STIMEY d okgm fish
You certainly must be fat. You seem like the type of person (from reading your poor post; poor in argument and supporting details for it) who would support suing McDonald's for "making them fat." And to make things more comic, you claim that the underlines weren't there before! Oh an administrator must be helping me win an argument against you! I don't need an administrators help, or anyone else's, to make an ass out of you -- you are doing that quite well yourself.
I was pretty civilized in addressing your responses, but you seem bent on demonstrating both your lack of intelligence and manners.
First, your argument lacks no support simply because it is all based on your theory and opinion. There are seven -- read that, seven -- fast-food resturaunts on my way to work, each conveniently located within a five minute drive of my work, yet I maintain a healthy diet. Hmm, why? Because while although I know that it is easy to just eat out at these places, I'd rather live longer and therefore have taken initiative.
I'm stating an obvious and clinically sounds fact: a healthy lifestyle and diet are the road to longevity. This is proven in medical studies everywhere! (Of course, this is not including those obese people with Thyroid problems or other clinically problematic weight issues. And no, over-eating is not a valid excuse, i..e, "Omg I just had to eat those three hamburgers because if I don't I just go crazy!!!!11oneoen!!11").
You're saying that simply because someone fell into habits, or haven't developed them, or wants to eat conveniently from the nearest joint, they therefore can be excused from being a beached whale. This is just another form of passing the buck.
With your reasoning, you're saying that any company who sells a substance, addictive or not, (alcohol, for instance) must be held accountable for the repercussions of said substance. That's like saying because Budweisers sells beer, it must be liable for the millions of drunk driving incidences that occur every year. Certainly, they must be the ones choosing to drink and get behind the wheel! Right? RIGHT?!
Your reasoning is illogical and lacks no support whatsoever. Furthermore, you chose to insult me by calling me an as-hole and telling me f-ck-you. I almost felt inclined not to read past that first insult, but I thought you might have something interesting to say. Unfortunately, I found you didn't really have anything except your opinion and conspiracy theories about these giant congolmerates bent on making you a fatass. Spar with me again when you actually have the intelligence to do so. Until then, arrivaderci.
Sweden1225 Posts
people people, why can't we all just get along..
STIMEY d okgm fish got fucking owned
just goes to show, post count isnt everything, a asshole with 6000 posts is still an asshole, and it happened to be a guy with 13 posts who told him off ^^
On October 16 2004 11:00 pooper-scooper wrote: Problem is that it is much easier to get inexpensive food that is bad for you quickly than food that is good for you.
There are more subways than mcdonalds so it's easier to go to subway and it's pretty damn cheap and pretty healthy. Also, the cheapest way to eat is to buy and prepare your own food. You can buy stuff in bulk and eat extremely cheaply if you wanted to. So I don't think that's a reason for people eating bad food.
Osaka27125 Posts
On October 16 2004 22:52 Rayzorblade wrote: STIMEY d okgm fish
You certainly must be fat. You seem like the type of person (from reading your poor post; poor in argument and supporting details for it) who would support suing McDonald's for "making them fat." And to make things more comic, you claim that the underlines weren't there before! Oh an administrator must be helping me win an argument against you! I don't need an administrators help, or anyone else's, to make an ass out of you -- you are doing that quite well yourself.
I was pretty civilized in addressing your responses, but you seem bent on demonstrating both your lack of intelligence and manners.
First, your argument lacks no support simply because it is all based on your theory and opinion. There are seven -- read that, seven -- fast-food resturaunts on my way to work, each conveniently located within a five minute drive of my work, yet I maintain a healthy diet. Hmm, why? Because while although I know that it is easy to just eat out at these places, I'd rather live longer and therefore have taken initiative.
I'm stating an obvious and clinically sounds fact: a healthy lifestyle and diet are the road to longevity. This is proven in medical studies everywhere! (Of course, this is not including those obese people with Thyroid problems or other clinically problematic weight issues. And no, over-eating is not a valid excuse, i..e, "Omg I just had to eat those three hamburgers because if I don't I just go crazy!!!!11oneoen!!11").
You're saying that simply because someone fell into habits, or haven't developed them, or wants to eat conveniently from the nearest joint, they therefore can be excused from being a beached whale. This is just another form of passing the buck.
With your reasoning, you're saying that any company who sells a substance, addictive or not, (alcohol, for instance) must be held accountable for the repercussions of said substance. That's like saying because Budweisers sells beer, it must be liable for the millions of drunk driving incidences that occur every year. Certainly, they must be the ones choosing to drink and get behind the wheel! Right? RIGHT?!
Your reasoning is illogical and lacks no support whatsoever. Furthermore, you chose to insult me by calling me an as-hole and telling me f-ck-you. I almost felt inclined not to read past that first insult, but I thought you might have something interesting to say. Unfortunately, I found you didn't really have anything except your opinion and conspiracy theories about these giant congolmerates bent on making you a fatass. Spar with me again when you actually have the intelligence to do so. Until then, arrivaderci.
You are my new favorite poster.
On October 15 2004 18:22 Manifesto7 wrote: Yeah, it really amazed me. McDonalds truely is the devil. Salt, sugar and fat are the only things that make up that garbage. I spent three years working in that dump, and I saw things that turned me off that food forever.
Thre real eyeopener is the psychological aspect fo the food. If I do eat McD's, I really do feel better for about thirty minutes, and then I hit a real wall.
I know there was a topic earlier about this movie, but it really is something that anyone that eats that food should eat.
what about hungry jacks or buger king
On October 16 2004 21:10 Rayzorblade wrote: The point is, I eat this type of food rarely and work out regardless of what I'm eating. As I said, healthy lifestyle and diet are the key.
i agree , i think as long as ur lifestyle and diet is good , I mean its not as much as the food you eat rather the portion you eat , of course foods with high sodium , sugar ect. can't be too good for you but it also vary's depending on the portion and how you maintain ur metablism (working out and such)
Well I rarely eat at McD's If I want to get something to eat without cooking sth I call the local chinese/vietnamese or get a pizza It's more tasty for me and chinese/vietnamese is far better than anything else I love asian food
If your obese thats DEFINITELY your own fault. I used to live somewhat like RayzorBlade, all healthy and shit. Not really anymore, just lack of desire to live that way. You know, I do eat alot of unhealthy things, and I don't do much in terms of physical activities anymore(spend alot of time with my friends, but its not like we play football..) and I still have a 32" waste and minimal fat. And its definitely NOT genetics since my other siblings are overweight, Its a matter of knowing when to put the bag of chips down, put down the fucking fork, or know that maybe super sizing your damn meal isn't a good idea.
Even if your not eating healthy you can eat less than is enough to make you a fat ass.
To my fatties,
1. Get self control 2. Think for yourself (if someone ask do you want to supersize this to jumbo economy size...you can say no you fatbitch!) 3. Lets have sex, just DONT tell my friends. DOH!
razorblade dude just as people should be responsible for their actions companies should be responsible as well why should companies be allowed to do whatever they want to make money? keeping big companies in check is a good thing
On October 18 2004 01:20 PcBanger wrote:3. Lets have sex, just DONT tell my friends.  DOH!
hmm, genetics may have some part to do in it, but imo self control can ALWAYS beat a slow metabolism, or w/e other genetic problem you were born with.
I heard that McDonalds is actually better for you than most other fast food restaurants, it just gets a bad rep cause the food looks greasy and its the biggest. In another study, it found that McDonalds was better for you than fast food restaurants local to France and other European nations.
Of course with any side there are going to be people twisting the facts to suit their position. I just know that for the past 2 or 3 years I have been surviving on McDonalds breakfasts, Wendys lunches, and then a decent meal at a bar or something in the afternoon. I am pretty sluggish and tired a lot of the time, but that could be because I smoke a lot of weed as well (usually feel worst if i stop smoking weed for a while tho, maybe the secret to eating fast food is to get high when doing it).
On October 18 2004 01:22 mindspike wrote: razorblade dude just as people should be responsible for their actions companies should be responsible as well why should companies be allowed to do whatever they want to make money? keeping big companies in check is a good thing
Companies aren't allowed to do whatever they want, but since when was it illegal to sell a greasy hamburger? You seem to be saying that companies should not be allowed to sell unhealthy food (food that consumers could make themselves anyway) or advertise like any other company simply because they "target" us, the consumers. I really don't understand this line of thought at all. Companies will continue to sell this food as long as there is a mass to cater too, the same way any business will survive. As long as there are fatasses in the world who want to eat this junk, companies will survive. So who is the real problem here? -- the companies or the consumers?
You should watch "Super-size Me," the documentary on, in no polite words, fatasses. There is a statistic in it that is very humorous and ironic -- I may not be quoting it correctly, but apparently people spend more money on dieting pills and wonders than on actual health-related things, such as exercise memberships, etc.. What does this tell you about the consumers? Rather than live a healthy lifestyle, they want to do "whatever they want" and hope later that some "magic dietary pill" will help them lose all the weight. Just like that. What does that tell you? The fact alone speaks in defense of my argument.
We blame massacres like the Columbine shooting on violent T.V. programs. We blame the degradation of today's youth on music. We blame fast-food companies for our growing obesity. We blame everything on something else. This is just the kind of degeneration President Truman warned about where on his desk, he hung that bold sign:
The Buck Stops Here
We alone have the decision of a healthy lifestyle.
On October 16 2004 22:52 Rayzorblade wrote: STIMEY d okgm fish
You certainly must be fat. You seem like the type of person (from reading your poor post; poor in argument and supporting details for it) who would support suing McDonald's for "making them fat." And to make things more comic, you claim that the underlines weren't there before! Oh an administrator must be helping me win an argument against you! I don't need an administrators help, or anyone else's, to make an ass out of you -- you are doing that quite well yourself.
at least i can admit it when it seems like i made a mistake. i wonder if you would say i must be black if i disagreed with some good ol negro bashing? i dont need to prove to you that i'm not fat. that is definitely beside any argument u could have chosen to make in the above paragraph instead of just putting out some blanket generalizations and wasting the time of anyone who read it. fortunately most people seem too stupid to care.
I was pretty civilized in addressing your responses, but you seem bent on demonstrating both your lack of intelligence and manners
again, some nice generalizations ... if you say so. [/quote]
First, your argument lacks no support simply because it is all based on your theory and opinion. There are seven -- read that, seven -- fast-food resturaunts on my way to work, each conveniently located within a five minute drive of my work, yet I maintain a healthy diet.
why does it matter how many there are? one or seven. same thing. second, why do YOU matter so much? again, you seem to assume that everyone could be like you if they just "tried" as hard as you or otherwise were as inherently "good" as you. you take the nature/nurture of your existence for granted and blame others for not being identical to you (as usual).
Hmm, why? Because while although I know that it is easy to just eat out at these places, I'd rather live longer and therefore have taken initiative.
oh yes, other people just fail to make that choice, clearly. the dumbasses, wanting to cut their life short and all. if only someone would tell them!
I'm stating an obvious and clinically sounds fact: a healthy lifestyle and diet are the road to longevity. This is proven in medical studies everywhere!
did i say otherwise? who are you arguing against? more filler. wait we're through like half your post so far. where's the good part everyone's raving about?
(Of course, this is not including those obese people with Thyroid problems or other clinically problematic weight issues. And no, over-eating is not a valid excuse, i..e, "Omg I just had to eat those three hamburgers because if I don't I just go crazy!!!!11oneoen!!11").
You're saying that simply because someone fell into habits, or haven't developed them, or wants to eat conveniently from the nearest joint, they therefore can be excused from being a beached whale. This is just another form of passing the buck.
i didnt say anyone can be excused. no where did i say that whatsoever. to the contrary, i merely object to you bashing people for being caught in habits "inferior" to your own "superior health." if you like to kick people while they are down so much i suggest you take your business to an AA meeting.
With your reasoning, you're saying that any company who sells a substance, addictive or not, (alcohol, for instance) must be held accountable for the repercussions of said substance. That's like saying because Budweisers sells beer, it must be liable for the millions of drunk driving incidences that occur every year. Certainly, they must be the ones choosing to drink and get behind the wheel! Right? RIGHT?!
wrong. with my reasoning, companies who find out a product is harmful and addictive, intentionally maximize the addictiveness through engineering and marketting strategies, then keep these harmful facts from the public are actually intentionally harming the public and can be held liable. you are ... conveniently imagining that i said things that i didnt, oversimplifying what i said, and in some cases, flat out responding to things that i didnt said. no wonder you have so many fans.
Your reasoning is illogical and lacks no support whatsoever. Furthermore, you chose to insult me by calling me an as-hole and telling me f-ck-you. I almost felt inclined not to read past that first insult, but I thought you might have something interesting to say. Unfortunately, I found you didn't really have anything except your opinion and conspiracy theories about these giant congolmerates bent on making you a fatass. Spar with me again when you actually have the intelligence to do so. Until then, arrivaderci.
more nonsense. q.e.d.
You certainly suck serious ass.