RepDepot DL link: Sigma v0.31b
+ Show Spoiler +I pulled this map out of my behind a while earlier today; although on first sight it does not look too bad, closer scrutiny could reveal some ridiculously lopsided imbalances... (Mains are buildable, stacked basilica are vision and hit% tested) Please comment and give feedback if you can; I would really appreciate it if some general tips regarding racial imbalance could be given for me to keep in mind in the future. Thanks  .
is awesome32269 Posts
The zergs seems to have a real easy time holding a third gas...
at first glance it looks very t sided because it looks like t can defend 4 expos very easily
Sweden33719 Posts
Looks like TvP could be painful on this... Without carriers I'm not sure how P is gonna win
Oh god, the naturals. THE NATURALS!
The rest of the map looks half-decent BUT THE NATURALS!
The major issue i see is that the natural expansion isn't directly in the path of the main. (i.e. you can walk straight in to the main bypassing natural). this is is a problem because it means zergs won't be able to make a sunken line that actually protects them in ZvT. Im sure you can think of the similar problems people will face in other matchups too.
Other than that, theres some wasted space in the middle of the map. no real suggestions about how to fix that though, since i dont know much about map making.
Terran can hold the mineral only expansion extremely easily with tanks inside the main. Also zerg can hold the 3rd gas easily. Muta harass also looks very strong at the natural, the terrain right behind the mineral line and lack of room for units/turrets could be a problem.
Tanks are really good on this map because the high ground pod of the main is so big and stretches to the natural and what looks like two mineral onlys. The third gas in the bottom left and top right can also be easily taken by tanks and it would be easy for terran to take their entire side of the map.
TvP: terran can get and hold 4 ez expos ZvT: as funnybananaman94 said, no unified sunken line- Z HAS to 3 hatch. and mech seems strong. ZvP: IF zerg could manage to survive early game, I think it's pretty heavy Z favored. but early game could provide challenges because of the possibility of proxy gates.
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extremely easy to hold 4 bases... which makes ZvT and TvP pretty ez.
I would suggest making the 3/9oclock bases easier to maneuver through, and make the min-only near the nat much more "in the middle" (like out in the open).
Looks like the crap in the middle, the bridges and the close expos make it a T map in PvT. The P could try to move around the terran army to counter but the small choke makes that pretty hard to do. For that same reason I believe it would be Z>T.
First thing I noticed.
Free min only for Terran. Red circle on top is where Terran could put tanks to get that expo. The red line on the bottom is where the Protoss would have to have dragoons to get 3 bases.
nobody mentioned muta harass on the natural?
its like match point in that people don't build turrets behind the natural because they're not very effective, but its not like MP in that marines can't hit the mutas harassing the miners as easily because not only is the cliff only vulnerable on one side, but the marines have a hard time going behind the natural minerals
addition is commutative so all the positional imbalances are gone
addition is associative so it's racially balanced (ie: z v p = p v z)
looks good to me !
-edit- ... wait
you might want to put the left center expansion's gas on the bottom, because unless you have mines and turrets sufficiently placed above, storm drops could come and own, and since right-center's gas is away from storming distance from the cliff, it would make it more balanced imo
Terran can hold a mineral only with 3 tanks in the main
Stop asking if a map is balanced or not on tl. Just remember instead of wasting your time making the op, all maps submitted by user is Terran favored, and there is nothing you can do to change the opinion of the community that user made maps are totally Terran favored. Edit the map all you want but most people will always say tanks are imba here despite your efforts.
Calgary25963 Posts
Looks fine. People always judge maps based on how Tanks can be abused. They are stupid.
On February 21 2010 14:56 Chill wrote: Looks fine. People always judge maps based on how Tanks can be abused. They are stupid. Don't bypassable nat's generally favor certain MU's?