On October 13 2010 11:59 NB wrote:new pair of masq veld on day2? lmao =)) i'd much rather this than masq/veld. at least the two are actually saying things.
On October 13 2010 11:57 Coagulation wrote: orgolove why dont you fill in the notable info on your name in your little chart god knows people have listed enough shit about you.
Causing your own demise is never a good idea. Of course he won't list stuff about himself.
I did not even look at the spreadsheet because as far as i know he could of changed a bunch of stuff in there while nobody notices. (Sometimes only a few words are enough)
Make your own sheet if you want, I don't recommend anybody uses his.
On October 13 2010 11:52 Bill Murray wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 11:50 Pandain wrote: Alright, I'm sorry BM, and I've tried to be nice and subtle, but if your going to keep pulling out this bullcrap out of your mouth, its time to put it plaintly:
1.Your not good. Your not logical. You are by far not the best one here. In my opinion, I am better than you. Bumatlarge is better than you. Perhaps even LSB is better than you(certainly more logical.)
Please, just because you have more "expierence" doesn't make you good. "your" your grammar makes you not better than me I have a near-mensa level I.Q. you are like 15 you are WAY worse than me in terms of night actions and coordination sorry to burst your bubble, kid bumatlarge is weak LSB is way too theory-based to get anyone lynched, and is a terrible voter, as seen when i raped him in Hesmyrr's game. Sorry, kid, you're wrong You beat me in Hsymrr cause Citizen and Ace decided to support you for some reason. And me being on my second game, I was a bit timid (I litterally asked questions on how to play that game)
As for killing people, PyP zeks. And I ordered the deaths of half of the people in RAM
I've grown
On October 13 2010 11:58 Pandain wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 11:52 Bill Murray wrote:On October 13 2010 11:50 Pandain wrote: Alright, I'm sorry BM, and I've tried to be nice and subtle, but if your going to keep pulling out this bullcrap out of your mouth, its time to put it plaintly:
1.Your not good. Your not logical. You are by far not the best one here. In my opinion, I am better than you. Bumatlarge is better than you. Perhaps even LSB is better than you(certainly more logical.)
Please, just because you have more "expierence" doesn't make you good. "your" your grammar makes you not better than me I have a near-mensa level I.Q. you are like 15 you are WAY worse than me in terms of night actions and coordination sorry to burst your bubble, kid bumatlarge is weak LSB is way too theory-based to get anyone lynched, and is a terrible voter, as seen when i raped him in Hesmyrr's game. Sorry, kid, you're wrong 1.I'm not the one asking every single blue(possibly even townies) to claim to me based on "faith" 2.I'm not the one who's famous for being "village idiot every game." 3.This game alone, you've made several huge failings. From being "certain" that veldril is mafia, to changing to like 5 other people,changing to masq, AND THEN CHANGING TO VELDIL AGAIN with this reason: Show nested quote + i am voting him because masq is a fucking newbie who is worthless, while vendril made a terrible pm someone shared with me which pretty much means he's mafia from my perspective . And I asked you for the pm and you said "suck my balls." I'm sorry, I cannot trust a person like that. And how can YOU even trust that person. Add to that you accused me of rolefishing to you when I did no such thing. I have no idea where you think some things you come up with. Please back down, your wrong, and you probably know it. 1. I am the best player in this game, and need to start a town circle, get the fuck over it 2. The people who view me as a village idiot are usually terrible players 3. I am the one who made the connection. I believe they're both mafia. Two of my vote switches have been due to anger issues. You may be a better voter than me, but my history as town is a flip-floppy voter. THAT IS MY TOWN META. As mafia, I sit on my vote all fucking cycle. I guess you're too bad to realize that, though. LSB and Deconduo seem to think this play you have right now is your town play, and I fucking disagree. You are scum.
On October 13 2010 12:01 Bill Murray wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 11:58 Pandain wrote:On October 13 2010 11:52 Bill Murray wrote:On October 13 2010 11:50 Pandain wrote: Alright, I'm sorry BM, and I've tried to be nice and subtle, but if your going to keep pulling out this bullcrap out of your mouth, its time to put it plaintly:
1.Your not good. Your not logical. You are by far not the best one here. In my opinion, I am better than you. Bumatlarge is better than you. Perhaps even LSB is better than you(certainly more logical.)
Please, just because you have more "expierence" doesn't make you good. "your" your grammar makes you not better than me I have a near-mensa level I.Q. you are like 15 you are WAY worse than me in terms of night actions and coordination sorry to burst your bubble, kid bumatlarge is weak LSB is way too theory-based to get anyone lynched, and is a terrible voter, as seen when i raped him in Hesmyrr's game. Sorry, kid, you're wrong 1.I'm not the one asking every single blue(possibly even townies) to claim to me based on "faith" 2.I'm not the one who's famous for being "village idiot every game." 3.This game alone, you've made several huge failings. From being "certain" that veldril is mafia, to changing to like 5 other people,changing to masq, AND THEN CHANGING TO VELDIL AGAIN with this reason: i am voting him because masq is a fucking newbie who is worthless, while vendril made a terrible pm someone shared with me which pretty much means he's mafia from my perspective . And I asked you for the pm and you said "suck my balls." I'm sorry, I cannot trust a person like that. And how can YOU even trust that person. Add to that you accused me of rolefishing to you when I did no such thing. I have no idea where you think some things you come up with. Please back down, your wrong, and you probably know it. 1. I am the best player in this game, and need to start a town circle, get the fuck over it 2. The people who view me as a village idiot are usually terrible players 3. I am the one who made the connection. I believe they're both mafia. Two of my vote switches have been due to anger issues. You may be a better voter than me, but my history as town is a flip-floppy voter. THAT IS MY TOWN META. As mafia, I sit on my vote all fucking cycle. I guess you're too bad to realize that, though. LSB and Deconduo seem to think this play you have right now is your town play, and I fucking disagree. You are scum. Seriously guys, stop. Take it to PM if you really want to keep having this argument. This is not the place for your personal attacks on each other.
On October 13 2010 10:45 Kpyolysis32 wrote: Unvote
Vote Masq
Might as well not waste a vote.
^From voting thread^
Dude. Whatchyou smoking? Voting for someone other than the winner isn't wasting a vote. Whats the point of voting if each vote is decided by who has the mots votes? Bill might as well just vote first and then everyone can follow him because they "don't want to waste a vote".
I don't give a shit which one of these two fries, but common dude. At least have a semblance of a spine.
1. I am the best player in this game, and need to start a town circle, get the fuck over it Wrong, wrong. You are not the best, any town circle will be for certain inflitrated(and you will give bad advice.)
2. The people who view me as a village idiot are usually terrible players Oh yeah, I forgot Ace, Flamewheel, BC were all noobs. I'll be sure to tell them that next time. 3. I am the one who made the connection. I believe they're both mafia. Two of my vote switches have been due to anger issues. You may be a better voter than me, but my history as town is a flip-floppy voter. THAT IS MY TOWN META. As mafia, I sit on my vote all fucking cycle. I guess you're too bad to realize that, though. LSB and Deconduo seem to think this play you have right now is your town play, and I fucking disagree. You are scum.
So now you admit your voting due to anger issues, admit im a better voter, and claim wishy washy ness proves your town? IT JUST PROVES YOUR BAD.
Note that "how" your playing doesn't even prove anything, it can just suggest. And frankly, you've even admitted how you spam as mafia. And you spam as town, as proved in many games.
And nice proof of me being scum, that's one aristotle would love. "YOU ARE PLAYING LIKE SOMETHING WHICH I GIVE NO DETAIL OF, THEREFORE YOU ARE SCUM!"
On October 13 2010 12:01 LSB wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 11:52 Bill Murray wrote:On October 13 2010 11:50 Pandain wrote: Alright, I'm sorry BM, and I've tried to be nice and subtle, but if your going to keep pulling out this bullcrap out of your mouth, its time to put it plaintly:
1.Your not good. Your not logical. You are by far not the best one here. In my opinion, I am better than you. Bumatlarge is better than you. Perhaps even LSB is better than you(certainly more logical.)
Please, just because you have more "expierence" doesn't make you good. "your" your grammar makes you not better than me I have a near-mensa level I.Q. you are like 15 you are WAY worse than me in terms of night actions and coordination sorry to burst your bubble, kid bumatlarge is weak LSB is way too theory-based to get anyone lynched, and is a terrible voter, as seen when i raped him in Hesmyrr's game. Sorry, kid, you're wrong You beat me in Hsymrr cause Citizen and Ace decided to support you for some reason. And me being on my second game, I was a bit timid (I litterally asked questions on how to play that game) As for killing people, PyP zeks. And I ordered the deaths of half of the people in RAM I've grown  yeah, well, i've been in about ten games in the past month, if not more. I have actually been getting defense about my VIness, and WON A GAME IN LYLO THROUGH DEDUCTIVE REASONING FOR THE TOWN ON MAFIASCUM
2 mafia 3 town
and i fucking won for us. I was like these two have to be mafia based upon voting. bam. we won.
I am trying to be that clutch here, but you all have to let me be clutch. I can't make you all claim. You all need to do it on your own.
Take a leap of faith.
That whole meta game shit can be toyed with so easily, considering there are a lot of new people here (including me, first mafia game ever) I won't read previous stuff to learn people's behaviour. I'll do it to hopefully learn some tips.
I feel like using previous games is like cheating...
pandain, I don't spam as mafia find one game i spammed as mafia i dont fucking do it get over it im town you suck im better than you cry about it
On October 13 2010 12:05 Pandain wrote: That's one aristotle would love.
Oh no you didn't...
Alright this whole shit between you 2 is getting annoying. This is a fucking game, you guys are talking about previous games while insulting each others. Can you quit it already?
I see what you did there bill. Basically your town right now will contain spies and innocent votes. what does this mean is that Bill now owns more than 1 vote and his power level is increasing. The fact that if there is any "good" players who try to join the town circle and try to manipulate people from the inside out, that one must be a spy since only tards would join in that group.
Nice move Billy
I'll get over it when I start getting town-aligned roleclaims Is it better to have your high templars in the same group, mindlessly running into sunkens? NO. It is better to know where to storm!
On October 13 2010 11:54 orgolove wrote:Anyway, in case I die, here's a list of people who have some/any incriminating evidence against them - or at least have something to hide. It's not that I'm accusing them - I'm keeping this information here for future discussion if I'm offed tonight. Final spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0Ap0Ejzlf165MdENWM3p1cHNOcDlnT0o4bjNUUFdVMlE&hl=en&output=html1. questions raised from voting patternsBill Murray Changed vote 7 times jodogohoo Changed vote 6 times KtheZ Voted Shmotz early on, claimed to use random number generator, but his vote matches with LastArgument, who also has not explained his vote. quickstriker no explanation of his vote vs thegilaboy other than claiming a "personal grudge" - given the importance of votes, it seems he doesn't care who dies and is trying to hid this by masking it ~opz~ Voted goldfishs before even reading the main thread, as he claims in the voting thread (link: here). apparently doesn't care who dies Therick Voted Masq without posting anything in the main thread Hyperbola voted for masq, but accused thegilaboy in his only post in the main thread Siniquity voted for masq without posting anything in the main thread Hittegods voted for masq, but accused jodogohoo in his only post in the main thread 2. questions raised from posting record in the threadcoagulation + Show Spoiler +coagulation was quite defensive when he was first accused. He tried to bandwagon at the first opportunity, and when he was being pressured, made series of posts trying to "joke" about voting against him. On October 11 2010 14:35 Coagulation wrote: why the hell everyone voting to kill me already? theres hasnt been a single clue relevent to me mentioned at all. jeez. On October 11 2010 14:56 Coagulation wrote: omg i found incriminating evidence against myself
DoctorHelvetica was sitting at his desk deep within the Liquidvania jail. The jail used to be a dungeon when Dracula was in power and there were still bloodstains on the old stone walls. He heard footsteps coming down the hall, assuming it was the deputy warden coming to do his rounds he didn't even look back but just absorbed himself in his book on zombie history. The door creaked open and the footsteps stopped. DoctorHelvetica looked back at the open doorway but saw no one.
better post let the guys know On October 11 2010 14:58 Coagulation wrote: NO i think we should all stop analysing and just keep voting for coag for no reason Oh by the way, I didn't realize someone who appears (or tries to appear) so clueless can speak all the jargon of a mafia veteran so easily. "reds"? "campaign of disinformation"? From someone who supposedly only started playing Mafia 2 days ago? Hmm... On October 12 2010 06:17 Coagulation wrote: how does the town communicate their roles to each other ?? On October 12 2010 06:16 Coagulation wrote: well who are the blues??
On October 12 2010 06:04 Coagulation wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 05:56 seRapH wrote:if you're a zombie then lynching you day 1 does zero harm. you should expect to lynch a green day 1, just by general probability and red interference. lynching reds day 1 is extremely lucky. lynching blues day 1 is not  well fuck. I had no idea so what exactly is the point of being zombie then? everyone else gets actions and stuff to influence/control the game. and i get the cannon fodder role? lame. On October 12 2010 06:28 Coagulation wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 06:25 NB wrote: he has 1k9 posts for god shake.... its so clear that he is joking around.... =.= he cant possibly go around accusing people before reading the rules.... sorry NB i have only had mafia forum access for about 2 days. On October 11 2010 14:08 Coagulation wrote: a bandwagon is generally when a group of people follow actions of other people just because everyone else is doing it On October 12 2010 13:26 Coagulation wrote: orgo may be a red trying to run a campaign of disinformation.
im not saying he is.. im just saying its possible.
jodogohoo+ Show Spoiler +A quick look at Jodogohoo: summary - changed vote multiple times 1st day, supported bill murray, and now supports coagulation Details: Vote history:On October 11 2010 13:16 jodogohoo wrote: seRaPh On October 11 2010 13:42 jodogohoo wrote: change my vote to LSB On October 11 2010 13:54 jodogohoo wrote: lol sure why not! change to coagulation On October 11 2010 15:04 jodogohoo wrote: uhh change to youngminii On October 12 2010 01:54 jodogohoo wrote: change to coagulation!!! On October 12 2010 02:33 jodogohoo wrote: change to Veldril That's a total of 6 vote changes in the span of one day. Post history:(not all) On October 11 2010 15:02 jodogohoo wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 15:01 youngminii wrote: aztro you realise if shmotz is actually scum you just signed your own death warrant
wait but then that would be obvious because if shmotz kills you at night then we would suspect shmotz
wait but if scum kills you in order to frame shmotz we'd all think shmotz is scum and we'd end up lynching an innocent
but what if shmotz knew that and actually decided to kill you anyway in the hopes that town would think scum is trying to frame shmotz
this is confusing we should kill this guy On October 12 2010 07:47 jodogohoo wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 07:42 Bill Murray wrote: aztrorisk better switch to veldril or he is a fucking liar and we are going to lynch him due to LAL
LYNCH ALL LIARS LYNCH EVERYONE! On October 12 2010 09:43 jodogohoo wrote: what about kenpachi itachi driving =( I don't know if he's so young that he can't make up his mind, or if he's not experienced enough to make his bandwagoning so transparent. Bill Murray+ Show Spoiler +It appears he was against Veldril from very early in the game. And now he's going as far as blackmailing someone over this vote. On top of that he tried to protect masq at the same time. On October 11 2010 15:39 Bill Murray wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 14:46 Veldril wrote: Reporting in.
Many victims seems to die by a weapon, maybe most are killed by mafia? Or maybe the vampire mimic the mafia style? However, I'm not sure is this important or not.
Also, nice find Glasse. That's really helpful. But maybe we can get more clue from the first night post that make the mafia/vamp more visible.
This seems very forced. Maybe this, maybe that. I'm voting this guy. Fuck all the clue speculation, let's lynch Veldril over this post. On October 12 2010 12:59 Bill Murray wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 09:34 jcarlsoniv wrote: Masq voting for Veldril...
Very interesting. Not sure what to think about this. O_o He's trying to save his own ass, which indicates poorer play than Veldril. Couple that with SR's case, and even mine on Veldril and he needs to die. Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 09:36 LSB wrote:On October 12 2010 09:34 jcarlsoniv wrote: Masq voting for Veldril...
Very interesting. Not sure what to think about this. O_o Either A) Veldril is scum and supported Masq cause he knows/thinks that Masq is townie B) Veldril is scumbuddy and Masq wants to cut associations with him C) Masq just wants to survive, and is voting for the next highest person. because he is scum, and would rather bus a partner than die Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 09:50 LSB wrote:On October 12 2010 09:41 YummyBlaBla wrote: Or maybe it's just mind games to play on us townies Oh wait, if its a mind game, that probably means that Veldril is scum and they want to muddle the waters into a giant mess of WIFORM. But maybe Masq is scum and he just wants us to come to this conclusion, and by doing this we'll waste a lynch as Veldril will be falsly accused Or Or Or.... mind explodes+ Show Spoiler +Sorry just had to do that There is no or. They are both scum. He is trying to save his own ass, and I don't blame him whatsoever. Masq is way more harmless than Veldril. I suggest this: protect him. Mafia WOULD NOT suggest this, but we need to possibly keep him alive. The reason we need to keep him alive even if he's mafia is so we can be guaranteed to not let the other faction meet their condition. Lynch Veldril, and if he's mafia, have our ghosts protect Masq, or vice versa we can keep him alive to maintain a side. we need to play both sides. I wonder what convinced him to be so sure... And the blackmailing? On October 12 2010 03:38 Bill Murray wrote:This is pretty damning. This is called an OMGUS. He is voting me because I have made a very good case on him, and he is pussysore about it. OMGUS = Oh My God You Suck. Veldril is standing in the grave he's digging, and it's a two plotter. One is for himself, one is for masq. Masq is mostly harmless, though, so lets get Veldril out of the way first. I'd also like to point out these PMs I received and corresponded on with aztorisk:Show nested quote + aztorisk wrote: I agree with you however, we won't be able to gather enough votes to eliminate veldril. If you can gather 2 more votes for veldril, I'll switch, if not, vote for masq so your vote does not go to waste. ----------------------------------------- Original Message From Bill Murray: all i'm saying is veldril has been both more obvious and more active. it is dangerous to leave him alive, whereas masq is mostly harmless and has 1-2 posts with no real substance.
----------------------------------------- Original Message From aztrorisk:
I know, I don't want to vote for masq either but It wouldn't be fair for masq if we are biased because he is a SC2 pro. ----------------------------------------- Original Message From Bill Murray: i am more sure of veldril, plus iirc masq is good at sc2 so i'm biased
----------------------------------------- Original Message From aztrorisk: Theres already 4 guys on masq and 1 guy on vendril. We have a better chance of removing masq. You said that you don't care which one goes home.
----------------------------------------- Original Message From Bill Murray: vote with me on veldril then
----------------------------------------- Original Message From aztrorisk: hey can you vote for masq because we won't be able to gather enough votes for vendril. If it is masq, then we'll vote for vendril because he tried to save masq. However, if you keep your vote for vendril and he will probably not get enough votes to get lynched.:
The point of me posting this is that either two things will happen now: A) Aztorisk switches to Veldril, fulfilling his promise to me through PM. B) Aztorisk lies about what he said he would do. If A, he is helping the town. If B, he is breaking LAL, which is Lynch All Liars, and we should lynch him for not cooperating. On October 12 2010 07:42 Bill Murray wrote: aztrorisk better switch to veldril or he is a fucking liar and we are going to lynch him due to LAL
LYNCH ALL LIARS Mhmm... youngminii+ Show Spoiler +He at first tried to appear as noob: On October 11 2010 10:07 youngminii wrote: what is mafia? On October 11 2010 13:04 youngminii wrote: whats a haunted zombie but then actively participated. He has a lot of posts that accuse many different people, and apparently doesn't care about who actually dies: On October 11 2010 15:04 youngminii wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 15:04 Nemesis wrote:On October 11 2010 14:50 Lucktar wrote:On October 11 2010 14:46 oddo123 wrote: Veldril's public profile:
My body is made out of swords. I have a blood of Fire and a heart of Glass. I have fought through countless battles. Never once retreating. Never once being victorious. The bearer lies here alone, forging iron on the hill of swords.
But my life needs no meaning. My whole life was made out of unlimited swords. Regarding Incognito's death: As he turned the corner around a bookshelf a dagger pierced his heart. As he died he could feel cold steel pierce his body from every direction, ending his life cruelly. Body made of swords is the only thing I've found so far that seems to relate to this bit. This is a quote from archer from FSN. Archer had the power to make a reality marble which twists the surrounding to recreate his mind. In that reality marble, he can make any sword and as much swords as he desire hence it being called Unlimited Blade Works. It can be interpreted that "he could feel cold steel peirce his body from every direction" as having thousands of swords pierce his body. sounds like a good plan lets do it /night On October 11 2010 15:39 youngminii wrote: don't forget to vote for aztrorisk because he is a loose cannon and has a picture of someone (presumably him in animated form) sleeping and being watched by a watcher. the watcher obv. suspects him of being scum so he's our best lead.
I explained my vote in my first post =(
Pandain, sorry for ad hom, but you really aren't as good as you believe you are. I am terrible at mafia, but teamliquid's town is so bad I look good on this site as mafia. On mafiascum, I suffer greatly when I am scum. I am very mid-level there, whereas in this game of 61 I am probably the best player who is pro-town.
If ~OpZ~ is pro-town, he is the only one I would give a nod to. LSB, deconduo, you... while all good.. I see major flaws in your games.
Vatican City State1650 Posts
On October 13 2010 12:09 LastArgument wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 11:54 orgolove wrote:Anyway, in case I die, here's a list of people who have some/any incriminating evidence against them - or at least have something to hide. It's not that I'm accusing them - I'm keeping this information here for future discussion if I'm offed tonight. Final spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0Ap0Ejzlf165MdENWM3p1cHNOcDlnT0o4bjNUUFdVMlE&hl=en&output=html1. questions raised from voting patternsBill Murray Changed vote 7 times jodogohoo Changed vote 6 times KtheZ Voted Shmotz early on, claimed to use random number generator, but his vote matches with LastArgument, who also has not explained his vote. quickstriker no explanation of his vote vs thegilaboy other than claiming a "personal grudge" - given the importance of votes, it seems he doesn't care who dies and is trying to hid this by masking it ~opz~ Voted goldfishs before even reading the main thread, as he claims in the voting thread (link: here). apparently doesn't care who dies Therick Voted Masq without posting anything in the main thread Hyperbola voted for masq, but accused thegilaboy in his only post in the main thread Siniquity voted for masq without posting anything in the main thread Hittegods voted for masq, but accused jodogohoo in his only post in the main thread 2. questions raised from posting record in the threadcoagulation + Show Spoiler +coagulation was quite defensive when he was first accused. He tried to bandwagon at the first opportunity, and when he was being pressured, made series of posts trying to "joke" about voting against him. On October 11 2010 14:35 Coagulation wrote: why the hell everyone voting to kill me already? theres hasnt been a single clue relevent to me mentioned at all. jeez. On October 11 2010 14:56 Coagulation wrote: omg i found incriminating evidence against myself
DoctorHelvetica was sitting at his desk deep within the Liquidvania jail. The jail used to be a dungeon when Dracula was in power and there were still bloodstains on the old stone walls. He heard footsteps coming down the hall, assuming it was the deputy warden coming to do his rounds he didn't even look back but just absorbed himself in his book on zombie history. The door creaked open and the footsteps stopped. DoctorHelvetica looked back at the open doorway but saw no one.
better post let the guys know On October 11 2010 14:58 Coagulation wrote: NO i think we should all stop analysing and just keep voting for coag for no reason Oh by the way, I didn't realize someone who appears (or tries to appear) so clueless can speak all the jargon of a mafia veteran so easily. "reds"? "campaign of disinformation"? From someone who supposedly only started playing Mafia 2 days ago? Hmm... On October 12 2010 06:17 Coagulation wrote: how does the town communicate their roles to each other ?? On October 12 2010 06:16 Coagulation wrote: well who are the blues??
On October 12 2010 06:04 Coagulation wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 05:56 seRapH wrote:if you're a zombie then lynching you day 1 does zero harm. you should expect to lynch a green day 1, just by general probability and red interference. lynching reds day 1 is extremely lucky. lynching blues day 1 is not  well fuck. I had no idea so what exactly is the point of being zombie then? everyone else gets actions and stuff to influence/control the game. and i get the cannon fodder role? lame. On October 12 2010 06:28 Coagulation wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 06:25 NB wrote: he has 1k9 posts for god shake.... its so clear that he is joking around.... =.= he cant possibly go around accusing people before reading the rules.... sorry NB i have only had mafia forum access for about 2 days. On October 11 2010 14:08 Coagulation wrote: a bandwagon is generally when a group of people follow actions of other people just because everyone else is doing it On October 12 2010 13:26 Coagulation wrote: orgo may be a red trying to run a campaign of disinformation.
im not saying he is.. im just saying its possible.
jodogohoo+ Show Spoiler +A quick look at Jodogohoo: summary - changed vote multiple times 1st day, supported bill murray, and now supports coagulation Details: Vote history:On October 11 2010 13:16 jodogohoo wrote: seRaPh On October 11 2010 13:42 jodogohoo wrote: change my vote to LSB On October 11 2010 13:54 jodogohoo wrote: lol sure why not! change to coagulation On October 11 2010 15:04 jodogohoo wrote: uhh change to youngminii On October 12 2010 01:54 jodogohoo wrote: change to coagulation!!! On October 12 2010 02:33 jodogohoo wrote: change to Veldril That's a total of 6 vote changes in the span of one day. Post history:(not all) On October 11 2010 15:02 jodogohoo wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 15:01 youngminii wrote: aztro you realise if shmotz is actually scum you just signed your own death warrant
wait but then that would be obvious because if shmotz kills you at night then we would suspect shmotz
wait but if scum kills you in order to frame shmotz we'd all think shmotz is scum and we'd end up lynching an innocent
but what if shmotz knew that and actually decided to kill you anyway in the hopes that town would think scum is trying to frame shmotz
this is confusing we should kill this guy On October 12 2010 07:47 jodogohoo wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 07:42 Bill Murray wrote: aztrorisk better switch to veldril or he is a fucking liar and we are going to lynch him due to LAL
LYNCH ALL LIARS LYNCH EVERYONE! On October 12 2010 09:43 jodogohoo wrote: what about kenpachi itachi driving =( I don't know if he's so young that he can't make up his mind, or if he's not experienced enough to make his bandwagoning so transparent. Bill Murray+ Show Spoiler +It appears he was against Veldril from very early in the game. And now he's going as far as blackmailing someone over this vote. On top of that he tried to protect masq at the same time. On October 11 2010 15:39 Bill Murray wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 14:46 Veldril wrote: Reporting in.
Many victims seems to die by a weapon, maybe most are killed by mafia? Or maybe the vampire mimic the mafia style? However, I'm not sure is this important or not.
Also, nice find Glasse. That's really helpful. But maybe we can get more clue from the first night post that make the mafia/vamp more visible.
This seems very forced. Maybe this, maybe that. I'm voting this guy. Fuck all the clue speculation, let's lynch Veldril over this post. On October 12 2010 12:59 Bill Murray wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 09:34 jcarlsoniv wrote: Masq voting for Veldril...
Very interesting. Not sure what to think about this. O_o He's trying to save his own ass, which indicates poorer play than Veldril. Couple that with SR's case, and even mine on Veldril and he needs to die. Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 09:36 LSB wrote:On October 12 2010 09:34 jcarlsoniv wrote: Masq voting for Veldril...
Very interesting. Not sure what to think about this. O_o Either A) Veldril is scum and supported Masq cause he knows/thinks that Masq is townie B) Veldril is scumbuddy and Masq wants to cut associations with him C) Masq just wants to survive, and is voting for the next highest person. because he is scum, and would rather bus a partner than die Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 09:50 LSB wrote:On October 12 2010 09:41 YummyBlaBla wrote: Or maybe it's just mind games to play on us townies Oh wait, if its a mind game, that probably means that Veldril is scum and they want to muddle the waters into a giant mess of WIFORM. But maybe Masq is scum and he just wants us to come to this conclusion, and by doing this we'll waste a lynch as Veldril will be falsly accused Or Or Or.... mind explodes+ Show Spoiler +Sorry just had to do that There is no or. They are both scum. He is trying to save his own ass, and I don't blame him whatsoever. Masq is way more harmless than Veldril. I suggest this: protect him. Mafia WOULD NOT suggest this, but we need to possibly keep him alive. The reason we need to keep him alive even if he's mafia is so we can be guaranteed to not let the other faction meet their condition. Lynch Veldril, and if he's mafia, have our ghosts protect Masq, or vice versa we can keep him alive to maintain a side. we need to play both sides. I wonder what convinced him to be so sure... And the blackmailing? On October 12 2010 03:38 Bill Murray wrote:This is pretty damning. This is called an OMGUS. He is voting me because I have made a very good case on him, and he is pussysore about it. OMGUS = Oh My God You Suck. Veldril is standing in the grave he's digging, and it's a two plotter. One is for himself, one is for masq. Masq is mostly harmless, though, so lets get Veldril out of the way first. I'd also like to point out these PMs I received and corresponded on with aztorisk:Show nested quote + aztorisk wrote: I agree with you however, we won't be able to gather enough votes to eliminate veldril. If you can gather 2 more votes for veldril, I'll switch, if not, vote for masq so your vote does not go to waste. ----------------------------------------- Original Message From Bill Murray: all i'm saying is veldril has been both more obvious and more active. it is dangerous to leave him alive, whereas masq is mostly harmless and has 1-2 posts with no real substance.
----------------------------------------- Original Message From aztrorisk:
I know, I don't want to vote for masq either but It wouldn't be fair for masq if we are biased because he is a SC2 pro. ----------------------------------------- Original Message From Bill Murray: i am more sure of veldril, plus iirc masq is good at sc2 so i'm biased
----------------------------------------- Original Message From aztrorisk: Theres already 4 guys on masq and 1 guy on vendril. We have a better chance of removing masq. You said that you don't care which one goes home.
----------------------------------------- Original Message From Bill Murray: vote with me on veldril then
----------------------------------------- Original Message From aztrorisk: hey can you vote for masq because we won't be able to gather enough votes for vendril. If it is masq, then we'll vote for vendril because he tried to save masq. However, if you keep your vote for vendril and he will probably not get enough votes to get lynched.:
The point of me posting this is that either two things will happen now: A) Aztorisk switches to Veldril, fulfilling his promise to me through PM. B) Aztorisk lies about what he said he would do. If A, he is helping the town. If B, he is breaking LAL, which is Lynch All Liars, and we should lynch him for not cooperating. On October 12 2010 07:42 Bill Murray wrote: aztrorisk better switch to veldril or he is a fucking liar and we are going to lynch him due to LAL
LYNCH ALL LIARS Mhmm... youngminii+ Show Spoiler +He at first tried to appear as noob: On October 11 2010 10:07 youngminii wrote: what is mafia? On October 11 2010 13:04 youngminii wrote: whats a haunted zombie but then actively participated. He has a lot of posts that accuse many different people, and apparently doesn't care about who actually dies: On October 11 2010 15:04 youngminii wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 15:04 Nemesis wrote:On October 11 2010 14:50 Lucktar wrote:On October 11 2010 14:46 oddo123 wrote: Veldril's public profile:
My body is made out of swords. I have a blood of Fire and a heart of Glass. I have fought through countless battles. Never once retreating. Never once being victorious. The bearer lies here alone, forging iron on the hill of swords.
But my life needs no meaning. My whole life was made out of unlimited swords. Regarding Incognito's death: As he turned the corner around a bookshelf a dagger pierced his heart. As he died he could feel cold steel pierce his body from every direction, ending his life cruelly. Body made of swords is the only thing I've found so far that seems to relate to this bit. This is a quote from archer from FSN. Archer had the power to make a reality marble which twists the surrounding to recreate his mind. In that reality marble, he can make any sword and as much swords as he desire hence it being called Unlimited Blade Works. It can be interpreted that "he could feel cold steel peirce his body from every direction" as having thousands of swords pierce his body. sounds like a good plan lets do it /night On October 11 2010 15:39 youngminii wrote: don't forget to vote for aztrorisk because he is a loose cannon and has a picture of someone (presumably him in animated form) sleeping and being watched by a watcher. the watcher obv. suspects him of being scum so he's our best lead. I explained my vote in my first post =(
Oh, must've missed that. Sorry - taking it off. (but I can't edit the original post D
On October 13 2010 11:52 Bill Murray wrote: bumatlarge is weak
Petty mortal, HAVE AT YOU!
so how long till the votes are tallied and we lynch??