On June 05 2011 22:52 shawty wrote:Show nested quote +On June 04 2011 23:36 Brambled wrote: So when will next report be up? Any estimate? Sorry, its on me. Im about 2 months off finishing, but work pressure and MLG has delayed it lol. I should finish it tonight and upload + writeup tomorrow morning. If not then deffo by tomorrow afternoon. 
The suspense is killing me. I almost feel comfortable enough with game now. Will be ready for next game for sure!
If Shawty doesn't post by the end of today, the save will be up for grabs for the first person to ask for it. Clock ends at 12:00 Korean time, so by the end of the hour.
And everyone, JSUK, I'm going to be out of town until tuesday or so. I'm going to bonnaroo and I won't be back until then. I trust the thread to keep its self together in that time, but if anyone has any questions or something needs to be resolved, please direct all inquiries to articvangard or to plated.rawr and they should be able to help you out. I will come back on tuesday (maybe monday if we drive quick!) and will add all the posts I missed to the OP. I hope to come back to read five pages of gameplay, so get crackin'!
I take it Shawty has missed his deadline then? 
I've been following this game (thread) avidly since it got running. Fascinating stuff!
On June 07 2011 11:22 tnkted wrote: If Shawty doesn't post by the end of today, the save will be up for grabs for the first person to ask for it. Clock ends at 12:00 Korean time, so by the end of the hour.
I will Take it if nobody objects.
This thread single-handedly got me in to DF. Now I'm even dreaming DF style :O (I want to go over there but I don't have anything to make a pick from etc.....)
On the edge of my seat for the next instalment. C'mon Shawty!
ahhh sorry sorry sorry, just about done now, just writing it up. Got exams in two days lol
Sorry about the delay, but here it is. Also for sc players why has no one other than me set up hotkeys!? I was also using the newest DF, so that is why the symbols are different, and perhaps why the bridge didnt work:S
11th Timber
I arrive at Horsemurdered and discover that it is one of the most fully functioning fortresses I have ever encountered! This is good as it means I can add my own twist to it without having to worry too much about organisation!
12th Timber
As I arrive in Horsemurdered I set about trying to exert my influence on this great fort, but as soon as I step through the doors I am alerted that a huge goblin army has appeared on the edge of the horizon!
A vile force of darkness has arrived
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/M03Ka.jpg) (seroiusly wtf, first day!!)
Scores of goblins riding on Rutherers arrive, Giant olm men and cave crawlers too. This is going to be a tough fight to survive, especially as there are NO ARCHERS IN THE ENTIRE FORT.
There is a whole squad of goblin marksmen, so I have decided to seal off the fort from the outside until I can decide how to deal with this invasion.
My attempt to raise the drawbridge failed, apparently the lever at the top of the fort is not for the bridge. Our forces are mobilising as I write this.
Two dwarves are caught by goblin archers and are slain instantly. Rawrcakes takes a blow to the head but the army manages to get to the fight in time to save him his life.
In the ensuing fight a recuit takes a metal bolt to the neck and dies instantly. The elite warriors of Horsemurdered seem to be stemming the flow of mounted goblins for now, but unfortunately only a third of them have arrived at the gates thus far.
Three trolls enter the fray, one of them being taken down instantly by the combined efforts of a hammerlord and a spearmaster.
The militia captain takes on a troll by himself, but takes a bolt to the leg. Whilst he was recoiling from the blow a troll punches his skull through his brain.
It seems as though the fight is turning to our favour, but a quick scan of the horizon reveals there are still 32 more goblins to arrive, including their leader, and 42 creatures they have brought with them The army pours out the front gates into the ranks of the goblins. One of the hammerdwarves takes and iron bolt to the lip which procedes to get stuck. He carries on fighting as though nothing had happend. What.a.baller
True badass
The dwarves manage to slay enough of the horde that the remaining mounted crowsbowgoblins turn and flee. Today is a day of great celebration. An evaluation of the wounded shows that 4 dwarves died in the invasion. Other injuries are fairly minor,except one hammerdwarf has lost a foot.
16th Timber
During the battle a craftsdwarf was possessed by some greater power, and created a cassiterite mug. When I heard this I assumed it's value would be negligable, however my appraisers rate it at around 102000!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/j8oPA.jpg)
The spoils of war are very nice, allowing us to equip some of our worse off dwarves with iron breastplates!
A trade caravan arrives, with plenty of steel goods for melting, however they were demanding a profit of around 10000, which I was simply unwilling to allow. They stormed off, and are now refusing to trade. It seems that the mountainhomes are unaware of the great battle that has just taken place.
27th Timber
Despite my instructions and pleads there are still two dwarves out in the open too injured to make it home.
9th Moonstone
Work has begun on improving the fort, I have designated for fortifications to replace the outer walls so that we can have archer support when we are under siege.
16th Moonstone
Progress is slow, my attempts at mining out rooms for two of my projects have been ignored in favour of mining more ores.
22nd Moonstone
Finally work has begun on a couple of my projects...
27th Moonstone
One of the Hammerlords has bestowed a name upon his shield.
13th Opal
Finally! One of the projects is complete! I have created a shooting range for my archers, so that they can improve as quickly as possible. It is also a use for the range of creatures that have been found in the underfort. I did not put the cave dragon in there as I feel it would be good for food if an emergency occurs.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/SIEVU.jpg)
21st Opal
We now have a grand total of 14 adamantine wafers. I am resisting the temptaion to make them into armour and/or weapons until we have a legendary dwarf in either, I want to make the material count!
8th Obsidian
One of our surgeons has been taken by a fey mood! He has claimed a craftdwarves workshop. I was very much hoping he would claim a forge. I was attempting to create a giant cave spider silk farm, however the bridges used to allow the spider to see the bait seem to be unfunctional, and what's more the spider seems incapable of firing webs anyway. All all bit of a fail really.
9th Granite
The surgeon that has claimed the workshop is demanding yarn, despite him clearly knowing that there is none available, and the only chance we have of obtaining any is via trade. Hopefully a caravan will arrive in time before he goes crazy...
17th Granite
Some migrants have arrived. 19 to be precise, bringing our total population to an amazing 182! A few of the migrants had weapons skills and so were imediately drafted into the military.
26th Granite
A dwarven baby has been impaled on the military's training spikes. One wonders whether it is still worth it. I conclude that it is.
2nd Slate
The archery range has begun operations. A goblin that was placed in there is fully armoured, and so should be good practise for the archers.
7th Slate
Whilst attempting to move the captured cave dragon to a tomb it escaped and had to be slain. This is a great loss for Horsemurdered.
11th Slate
In responce to this, a Macedwarf enters a rage and destroys a bridge. Hellbeast slayer N3rV smashes his skull through his brain pretty quickly, so no more damage was done.
22nd Slate
We are too late, the surgeon has entered a beserk rage and is attacking the magma forge workers. The military has been called to deal with him.
15th Felsite
An elven caravan has arrived. However I doubt they will have anything useful for me. The fort at the moment seems entirely self sufficient. As the dragon has been slain I had to find something else to place in my tomb. Fortunately the elves brought a giant desert scorpion!
15th Hematite
Our glassmaker has been taken by a fey mood! Hopefully this time it will have a better outcome than before...
He is requesting yarn like the last dwarf who went insane. I have decided that I have to seal him in, and hope that his death is not too traumatic for the fort...
19th Hematite
Finally, my tomb is complete, one could say that it is a tad extravagent...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/SIEVU.jpg)
24th Hematite
Well it turns out that one of the masons was trapped in with the glassmaker, it is too late to try to save him, he will die for the cause.
10th Malachite
Another baby has just been impaled. Still worth it...
11th Malachite
More migrants, population is now up to 187
16th Malachite
Today is a grand day - the first adamantine weapons made under my supervision. I have designated one of each bladed weapon.
I have equipped it to one of our trainee axedwarves as most of the military are hammerdwarves.
21st Malachite
The stores are a disgrace, however I feel my remaining time left here could be better spent than sorting them all out, I will just have to hope that the next overseer has the tenacity to sort it out.
3rd Galena
The glassmaker that was taken by a fey mood has no gone insane, and murdered the other dwarf that was trapped in with him.
Hopefully he won't eat the other dwarf else he will survive for a lot longer...
Apparently I use the word murdered to liberally. The other dwarf managed to kill the glassmaker. He is being mined out of his cage and will be treated for his extensive wounds straight away.
8th Galena
I have decided that the current living facilities of the fort are the worst aspect, so I have decided to completely overhaul it.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5FCBd.jpg)
24th Galena
A fire imp has somehow managed to make it into the magma forges. I swear that I remember a previous overseer improving the defences in the magma forges to prevent this...
A hammerdwarf kills the fire imp before it manages to do any damage. However he did bite the Imp's hand off. I may have to have quiet words with him at some point in the near future.
The fort's overall value is around 1.8 million. It would be nice if I could hit 2 million before the end of my tenure.
12th Limestone
As I think that there will be no more excitement left in my year, a Forgotten Beast arrives!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Wenvc.jpg)
All the army has be pulled down to the underfort to try and defend. If we can funnel it into a chokepoint we should be able to hold without too much difficulty, especially if the marksmen get into position.
Well, that was a little bit of an anticlimax. The Forgotten Beast attacks three of our legendary hammerdwarves and a legendary speardwarf and gets mauled. No serious injuries were taken by any of the military. One of our up and coming axedwarves actually managed to cut the beast in half with his new adamantine battleaxe.
A baby that died to the spinning spears has risen again and is haunting the under under fort. So much for no excitement...
20th Limestone
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Woow1.jpg)
And another Forgotten Beast!! This time in a pretty harmless area, however I have stationed the military just in preparation.
When I say in a pretty harmelss area, I was apparently wrong, the beast is exceptionally fast, and the military is only just in location to intercept it.
Apparently "Giant slayer" is a very apt title. He ran out alone into the cavern and took on the beast by himself. After a prolonged fight and after sustaining some injuries, he finally manages to get a killing blow to the head of the beast.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/dXq5n.jpg)
Just over a week since the last forgotten beast was slain, a third one this year appears. This time near the Underfort, it is moving quickly, however there is already a squad in place. To get to the location it is attempting to attack it has to pass over two previously slain beasts, soon this area will be a burial ground for monsters.
As a legendary hammerdwarf runs out to intercept the beast, a giant cloud of dust engulfs him and throws him to the ground.
The rest of the army rushes in, however a second blast of dust sends them all reeling. In the confusion the beast pounces on N3rV the hellbeast slayer and bites his head off in one motion. The beast then bites one of the hammerlords in two with its mandibles!
A swordsdwarf gets slammed so hard into a wall that his spine breaks and dies insantly, Fontong rushes to try and kill the beast, but gets stunned by the cloud of dust, and a bite to the head punctures his brain.
Another hammerlord gets blasted into a wall and dies also. One of the new recruits and a speardwarf also get dismembered after getting knocked down by the dustcloud.
The iron hand also falls to a bite to the head by the beast's giant mandibles. Two more Hammerdwarves are struck down. In another burst of the dust cloud two more hammerdwarves get mutilated, one after losing both his legs dies by bleeding out, whilst the other is decapitated like most of his bretheren.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/lmyg0.jpg) Imba
The giant slayer finally falls, after taking down many forgotten beasts. The outcome of this fight seems bleak. Two more dwarves meet the deadly mandibles, one a hammerdwarf and one an axedwarf.
A wrestler and a legendary macedwarf also fall.
Finally the beast falls, after expelling another fatal cloud of dust, the recoil knocks him backwards and in the confusion a dwarf manages to land a fatal blow, however no one can ascertain who actually killed the beast.
The army has taken a significant blow, leaving only 9 dwarves left rather than the 20 something that there was previously.
All in all 21 dwarves died from the attack. A woodcrafter has also come back from the dead to haunt the fortress.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FKohd.jpg) Not a good sight...
A new generation of military will have to be constructed. The only positive is that the weaponsmith is approaching legendary recognition, and should be able to equip the military with the best possible adamantite equipment.
8th Sandstone
A baby is born and some migrants arrive, the fortress is on it's way to recovering from the horrors of the previous month.
The population is now back up to 175, and any dwarves with the slightest combat skills have been drafted into the military.
1st Timber
All in all a pretty exciting year. I have overhauled quite a few of the fortresses' systems, and managed so survive a few major attacks. I hope the military can return to its former glory, especially now the adamantite is being put to proper use.
Oh yeah, lol sorry about Fontong and N3rV dying, not my fault, honest!
With such a high wealth and the current military decimated it seems like the next ruler is going to have some FUN.
Yeah that wealth level with an untrained military is going to be ridiculous :-) Hopefully the fortifications and archers will help out!
Oh wow, I was just thinking 'this fort is looking invincible!' and then that happens.
Awesome fight : D
Holy check, a huge goblin siege and THREE forgotten beasts in one year?! That's beyond ridiculous. I'm thinking moving the save from a 31.18 to 31.25-game might have done something to bug it out, as this is far more than what's usually spawning. That being said though, it's also far more awesome than usual, so let's keep it that way!
Oh, also, more immigrants? I guess nobody mended the d_init to popcap 80.
Work has begun on improving the fort, I have designated for fortifications to replace the outer walls so that we can have archer support when we are under siege.
Elite goblin archers will enjoy this change.
On June 07 2011 23:49 plated.rawr wrote:Holy check, a huge goblin siege and THREE forgotten beasts in one year?! That's beyond ridiculous. I'm thinking moving the save from a 31.18 to 31.25-game might have done something to bug it out, as this is far more than what's usually spawning. That being said though, it's also far more awesome than usual, so let's keep it that way! Oh, also, more immigrants? I guess nobody mended the d_init to popcap 80. Show nested quote + Work has begun on improving the fort, I have designated for fortifications to replace the outer walls so that we can have archer support when we are under siege.
Elite goblin archers will enjoy this change.
They are a level up, so they should be alright. The population was ~160 when I got it, lol so no, no mention of the pop-cap.
This is the saddest installment of the series yet. That last beast was ridiculous, what kind of ability stuns like that? The next lord has to make a enormous tomb for the slain.
This is so fun to read.
So, am I up next? I seem to recall nttea writing that he wasn't able to play. Is this correct?
I can't believe my small danger room has gotten so many kills, unless someone expanded it when i made it, it was only 4 squares large.
Oh well, at least I died in a somewhat epic way.
May I ask for the new axedude with the adamantite axe to be named as my successor?
Epic Epic fort, can't wait till the next installment from whoever plays....we need more military now!!!!!
so much FUN will happen next if next massive attack comes in before the new military is up and running.
When I saw that N3rV went down my mouth opened, holy shit this is epic!
Artists rendition of the forgotten beast: + Show Spoiler +
Can't believe it killed everyone. Previous beasts were slain one-on-one. I'm glad this report contained a lot of FUN
This thread has gotten me started on Dwarf Fortress... needless to say all the extra hours this week have been quickly eaten away by it!
Awesome game, Awesome thread.