Play Fantasy Proleague! It's fun, easy, and makes watching Proleague much more exciting. You don't need to spend any time on managing your team during the season if you don't want to. If you don't fully understand the rules, don't worry. The basic thing to remember is, pick players for your "Main Team" that you think will do well, and pick players for your "Anti Team" who you think will do poorly.
New Scoring
Player Scoring:
Regular Game Win: 4 Points
Regular Game Loss: -2 Points
Ace Match Appearance: 2 Points
Ace Match Win: 4 Points
Ace Match Loss: 0 Points
3-Game Win Streak: 2 Points
6-Game Win Streak: 3 Points
9-Game Win Streak: 4 Points
Your Player's Team Wins: 1 Point
Your Player Doesn't Play: 1 Point (for 3-0 or 0-3 score)
Team Scoring:
3-0 Victory: 6 Points
3-1 Victory: 4 Points
3-2 Victory: 2 Points
2-3 Defeat: 0 Point
1-3 Defeat: -1 Points
0-3 Defeat: -2 Points
Trade Tax: -1
Differences From Last Round
- Removed lineup appearance point and streak break point
- Win and loss values are doubled
- Ace Selection still worth 2 points
- Streaks still worth 2/3/4 points for 3/6/9 games
- Your player's team winning still worth 1 point
- Team scoring modified
The big difference are that there no longer is a lineup appearance point. This means that for your Main Team, picking players that win (rather than that just play often) matters a lot more. It also means that Anti-Team is no longer a hunt for players who do not play (though this is certainly a possible strategy). Thus, your Anti Team could actually be positive if you pick many losers.
Round 1 Scoring (OLD): + Show Spoiler [Show] +
Player Scoring:
Non-Ace Lineup Appearance: 1 Point
Game Win (Ace included): 2 Points
Game Loss (Ace included): -1 Points
Ace Match Appearance: 2 Points
3-Game Win Streak: 1 Point
6-Game Win Streak: 2 Points
9-Game Win Streak: 3 Points
Break Another's Streak: 1 Point
Your Player's Team Wins: 1 Point
Team Scoring:
3-0 Victory: 7 Points
3-1 Victory: 5 Points
3-2 Victory: 4 Points
2-3 Defeat: 1 Point
1-3 Defeat: -1 Points
0-3 Defeat: -2 Points
Non-Ace Lineup Appearance: 1 Point
Game Win (Ace included): 2 Points
Game Loss (Ace included): -1 Points
Ace Match Appearance: 2 Points
3-Game Win Streak: 1 Point
6-Game Win Streak: 2 Points
9-Game Win Streak: 3 Points
Break Another's Streak: 1 Point
Your Player's Team Wins: 1 Point
Team Scoring:
3-0 Victory: 7 Points
3-1 Victory: 5 Points
3-2 Victory: 4 Points
2-3 Defeat: 1 Point
1-3 Defeat: -1 Points
0-3 Defeat: -2 Points
How to Play
- You choose 6 players and 1 Pro Team that score points when they play well.
- You pick 3 players that lose you points when they play well.
- Players and teams can be traded between weeks for those valued less than them.
Team Selection
Main Team
- Pick 6 players for your Main Team, including a captain who will be a tiebreaker
- Pick 1 Proleague team (i.e. STX, CJ, SKT)
- You cannot trade your captain (more on trading later)
- Your 6 players and 1 Proleague team cannot exceed 30 points in cost
- Your Main Team must contain at least one of each race at all times
Anti Team
- Pick 3 players for your Anti Team
- These players will score points just like Main Team players, but their score counts against you
- Your Anti Team must have a value of at least 13 points (minimum)
Basic Team Selection Strategy
- Pick players for your Main Team who you believe will exceed their point value from last round (underrated or rising players)
- Pick players for your Anti Team who you believe will do worse than they did last round (overrated or slumping players)
- Designate as Captain a player who you believe will be a lock to be good throughout the season, because you can't trade him
Trading Rules
- Each week you can trade players (swap a player for someone you don't have)
- Every player has a trade value, and you can only trade for players of lower value
- You will be limited to a maximum 2 Main Team and 1 Anti Team trades per week
- Trades do not carry over if unused
- Each time you trade, your team will be assessed a -1 point trade tax
Basic Trading Strategy
- Check lineups each week! Players in the lineup, especially twice, are usually worth trading for
- Don't make trades just for sake of making trades, as they cost you trade tax points and you may get stuck with a player you don't want
- The trade price formula takes into account number of matches remaining -- so players with more matches remaining will have higher prices
- You must trade for players with less value, but try to minimize the value loss. For example, if you trade someone worth 30 for someone worth 20, next week you can only trade the 20 for someone less. It's much better to trade the 30 for someone worth 29.
You will be able to create and join groups so you can compare your results with a smaller subset of the players, for example there might be a Staff Group, a First Time FPL Group, a USA Players Group, or a group created by you with just your friends.