I'm thinking about getting a Razer Naga for sc2, but I'd like to hear from someone who has used one. On my keyboard, I honestly can't hit anything east of the 5 key without looking down. As zerg my hotkeys are using 1-3: army, 4: queens, 5: hatcheries. It would be really nice to be able to use 6-0 to fine tune my army without having to move my hand position or look at my keyboard. So here are my questions:
1. How easy is it to bind the naga buttons to anything you want through provided drivers? I'm not sure if this is exactly how I would do it, but for example, could I bind the "3", "6", "9" and "12" side keys to 6 7 8 9 respectively? In the videos on their site, it says they have addons for games like world of warcraft which allow you to bind the buttons in game, but I assume the windows drivers it comes with will allow you to bind the buttons universally.
2. Assuming the above is possible, would I run into problems if i ever wanted to compete in a LAN tournament? I'm not sure what the commonly accepted rules are for bringing your own mouse and drivers to a tournament. I realize rules may be different depending on the host.
it won't make u better :O
i don't think those buttons are comfortable to use :/
i'm using the naga right now, but i haven't set any binds for it yet. I used it for wow and i'm not going to get a new mouse for sc2 ;P, i personally find it very comfortable.
the deathadder is also very nice, if you end up not using the binds though
if you get the drivers from the razer website you can bind the 12 keys on the side to do almost anything, including multiple actions and key presses. or you can just use them as the numpad (which i do [; )
oh also, generally blizzard says one click -> one action. macros are fine if they don't do multiple actions with just a single button press. (something like creating an army and changing rally points from many barracks with a single numberpad press)
i am still amazed that people can use the naga at all
i honestly thought it was a joke the first time I saw it
Dude, the only thing i can say that will help, is what i did.. Slowly start moving that #5 hotkey hatch or 6, then 7, then 8 or what ever is good for you.. when i started playing, it was 3 for my army making and 4 for my command centers, now its 6 for HQ and 5 for unit production and such.
So yeah, just start moving it over, your mind should start to get a better feel for it. its just like typing.. You use to type with 1 finger, then graduated to 2 fingers, and now you are possibly at XXX WPM.. so yeah, hope that helps ^.^
every lan turny i have ever been to never had a problem with bringing your own mice and keyboard. should be fine. I can't see them having a fuss over it. For me a new mouse/ keyboard takes like weeks +++ to get used to. Thats just me tho.
I'm sure from what I've seen ,1-12 on the mouse is the same as the keyboard 1 - =. but I am sure you can change them to whatever you like after the software is installed.
Also, if you cant hit 6+. you just need to force yourself to do so,looking at your keyboard at first, for then eventually it will come easy. Or you could just buy the mouse. It does look pretty awesome, tho very big.(from the picture/videos ive seen)
If its anything like other Razer products ( I have 2) then it has drivers + software. With the software you can set up macros and re-assign keys.
I have my keyboards numpad set to 1-0. So its easier to use the higher numbers. To be honest though I use the same hotkey setup as you, and rarely use the macros I set up. I got used to reaching over now.
Also, if you want to buy the mouse do it. A lot of people will tell you that it is an unfair advantage\not allowed at live events, etc. But unless you plan to be some incredible player --who cares. If it is a game you enjoy playing as a hobby, then buy any peripheral that you like.
If you aren't a pro, don't feel bad using an aluminum bat.
EDIT: I have a razer death adder mouse, and lycosa keyboard. I will replace both when they die\fail, going on 2 years strong right now.
I used the naga for World of Warcraft for ~6 months and it was great for that, however it is difficult to press buttons 7 through 12 on its side. You have to bend your thumb back to reach them which isn't comfortable in my experience. I've tried using it for starcraft, but it just feels easier to use keyboard hotkeys than it. I'd recommend using a different razer mouse.
I wouldn't recommend it. The mouse itself is fine to use for sc, but the bindings, at least for me, are hard to hit while constantly moving your mouse (which is what you do in RTSes).It's an MMO mouse for a reason. Otherwise, it was plenty comfortable and if you can muster moving the mouse and pressing buttons with your thumb at the same time, it's probably going to be fine for you.
Razer is also currently working with Blizzard to release an SC2 specific keyboard, mouse and headset.
It may be hokey, or good. But you may want to wait and see.
I use it, its nice. i haven't changed the hotkeys, just use the ones that are there. i find it hard to use them though, seems easier to use the keyboard. but im trying to train myself at it =]
Can't say I would spend that kind of money on a mouse for SC2 just because it's got a lot of auxiliary buttons. It's not going to improve your game that much. Many pro players just use a typical 2 button wheel mouse like you'd get with any standard desktop PC.
I just googled it and it looks like a god damn monstrosity. I find most non-ambidextrous mice difficult to use so I stuck with my old G3 laser. Looks exactly like the old Logitech Optical and before that Logitech Ball Mouse.
Will probably be using the same Logitech style when blu-ray mice or something comes out
it's just too big + you can't move your mouse precisely when you're clicking those buttons on the side + your other fingers are faster than thumb. keyboard + small, light mouse FTW. naga is for wow players if even that..
i use a 6 programmable buttons RUSH mouse , and im really happy with it , standard size and a button for DPI control , bought it mostly to play CS than i did to play SC2 where i dont use any of his features.
I'm using it, it helps my macro a lot. you can't program the buttons until they release an addon, but its really not that hard to hit the buttons on the mouse with practice.
7 = gateways 8 = robotics 9 = stargate
0 = nexus
1-2-3 army 5 for stormers
I just use a Razer Diamondback 3G, i have it like 2+ years and works perfectly. For the keyboard i use my old OLD HP one (like 7+ years), i know the keyboard of memory so i don't need to see it to type or press any hotkey in the game
I have a few extar customizable buttons on my mouse. Im thinking of binding CTRL to one of them for easier hotkeybinding, because hitting CTRL-8(or other high#) for instance really takes to much effort and focus from the game.
On May 16 2010 16:59 Zidane wrote: I'm using it, it helps my macro a lot. you can't program the buttons until they release an addon, but its really not that hard to hit the buttons on the mouse with practice.
7 = gateways 8 = robotics 9 = stargate
0 = nexus
1-2-3 army 5 for stormers
Unless I've misunderstood what you mean by programming them you can get the software available at their site to reassign and macro the keys.
I got one for playing MMO's mainly for the extra buttons, but it shocked me how well it fits the palm of my hand. I was definitely not expecting it to be so comfortable to use - it's actually by far the mouse with the "best feel" I've ever tried. As for the looks, well, meh.
In SC2 I tried making some advanced macros but in the end I realised that just sticking to the default layout (with small reassignments) was a better way to go. The only macro I use is MB5 as [A-leftclick]