Partial interview actually, I really don't have time to do the whole thing  It's the only part people care about anyway 
Here's the source, in Chinese, so some meanings are inevitably lost/incorrect, I hope someone can soon do a proper Korean-English translation. http://www.wfbrood.com/xingji/hanguoxingji/xingji_41918.html
Here's the Korean link: http://www.fomos.kr/board/board.php?mode=read&keyno=100284&db=interview&cate=001&page=1&field=&kwrd=
First win this season
After returning to T1, I played 3 games in total – the first game was learning the ropes (“earning experience”) again, the second game was against ForGG, and I lost after gaining a significant lead. I learned from my mistakes in the last two games, and seriously prepared for today’s game, as if it were a game in the finals. A victory after careful preparation leaves me happy and satisfied.
You haven’t appeared often in recently lineups, how are you feeling.
When I was in ACE, sometimes, I really did not want to be part of the line up, but we did not have much choice. After returning to T1, I haven’t played a televised game in about a year, but I did not feel regret, because I understand where I stand in terms of skills. From the perspective of the team manager and coach, it is difficult to send out a player who does not have a good chance at victory. As a result, I have been trying to improve, but due to numerous recent events, I still haven’t attained this goal.
What are these “events”?
Various random events. Some include issues regarding free agents. I was really hoping for Jaedong’s FA transfer to be successful ([someone with more details please feel free to add]), but that did not happen. Additionally, many other players did not receive the results they expected (also with regards to FA). As a result, I could not focus too much on practice, and did not prepare fully for the individual leagues, and eventually got eliminated.
What’s your current status?
Not a long time ago, fans held a birthday party for me. And I thought to myself, “For the fans, I’ll try hard again”. This thought gave me vigour and put me back into practice. After practices, I learned a lot from my teammates, and I am finding the game interesting again.
You used Nuke
I think there is a connotation associated with Nuke usage, but I think Nukes are not useless. Its power is devastating, and you can destroy Zerg’s late-game defensive lines with Nukes.
Today’s Zerg players are very skilled
I want the Zergs to be as strong as possible. Comparative to Terran and Protoss, I much prefer facing Zerg opponents.
Will we see you in the lineups often in the future?
I cannot be certain. But if I get a chance to play, I will try my best to not disappoint myself. I will try my hardest in my remaining times.
“Remaining time” with respect to your progaming career?
You can say that. Being a progamer, contract continuation involve both the team and the player. I cannot disclose any further information, but there is less than one year left ([WTF?! Someone confirm translation please]).
Last words:
After not being able to play for a long time, winning this game makes me very happy. I have lots to say. During practice, every Zerg player on the team gave me help, this victory belongs to everyone. My sister ([don’t know if it refers to biological or simply someone older]), who’s been taking care of me went to America, I want to thank you, and I hope you will remain healthy next time I see you. I also want to thank the team manager and coach for giving me the opportunity to play on stage today. Finally, I want to thank my fans who have been patiently expecting my appearance and victory, I hope you will continue to support me in the future.
BoxeR's programing career is OVER in just another year?! WTF?!!!
What will BoxeR's future be?!
Thank you for the translation
+ Show Spoiler + Wait, Iloveoov is about the enter the military soon. Perhaps BoxeR will replace Iloveoov as the Terran Coach?
Thanks for the translation!
Boxer retiring is inevitable, but I didn't think it would be that soon.
less than a year ): but he hasnt broken 2400 ELO yet! nonetheless, it makes me quite sad. i hope he does in fact take oov's position as head coach if oov's military time does come.
noooo don't retire boxer =( thanks for translation
Thanks for the translations~! It would be sad if Boxer retires soon, but i'm sure he's still going to be big in the esports hopefully
Is Boxer implying that SKT1 tried to buy Jaedong?
On October 26 2009 11:52 DIMJkE wrote: Is Boxer implying that SKT1 tried to buy Jaedong?
I don't think so. Fantasy would be against it and SKT1 stated that they weren't gonna buy JD. It would also be incredibly gay to have Bisu Fantasy Jaedong in 1 team.
My guess is that Boxer tried to stand up for Player's rights against Kespa in some form. Jaedong not being able to get a team because of the dumb Kespa rules applies here
10387 Posts
On October 26 2009 11:52 DIMJkE wrote: Is Boxer implying that SKT1 tried to buy Jaedong? I think it was stated that all teams didn't want to buy Jaedong due to his desires to stay with Oz.
Plus, who needs Jaedong when you got Hyuk?? Roflmao
Edit: I think people are overreacting about the remaining time thing, isn't it just basically until his contract ends? I doubt Boxer would have any trouble at all renewing his contract with T1, his image alone should easily allow him to stay on T1 as a player.
I highly doubt Fantasy would be against bringing an awesome Zerg player to the team. I think he means that he was hoping that the team would buy Jaedong, but obviously they didn't, since no teams put in a bid.
United States4796 Posts
BoxeR, please don't retire...
On October 26 2009 12:05 Gann1 wrote: I highly doubt Fantasy would be against bringing an awesome Zerg player to the team. I think he means that he was hoping that the team would buy Jaedong, but obviously they didn't, since no teams put in a bid.
That's not completely true either. Two of the teams did comment on it. One team, as expected, said that Jaedong was too expensive due to Kespa's enormous transfer expenses. Another team expressed that they were interested, however Jaedong's desire to stay in Oz was simply too strong. SKT did comment that they were not interested in Jaedong because they have spent way too much to keep their original teams intact. Keep in mind that Bisu and a bunch of SKT members (including Iloveoov I think) also went FA and got bought back by SKT in a flash.
Speaking of which, when will Jaedong's salary be released?
dont know, but it is the only thing that comes to my mind also
i think its boxer contact with SKT it might be over in a year. I THINK
BoxeR retiring from SKT would be pretty sad, especially considering he literally founded SKT T1 from scratch and kept it together during its worst moments. 
Maybe he will be a commentator? One can only dream... However, the coach option as a replacement for Iloveoov is much more likely. SKT would be foolish to toss away its icon.
Does he have a choice of not retiring, I mean he needs to perform well to renew his contract maybe?
But then again he's Boxer..
On October 26 2009 11:52 DIMJkE wrote: Is Boxer implying that SKT1 tried to buy Jaedong? Yeah boxer's just huge on players rights, and we all know what a fucking joke the free agent thing was for the players.
United States1719 Posts
so heres the part regarding FA. I'll try my best to translate and catch underlying meanings (I received korean public schooling for 8 years) but other koreans please correct me if I am wrong in some parts.
그렇기 때문에 실력을 키우자는 생각만 했었는데 중간에 이런 저런 일들이 있어서 의욕을 상실한 것도 사실이었다. = Because of that, I wanted my sole focus to be on improving my skill level (mechanics mainly, im assuming), but it is true that there were things that happened that made me lose motivation. (의욕을 상실하다 = lose motivation, lose the desire to do so, etc)
여러 가지 일들이 있었는데 FA 같은 문제도 의욕을 떨어뜨리는 일 중에 하나였다. 가시적인 성과를 바랐었는데 그렇게 되지 않았다. = There were many things but FA was one of those things that made me lose motivation. I was hoping for some practical benefits, but that didn't happen. (가시적인 성과 = practical benefits, literally means progress that can be observed by human eyes)
이제동 선수의 경우에도 FA에 성공하기를 바랐는데 개인적으로 아쉬웠고, 대형 선수들이 FA에서 아무런 성과를 거두지 못했다. = I was hoping Jaedong would have success through FA but personally it left much to be desired, and none of the big names tasted any success through FA.
개인적으로도 의욕이 조금 떨어졌었고 연습을 게을리하면서 예선전에서도 떨어지고 그랬던 것 같다. = I felt myself lose motivation [during the FA period] and slacked off practicing, resulting in my elimination in the preliminaries.
Looking at this from the context of Korean society, where it is generally considered disdainful to express one's personal dislikes for a certain entity, somebody like Boxer saying "I felt this failed to produce practical benefits" is simply a euphemism to "That shit fucking sucked, I hope nobody has to ever have to deal with it again." If he went out drinking with his buddies and told the story, it would have been more along the lines of "FA can kiss my ass, piece of shit got me disqualified. Esports was doing fine without any of that shit before I went to the military, why the fuck is kespa trying to come in and mess things up now." That was just a conjecture of mine based on what Boxer said during his interview and my limited scope of contextual knowledge, though. Who knows, maybe Boxer is as polite as he is during interviews when he drinks.