![[image loading]](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kos215TTWb1qze2m9o1_500.png) Guild Wars 2 Game Discussion & Guild This thread is everything about Guild Wars 2, from the latest news to guilds. We've tried to make things easy in viewing everything you'd like to know about Guild Wars 2 itself.
Feel free to use this thread to ask general game questions, there's a lot of informative people here, and the answers come easily. But before you ask some of the most common ones, please visit any of these links to read/research into the game:
Commonly linked places in this thread to learn about the game:
![[image loading]](http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/7978/wikipreview.png) http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2 Guild Wars 2 Wiki • Basic Information • Easy to read and follow • Learn what 90% of people ask about, before you ask.
![[image loading]](http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/8720/blogpreview.png) http://www.arena.net/ Official ArenaNet Blog • Official Blog covering all facets of GW2 • Provides lore released and various info the main site does not
![[image loading]](http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/3774/gw2preview.png) http://www.guildwars2.com/en/ Official Guild Wars 2 Promotional Site • Official site • Showcases the finalized classes and information about the game • Does not show other updates
![[image loading]](http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/5607/gurupreview.png) http://www.guildwars2guru.com/ Curse Network Community Site • Currently the most active GW2 community site • Laid back atmosphere. • ArenaNet Devs post/visit there
Community Guild Listings:
Team Liquid Euro Guild (Open Recruitment/Casual and Hardcore/EU) http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=324791 Requirements: Good attitude, focused on PvE
If you want your guild listed here, simply reply in this thread or send me a PM!
I loved GW, definitely gonna get GW2 as soon as its out. if option 4 wins the poll I will seriously explode with rage
From what I've seen so far it looks decent.
It help that the developers are at least are making a concerted effort to try different things rather than just "emulate WoW" as most mmorpg do.
Based on that I will certainly continue looking into the game and will probably participate in an open beta test if they have one, and will see from there about buying it.
Guilds are what made GW1. I had the shittiest guild around in terms of actual skill/seriousness, but I could always count on them for some laughs.
That being said, of course I would play with a TL crew
i'd be in the hardcore sect =P i would be very interested in this, starting with a guild rather than joining/making 3000000 before finding a decent one
edit: just in case it wasn't clear, you can count me in =P
I will definitely be getting the game. Probably jump in the TL guild when it opens up! ^^
Voted perhaps only b/c there was no regular I'll buy it option
United States4053 Posts
This game sounds like it's probably more community(guild?)-centered than other MMOs, which is partially what I'm looking for in an MMO. I'll probably check out the beta, and if I like it I'll buy.
lots of TLers played GW1. You're in luck if this thread stays updated through out release.
I've never played GW but I've enjoyed AioN. I was thinking of getting this game when it comes out.
How does this game compare to popular MMOs like WoW, AioN, etc?
On August 31 2010 14:49 SCC-Faust wrote: I've never played GW but I've enjoyed AioN. I was thinking of getting this game when it comes out.
How does this game compare to popular MMOs like WoW, AioN, etc?
Well if you liked wow you probably wont like GW2 because im pretty sure its actually going to be a decent game
That was the general idea, to throw out the idea of making a guild that already has a long history of deeds that you were never a part of, and frankly, dont care about. Its about making a new history with people that you know come from a somewhat similar background. No playing catch-up.
Played GW1 for years, definitely picking this up.
GW i loved that game i found it more visually alluring then WoW but i ended up playing wow a ton more just due to having irl guild friends which is always more fun doing raids and shit together. Also i can jump that's the one thing that irked me in gw is that i couldn't jump jump while moving by hitting space so i could get stuck on a rock 2 inches high. imma wait for some reviews though
It sounds like they're aiming for this to be very different from WoW rather than attempting to copy it. That's a pretty ballsy move, I'm sad to say. But if they pull it off (which seems likely so far), it will be one extraordinarily nice change for me.
I'll definitely be getting GuildWars 2 I use to love guild wars 1 in fact I went to play Gw1 again but I forgot my password and stupid arena.net hasnt sent me my password
Never played GW1 but I have to say GW2 looks very promising. I'm most likely gonna buy it soon after release and a TL guild would be pretty sick
One thing that you've probably heard a tons of times is the reference of a new MMO to being a "wow clone". Mark my words you will never see GW2 and Wow clone together in any serious preview.
Updated with some links and reading goodness.
Has there been any news on how the game servers will be set up? Is it going to be a global system or will they split it up like WoW, different servers per region. If it is the latter us euros won't be able to play with you