May 2004 - July 2004
- Seeded from NHN Starleague: 1.Nal_Ra(P) 2.Zeus(P) 3.Silent_Control(T)
- Winner of the Challenge League: Xellos(T) (his second challenge league title)
- Qualified through the Dual Tournement:
(T) iloveoov, Nada, TheMarine, Doggi, GoodFriend, Casy
(Z) [z-zone]JJu, JulyZerg, Gorush
(P) Reach, IntoTheRainbow, Kingdom
Total: 8T,3Z,5P
I'll let mensrea talk about the group selection.
OGN held their Group Selection Ceremony today (Friday, April 23, 2004) for the
upcoming Gillette Starleague. First, here's how things went down:
GROUP A: Nal_rA -> iloveoov -> Reach -> GoodFriend
GROUP B: Zeus -> JulyZerg -> Casy -> Doggi
Group C: Silent_Control -> Nada -> Gorush -> Intotherainbow
GROUP D: Xellos -> Jju -> Kingdom -> TheMarine
Now for my world-famous Group Selection Ceremony Awards (cue appropriate fanfare
The Studliest Choice Award Nal_rA, hands down. As usual, the returning champ had
the honor of choosing first. And, true to form, Kang insisted on taking the path
of greatest resistance and picked none other than the reiging MBC Starleague
title-holder, and the unofficial world's scariest player, iloveoov!!! OMFG I love
Kang. With one pick, he electrified the crowd and sent chills down everyone's
collective spine. What a friggin' stud! This guy's on a fuckin' crusade to show
the world who's the greatest player of them all and he ain't backing down from
anybody. No thinking involved, no drawing of probability trees, no pre-selection
scouting and research - just pick the deadliest player in the field and get ready
to go medieval on his ass. How can anybody NOT be a fan?! Bring it on! (mensrea
prediction: Nal_rA's never lost to the guy he's picked in the Ceremony. iloveoov,
despite his kraken stature, is toast.)
The Group of Death Award Group A. Gee, what a surprise. This Group features 3
Starleague champions and one fast-rising star (GoodFriend). This Group is so
deadly, Ebola can't touch these guys. GoodFriend, his stellar stock
notwithstanding, will be overjoyed to win even a single match. A close 2nd is
Group D with 2 former champions and 2 of the hottest players in the pro circuit
today (the Zerg neo-master Jju and newly rejuvenated TheMarine). Wear protective
gear when you watch these guys play - this Group is gonna be war.
The Gulliver Award To the player who's surrounded by lilliputian gnats: Nada.
Well, anything can happen (it is Starleague, afterall), but let's just say I'd
liquibet on Nada in the Group if I were you.
The My Race Suxor Award Zerg. Poor Zerg. Only 3 are in this one. July's still wet
behind the ears when it comes to prime-time matches, and while Jju and Gorush are
proven fighters - they're no Yellow or Chojja. At least not yet.
The Return of the King Award TheMarine. I thought it was all lies. But, he's back
baby and man, does he ever look like one sweet assassin. Watch for the TheMarine
to make HUGE waves in his triumphant return to the Big Leagues. For the newbs
among you who're like "Huh?! Who's he?!" TheMarine was one of only 2 players in
the world able to beat Boxer on a consistent basis (more or less) when Boxer was
in his dominating prime (2001 - 2002). The other player was, of course, Garimto.
That's how good this guy used to be - and, Allah willing, will be again.
The I Belong In Starleague Award Boxer. Where the frig are you, Boxer???!!! OMG.
This will be the first Starleague without Boxer in almost 4 years. R.I.P. Watch
for a lot less screaming and hollering and general rowdiness this Starleague. No
Boxer = no 700,000 member fan club fan-girls at the games.
The I Don't Belong In Starleague Award Fuck you, Mumyung, stop doing well in Duel
Tournament and getting lucky and making it into Starleague only to get beaten 30
fuckin' straight times and getting your ass hauled out on a stretcher only to do
well in Duel again and making it back into Starleague and stinking up the entire
place for everyone and -
Oh. Right. He's gone. Sorry. Old habits die hard.
Thanks rea!
(0) is the week number of the game:
(1) = April 30th
(6) = June 4th
(7) = June 12th (Saturay)
(8) = June 18th
(9) = June 25th
Group A
iloveoov 3-0, Reach 2-1, Nal_rA 1-2, Goodfriend 0-3
(1) iloveoov > Nal_rA @ Requiem
(2) Reach > Goodfriend @ Mercury
(3) Reach > Nal_rA @ Nostalgia
(4) iloveoov > Goodfriend @ Nostalgia
(5) Nal_rA > Goodfriend @ Namja Iyagi
(6) iloveoov > Reach @ Namja Iyagi
Group B
JulyZerg 3-0, Zeus 2-1, Casy 1-2, Doggi 0-3
(1) Casy > Doggi @ Mercury
(2) JulyZerg > Zeus @ Nostalgia
(3) JulyZerg > Doggi @ Namja Iyagi
(4) Zeus > Casy @ Namja Iyagi
(5) JulyZerg > Casy @ Requiem
(6) Zeus > Doggi @ Requiem
Group C
Nada 2-1, Control 2-1, GoRush 1-2, Rainbow 1-2
(1) Nada > Control @ Nostalgia
(2) GoRush > Rainbow @ Namja Iyagi
(3) Control > GoRush @ Requiem
(4) Rainbow > Nada @ Requiem
(5) Control > Rainbow @ Mercury
(6) Nada > GoRush @ Mercury
Group D
Kingdom 3-0, Xellos 2-1, Jju 1-2, TheMarine 0-3
(1) Kingdom > TheMarine @ Namja Iyagi
(2) Xellos > Jju @ Requiem
(3) Jju > TheMarine @ Mercury
(4) Kingdom > Xellos @ Mercury
(5) Kingdom > Jju @ Nostalgia
(6) Xellos > TheMarine @ Nostalgia
iloveoov 2 - 1 Zeus
(7) iloveoov > Zeus @ Requiem
(8) Zeus > iloveoov @ Nostalgia
(9) iloveoov > Zeus @ Namja Iyagi
JulyZerg 2 - 1 Xellos
(7) Xellos > JulyZerg @ Nostalgia
(8) JulyZerg > Xellos @ Namja Iyagi
(9) JulyZerg > Xellos @ Mercury
Reach 2 - 1 Nada
(7) Nada > Reach @ Mercury
(8) Reach > Nada @ Requiem
(9) Reach > Nada @ Nostalgia
Control 2 - 1 Kingdom
(7) Kingdom > Control @ Namja Iyagi
(8) Control > Kingdom @ Mercury
(9) Control > Kingdom @ Requiem
SEMI-FINAL (July 2nd and 9th)
JulyZerg 3 - 2 iloveoov
1. JulyZerg > iloveoov @ Nostalgia
2. JulyZerg > iloveoov @ Namja Iyagi
3. iloveoov > JulyZerg @ Requiem
4. iloveoov > JulyZerg @ Mercury
5. JulyZerg > iloveoov @ Nostalgia
Reach 3 - 2 Control
1. Control > Reach @ Nostalgia
2. Reach > Control @ Requiem
3. Reach > Control @ Mercury
4. Control > Reach @ Namja Iyagi
5. Reach > Control @ Nostalgia
3rd PLACE (July 16t)
iloveoov 3 - 2 Control
1. iloveoov > Control @ Mercury
1. iloveoov > Control @ Nostalgia
1. Control > iloveoov @ Requiem
1. Control > iloveoov @ Namja Iyagi
1. iloveoov > Control @ Mercury
FINAL (Sunday August 1st, 2004)
JulyZerg 3 - 1 Reach
1. Reach > JulyZerg @ Nostalgia
2. JulyZerg > Reach @ Requiem
3. JulyZerg > Reach @ Namja Iyagi
4. JulyZerg > Reach @ Mercury