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- Boss fights are everything in this mod, and you need to play cooperatively to beat most of them. They regenerate full health after 20 seconds of not being damaged, so you can't simply suicide over and over.
- There are no TP scrolls so you can't abuse these in boss fights. There's however plenty of waypoints and "red" portals (think static TP's)
- All classes have been rebalanced and slightly altered, however nearly all of the original skills remain.
- Difficulty has been rebalanced so that normal will now get you a hang of things and then ramp up from there. (In the past normal was almost as hard as hell)
- All items have been changed and drops as well, all the major bosses drop multiple uniques every time to reward the harder fights. Means less numb grinding too.
- Playing a healer is no longer pointless! It's a very helpful character in boss fights.
- Rushing countermeasures: This mod is about bossfights, not sweeping straight to endgame and grinding out top tier equipment. Rushing is therefore severely hampered.
In a sense this is a crossbreed of vanilla D2 and a miniscale MMO, you need a group of players to progress through acts but can still do some grinding on your own.
If you're a fan of D2 or WoW (and not impressed by Cataclysm

Trailer from last year:
Gameplay pointers:
1) Build your char/group with bossfights in mind, not trashmobs
2) Unless your group is severely restricted in size, get the skills beneficial to the party first. That is, max battle orders, oak sage, get those summons and curses on nec (1 pt gets you a long way here), get auras on paladin
3) Remain versatile in your equipment choices, throughout normal and even nm/hell to a lesser extent you will need multiple items for your equipment slots depending on the encounter.
4) Straight physical/magic damage reduction is very strong and very necessary for tanks in normal. The easiest way to get this is by using mass-diamond socketed helm and armor. Use the other slots to cover the resists you need for a particular encounter.
5) Remember rares & crafts. I noticed a lot of people with limited D2 experience tend to just aim for sets/uniques for all their item slots. The thing with crafts/rares is the fact taht you can get 4 sockets in them pretty easily once you reach act 5 normal and with gems being as powerful as they are here these will often outshine many of the s/u's you can find at the time. Check out the crafts at the patch site, link at the bottom.
6) Gold is not only relevant but important. Gambling is good way of acquiring set items. You need mass gold for craft/rares rolling and shopping gems.
7) If your tank is poor or you play without a healer you'll probably need a lot of rejuvs. Look for spots with champion monsters as they will drop them frequently.
8) Try to use appropriate level-restriction for the games you host. You don't want random people joining your game and thus increasing monster hp if they're not helping out in the spot you're in. You can also avoid highlevels joining and carrying you through with this.
9) For most chars you'll need as much Vitality as you can get. Try to go minimal on strength/dexterity and save some extra statpoints in case you suddenly need more.
Players and their accounts:
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Note: The only reason region is listed is for organizing. Everyone's playing on the same realm/server.
Corr - *Corr
Anuzi - *Zan
Valaki - *Valaki
lxginverse - *inverselxg
N1mrod - *Nimrod
Nyquist - *Jazz
Whalecore - *Whalecore
Garbels - *Garbels
Scorch - *Scorch
Mindossa - *Mindossa
Alventenie - *Alventenie
Vharox - *Vharon
eehantiming - *jcancest
MrWiggles - *MrWiggles
sixduck - *sixduck
Moosey - *Moosey
Chairman Ray - *Mordrid
O-ops - *GankerS_boxeR
slappy - *slappyNuts
Chairman Ray - *Mordrid
DrBoo -

Drewcifer - *Socrates
DOMINOSC - *Another_Player
Sc2ggRise - *Rise
Enderbantoo - *Enderbantoo
KurtistheTurtle - *longdongsilvers
iSkyv - *iSky-v
Flatwound - *Flatwound
Other random timezones:
Alffla - *Alffla
dragoonkf - *dragoonkf
Additional links:
Video of normal Meph fight, earlier patch: here
Extended featurelist and installation process: here
New patch changes+items: here