Would you like another GSL map in the season 3 ladder pool? And if so, what map?
Poll: Would you like another GSL map in season 3 ladder map pool?Yes (1251) 97% No (41) 3% 1292 total votes Your vote: Would you like another GSL map in season 3 ladder map pool? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No
Poll: And if so, what map would you like?Crevasse (571) 37% Bel'Shir Beach (462) 30% Terminus SE (287) 19% Dual Sight (114) 7% Xel'Naga Fortress (70) 5% Crossfire SE (34) 2% 1538 total votes Your vote: And if so, what map would you like? (Vote): Bel'Shir Beach (Vote): Crevasse (Vote): Terminus SE (Vote): Crossfire SE (Vote): Dual Sight (Vote): Xel'Naga Fortress
a lot of epic games have been played on crevasse lately
I don't care whether the map is by GSL or Blizzard or icCup as long as the map is good.
blizzard should just take the current GSL mappool and put it into ladder. If they did I'd ladder again
edit: any ICCUP map ofc would be fine as well
I hope the TeamLiquid.net admins won't get mad that I made a poll thread. I really thought it would be necessary for Blizzard to hear our opinion.
Bel'Shir Beach for sure. It's just so nice to look at, hitting that map on a bad run of losses would sure put me in a good mood.
Crevasse and/or Terminus SE would be awesome!
Any GSL map would be an improvement really. If they did add one GSL map. we should have a liquibet for where they were on the map going to add the destructible rocks.
I would like to have Crevasse and Terminus SE in the pool, but I'm afraid to meet zerg on those maps, I have even vetoed Tal'Darim because I used to have like 10% winrate on it... :S
I really wan't Xel'Naga Fortress in the map pool. I really like 3 player maps and it looks so cool
Crevasse is terrible for ZvP~~
After playing on all of the GSL maps dual sight is by far my most favourite. Rushes are a complete possibility and is just as much of a macro map as a rush map. Very balanced. Has choke for T and P to hold and lots of area for Z to fight in as well. Good third locations for all races. Terminus would be after that, but it seems a little too macro oriented for me. I like to see diversity in play even though sometimes they cheese me and make me mad. Dual sight for certain.
They should add all maps. Just let GSL dictate what maps are on ladder. I would like even Testbug to make an appearance since it so unique.
I voted for Bel'Shir. I really think the current ladder pool needs a pleasant looking map for our eyes.
I also think that all maps should definitely have different tilesets (I saw that 2 of the new season 3 maps have the same tilesets with older maps, namely Shakuras-map1 and Scrap Station-map4).
If it takes 2 minutes to cross with terran army, then no.
I really, really like Crevasse and would love to see it in the pool - however, I voted for xel naga fortress.
Why? Plain and simply because then I would FINALLY have my 3-player-map that I'm so eagerly looking forward to since forever.
Terminus SE for sure. About Bel'Shir, a good looking map doesn't make up for poor design. If it was a blizzard map, it would be hated by 99% of the community.
I'd like to play on Terminus, seems to be a fun map... also testbug <3
Crevasse and terminus !!!!