![[image loading]](/staff/SilverskY/SCIIFantasy.jpg)
Fantasy league. The greatest thing to be born out of professional competition, and possibly even greater than the actual competition itself. Though Starcraft 2 has been out for nearly a year, sadly there has not been a league to which the fantasy formula could be applied.
Now, with the advent of GSTL, all of the couch confined commanders and theorycraft trained tacticians have a battlefield on which they may show their worth. In the past there have always been ways to prove your passion as a fan; now there's a way to prove your intelligence as one. Can you assemble the greatest inaugural GSTL Fantasy team? Sign up now!
How to Play
- You choose 8 pro-gamers and 1 pro-team that you think are good. They will score you points when they win.
- You pick 3 players that you think are bad. They will lose you points when they win.
- Players and teams can be traded between weeks for those valued less than them.
- The fantasy owner with the most points at the end of the season will be declared the champion. The winner will receive an awesome special icon.
Fantasy Proleague Rules
Team Selection
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Main Team Selection
To start, each Fantasy GSTL participant is given a total of 36 points* with which they may purchase players. With these points, a main team of eight pro-gamers (of which one is your team captain) and one pro-game team must be selected. The captain of your team is the same as a regular player with the exception that they cannot be traded.
The pro-gamers and pro-game teams have been assigned point values based on a variety of factors, including past GSTL performances, number of past GSTL appearances, performances in individual competitions, estimated likeliness to compete in the upcoming GSTL, etc. When pro-gamers and pro-game teams win games in the GSTL, the Fantasy owners who have purchased these players earn points. Detailed scoring rules are listed below.
*These points are only used for team selection. The points used for scoring are separate.
Anti Team Selection
Each Fantasy GSTL participant is also given 13 points with which to assemble an “anti-team.” Three pro-gamers must be selected to be on the anti-team. The anti-team is identical to the regular team in all respects, except points scored by the anti-team count AGAINST the owner.
To start, each Fantasy GSTL participant is given a total of 36 points* with which they may purchase players. With these points, a main team of eight pro-gamers (of which one is your team captain) and one pro-game team must be selected. The captain of your team is the same as a regular player with the exception that they cannot be traded.
The pro-gamers and pro-game teams have been assigned point values based on a variety of factors, including past GSTL performances, number of past GSTL appearances, performances in individual competitions, estimated likeliness to compete in the upcoming GSTL, etc. When pro-gamers and pro-game teams win games in the GSTL, the Fantasy owners who have purchased these players earn points. Detailed scoring rules are listed below.
*These points are only used for team selection. The points used for scoring are separate.
Anti Team Selection
Each Fantasy GSTL participant is also given 13 points with which to assemble an “anti-team.” Three pro-gamers must be selected to be on the anti-team. The anti-team is identical to the regular team in all respects, except points scored by the anti-team count AGAINST the owner.
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Player Scoring:
Lineup Appearance: +1 Point*
Game Win: +2 Points per win
Game Loss: -1 Point
2-Game Streak Break: +1 Point**
3-Game Streak Break: +2 Points**
Your Player's Team Wins: +1 Point***
Tie-breaks are decided by the team captain's score.
*Point given just for appearing in a match, regardless of win or loss. Only counts once, i.e. if MC goes 4-0, he still only gets 1 appearance point.
**Given when a pro-gamer defeats a pro-gamer on the opposing team who is on a two or three game winning streak. Streaks do not carry over between matches; all streaks must occur in the same match.
***This counts for all players on the team's roster, even if they did not play in the match.
Team Scoring:
4-0 Victory: 8 Points
4-1 Victory: 6 Points
4-2 Victory: 4 Points
4-3 Victory: 2 Points
3-4 Defeat: 1 Point
2-4 Defeat: 0 Points
1-4 Defeat: -1 Points
0-4 Defeat: -2 Points
Trade Tax: -1
Lineup Appearance: +1 Point*
Game Win: +2 Points per win
Game Loss: -1 Point
2-Game Streak Break: +1 Point**
3-Game Streak Break: +2 Points**
Your Player's Team Wins: +1 Point***
Tie-breaks are decided by the team captain's score.
*Point given just for appearing in a match, regardless of win or loss. Only counts once, i.e. if MC goes 4-0, he still only gets 1 appearance point.
**Given when a pro-gamer defeats a pro-gamer on the opposing team who is on a two or three game winning streak. Streaks do not carry over between matches; all streaks must occur in the same match.
***This counts for all players on the team's roster, even if they did not play in the match.
Team Scoring:
4-0 Victory: 8 Points
4-1 Victory: 6 Points
4-2 Victory: 4 Points
4-3 Victory: 2 Points
3-4 Defeat: 1 Point
2-4 Defeat: 0 Points
1-4 Defeat: -1 Points
0-4 Defeat: -2 Points
Trade Tax: -1
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Trading Rules
Basic Trading Strategy
- Between each week of games, you may trade players (swap a player for someone you don't have)
- Player and team values will increase or decrease every week, depending on their performances.
- Every player has a trade value, and you can only trade for players of lower value (higher value for anti-team)
- You are limited to a maximum 2 Main Team and 1 Anti Team trades per week
- Trades do not carry over from week to week if unused
- Your team captain cannot be traded
- Each time you trade, you will be assessed a -1 point trade tax
Basic Trading Strategy
- Check the schedules each week! You'll want to know what teams are playing (and thus, which players are likely to appear)
- Don't make trades just for sake of making trades, as they cost you trade tax points and you may get stuck with a player you don't want
- The trade price formula takes into account number of matches remaining -- so players with more matches remaining will have higher prices
- You must trade for players with less value, but try to minimize the value loss. For example, if you trade someone worth 30 for someone worth 20, next week you can only trade the 20 for someone less. It's much better to trade the 30 for someone worth 29.
GSTL Schedule
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Week One - June 23-24
Slayers vs MVP
FXO vs Startale
IM vs fOu
Week Two - June 30-July 1
TSL vs Prime
NS Hoseo vs fOu
Week Three - July 7-8
MVP vs oGs
FXO vs NS Hoseo
Week Four - July 14-15
Slayers vs TSL
FXO vs fOu
Startale vs ZeNEX
Week Five - July 21-22
Prime vs oGs
NS Hoseo vs Startale
Week Six - August 4-5
F.United vs TSL
fOu vs ZeNEX
Slayers vs Prime
Week Seven - August 11-12
F.United vs MVP
IM vs NS Hoseo
oGs vs TSL
Week Eight - August 18-19
F.United vs Slayers
ZeNEX vs NS Hoseo
MVP vs Prime
Week Nine - August 25-26
F.United vs Prime
fOu vs Startale
Slayers vs oGs
Week Ten - September 1-2
F.United vs oGs
IM vs Startale
Slayers vs MVP
FXO vs Startale
IM vs fOu
Week Two - June 30-July 1
TSL vs Prime
NS Hoseo vs fOu
Week Three - July 7-8
MVP vs oGs
FXO vs NS Hoseo
Week Four - July 14-15
Slayers vs TSL
FXO vs fOu
Startale vs ZeNEX
Week Five - July 21-22
Prime vs oGs
NS Hoseo vs Startale
Week Six - August 4-5
F.United vs TSL
fOu vs ZeNEX
Slayers vs Prime
Week Seven - August 11-12
F.United vs MVP
IM vs NS Hoseo
oGs vs TSL
Week Eight - August 18-19
F.United vs Slayers
ZeNEX vs NS Hoseo
MVP vs Prime
Week Nine - August 25-26
F.United vs Prime
fOu vs Startale
Slayers vs oGs
Week Ten - September 1-2
F.United vs oGs
IM vs Startale
GSTL Discussion Thread