There has been a lot of talk about economic zerg builds lately, and I made this post because I'm the type of player that prefers to try to find ways to make the most economic builds defend-able.
I am aware of this thread, which did some good work.
The thread is really behind as far as the it goes for actually finding the build which can lead to the most economy since all effort in the thread essentially moved to the 11 pool 18 hatch build. It also never tries to address which builds are actually playable, by trying to play them, besides the 11 pool obviously.
This is not a thread for the super early pool builds that have gotten a lot of discussion recently. Although there are some very good builds in that category, there is currently plenty of discussion on those builds on separate threads. I am however including some data on those builds just for reference and so that people don't wonder why they're not included.
Here is the way that a build will be judged in defendability and economy.
For defendability the build simply needs to be played on the ladder. I'm looking for good replays, preferably of the build holding off types of early pressure. I think this is the best way to get evidence for or against a builds ability to be defended.
For economy I will be judging the builds by using replays. The build order will be played by the AI. The minerals will be assessed at the 6:20 mark with a maximum of 48 drones being built, which is absolute two base saturation. After 48 drones, only overlords will be made. The average mineral value between the beginning of the 6:20 second and the end of the 6:20 second will used. Larva coming from spawn larva will be prorated based on the percent completion of spawn larva.
Overtime I will do more runs with the AI and average the numbers. There is a small difference of about plus or minus 15 minerals between trials. This is due to the random walk of the larva, which causes drones mining behavior to be slightly different in each trial. All AI tests are done on Xel'Naga Caverns on the bottom left position.
I'm including some results from Skrag too. He is a user who was producing builds run by the AI also. I'm unsure if the AI runs exactly the same as mine, but the same reliability in how the AI executes should be in those results. Therefore the results from Skrag may be easily compared to other results from Skrag.
In addition to this, results for a build order tester will be included. Although, at this point I will only be using the build order tester to find new builds to check. The build order tester has been found to give very unreliable results, which do not always reflect what will happen in the game. However it does give a VERY ballpark estimate for builds. It just can't be used to compare one build to another because it is not accurate enough. The build order tester I'm using is the following:
As evidence for builds is submitted in the comments, I will update this OP so people have a nice place to access lots of information and analysis on different builds. If you are talking about a build please include a detailed description of the build (aka overlord times ect. ).
Build Suggestions
Also, here are some build base suggestions if you want to help gather data but you don't know what you could try.
If you would like to try your own AI testing here are some things that I learned while writing my own script for this purpose.
Brief Scripting Introduction
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Please do not complain to me about the scripting tutorial. This is my first attempt at any type of tutorial. If you do not find the tutorial helpful, simply ignore it. If you do find the information in this tutorial helpful, I am glad.
Scripting can be done right within the StarCraft II Map Editor. The first thing you will need before you begin scripting an AI to test build orders is a map for the AI to play on. For all of my tests the AI played on the bottom left corner of Xel'Naga Caverns. If you would like to compare your results to what I have found, this would be the best map to use.
After you have opened the map you must create a script. First open up the "Triggers" window. This can be done by going to
Modules > Triggers
You may also press f6 or click on the button at the top of the screen with the two gears on it. It will say Triggers if you hover your cursor over it.
Once you have the triggers screen open you will need to create your main script. You will need to click on the white box on the far left that has the Melee Initialization trigger sitting in it, most likely by itself. Right click in this white box and go to,
New > New Custom Script
You can name this whatever you want. It's not important. This script will run right when the map first loads, and it is the script that will contain all the additional functions that you wish to add to the game. To introduce you to some of the important functions in Galaxy Scripting and to help you create a few important functions of your own, I'm going to go over how to create three functions. Those functions are one which will output the number of units of a certain type that a player has, a function that will tell the computer to expand, and a function that will tell the computer to execute an extractor trick. Below are the walkthroughs for these functions. If you don't know what you're doing at all, I highly suggest you go through them in order.
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The first function we will create is the function that outputs the number of a particular unit that a player has. To start making a function you must first declare the function. This starts by declaring what this function will output. Since this particular function is going to be outputting a number, we want to use the header "int". This is simply the type of data that your function is going to output when it runs. If your function does not output data you will use "void". After this header put a space and type in the name that you would like this function to be called by. This can be whatever you want it to be. A good choice might be "getUnitCount". The name cannot have any spaces in it.
The next step in declaring your function is to declare the parameters that the function will take in. The parameters are simply the data that the function will need input in order to do anything. For example if your creating a function that give you the time until a particular time, your function might require the current time to be input. For this function we will be declaring two parameters, which will be the number of the player that we want to run this function for and the name of the type of unit we want to look for. To do this add the following to what you already have, "(int player, String Unit)". string is another type of data that can be used in the header, just like int. A string is just a series of characters, like a word. Basically, it is text. The galaxy editor identifies many things, such as units, by strings. Finally add the start and end of the function, which is simply curly brackets "{}". At this point, you should have the following:
player and Unit are both variables that this function is going to take in before it runs. Player is a variable of the type int and Unit is a variable of the type Unit. unit may not be used as a name as it is actually a data type just like int and string are. That is why I used Unit instead. Since we have have not put anything within the curly brackets this function does not do anything yet. Also, since we have not output an int as we said we would with the int header, this script will return an error currently. We must now add the body of the script. This will be written within the curly brackets.
The first thing we need to do in any function is to declare the variables that we will be using. We already have access to the variables player and Unit, which will be passed the this function when it is run, but most functions make use of other variables within the function as well. In this case we will only be using one other variable. That variable is a unitgroup. A unit group is a type of variable just like int or string. Do define it, simply type,
unitgroup units;
units is the name of our unitgroup in this example. Notice also that the line is ended with a semicolon. Most lines in scripting must end in a semicolon or they will return an error. At this pint the variable units has no data associated with it and should return an error if called. We must put data in the variable units for it to be used. To do this, on a new line type
units = AIFindUnits(player, Unit, PlayerStartLocation(player), 500, 400);
At this point your script should look like the following:
AIFindUnits is a predefined function of the galaxy editor. It takes in 5 parameters. Three of those paremeters are int, one is a string, and one is a point variable, which we have not seen before. The first parameter, player, is the variable that we put within the parameters of our function declaration. This variable is an int, which is number, and it is the number of the player we want to call the function for. The second parameter of AIFindUnits, Unit, is also a variable that is in the parameters of our function declaration. It is a string, and it is the name that represents the unit we are looking for. The third parameter is a location variable. I have used the start location of the player we want in this case. To get that location variable I used the function, PlayerStartLocation(int PLAYER). I input the int player for its parameter. The next parameter in AIFindUnits is an int. This number, 500, represents the distance from the specified point that AIFindUnits will look for the specified type of unit. This number is large so that it will search the entire map. The last parameter, 400, is also an int. It represents the maximum number of units that this function will count to. I put in 400 since with a supply cap of 200 you may get 400 zerglings. The starcraft II Galaxy editor has many of these predefined functions. Some information about them can be found online
Okay, so our variable "units" now has been given a value through the use of the function AIFindUnits. The final thing we need to do is to tell the function to output this number, just as we said we would. To do this, on a new line, type
return UnitGroupCount(units, 1);
Your function is now done and should look like the following:
UnitGroupCount is another function. It has parameters of unitgroup and int. We wanted to know how many units were within the unitgroup, units, which contained all the units of the type we declared that were found on the map from the the player we declared. The integer in the parameters is used for special circumstances and for normal use should be 1.
Okay, so now that we have this new function, lets test it out. In order to do this we're gong to add a very small script to the Melee Initialization trigger. Start by clicking on the icon that looks like a piece of paper and says Melee Initialization. On the right you should see a box that has Events, Actions, Conditions, ect. Right click in this box and go to
New > New Action
This will bring up a box with all the different option that you all. We're going to need the one called "custom script". Click this option and then press okay. This will create the new action. If the custom script action is not the last action in the list, click and drag the action to the end of the list. The map is going to run each of these actions in the order that you see them. After this is done click on the new action you created, custom script.
You will see a white box below this. Click in this box and you should see your cursor now. Type the following:
We have just called the function we created earlier. The first parameter is the number of the player we will be looking at, which in this case is player2. The second parameter is the name of the unit that we wish to look for, which is "Drone". Every unit has it's own name, and some are more intuitive than others. The name for drone is really easy, it's Drone.
Calling this function by itself will not be very interesting. To actually be able to see that our function is working we are going to add one more line to this custom script. On the next line type,
UIDisplayMessage(PlayerGroupAll(), c_messageAreaSubtitle, StringExternal(IntToString(INTEGER!!!));
This will display a message on the screen at the beginning on the name. In order to get it to display the number or drones that player 2 has at the beginning of the game take the function from the first line and copy and paste that function over the part that says "INTEGER!!!" . This will convert the number we get out of the getUnitCount function to a string, which will be displayed on the screen when we start the game. This script should now look like the following:
Now that we have declared and called the getUnitCount function; lets test it. To do this simply go to
File > Test Document
Alternatively you can press Ctrl + F9. When the map loads and begins you should see the number of drones that player 2 has display at the bottom. That number should be 6 since the game just started. If the number is not 6, go back and check your script to make sure that it's exactly as shown above. If the game does not start and you instead get an error, do the same thing. In this case, also double check that you have included a player 2 and that that player 2 is a computer. Also double check that the action to start the AI was included in the Melee Initialization trigger since computer players whose AI has not been started cannot use AI script functions.
The next step in declaring your function is to declare the parameters that the function will take in. The parameters are simply the data that the function will need input in order to do anything. For example if your creating a function that give you the time until a particular time, your function might require the current time to be input. For this function we will be declaring two parameters, which will be the number of the player that we want to run this function for and the name of the type of unit we want to look for. To do this add the following to what you already have, "(int player, String Unit)". string is another type of data that can be used in the header, just like int. A string is just a series of characters, like a word. Basically, it is text. The galaxy editor identifies many things, such as units, by strings. Finally add the start and end of the function, which is simply curly brackets "{}". At this point, you should have the following:
int getUnitCount (int player, string Unit) {}
player and Unit are both variables that this function is going to take in before it runs. Player is a variable of the type int and Unit is a variable of the type Unit. unit may not be used as a name as it is actually a data type just like int and string are. That is why I used Unit instead. Since we have have not put anything within the curly brackets this function does not do anything yet. Also, since we have not output an int as we said we would with the int header, this script will return an error currently. We must now add the body of the script. This will be written within the curly brackets.
The first thing we need to do in any function is to declare the variables that we will be using. We already have access to the variables player and Unit, which will be passed the this function when it is run, but most functions make use of other variables within the function as well. In this case we will only be using one other variable. That variable is a unitgroup. A unit group is a type of variable just like int or string. Do define it, simply type,
unitgroup units;
units is the name of our unitgroup in this example. Notice also that the line is ended with a semicolon. Most lines in scripting must end in a semicolon or they will return an error. At this pint the variable units has no data associated with it and should return an error if called. We must put data in the variable units for it to be used. To do this, on a new line type
units = AIFindUnits(player, Unit, PlayerStartLocation(player), 500, 400);
At this point your script should look like the following:
int getUnitCount(int player,string Unit) {
unitgroup units;
units = AIFindUnits(player, Unit, PlayerStartLocation(player), 500, 400);
unitgroup units;
units = AIFindUnits(player, Unit, PlayerStartLocation(player), 500, 400);
AIFindUnits is a predefined function of the galaxy editor. It takes in 5 parameters. Three of those paremeters are int, one is a string, and one is a point variable, which we have not seen before. The first parameter, player, is the variable that we put within the parameters of our function declaration. This variable is an int, which is number, and it is the number of the player we want to call the function for. The second parameter of AIFindUnits, Unit, is also a variable that is in the parameters of our function declaration. It is a string, and it is the name that represents the unit we are looking for. The third parameter is a location variable. I have used the start location of the player we want in this case. To get that location variable I used the function, PlayerStartLocation(int PLAYER). I input the int player for its parameter. The next parameter in AIFindUnits is an int. This number, 500, represents the distance from the specified point that AIFindUnits will look for the specified type of unit. This number is large so that it will search the entire map. The last parameter, 400, is also an int. It represents the maximum number of units that this function will count to. I put in 400 since with a supply cap of 200 you may get 400 zerglings. The starcraft II Galaxy editor has many of these predefined functions. Some information about them can be found online
Okay, so our variable "units" now has been given a value through the use of the function AIFindUnits. The final thing we need to do is to tell the function to output this number, just as we said we would. To do this, on a new line, type
return UnitGroupCount(units, 1);
Your function is now done and should look like the following:
int getUnitCount(int player,string Unit) {
unitgroup units;
units = AIFindUnits(2, Unit, PlayerStartLocation(player), 500, 33);
return UnitGroupCount(units,1);
unitgroup units;
units = AIFindUnits(2, Unit, PlayerStartLocation(player), 500, 33);
return UnitGroupCount(units,1);
UnitGroupCount is another function. It has parameters of unitgroup and int. We wanted to know how many units were within the unitgroup, units, which contained all the units of the type we declared that were found on the map from the the player we declared. The integer in the parameters is used for special circumstances and for normal use should be 1.
Okay, so now that we have this new function, lets test it out. In order to do this we're gong to add a very small script to the Melee Initialization trigger. Start by clicking on the icon that looks like a piece of paper and says Melee Initialization. On the right you should see a box that has Events, Actions, Conditions, ect. Right click in this box and go to
New > New Action
This will bring up a box with all the different option that you all. We're going to need the one called "custom script". Click this option and then press okay. This will create the new action. If the custom script action is not the last action in the list, click and drag the action to the end of the list. The map is going to run each of these actions in the order that you see them. After this is done click on the new action you created, custom script.
You will see a white box below this. Click in this box and you should see your cursor now. Type the following:
getUnitCount(2, "Drone");
We have just called the function we created earlier. The first parameter is the number of the player we will be looking at, which in this case is player2. The second parameter is the name of the unit that we wish to look for, which is "Drone". Every unit has it's own name, and some are more intuitive than others. The name for drone is really easy, it's Drone.
Calling this function by itself will not be very interesting. To actually be able to see that our function is working we are going to add one more line to this custom script. On the next line type,
UIDisplayMessage(PlayerGroupAll(), c_messageAreaSubtitle, StringExternal(IntToString(INTEGER!!!));
This will display a message on the screen at the beginning on the name. In order to get it to display the number or drones that player 2 has at the beginning of the game take the function from the first line and copy and paste that function over the part that says "INTEGER!!!" . This will convert the number we get out of the getUnitCount function to a string, which will be displayed on the screen when we start the game. This script should now look like the following:
UIDisplayMessage(PlayerGroupAll(), c_messageAreaSubtitle, StringExternal(IntToString(getUnitCount(2,"Drone")));
Now that we have declared and called the getUnitCount function; lets test it. To do this simply go to
File > Test Document
Alternatively you can press Ctrl + F9. When the map loads and begins you should see the number of drones that player 2 has display at the bottom. That number should be 6 since the game just started. If the number is not 6, go back and check your script to make sure that it's exactly as shown above. If the game does not start and you instead get an error, do the same thing. In this case, also double check that you have included a player 2 and that that player 2 is a computer. Also double check that the action to start the AI was included in the Melee Initialization trigger since computer players whose AI has not been started cannot use AI script functions.
The walkthroughs for the other two functions will be coming in the next couple days.
Economic Data So Far
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All the builds with AI testing have been run five times. The result shown is the average of those five tests.
13 Hatch 15 Pool
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5332.5
Larva: 57.16
Pool Finish: 3:41
Hatch Finish: 3:33
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5332.5
Larva: 57.16
Pool Finish: 3:41
Hatch Finish: 3:33
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay Time = 3 seconds
9 Overlord
13 Hatchery then transfer 2 Drones (21 seconds lost)
15 Spawning Pool
17 Overlord
18 Queen then constant spawn larvae
20 Queen
26 Overlord
28 Overlord
39 Overlord
9 Overlord
13 Hatchery then transfer 2 Drones (21 seconds lost)
15 Spawning Pool
17 Overlord
18 Queen then constant spawn larvae
20 Queen
26 Overlord
28 Overlord
39 Overlord
+ Show Spoiler +
14 Hatch 15 Pool
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5324.5
Larva: 57.9
Pool Finish: 3:40
Hatch Finish: 3:39
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5324.5
Larva: 57.9
Pool Finish: 3:40
Hatch Finish: 3:39
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay Time = 3 seconds
9 Overlord
14 Hatchery then transfer 2 Drones (21 seconds lost)
15 Spawning Pool
17 Overlord
19 Queen
21 Queen
26 Overlord
28 spawn larvae
29 spawn larvae
30 Overlord
30 Overlord
37 spawn larvae
40 spawn larvae
9 Overlord
14 Hatchery then transfer 2 Drones (21 seconds lost)
15 Spawning Pool
17 Overlord
19 Queen
21 Queen
26 Overlord
28 spawn larvae
29 spawn larvae
30 Overlord
30 Overlord
37 spawn larvae
40 spawn larvae
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
Skrag Results
+ Show Spoiler +
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler +
5,041 minerals at 6:19
Pool Finish: 3:30
Hatch Finish: 3:33
Pool Finish: 3:30
Hatch Finish: 3:33
Skrag Results
+ Show Spoiler +
0:00 report: 0 0 6 10 6 6.00 0 0
0:10 report: 30 0 7 10 6 6.58 2 0
0:20 report: 70 0 8 10 7 7.38 2 0
0:30 report: 120 0 9 10 7 8.19 2 0
0:40 report: 180 0 9 10 8 8.81 2 0
0:50 report: 230 0 9 10 9 9.00 2 0
1:00 report: 300 0 10 10 9 9.45 2 0
1:10 report: 365 0 12 18 10 10.05 0 0
1:20 report: 430 0 13 18 10 11.49 0 0
1:30 report: 505 0 13 18 12 12.85 1 0
1:40 report: 590 0 14 18 13 13.54 0 0
1:50 report: 680 0 14 18 14 14.00 1 0
2:00 report: 775 0 13 18 13 13.00 2 0
2:10 report: 865 0 15 18 13 13.60 0 0
2:20 report: 960 0 15 18 14 14.72 1 0
2:30 report: 1055 0 14 18 14 14.00 2 0
2:40 report: 1155 0 16 18 14 14.47 0 0
2:50 report: 1260 0 17 18 14 15.94 0 0
3:00 report: 1370 0 17 18 16 16.88 1 0
3:10 report: 1475 0 17 18 17 17.00 0 0
3:20 report: 1600 0 18 18 17 17.25 0 0
3:30 report: 1720 0 18 26 17 17.83 1 0
3:40 report: 1830 0 24 28 18 18.64 0 0
3:50 report: 1950 0 25 28 19 19.92 0 0
4:00 report: 2080 0 26 28 20 21.26 1 0
4:10 report: 2215 0 27 28 22 22.12 0 0
4:20 report: 2355 0 28 28 22 23.00 0 0
4:30 report: 2505 0 29 36 23 24.13 1 5.4375
4:40 report: 2670 0 30 36 24 25.36 0 25.4375
4:50 report: 2825 0 30 36 26 26.00 0 45.4375
5:00 report: 2995 0 31 36 26 26.40 1 65.4375
5:10 report: 3170 0 37 44 26 28.14 4 0
5:20 report: 3365 0 42 52 28 33.74 0 16
5:30 report: 3525 0 43 52 37 38.08 0 36
5:40 report: 3740 0 44 52 38 38.93 0 56
5:50 report: 3955 0 45 52 39 39.80 0 76
6:00 report: 4200 0 54 60 40 43.68 0 7.5625
Started Hatchery at 117.813
Started Spawning Pool at 149.313
Finished Spawning Pool at 214.313
Finished Hatchery at 217.75
0:10 report: 30 0 7 10 6 6.58 2 0
0:20 report: 70 0 8 10 7 7.38 2 0
0:30 report: 120 0 9 10 7 8.19 2 0
0:40 report: 180 0 9 10 8 8.81 2 0
0:50 report: 230 0 9 10 9 9.00 2 0
1:00 report: 300 0 10 10 9 9.45 2 0
1:10 report: 365 0 12 18 10 10.05 0 0
1:20 report: 430 0 13 18 10 11.49 0 0
1:30 report: 505 0 13 18 12 12.85 1 0
1:40 report: 590 0 14 18 13 13.54 0 0
1:50 report: 680 0 14 18 14 14.00 1 0
2:00 report: 775 0 13 18 13 13.00 2 0
2:10 report: 865 0 15 18 13 13.60 0 0
2:20 report: 960 0 15 18 14 14.72 1 0
2:30 report: 1055 0 14 18 14 14.00 2 0
2:40 report: 1155 0 16 18 14 14.47 0 0
2:50 report: 1260 0 17 18 14 15.94 0 0
3:00 report: 1370 0 17 18 16 16.88 1 0
3:10 report: 1475 0 17 18 17 17.00 0 0
3:20 report: 1600 0 18 18 17 17.25 0 0
3:30 report: 1720 0 18 26 17 17.83 1 0
3:40 report: 1830 0 24 28 18 18.64 0 0
3:50 report: 1950 0 25 28 19 19.92 0 0
4:00 report: 2080 0 26 28 20 21.26 1 0
4:10 report: 2215 0 27 28 22 22.12 0 0
4:20 report: 2355 0 28 28 22 23.00 0 0
4:30 report: 2505 0 29 36 23 24.13 1 5.4375
4:40 report: 2670 0 30 36 24 25.36 0 25.4375
4:50 report: 2825 0 30 36 26 26.00 0 45.4375
5:00 report: 2995 0 31 36 26 26.40 1 65.4375
5:10 report: 3170 0 37 44 26 28.14 4 0
5:20 report: 3365 0 42 52 28 33.74 0 16
5:30 report: 3525 0 43 52 37 38.08 0 36
5:40 report: 3740 0 44 52 38 38.93 0 56
5:50 report: 3955 0 45 52 39 39.80 0 76
6:00 report: 4200 0 54 60 40 43.68 0 7.5625
Started Hatchery at 117.813
Started Spawning Pool at 149.313
Finished Spawning Pool at 214.313
Finished Hatchery at 217.75
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
15 Hatch 15 Pool
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5318
Larva: 57.78
Pool Finish: 3:38
Hatch Finish: 3:45
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5318
Larva: 57.78
Pool Finish: 3:38
Hatch Finish: 3:45
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay Time = 3 seconds
9 Overlord
15 Hatchery then transfer 2 Drones (21 seconds lost)
14 Spawning Pool
17 Overlord
18 Queen then constant spawn larvae
21 Queen
25 Overlord
30 Overlord
37 Overlord
51 Drone
9 Overlord
15 Hatchery then transfer 2 Drones (21 seconds lost)
14 Spawning Pool
17 Overlord
18 Queen then constant spawn larvae
21 Queen
25 Overlord
30 Overlord
37 Overlord
51 Drone
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler +
4,892.2 minerals at 6:19
Pool Finish: 3:24
Hatch Finish: 3:38
Pool Finish: 3:24
Hatch Finish: 3:38
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
14 Hatch 14 Pool
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5298
Larva: 59.2
Pool Finish: 3:34
Hatch Finish: 3:40
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5298
Larva: 59.2
Pool Finish: 3:34
Hatch Finish: 3:40
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay = 3 Seconds
9 Overlord
14 Hatchery
14 Spawning Pool
16 Overlord
16 Queen then constant spawn larvae
21 Queen
23 Overlord
27 Overlord
31 Overlord
51 Drone
9 Overlord
14 Hatchery
14 Spawning Pool
16 Overlord
16 Queen then constant spawn larvae
21 Queen
23 Overlord
27 Overlord
31 Overlord
51 Drone
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
Skrag Results
+ Show Spoiler +
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler +
4,809 minerals at 6:19
Pool Finish: 3:26
Hatch Finish: 3:34
Pool Finish: 3:26
Hatch Finish: 3:34
Skrag Results
+ Show Spoiler +
0:00 report: 0 0 6 10 6 6.00 0 0
0:10 report: 30 0 7 10 6 6.58 2 0
0:20 report: 70 0 8 10 7 7.38 2 0
0:30 report: 120 0 9 10 7 8.19 2 0
0:40 report: 180 0 9 10 8 8.81 2 0
0:50 report: 230 0 9 10 9 9.00 2 0
1:00 report: 300 0 10 10 9 9.45 2 0
1:10 report: 365 0 12 18 10 10.05 0 0
1:20 report: 430 0 13 18 10 11.49 0 0
1:30 report: 505 0 13 18 12 12.85 1 0
1:40 report: 590 0 14 18 13 13.54 0 0
1:50 report: 680 0 14 18 14 14.00 1 0
2:00 report: 775 0 13 18 13 13.00 2 0
2:10 report: 865 0 14 18 13 13.47 1 0
2:20 report: 960 0 14 18 14 14.00 2 0
2:30 report: 1050 0 14 18 13 13.04 2 0
2:40 report: 1145 0 15 18 13 13.98 1 0
2:50 report: 1240 0 17 18 14 15.75 0 0
3:00 report: 1350 0 17 18 16 16.83 1 0
3:10 report: 1460 0 17 18 17 17.00 0 0
3:20 report: 1575 0 18 18 17 17.24 0 0
3:30 report: 1700 0 20 26 17 17.83 1 0
3:40 report: 1810 0 24 28 18 18.62 0 0
3:50 report: 1930 0 25 28 19 19.95 0 0
4:00 report: 2055 0 26 28 20 21.27 1 0
4:10 report: 2205 0 27 28 21 22.07 0 0
4:20 report: 2330 0 28 28 22 22.94 0 1
4:30 report: 2490 0 29 36 23 24.12 1 12
4:40 report: 2650 0 30 36 24 25.42 0 32
4:50 report: 2805 0 30 36 26 26.00 0 52
5:00 report: 2975 0 31 36 26 26.43 3 31
5:10 report: 3150 0 36 44 27 29.11 3 6.5625
5:20 report: 3340 0 41 52 31 33.91 0 22.5625
5:30 report: 3510 0 42 52 36 37.07 0 42.5625
5:40 report: 3730 0 43 52 37 38.35 1 62.5625
5:50 report: 3955 0 48 52 39 40.13 0 38.125
6:00 report: 4175 0 52 52 39 44.00 1 14.125
Started Hatchery at 117.813
Started Spawning Pool at 143.938
Finished Spawning Pool at 208.875
Finished Hatchery at 217.75
0:10 report: 30 0 7 10 6 6.58 2 0
0:20 report: 70 0 8 10 7 7.38 2 0
0:30 report: 120 0 9 10 7 8.19 2 0
0:40 report: 180 0 9 10 8 8.81 2 0
0:50 report: 230 0 9 10 9 9.00 2 0
1:00 report: 300 0 10 10 9 9.45 2 0
1:10 report: 365 0 12 18 10 10.05 0 0
1:20 report: 430 0 13 18 10 11.49 0 0
1:30 report: 505 0 13 18 12 12.85 1 0
1:40 report: 590 0 14 18 13 13.54 0 0
1:50 report: 680 0 14 18 14 14.00 1 0
2:00 report: 775 0 13 18 13 13.00 2 0
2:10 report: 865 0 14 18 13 13.47 1 0
2:20 report: 960 0 14 18 14 14.00 2 0
2:30 report: 1050 0 14 18 13 13.04 2 0
2:40 report: 1145 0 15 18 13 13.98 1 0
2:50 report: 1240 0 17 18 14 15.75 0 0
3:00 report: 1350 0 17 18 16 16.83 1 0
3:10 report: 1460 0 17 18 17 17.00 0 0
3:20 report: 1575 0 18 18 17 17.24 0 0
3:30 report: 1700 0 20 26 17 17.83 1 0
3:40 report: 1810 0 24 28 18 18.62 0 0
3:50 report: 1930 0 25 28 19 19.95 0 0
4:00 report: 2055 0 26 28 20 21.27 1 0
4:10 report: 2205 0 27 28 21 22.07 0 0
4:20 report: 2330 0 28 28 22 22.94 0 1
4:30 report: 2490 0 29 36 23 24.12 1 12
4:40 report: 2650 0 30 36 24 25.42 0 32
4:50 report: 2805 0 30 36 26 26.00 0 52
5:00 report: 2975 0 31 36 26 26.43 3 31
5:10 report: 3150 0 36 44 27 29.11 3 6.5625
5:20 report: 3340 0 41 52 31 33.91 0 22.5625
5:30 report: 3510 0 42 52 36 37.07 0 42.5625
5:40 report: 3730 0 43 52 37 38.35 1 62.5625
5:50 report: 3955 0 48 52 39 40.13 0 38.125
6:00 report: 4175 0 52 52 39 44.00 1 14.125
Started Hatchery at 117.813
Started Spawning Pool at 143.938
Finished Spawning Pool at 208.875
Finished Hatchery at 217.75
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
12 Hatch 14 Pool
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5237
Larva: 57.76
Pool Finish: 3:39
Hatch Finish: 3:29
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5237
Larva: 57.76
Pool Finish: 3:39
Hatch Finish: 3:29
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay Time = 3 seconds
9 Overlord
12 Hatchery
14 Spawning Pool
17 Overlord
19 Queen then constant spawn larvae
21 Queen
26 Overlord
30 Overlord
30 Overlord
9 Overlord
12 Hatchery
14 Spawning Pool
17 Overlord
19 Queen then constant spawn larvae
21 Queen
26 Overlord
30 Overlord
30 Overlord
+ Show Spoiler +
13 Pool 15 Hatch
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5232.5
Larva: 59.78
Pool Finish: 2:50
Hatch Finish: 4:13
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5232.5
Larva: 59.78
Pool Finish: 2:50
Hatch Finish: 4:13
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay = 3 Seconds
9 Overlord
13 Spawning Pool
15 Hatchery, then transfer 3 drones (19 seconds lost)
14 Queen
17 Overlord
21 Spawn Larvae
21 Queen
23 Overlord
30 Spawn Larvae
31 Spawn Larvae
31 Overlord
38 Spawn Larvae
44 Spawn Larvae
44 Overlord
9 Overlord
13 Spawning Pool
15 Hatchery, then transfer 3 drones (19 seconds lost)
14 Queen
17 Overlord
21 Spawn Larvae
21 Queen
23 Overlord
30 Spawn Larvae
31 Spawn Larvae
31 Overlord
38 Spawn Larvae
44 Spawn Larvae
44 Overlord
+ Show Spoiler +
Skrag Results
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler +
0:00 report: 0 0 6 10 6 6.00 0 0
0:10 report: 30 0 7 10 6 6.58 2 0
0:20 report: 70 0 8 10 7 7.38 2 0
0:30 report: 120 0 9 10 7 8.19 2 0
0:40 report: 180 0 9 10 8 8.81 2 0
0:50 report: 230 0 9 10 9 9.00 2 0
1:00 report: 300 0 10 10 9 9.45 2 0
1:10 report: 365 0 12 18 10 10.05 0 0
1:20 report: 430 0 13 18 10 11.49 0 0
1:30 report: 505 0 13 18 12 12.85 1 0
1:40 report: 590 0 13 18 13 13.00 1 0
1:50 report: 675 0 13 18 12 12.25 1 0
2:00 report: 765 0 14 18 12 13.32 1 0
2:10 report: 850 0 15 18 14 14.58 0 0
2:20 report: 950 0 15 18 15 15.00 1 0
2:30 report: 1050 0 15 18 15 15.00 2 0
2:40 report: 1145 0 14 18 14 14.00 2 0
2:50 report: 1250 0 17 18 14 14.04 2 0
3:00 report: 1355 0 17 18 14 14.63 1 0
3:10 report: 1450 0 18 18 15 15.35 1 0
3:20 report: 1565 0 18 18 15 15.93 2 0
3:30 report: 1670 0 20 26 16 16.60 0 0
3:40 report: 1785 0 23 26 16 18.10 0 3.5625
3:50 report: 1900 0 23 26 18 18.91 0 13.5625
4:00 report: 2020 0 23 26 19 19.00 0 23.5625
4:10 report: 2135 0 24 26 19 19.32 0 33.5625
4:20 report: 2255 0 29 36 19 20.73 0 0
4:30 report: 2375 0 31 36 21 24.42 0 12.375
4:40 report: 2515 0 31 36 26 26.84 0 32.375
4:50 report: 2645 0 32 36 27 27.54 0 52.375
5:00 report: 2815 0 34 36 28 28.78 0 72.375
5:10 report: 2995 0 42 44 29 31.81 0 4.625
5:20 report: 3180 0 43 44 32 37.14 0 22.9375
5:30 report: 3385 0 44 44 39 39.41 1 42.9375
5:40 report: 3620 0 46 52 39 40.47 0 62.9375
5:50 report: 3850 0 51 52 40 42.66 0 38.5
6:00 report: 4095 0 52 52 43 46.29 5 14.5
Started Spawning Pool at 101.25
Started Hatchery at 150.625
Finished Spawning Pool at 166.188
Finished Hatchery at 250.625
0:10 report: 30 0 7 10 6 6.58 2 0
0:20 report: 70 0 8 10 7 7.38 2 0
0:30 report: 120 0 9 10 7 8.19 2 0
0:40 report: 180 0 9 10 8 8.81 2 0
0:50 report: 230 0 9 10 9 9.00 2 0
1:00 report: 300 0 10 10 9 9.45 2 0
1:10 report: 365 0 12 18 10 10.05 0 0
1:20 report: 430 0 13 18 10 11.49 0 0
1:30 report: 505 0 13 18 12 12.85 1 0
1:40 report: 590 0 13 18 13 13.00 1 0
1:50 report: 675 0 13 18 12 12.25 1 0
2:00 report: 765 0 14 18 12 13.32 1 0
2:10 report: 850 0 15 18 14 14.58 0 0
2:20 report: 950 0 15 18 15 15.00 1 0
2:30 report: 1050 0 15 18 15 15.00 2 0
2:40 report: 1145 0 14 18 14 14.00 2 0
2:50 report: 1250 0 17 18 14 14.04 2 0
3:00 report: 1355 0 17 18 14 14.63 1 0
3:10 report: 1450 0 18 18 15 15.35 1 0
3:20 report: 1565 0 18 18 15 15.93 2 0
3:30 report: 1670 0 20 26 16 16.60 0 0
3:40 report: 1785 0 23 26 16 18.10 0 3.5625
3:50 report: 1900 0 23 26 18 18.91 0 13.5625
4:00 report: 2020 0 23 26 19 19.00 0 23.5625
4:10 report: 2135 0 24 26 19 19.32 0 33.5625
4:20 report: 2255 0 29 36 19 20.73 0 0
4:30 report: 2375 0 31 36 21 24.42 0 12.375
4:40 report: 2515 0 31 36 26 26.84 0 32.375
4:50 report: 2645 0 32 36 27 27.54 0 52.375
5:00 report: 2815 0 34 36 28 28.78 0 72.375
5:10 report: 2995 0 42 44 29 31.81 0 4.625
5:20 report: 3180 0 43 44 32 37.14 0 22.9375
5:30 report: 3385 0 44 44 39 39.41 1 42.9375
5:40 report: 3620 0 46 52 39 40.47 0 62.9375
5:50 report: 3850 0 51 52 40 42.66 0 38.5
6:00 report: 4095 0 52 52 43 46.29 5 14.5
Started Spawning Pool at 101.25
Started Hatchery at 150.625
Finished Spawning Pool at 166.188
Finished Hatchery at 250.625
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
4,954 minerals at 6:19
Pool Finish: 2:42
Hatch Finish: 4:07
Pool Finish: 2:42
Hatch Finish: 4:07
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
11 Pool 18 Hatch
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5153.5
Larva: 57.48
Pool Finish: 2:35
Hatch Finish: 4:35
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5153.5
Larva: 57.48
Pool Finish: 2:35
Hatch Finish: 4:35
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay = 3 Seconds
10 Extractor trick
11 Overlord
11 Spawning Pool
16 Queen then constant Spawn Larvae
18 Hatchery then transfer 2 Drones (21 seconds lost)
17 Overlord
18 Overlord
21 Queen
28 Overlord
36 Overlord
10 Extractor trick
11 Overlord
11 Spawning Pool
16 Queen then constant Spawn Larvae
18 Hatchery then transfer 2 Drones (21 seconds lost)
17 Overlord
18 Overlord
21 Queen
28 Overlord
36 Overlord
+ Show Spoiler +
Skrag Results
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler +
0:00 report: 0 0 6 10 6 6.00 0 0
0:10 report: 30 0 7 10 6 6.58 2 0
0:20 report: 70 0 8 10 7 7.38 2 0
0:30 report: 120 0 9 10 7 8.19 2 0
0:40 report: 180 0 10 10 8 9.17 1 0
0:50 report: 230 0 11 10 9 10.06 1 0
1:00 report: 300 0 11 10 10 10.70 2 0
1:10 report: 375 0 11 10 11 11.00 1 0
1:20 report: 450 0 11 10 11 11.00 2 0
1:30 report: 530 0 10 18 10 10.00 3 0
1:40 report: 605 0 11 18 10 10.33 2 0
1:50 report: 670 0 13 18 10 11.60 1 0
2:00 report: 755 0 14 18 12 13.08 0 0
2:10 report: 835 0 15 18 13 14.26 0 0
2:20 report: 925 0 16 18 14 14.92 0 0
2:30 report: 1035 0 16 18 15 15.60 0 0
2:40 report: 1145 0 18 18 16 16.00 1 0
2:50 report: 1245 0 18 18 16 16.00 2 0
3:00 report: 1345 0 17 18 15 15.00 2 0
3:10 report: 1455 0 18 18 15 15.21 1 0
3:20 report: 1555 0 18 18 15 15.80 2 0
3:30 report: 1665 0 20 26 16 16.47 0 6.625
3:40 report: 1770 0 22 26 16 17.65 0 16.625
3:50 report: 1885 0 23 26 18 18.04 0 26.625
4:00 report: 2000 0 23 26 18 18.63 0 36.625
4:10 report: 2125 0 27 34 19 19.98 0 2.625
4:20 report: 2240 0 27 34 19 22.33 0 12.625
4:30 report: 2370 0 28 34 23 23.55 0 22.625
4:40 report: 2490 0 30 36 24 24.69 0 32.625
4:50 report: 2650 0 32 36 25 25.89 2 2.1875
5:00 report: 2790 0 35 36 26 28.78 0 20.375
5:10 report: 2975 0 36 36 30 31.43 0 40.375
5:20 report: 3135 0 37 44 32 32.17 0 60.375
5:30 report: 3325 0 39 44 32 33.18 3 39.375
5:40 report: 3545 0 48 52 34 38.20 0 14.9375
5:50 report: 3740 0 49 52 39 43.47 0 34.9375
6:00 report: 3975 0 50 52 44 44.99 0 54.9375
Started Spawning Pool at 87.6875
Finished Spawning Pool at 152.625
Started Hatchery at 172.063
Finished Hatchery at 272.063
0:10 report: 30 0 7 10 6 6.58 2 0
0:20 report: 70 0 8 10 7 7.38 2 0
0:30 report: 120 0 9 10 7 8.19 2 0
0:40 report: 180 0 10 10 8 9.17 1 0
0:50 report: 230 0 11 10 9 10.06 1 0
1:00 report: 300 0 11 10 10 10.70 2 0
1:10 report: 375 0 11 10 11 11.00 1 0
1:20 report: 450 0 11 10 11 11.00 2 0
1:30 report: 530 0 10 18 10 10.00 3 0
1:40 report: 605 0 11 18 10 10.33 2 0
1:50 report: 670 0 13 18 10 11.60 1 0
2:00 report: 755 0 14 18 12 13.08 0 0
2:10 report: 835 0 15 18 13 14.26 0 0
2:20 report: 925 0 16 18 14 14.92 0 0
2:30 report: 1035 0 16 18 15 15.60 0 0
2:40 report: 1145 0 18 18 16 16.00 1 0
2:50 report: 1245 0 18 18 16 16.00 2 0
3:00 report: 1345 0 17 18 15 15.00 2 0
3:10 report: 1455 0 18 18 15 15.21 1 0
3:20 report: 1555 0 18 18 15 15.80 2 0
3:30 report: 1665 0 20 26 16 16.47 0 6.625
3:40 report: 1770 0 22 26 16 17.65 0 16.625
3:50 report: 1885 0 23 26 18 18.04 0 26.625
4:00 report: 2000 0 23 26 18 18.63 0 36.625
4:10 report: 2125 0 27 34 19 19.98 0 2.625
4:20 report: 2240 0 27 34 19 22.33 0 12.625
4:30 report: 2370 0 28 34 23 23.55 0 22.625
4:40 report: 2490 0 30 36 24 24.69 0 32.625
4:50 report: 2650 0 32 36 25 25.89 2 2.1875
5:00 report: 2790 0 35 36 26 28.78 0 20.375
5:10 report: 2975 0 36 36 30 31.43 0 40.375
5:20 report: 3135 0 37 44 32 32.17 0 60.375
5:30 report: 3325 0 39 44 32 33.18 3 39.375
5:40 report: 3545 0 48 52 34 38.20 0 14.9375
5:50 report: 3740 0 49 52 39 43.47 0 34.9375
6:00 report: 3975 0 50 52 44 44.99 0 54.9375
Started Spawning Pool at 87.6875
Finished Spawning Pool at 152.625
Started Hatchery at 172.063
Finished Hatchery at 272.063
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
4,813 minerals at 6:19
Pool Finish: 2:29
Hatch Finish: 4:27
Pool Finish: 2:29
Hatch Finish: 4:27
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
Other Builds
+ Show Spoiler +
14 Pool 16 Hatch
+ Show Spoiler +
12 Pool 18 Hatch
+ Show Spoiler +
16 Hatch 15 Pool
+ Show Spoiler +
15 Pool 16 Hatch
+ Show Spoiler +
14 Hatch 13 Pool
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5190
Larva: 57.54
Pool Finish: 2:54
Hatch Finish: 4:17
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5190
Larva: 57.54
Pool Finish: 2:54
Hatch Finish: 4:17
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay = 3 Seconds
9 Overlord
14 Spawning Pool
16 Hatchery then transfer 3 drones (19 seconds lost)
15 Queen then constant spawn larvae
17 Overlord
20 Overlord
20 Queen
32 Overlord
40 Overlord
9 Overlord
14 Spawning Pool
16 Hatchery then transfer 3 drones (19 seconds lost)
15 Queen then constant spawn larvae
17 Overlord
20 Overlord
20 Queen
32 Overlord
40 Overlord
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler +
4,946 minerals at 6:19
Pool Finish: 2:48
Hatch Finish: 4:10
Pool Finish: 2:48
Hatch Finish: 4:10
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
12 Pool 18 Hatch
+ Show Spoiler +
AI tests yet to be done.
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay = 3 Seconds
9 Overlord
12 Spawning Pool
16 Queen
18 Hatchery then transfer 6 drones (17 seconds lost)
17 Drone
18 Extractor Trick
19 Overlord
19 Spawn Larvae
19 Queen
23 Overlord
27 Overlord
27 Spawn Larvae
28 Spawn Larvae
31 Overlord
35 Spawn Larvae
37 Spawn Larvae
9 Overlord
12 Spawning Pool
16 Queen
18 Hatchery then transfer 6 drones (17 seconds lost)
17 Drone
18 Extractor Trick
19 Overlord
19 Spawn Larvae
19 Queen
23 Overlord
27 Overlord
27 Spawn Larvae
28 Spawn Larvae
31 Overlord
35 Spawn Larvae
37 Spawn Larvae
16 Hatch 15 Pool
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5259.5
Larva: 55.8
Pool Finish: 3:36
Hatch Finish: 3:56
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5259.5
Larva: 55.8
Pool Finish: 3:36
Hatch Finish: 3:56
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay Time = 3 seconds
9 Overlord
16 Hatchery then transfer 2 drones (21 seconds lost)
15 Spawning Pool
17 Overlord
19 Queen then spawn larvae
23 Queen then spawn larvae
25 Overlord
31 Overlord
36 spawn larvae
38 Overlord
42 spawn larvae
9 Overlord
16 Hatchery then transfer 2 drones (21 seconds lost)
15 Spawning Pool
17 Overlord
19 Queen then spawn larvae
23 Queen then spawn larvae
25 Overlord
31 Overlord
36 spawn larvae
38 Overlord
42 spawn larvae
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler +
4,996 minerals at 6:19
Pool Finish: 3:28
Hatch Finish: 3:43
Pool Finish: 3:28
Hatch Finish: 3:43
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
15 Pool 16 Hatch
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5231.5
Larva: 58.34
Pool Finish: 2:59
Hatch Finish: 4:15
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5231.5
Larva: 58.34
Pool Finish: 2:59
Hatch Finish: 4:15
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay = 3 Seconds
9 Overlord
15 Spawning Pool
16 Hatchery then transfer 3 Drones (19 seconds lost)
15 Overlord
16 Queen, then constant Spawn Larvae
21 Queen, then constant Spawn Larvae
23 Overlord
33 Overlord
33 Overlord
9 Overlord
15 Spawning Pool
16 Hatchery then transfer 3 Drones (19 seconds lost)
15 Overlord
16 Queen, then constant Spawn Larvae
21 Queen, then constant Spawn Larvae
23 Overlord
33 Overlord
33 Overlord
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler +
4,890 minerals at 6:19
Pool Finish: 2:53
Hatch Finish: 4:10
Pool Finish: 2:53
Hatch Finish: 4:10
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
14 Hatch 13 Pool
+ Show Spoiler +
AI Test
Minerals: 5230
Larva: 58.2
Pool Finish: 3:27
Hatch Finish: 3:41
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Minerals: 5230
Larva: 58.2
Pool Finish: 3:27
Hatch Finish: 3:41
Build Order
+ Show Spoiler +
# Startup Build Delay = 3 Seconds
9 Overlord
14 Hatchery
13 Spawning Pool
16 Overlord
16 Queen then constant spawn larvae
21 Queen
23 Overlord
27 Overlord
37 Overlord
51 Drone
9 Overlord
14 Hatchery
13 Spawning Pool
16 Overlord
16 Queen then constant spawn larvae
21 Queen
23 Overlord
27 Overlord
37 Overlord
51 Drone
+ Show Spoiler +
Build Order Tester
+ Show Spoiler +
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler +
4,816.8 minerals at 6:19
Pool Finish: 3:21
Hatch Finish: 3:34
Pool Finish: 3:21
Hatch Finish: 3:34
Replay Example
![[image loading]](
Current Best Replays
+ Show Spoiler +
Feel free to submit any replays of a build you use that you believe to be top tier economically. More replays are needed. I know not every zerg player uses the 11 pool build. It would be nice to get some replays of other builds that are being used.
11 Pool 18 Hatch
+ Show Spoiler +
If you want more replays for this build there is a very large thread devoted to this build that contains more than just these two replays.
7RR defended
2 Rax Marine All In
7RR defended
2 Rax Marine All In
+ Show Spoiler +
More data collection is still under way. The builds have each had 5 runs and the results are the average of those 5 runs.
So far for the economic analysis the best Hatch first build is the 13H/15P. The best pool first build is the 13P/15H. The 11P/18H also may deserve to be added because it gets the pool earlier. This conclusion says nothing about how the builds will operate when intricate timings between two builds that exist in the actual game coming into play. Although, it is definitely a good place to start from if you want to test those things.
![[image loading]](
So far for the economic analysis the best Hatch first build is the 13H/15P. The best pool first build is the 13P/15H. The 11P/18H also may deserve to be added because it gets the pool earlier. This conclusion says nothing about how the builds will operate when intricate timings between two builds that exist in the actual game coming into play. Although, it is definitely a good place to start from if you want to test those things.
![[image loading]](