't it? >.>
if there are vods of this i'll check them out for sure.i love everybody loves sen and white ra. ^^
tyvm endrey for setting this up. =)
ya sure i can make some VODs available - illl update the OP as soon as they are finished
On July 13 2011 03:14 DoubleB wrote: Nice! You rock Endrey! I ve got a question: Do you pay the 50Bucks from your own money? O.o
its 50/50 . sponsors are always welcome tho hehe
Gonna be nice for sure, I hope White-Ra can keep up with Sen's beastly ZvP. Also, hoping for White-Ra to win XMG, but semifinal against Kas/Nerchio will be tough.
Epic!!! Both of them are so good and awesome. I'm rooting for whitera, but after seeing Sen vs MC, Sen's looking pretty damn scary.
Epic! White-Ra v. Sen! GO SEN!
dayum!! this has just made my day counting down the minutes already!
White-Ra's playing Goody right now on Takes stream, I'll tune in to this event when he drops out of the XMG tourny :>.
is there going to be a vod? i have to go somewhere x.x
White-Ra is godlike, but please, put this picture away ))
Dude, Sen's ZvP is so good right now. Well done, sir. Can't wait to see this series. Any way you can upload the VODs and post a link in this thread?
hmm whitera is playing goody right now in the XMG tourny, if he wins how is he going to play this showmatch o.0