1 스타테일폭격기 (ST_Bomber) 1247 924
2 NEXExcrement 916 753
3 IMMvp 834 517
4 베스킨라빈스 (MarineKingPrime) 259 94
5 oGsTOP 1069 719
6 kAsyufOu 630 519
7 IMLosirA 1287 1061
8 저승사자 140 51 (Mystery shared team account, see below)
9 티에스엘사기수 (TSL_SKS) 853 661
10 NEXPuzzle 939 749
11 IMJunwiPirme 930 546
12 PoltPrime 845 669
13 스타테일안심이 (ST_July) 1170 913
14 스타테일레인보우 (ST_RainbOw) 625 422
15 sCfOu 825 637
16 oGsCezanne 532 382
17 KeenMvP 495 391
18 알리시아 (Alicia) 1296 1138
19 Liberty 614 499
20 티에스엘과일장수 (TSL_FruitDealer) 645 447
20 RyungPrime 942 739
22 동래구프로에쓰 (DongNaeGu_ProS) 570 418
23 스타테일사운드 (ST_Sound) 1328 1067
24 IMGanZi 824 665
25 티에스엘클라이드 (TSL_Clide) 763 560
26 한니발프라임 (HannibalPrime) 652 446
27 EGIdrA 519 404
28 oGsHyperdub 772 619
28 HongUnPrime 731 496
30 스타테일바이러스 (ST_Virus) 1433 1159
31 마부라호 (Maburaho) 193 116
31 TankboyPrime 635 521
33 스타테일꼬부기 (ST_Squirtle) 983 820
34 슬레이어스박서 (SlayerSBoxeR) 753 512
35 티에스엘푸우 (TSL_Pooh) 843 715
36 티에스엘킬러 (TSL_Killer) 636 497
37 스타테일괴물 (ST_Monster) 664 545
38 oGsTheWinD 923 767
39 TwilightfOu 605 496
40 CutefOu 547 448
41 LiquidHuK 613 524
42 엔에스피짝지 (NsP_JjakJi) 825 687
43 NvXiGua 1346 1198
44 무적파워레인정 (InvinciblePowerRangerJung) 1187 1052
44 엔에스피테사다르 (NsP_Tassadar) 1253 1090
44 NEXT 308 217
47 aLivefOu 813 659
48 창조의아침 (NewDawn) 626 529
49 뿡뿡프라임 (BboongBboongPrime) 1044 920
50 Lee 172 90
51 oGsZenio 1353 935
52 oGsMC 504 317
53 oGsCarmel 1185 1028
54 슬레이어스밀즈 (SlayerS_Mills) 872 767
55 HwangSin 120 64
56 Sculp 383 300
57 AtreyuPrime 360 248
57 SeleCT 406 315
59 HwangSin 1558 1441
59 NEXtaeJa 761 623
59 스타테일어거스트 (ST_August) 265 188
62 Hansei 169 116
63 티에스엘기니피그 (TSL_GuineaPig) 642 522
64 오지에스잉카 (oGsInca) 620 492
65 oGsNaDa 405 265
66 슬레이어스짭승우 (SlayerS_NoobSeungWoo) 394 288
67 비담제니스 (BiDamZenith) 643 528
68 oGsHerO 645 553
68 oGsJ 814 725
70 fever 933 791
70 makaprime 730 516
72 오지에스원한다면 (oGsIfYouWantIt) 1039 917
73 몽몽귀 (JSL_Zenith) 486 384
73 oGsEnsnare 770 533
75 코카콜라 (Coca-Cola) 119 62
76 NEXON 368 289
77 Fox 466 398
78 엔에스피지니어스 (NsP_Genius) 945 657
79 삐삐정 (PippiJung) 1884 1710
80 oGsGon 794 553
80 NEXDeer 1031 913
82 NuclearfOu 1050 919
83 CheckPrime 1626 1125
84 fOu 240 143
85 IMNesTea 742 501
86 dreamertt 471 365
86 내목숨을아이유에 (MyLifeForIU) 387 320
88 테란을왜했을까 186 121
89 TopClassfOu 1011 910
90 CranefOu 1387 1261
91 BoxeR 980 633
91 NvxiaOt 874 706
93 리갈마인드제니스 (LegalMindZenith) 988 894
94 anyproPrime 685 535
95 sanzenith 1128 1006
95 oGsjookTo 642 572
97 puma 486 427
98 스타테일큐리어스 (ST_Curious) 691 583
99 NEXReturning 561 494
100 NEXBuJa 149 76
101 oGskkOma 1065 960
102 Ven 670 568
103 LeenockfOu 1360 1240
104 Shy 273 212
105 ShinefOu 1007 916
105 NEXIceCream 570 501
107 NEXSkit 1632 1517
108 EtdYinhulu 459 375
108 SJY 152 72
110 IMYongHwa 833 697
111 NvCommItment 885 813
112 inorifOu 1382 1291
112 마법소녀 (MagicalGirl?) 964 844
112 반반쓰제니스 (BanBanSsuZenith) 528 424
115 Allin 180 140
116 PoaChers 828 739
117 렉스베스트오브한 (REX_BestOfHan) 441 367
118 oGsTheStC 544 428
119 MarpsPrime 1311 1179
120 스타테일뒤통수 (ST_Head) 635 528
121 먼나라이웃나라 (FarAndNear) 169 82
122 박종혁프라임 (ParkJongHyukPrime) 405 339
123 맹덕스핀 (BanelingSpin) 181 135
123 ManToMan 669 561
125 스타테일무작위왕 (ST_RandomKing) 691 534
126 슬레이어스라츠 (SlayerS_Rache) 594 525
127 저그랑께 (ThisIsZerg) 277 163
127 NvMacSed 2111 1957
129 TreefOu 612 533
129 슬레이어스승부사 (SlayerS_GameBreaker) 1599 1460
131 루이즈프랑소와즈 130 73
132 티에스엘예쁜이 (TSL_Pretty) 834 719
133 천사소녀프라임 (AngelGirlPrime) 1129 1021
134 건설로봇준비완료 757 665
135 IMhorror 1445 1357
136 Destination 509 419
136 LofSolar 251 183
138 CutterZenith 696 604
138 LiquidRet 164 104
140 JiSooNOMG 759 677
140 슬레이어스심장 (SlayerS_Heart) 533 436
142 MisoZenith 680 594
143 NEXChoa 954 857
144 Hyor 798 711
145 Freedom 476 378
146 oGsVINES 806 723
147 DuskBinTeam 1068 966
148 스페셜프로에스 (Special_ProS) 743 640
149 SSapoZenith 797 709
149 LofFrozen 583 490
149 LamechJung 444 357
152 닭강정 (SoySauceBraisedWings) 802 727
152 lOvaCaCia 818 725
154 ZergKing (Sen) 390 313
154 안녕프라임 (AnnYeongPrime) 1007 870
156 렉스토마토맛있쪄 (REX_TomatoLover?) 698 620
157 코코슈 (KoKoShoo) 145 65
157 KAMi 554 484
157 GuMihofOu 1104 1013
160 jOystiCk 434 352
161 악성프징징입니다 (ThisSucksQQToss) 214 156
161 끝판왕 (LastGameKing) 429 354
161 WnagMuna 889 804
164 나비효과 (ButterflyEffect) 588 488
165 돈좀요 180 119
166 뽕새 606 527
167 YeOpoProS 1000 912
168 DreamZenith 756 676
168 oGsOnizukA 205 131
168 LuckyfOu 1137 1031
171 Clear 159 69
172 렉스공익근무요원 (REX_PublicServant?) 172 107
173 Justice 182 131
174 리베로프라임 (LiberoPrime) 718 630
175 휴지 (ToiletPaper) 480 330
175 컴박사홍흑형 (DoctorComputerHongHeukHyung) 1049 938
177 IMNalZa 912 827
178 내목숨을거울님에 108 72
179 Bisu 209 156
180 PhoeNix 1071 971
181 Luffy 888 831
181 MinPrime 1585 1476
183 hotmail 610 547
184 PanDaAce 454 395
185 mOOnGLaDe 161 123
186 TheBestfOu 863 774
187 SonRistaSG 557 467
187 렉스서현 (REX_SeoHyun) 595 513
189 크롬 (Chrome) 438 368
190 Wacomm 310 232
191 eNvious 190 134
192 TeriuSfOu 825 731
193 SiriusfOu 967 889
194 Haru 179 130
194 FairyMvP 819 706
194 IMSleep 1124 1036
197 PrayfOu 766 685
198 낭천프라임 (NangCheonPrime?) 556 496
199 PartinGfOu 789 727
199 유리포커스 (YuriFocus) 1071 989
2 NEXExcrement 916 753
3 IMMvp 834 517
4 베스킨라빈스 (MarineKingPrime) 259 94
5 oGsTOP 1069 719
6 kAsyufOu 630 519
7 IMLosirA 1287 1061
8 저승사자 140 51 (Mystery shared team account, see below)
9 티에스엘사기수 (TSL_SKS) 853 661
10 NEXPuzzle 939 749
11 IMJunwiPirme 930 546
12 PoltPrime 845 669
13 스타테일안심이 (ST_July) 1170 913
14 스타테일레인보우 (ST_RainbOw) 625 422
15 sCfOu 825 637
16 oGsCezanne 532 382
17 KeenMvP 495 391
18 알리시아 (Alicia) 1296 1138
19 Liberty 614 499
20 티에스엘과일장수 (TSL_FruitDealer) 645 447
20 RyungPrime 942 739
22 동래구프로에쓰 (DongNaeGu_ProS) 570 418
23 스타테일사운드 (ST_Sound) 1328 1067
24 IMGanZi 824 665
25 티에스엘클라이드 (TSL_Clide) 763 560
26 한니발프라임 (HannibalPrime) 652 446
27 EGIdrA 519 404
28 oGsHyperdub 772 619
28 HongUnPrime 731 496
30 스타테일바이러스 (ST_Virus) 1433 1159
31 마부라호 (Maburaho) 193 116
31 TankboyPrime 635 521
33 스타테일꼬부기 (ST_Squirtle) 983 820
34 슬레이어스박서 (SlayerSBoxeR) 753 512
35 티에스엘푸우 (TSL_Pooh) 843 715
36 티에스엘킬러 (TSL_Killer) 636 497
37 스타테일괴물 (ST_Monster) 664 545
38 oGsTheWinD 923 767
39 TwilightfOu 605 496
40 CutefOu 547 448
41 LiquidHuK 613 524
42 엔에스피짝지 (NsP_JjakJi) 825 687
43 NvXiGua 1346 1198
44 무적파워레인정 (InvinciblePowerRangerJung) 1187 1052
44 엔에스피테사다르 (NsP_Tassadar) 1253 1090
44 NEXT 308 217
47 aLivefOu 813 659
48 창조의아침 (NewDawn) 626 529
49 뿡뿡프라임 (BboongBboongPrime) 1044 920
50 Lee 172 90
51 oGsZenio 1353 935
52 oGsMC 504 317
53 oGsCarmel 1185 1028
54 슬레이어스밀즈 (SlayerS_Mills) 872 767
55 HwangSin 120 64
56 Sculp 383 300
57 AtreyuPrime 360 248
57 SeleCT 406 315
59 HwangSin 1558 1441
59 NEXtaeJa 761 623
59 스타테일어거스트 (ST_August) 265 188
62 Hansei 169 116
63 티에스엘기니피그 (TSL_GuineaPig) 642 522
64 오지에스잉카 (oGsInca) 620 492
65 oGsNaDa 405 265
66 슬레이어스짭승우 (SlayerS_NoobSeungWoo) 394 288
67 비담제니스 (BiDamZenith) 643 528
68 oGsHerO 645 553
68 oGsJ 814 725
70 fever 933 791
70 makaprime 730 516
72 오지에스원한다면 (oGsIfYouWantIt) 1039 917
73 몽몽귀 (JSL_Zenith) 486 384
73 oGsEnsnare 770 533
75 코카콜라 (Coca-Cola) 119 62
76 NEXON 368 289
77 Fox 466 398
78 엔에스피지니어스 (NsP_Genius) 945 657
79 삐삐정 (PippiJung) 1884 1710
80 oGsGon 794 553
80 NEXDeer 1031 913
82 NuclearfOu 1050 919
83 CheckPrime 1626 1125
84 fOu 240 143
85 IMNesTea 742 501
86 dreamertt 471 365
86 내목숨을아이유에 (MyLifeForIU) 387 320
88 테란을왜했을까 186 121
89 TopClassfOu 1011 910
90 CranefOu 1387 1261
91 BoxeR 980 633
91 NvxiaOt 874 706
93 리갈마인드제니스 (LegalMindZenith) 988 894
94 anyproPrime 685 535
95 sanzenith 1128 1006
95 oGsjookTo 642 572
97 puma 486 427
98 스타테일큐리어스 (ST_Curious) 691 583
99 NEXReturning 561 494
100 NEXBuJa 149 76
101 oGskkOma 1065 960
102 Ven 670 568
103 LeenockfOu 1360 1240
104 Shy 273 212
105 ShinefOu 1007 916
105 NEXIceCream 570 501
107 NEXSkit 1632 1517
108 EtdYinhulu 459 375
108 SJY 152 72
110 IMYongHwa 833 697
111 NvCommItment 885 813
112 inorifOu 1382 1291
112 마법소녀 (MagicalGirl?) 964 844
112 반반쓰제니스 (BanBanSsuZenith) 528 424
115 Allin 180 140
116 PoaChers 828 739
117 렉스베스트오브한 (REX_BestOfHan) 441 367
118 oGsTheStC 544 428
119 MarpsPrime 1311 1179
120 스타테일뒤통수 (ST_Head) 635 528
121 먼나라이웃나라 (FarAndNear) 169 82
122 박종혁프라임 (ParkJongHyukPrime) 405 339
123 맹덕스핀 (BanelingSpin) 181 135
123 ManToMan 669 561
125 스타테일무작위왕 (ST_RandomKing) 691 534
126 슬레이어스라츠 (SlayerS_Rache) 594 525
127 저그랑께 (ThisIsZerg) 277 163
127 NvMacSed 2111 1957
129 TreefOu 612 533
129 슬레이어스승부사 (SlayerS_GameBreaker) 1599 1460
131 루이즈프랑소와즈 130 73
132 티에스엘예쁜이 (TSL_Pretty) 834 719
133 천사소녀프라임 (AngelGirlPrime) 1129 1021
134 건설로봇준비완료 757 665
135 IMhorror 1445 1357
136 Destination 509 419
136 LofSolar 251 183
138 CutterZenith 696 604
138 LiquidRet 164 104
140 JiSooNOMG 759 677
140 슬레이어스심장 (SlayerS_Heart) 533 436
142 MisoZenith 680 594
143 NEXChoa 954 857
144 Hyor 798 711
145 Freedom 476 378
146 oGsVINES 806 723
147 DuskBinTeam 1068 966
148 스페셜프로에스 (Special_ProS) 743 640
149 SSapoZenith 797 709
149 LofFrozen 583 490
149 LamechJung 444 357
152 닭강정 (SoySauceBraisedWings) 802 727
152 lOvaCaCia 818 725
154 ZergKing (Sen) 390 313
154 안녕프라임 (AnnYeongPrime) 1007 870
156 렉스토마토맛있쪄 (REX_TomatoLover?) 698 620
157 코코슈 (KoKoShoo) 145 65
157 KAMi 554 484
157 GuMihofOu 1104 1013
160 jOystiCk 434 352
161 악성프징징입니다 (ThisSucksQQToss) 214 156
161 끝판왕 (LastGameKing) 429 354
161 WnagMuna 889 804
164 나비효과 (ButterflyEffect) 588 488
165 돈좀요 180 119
166 뽕새 606 527
167 YeOpoProS 1000 912
168 DreamZenith 756 676
168 oGsOnizukA 205 131
168 LuckyfOu 1137 1031
171 Clear 159 69
172 렉스공익근무요원 (REX_PublicServant?) 172 107
173 Justice 182 131
174 리베로프라임 (LiberoPrime) 718 630
175 휴지 (ToiletPaper) 480 330
175 컴박사홍흑형 (DoctorComputerHongHeukHyung) 1049 938
177 IMNalZa 912 827
178 내목숨을거울님에 108 72
179 Bisu 209 156
180 PhoeNix 1071 971
181 Luffy 888 831
181 MinPrime 1585 1476
183 hotmail 610 547
184 PanDaAce 454 395
185 mOOnGLaDe 161 123
186 TheBestfOu 863 774
187 SonRistaSG 557 467
187 렉스서현 (REX_SeoHyun) 595 513
189 크롬 (Chrome) 438 368
190 Wacomm 310 232
191 eNvious 190 134
192 TeriuSfOu 825 731
193 SiriusfOu 967 889
194 Haru 179 130
194 FairyMvP 819 706
194 IMSleep 1124 1036
197 PrayfOu 766 685
198 낭천프라임 (NangCheonPrime?) 556 496
199 PartinGfOu 789 727
199 유리포커스 (YuriFocus) 1071 989
Zerg 50 (25.0%) ↓08 (4.0%)
Terran 86 (43.0%) ↑14 (7.0%)
Protoss 63 (31.5%) ↓06 (3.0%)
Random 1 ( 0.5%)
Interesting that on a week where Protoss representation went way up on the NA server, it was Terran representation that skyrocketed on the Korean server.
Among the Koreans at the very top, team distribution is more even than it was last week. We once again have a new smurf who skyrocketed to the top. Some people say that it's

On December 16 2010 09:50 TicketoHELL wrote:
for op saying 저승사자 is effort, that's an old rumour that went around months ago
now ppl from playxp are saying 저승사자 is a id a certain team shares with its teammates
for the proof, 저승사자 is listed as a zerg but played terran at the last moment to get that high in ell
for op saying 저승사자 is effort, that's an old rumour that went around months ago
now ppl from playxp are saying 저승사자 is a id a certain team shares with its teammates
for the proof, 저승사자 is listed as a zerg but played terran at the last moment to get that high in ell
Foreigners, once again, had mixed results, maybe a little for better than for worse. Idra continued to rise, from 40 to 27, Huk went up again from 65 to 42, and Ret popped back on the list at 138 after not being on last week. Luffy and Moonglade also appeared on the list after an absence last week, at 181 and 185 respectively. Sen dropped for the 3rd week in a row from 102 to 154, and Haypro disappeared completely, and Jinro is once again not to be found (although having played only 5 ladder games since November 23rd, this is to be expected).
Source: http://kr.battle.net/sc2/ko/blog/513801#blog
Last Week
I've done all the names I know for sure, trying to figure out the rest. if you know Korean and want to correct me on one of the ones I've marked with a question mark or just translate the ones that have nothing so far, just post em up and I'll edit them in and give you credit~