Alright, I know you guys are out there from this thread. And in an effort to not shit on that thread, I made this. 
Yes, to many people, Pokemon was a childish thing that is now only good for the nostalgia. But there is a secret other dimension to it. There are many Pokemen out there (about six thousand I think?) of which you choose six and their moves/set their stats and go for it. I'm sure a lot of people, when they played, would go with as many heavy hitting attacks as they possibly could and called it a day. This worked fine vs the Elite Four.
But competitive Pokemon is a whole different game. It is a game of prediction. Are they going to use Earthquake? I should switch to a flying type. Are they gonna switch their guy? I should use a set up move and try to up my stats. These are the things to think about in this game.
Since I know there's at least a handful of people here on TL that already have experience with competitive pokemon and that it is something that those who haven't experienced might enjoy, I felt people should at least know about it and have a spot to discuss it. Simulators allow you to set your guys rather than going through like hundreds of hours to train them how you want.
The current standard simulator (I think anyway) is Shoddy Battle.
The ultimate source for all your Pokemon needs (like the TL of Pokemon) is Smogon University.
Good luck and have fun.
Post who your username on Shoddy here and I'll add it to the list 
TLers on Shoddy: + Show Spoiler +TL Name - Shoddy Name Bibbit - Jaedong Kenpachi - Tyrant Melody seRapH - mkseRapH synapse - synapsii Lzlude - Izlude262 Kpyolysis32 - Kpyolysis32 LolnoobInsanity - sonofashrub
I have problems with wifi so I can't battle online at my house and time constraints prevent me from raising a team along with the fact I've only bought DS pokemon game recently. Though I do enjoy occasionally watching a narrated wifi battle.
TheKillerNacho being my favorite online battler I've found so far http://www.youtube.com/user/TheKillerNacho
mtgxerxes is also pretty good http://www.youtube.com/user/mtgxerxes
I've subscribed to Pixie's channel more out of amazement that a girl plays with such rampant enthusiasm for the game http://www.youtube.com/user/MMLFrostypixie
Competitive pokemon has a lot of unique tactics not present in the standard story mainly the opponent will actually switch making entry hazard moves (that hurt pokemon that switch in) more effective. This also means more prediction is required which can also be described as luck. Certainly in pokemon there is a bigger element of luck than other games at the competitive level, but it's still fun to watch if your a pokemon fan.
On June 28 2010 12:09 LegendaryDreams wrote:Pokemon Online is a great simulator as well. It just came out a month ago. Many people prefer it to shoddy battle. http://www.pokemon-online.eu/
Well we dont want to divide whatever TL community we manage to form so we definitely need to come to a consensus over which one. :/
:[! i used to go pro with pokemon lol.
i used to stay up all night and ev train my pokemons.
i stopped when i traded in platinum lol
I had no idea pokemon was a competitive game. lol.
I used to play pokemon competitively. I had a pretty good record on netbattle, and then spent 300+ hours getting my team on gba. Before I entered any tournies with it, D/P came out and I was like fuck. I might restart competitive pokemon again.
I've participated in some Smogon wifi tourneys. From what I can remember, I got a 1st and 2nd place.
To be honest, most wifi battlers are pretty bad, including those youtube players. You've gotta play on shoddy to actually improve and have serious battles.
On June 28 2010 13:21 Umbrella wrote: I've participated in some Smogon wifi tourneys. From what I can remember, I got a 1st and 2nd place.
To be honest, most wifi battlers are pretty bad, including those youtube players. You've gotta play on shoddy to actually improve and have serious battles.
yeah thats true.
If anyone wants some friendly battles hit me up on shoddy battle. Currently using the name Izlude262, I peaked 1700 CRE during the garchomp era, and still play for fun.
Damn I remember when competitive pokemon used to be you sitting down with a few friends. O.o
Anyways, does anyone know how I can get started with this competitive-ness? And do I need to have an action replay or any of that crap?
I remember finding out about competitive pokemon and being surprised. There are some interesting tactics and a lot of customization in choosing moves and pokemon though. But ya, Smogon will teach you a ton of stuff and Shoddy is the best for practicing.
so which simulator has the most people? ill go with that one cuz thats fun!
I enjoy randomizing the dex and EV/IV training something random in platinum... already have a lvl 100 EV/IV trained floatzel (and its AWESOME), now working on finding a 31 sp att IV houndour... been through about 60 eggs and still nothing ...
Start here. Just click on some stuff like your favorite pokemon and start reading the strategies. You'll very quickly get a grip of basic vocab and stuff. If you need help with some terms (what the hell is a "phazer"?) this page is nice: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Metagame
Like any competitive game with characters that have differences, Pokemon has its own set of tiers. Competition is devided into Ubers (anything goes), Overused (OU, which bars only the most broken pocket monsters found in ubers), Underused (UU, bars OU pokes), and Never Used (NU, bars UU and up). There's other ladders, like Little Cup (lvl 5 unevolved pokemon) and dual battles.
If you're lost like I was about all the new moves and pokemons introduced since <insert when you last played>, the best resource hands down is Bulbapedia. You can also reaserch the nerdery that is IVs and EVs on this site. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page (Bulbapedia has been going down frequently lately, don't be surprised by an error)
http://www.smogon.com/dp/buildteam/ The smogon online team builder lets you paste together a team using movesets from their strategy guide, and download it to Shoddy.
Currently I'm dicking around with a joke team that has a Luvdisc with Toxic/Protect/Dive/Sweet Kiss, Acupressure Shuckle w/quake and rock slide, Spinda as my Wish passer, along with a whole bunch of other useless pokemon. Fun to see people's reactions, even though I lose all the time  I'm still learning all the new moves, someone used Aqua Ring today and I wtf'd, turns out it's a baton-passable leftovers effect ?_? Another thing that's hard to get used to is the Choice Items. The strategies behind them are still totally foreign to me...
p.s. Chill don't go to Smogon they abuse the word "metagame" all the time. It's really annoying!
I played competitively back in the days of Gold and Silver (yes that was a long time ago), but then I moved into playing the TCG and kind of stopped battling. The only reason I even know half of them past about 350 is because of the TCG...
I have no idea what the metagame is nowadays, but it's definitely a deep, strategic and highly competitive game, at least much more so than lots of people who dismiss it as a "kids game" think.
Pokemon FTW
I used to play pokemon competitively a lot. I recently stopped to start getting into SC. I suggest joining a clan if you are good because they are a lot of fun and clan wars can be pretty entertaining. If anyone wants to battle for lolz then pm me I guess. I'm new to this site for the most part so yea.
I used to be quite good. Placing high in Magnitude's tournament as well as TheKillerNacho's monocolor tournament, which was a lot of fun. I suggest not playing standard a lot because lower tiers like UU and NU are a lot more fun. Monocolor being my favorite haha. I used to do a lot of commentaries against some well known players. I ended in the clan DA, which has people like mmlfrostypixie, mooty, 2betheman, Uutton and became kind of known in the pokemon community. I don't suggest joining DA because they like to neglect new members though. If you have any questions about competitive pokemon, well mostly the clan aspect because I'm not the best battler out there.
Also my youtube if you want to see any of my commentaries. I haven't done any in a while and but I also did CoD commentaries because I was into MLG and on rainbow six vegas I was a semi pro. Not much to brag about though haha.
I started to play competitively when Diamond and Pearl were released. Before that I never knew of the competitive scene until I found some stuff on youtube. It's really fun if you have a smart opponent. But, there are some seriously BM people out there that d/c and blame it on you or give seriously lame excuses. It's kind of hard to find the right people.
On June 28 2010 15:43 Kororo wrote: But, there are some seriously BM people out there that d/c and blame it on you or give seriously lame excuses. It's kind of hard to find the right people. The same could be said of Bnet lol Just get a good community of mannered people. That's (in theory) what this thread is for- finding manner pokemon battles with TL people :D
i played netbattle a few years ago, i read online about competitive shit but i never did anything other than the online simulators in that regard. The gba stuff takes waaay too long and i never had any1 to play against either.
i keep feeling like i want to go back and play pokemon (nostalgia i guess) but whenever i get around to actually getting out my gba and starting up a game, i remember how ridiculously easy it is now, and stop playing after a few mins