![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/74i4S.png)
iCCup is proud to announce the iCCup mapmaking team. The mapmaking team started as a collaboration of Protoss4Ever aka Superouman, prodiG, and Konicki (aka Kinki) and later added Grebliv, Monitor, G_wen and neobowman, all mapmakers who have shown talent, dedication and intelligence in all steps of SCII Melee map creation. We have also added Koagel to our roster! The iCCup mapmaking team will be releasing maps intended for all aspects of competitive play, to be used in any event (no need to ask permission!)
This thread will contain information about every map in the iCCup map pool, as well as information about the mapmakers themselves. Note that the images may not always be up-to-date
Fake iCCup Maps
It has come to our attention that people have taken it upon themselves to publish maps under the iCCup name without our consent. This is a list of all known publishers, anyone not on this list is considered to be a fake and their maps are NOT part of the official iCCup Map Pool. We do not support nor endorse these maps in any way, shape, or form. If you are one of the people on this list, we kindly ask that you remove or rename your maps as you are damaging the integrity that the iCCup Mapmaking Team strives to create. Thank you.
+ Show Spoiler [Fake Maps] +
Fake maps on US
-iCCup Astropop by Don
-iCCup Attack Canyon by Don
-iCCup Fresh's Demise by CoinDrop
-iCCup Python by Yoshi
Fake maps on EU
-iCCup Tau Cross by Seaking
-iCCup Proxy by Oos
Known publishers
-Anthony Wilborn (aka kinki on bnet or konicki on TL)
-Efhiro (aka neobowman on TL)
Known FAKE publishers
US Server
-aikepah (published the fake iCCup Heartbreak Ridge)
-Adriel Leung (published the fake iCCup Python)
-Don (several maps)
Who are the mapmakers?
+ Show Spoiler [The Mapmakers] +
prodiG - http://www.prodiGsc.com
My name is Josh "prodiG" Folland, and I have been making Melee maps since the editor first became available in beta patch 15. My first and most popular map isFighting Spirit, a port of the most popular and highest played Brood War professional map. Since then, I've been creating both original maps and Brood War ports. I am a low-mid level diamond Terran, coming from a Quake and Call of Duty background. I am very excited to be part of the iCCup mapmaking team, as I believe it will introduce a new era of competetive Starcraft II play. I am also getting into casting, you can catch me casting with the guys at Ragequit.tv.
Konicki (aka kinki) - Kinki's map thread
My name is Anthony “konicki” Wilborn. I am 25 and am from Wisconsin, US. Throwing together quality melee maps is something I’ve really been trying to put a lot of time into recently… after playing so many of the unique maps the community created in SC1 I really want to think we can do the same for SC2. I played a lot of BW, got caught up in CS: Source like a chump for a while, and was brought back by SC2. In game I go by “kinki”.
SUPEROUMAN (aka Protoss4Ever) Protoss4Ever's map thread
Hello~ I am Philippe "SUPEROUMAN" Cwik, yeah call me SUPEROUMAN not ProToss4EveR. I am 18 and i live near Paris. I am from a long time a map maker in SC:BW. I already worked with iCCup somes years ago, they selected two of my maps into their mappool: (4)Shine and (4)Texcoco.
I am honored to be in the iCCup mapping team and i will do my best to make maps better than the koreans'. Thanks to Nightmarjoo who posted my mapping thread, konicki was able to contact me. I owe my mapping skills to the broodwarmaps.net website guys who really helped me with their advice year after another.
Hey I'm monitor. As many of you know, the TSI team is very excited to be merging with iCCup! I did some amateur mapping in BW, and am working on developing my skills at SC2 map making. I've done my fair share of tournaments in SC2 as Zerg
Hi, I'm neobowman/EfHiro. Used to be a terrible Brood War mapper. Now, I'm a slightly less terrible SC2 mapper. I play a bit of SC2 on ladder, I prefer Brood War but I'm actually half/decent at SC2 so I usually play that. Big shout out to the dudes at sc2gg who are an amazingly cool bunch, tvtropes for being an equally awesome site and the iCCup map team for giving me a chance to make maps for them.
<No intro yet
Hello, I'm GWen (FireBearHero on EU servers). I'm 19 from Toronto, Ontario and a Mid level Random player on the US server. Before making SC2 maps I played a lot of BW but mostly focused on playing SSB:M. Naturally I'm honored to be part of the iCCup Map Making team. I make maps slowly but I hope you will enjoy playing on them. I'd like to thank the amazing community at reddit for getting me hooked on Starcraft 2 and organizing their weekly tournaments. When I'm not playing Starcraft I'm usually playing Achron, Tetris or HoMM.
My name is Oliver "Koagel" Gam, as of now I'm a 23 year old 4th year medical student from Vienna, Austria. I've drawn for pretty much all my life, and started texturing some years ago while being in some Doom3 mod team that, like most mods, died a slow death. Got luckier a bit later with "The Ball", originally a mod for UT3, that eventually went retail. Visit the site, http://www.theballthegame.com/, download the demo, buy the game if you like it
In SC2, I'm still rather one of the behind the scenes mapmaking guys than a player, and as such, better at (and more interested in) the aesthetics than at doing the layouts. I care most about my own development as an artist, and want to create the most beautiful/creative maps I can. In my opinion, if you stopped getting better, you started to suck.
Hi, I am Kevin "GomJabbar" Racine. I am 22 and living in Massachusetts, US. Although I don't have the skills to help make maps or play professionally, I love this community and want to do all I can to help it grow and improve. I'm a high-platinum Protoss player who dabbles in streaming and casting for smaller casual tournaments. I didn't play Brood War very much but enjoyed watching the pro scene for some time before SC2 released. With SC2 I see the map pool as the only thing holding this great game back, and the iCCup map team are helping to remedy that with every map they release. I am helping the mapmaking team by collecting win/loss data and feedback from tournaments and the community. I encourage anyone with feedback about the iCCup maps to message me here on teamliquid, and that feedback will be relayed to the team.
The iCCup Map Series
Originally posted by: Alou
iCCup TV has contacted some of the best map makers out there and is looking to host their creations in a series of show matches featuring top players. Biweekly we will take three new maps and have high ITC and ITL level players be the first to spill blood on the shiny new terrain. Each week will have four BO3 series featuring new and exciting maps.
iCCup TV has contacted some of the best map makers out there and is looking to host their creations in a series of show matches featuring top players. Biweekly we will take three new maps and have high ITC and ITL level players be the first to spill blood on the shiny new terrain. Each week will have four BO3 series featuring new and exciting maps.
For more information about the iCCup Map Series, see the thread by clicking here.
The team as a whole has been examining and testing each map individually to ensure that only the best of the best stay in the iCCup Map Pool and as such we have decided to implement a new system that is very similar to what we use in the iCCup Monthly Map Pool. A map can have one of the following statuses:
In good standing - The map has no outstanding flaws that have been brought to our immediate attention and is considered ready for high-level play.
Investigating - The map has some issues that we have been made aware of and are looking into. The map is still ready for high-level play but it's issues should be taken into consideration.
Suspended - The map has issues that we have been made aware of and we do not believe the map is ready for competitive play until the issue is fixed.
Removed - The map is not the of the quality we seek for our maps and is removed from our map pool. We will no longer support maps that have been removed unless its creator drastically overhauls the map.
Below you will find the refined iCCup Map Pool. Please note the status of each map! Removed maps can still be found on battle.net by searching for the name of the map.
4 Player Maps
iCCup Destiny - prodiG
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler [Destiny] +
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/dcm5j.jpg)
iCCup Amazon - monitor
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler [Amazon] +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YHdNx.jpg)
iCCup Valhalla - prodiG
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler [Valhalla] +
![[image loading]](http://i32.tinypic.com/1zqvepu.jpg )
iCCup Europa - Grebliv
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler [Europa] +
![[image loading]](http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/6838/europared1.jpg )
iCCup Moletrap - neobowman
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler [Moletrap] +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/bG4mm.jpg )
iCCup Neo Enigma - prodiG
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler [Neo Enigma] +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9T3W9.jpg)
iCCup Princess Fortress II - Superouman
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler [Princess Fortress II] +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3FyLT.jpg )
iCCup Fighting Spirit - prodiG
Status = Investigating (Aesthetics)
+ Show Spoiler [Fighting Spirit] +
![[image loading]](http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/6751/fightingspiritsc2.jpg )
-Poor aesthetics
iCCup Python 2 - neobowman
Status = Investigating
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/470CS.jpg)
-Map may be too large
3 Player Maps
iCCup Testbug - Superouman
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/nKAsm.jpg)
iCCup Hades - Superouman
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4918/iccup3hades2.jpg )
2 Player Maps
iCCup Pawn Re - monitor
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VCuoA.jpg)
iCCup Starlight Breaker - neobowman
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/p9aa6.jpg)
iCCup Neo Avalanche - monitor
Status = Investigating
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/mqUPT.jpg )
iCCup Starparty V - Superouman
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler +
iCCup Sanshorn Mists - Konicki
Status = Investigating
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/6725/sanshornmist.jpg)
iCCup Match Point - prodiG
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/6638/matchpoint10lowres.jpg)
iCCup Braxis Orbital - Grebliv
Status = In good standing
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/2792/terrain122.jpg)
Suspended maps
+ Show Spoiler [Suspended maps] +
Removed maps
These maps can be found by searching for them by name. Please keep in mind that we no longer provide support for these maps.
+ Show Spoiler [Removed Maps] +
iCCup Sungsu Crossing - Konicki
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/8uT1i.jpg)
iCCup Obsidian Inferno - prodiG
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/48BYB.jpg)
-Rush distance & balance issues
iCCup Endon - Konicki
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/9028/endon.jpg)
-Balance issues
iCCup Lebasse Pass - Konicki
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2041/iccuplbpass.jpg)
-Balance issues
iCCup River Point - Konicki
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/25/iccupriverpoint21.jpg)
-Balance issues
iCCup Orbital Divide - Konicki
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/4482/odnewmain.jpg)
-Balance issues
Crop Circles - Superouman
Status =Removed
+ Show Spoiler [Crop Circles] +
![[image loading]](http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/1825/cropcircles.jpg)
God's Garden - prodiG
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler [God's Garden] +
![[image loading]](http://www.prodigsc.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Gods-Garden-1.0.jpg)
-Map is too large
Grand Line - neobowman
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler [Grand Line] +
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/AYmcX.jpg)
-Map is too large
Triforce - Superouman
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler [Triforce] +
![[image loading]](http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/307/triforce.jpg)
-Map is too small
Trcc - Superouman
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler [Trcc] +
![[image loading]](http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/6210/iccup3trcc.jpg)
Starchild - prodiG
Status = Removed
+ Show Spoiler [Starchild] +
![[image loading]](http://www.prodigsc.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Starchild-1.3.jpg)
-Expo layout
Enigma - prodiG
Status =Removed
+ Show Spoiler [Enigma] +
![[image loading]](http://www.prodigsc.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/4-Enigma-1.1.jpg)
-Replaced with Neo Enigma. This version is too large.
Fury - prodiG
+ Show Spoiler [Fury] +
![[image loading]](http://www.prodigsc.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/2-Fury-1.21.jpg)
-Map is too large