I am really lazy to actually do an analysis but its a bunch of classic mafia tells. I will show you.
On November 30 2010 06:53 aidnai wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 06:36 DoctorHelvetica wrote: ... The day will end when majority lynch has been reached. For the day to end a single person must have 8 votes on them to be lynched. The day begins now. How are we supposed to muster up 8 votes when there's three mafia? Seems a little crazy... A lot of mafia in thread to feign activity pose questions relating to the rules of the thread, it shows activity and is kind of constructive. The biggest thing though is saying how its impossible/hard for town. Its like hes trying to show hes part of the town, I think its generally done subconsciously by mafia because it seems like the right thing to say when it only seems like a townie thing to say from a mafia perspective. I know I have done that tell before in games, but have not been called out on it. Actually in insane mafia I did it when I attacked the legitimacy of DrH claiming he was "100% town" when that guilty medic died who if he protects mafia dies. I attacked the role and the rules, not him or his claim.
On November 30 2010 06:59 aidnai wrote: Oh jeez nevermind, I seem a little crazy... I thought there was only 9 townies (12 total)... yet another reading comprehension fail.
Anyway, gl everyone, hope I don't get killed night one again -_- Fluff post, "I hope I don't get killed night one again" is something the mafia says a lot, then the next day "yay I am not dead" you know why? Because they were killing people the night before lawl. Its just classic zero content posting that paints a red picture.
On November 30 2010 08:24 aidnai wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 07:53 ghrur wrote:Op, so PMs aren't allowed.  Darn. WELL... that kinda throws a wrench in my plans.  Were your plans for this game similar to your plans for salem mafia? Ok, seriously though, we have so little information (no role list, no mayor, no roleclaiming)...Obviously number 1 priority is scumhunting, not some crazy town circle or whatever. But what do we talk about? There has to be some kind of discussion going to reveal scuminess. If everyone is just spamming, we'll never get anywhere. Personally, I think roleclaiming and forming a town circle should not be our focus right now. A town circle may form in a few days around a DT once some checks have been performed (assuming we have a DT). But to debate about it day 1 is silly, and if someone tries to take over the town and put themselves at the center of the town circle etc day 1, I'd be VERY suspicious of them. So, anyone else have thoughts on discussion points for day one? I like to call this the grand plan post, its the one I actually quoted while voting for him. Its basically "Alright guys we need to do this that and whatever the fuck else to do to win. Point A Point B Point C Remember behavioral analysis is important yadayada yada. So basically you made a huge post saying nothing except telling us to be productive? Mafia players like to do this because it makes it look like they are focusing on the big picture for the town, even though they are virtually saying nothing. In a normal game this is less of a tell on day one, but in a crazy game like this there is ALWAYS more to talk about then some stupid "grand plan" in this game he could talk about the weird day post and strange rules, his suspicions, then go into his rant, but he just says nothing.
On November 30 2010 10:56 aidnai wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 10:18 deconduo wrote: Not really enough posts to do an analysis or anything, so I think I'll go to bed. Hopefully nothing crazy happens while I sleep. Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 10:39 DoctorHelvetica wrote: The man in the black hood found his axe. lol...looks like something crazy might happen anyway! But, I agree with deconduo. Not enough posts yet :/ It is pretty early in the game, but RoL must be active 'cause he's modding the other game right? Where you at RoL? Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 09:43 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Another student got his Pharmocology degree. Somebody has been born anew with the power of love.
It seems like there would have to be two lovers to start with, right? so is there a third now? Also, the axeman is definitely looking sinister. Almost certainly a mafia KP role of some sort, only question is: is it one/limited time use or nightly? Rehashing old points kind of, focus on the previous posts.
Aidnai is the best candidate right now if not for any other reason than because I said so.
I'd just like everybody to take note of the pointless argument, how much of the thread it has taken up, and how much it has distracted people from finding scum.
I'd keep a very close eye on both annul and kingjames.
I heavily disagree RoL. First off, so asking about the rules is a scum tell? Sheesh. If mafia do that to pose as a townie, then wouldn't townies have to do it in the first place btw? Second off, making a beginning comment about hoping to not be killed off is not something "common" mafia says. It's something people say if they were killed off last game first night.
Furthormore, he did contribute to discussion on that third post. I admit it is not that great but it is far more than ghrur done. It is, as you say, "contributing without contributing." But in this case it is obvious that a townie could make this post, while ghrur has done this far more often.
I will look over Ghrur but I am still in favor of Aidnai and I think my reasoning is more than adequate, you are entitled to disagree though.
On December 01 2010 07:17 Pandain wrote: I heavily disagree RoL. First off, so asking about the rules is a scum tell? Sheesh. If mafia do that to pose as a townie, then wouldn't townies have to do it in the first place btw? Second off, making a beginning comment about hoping to not be killed off is not something "common" mafia says. It's something people say if they were killed off last game first night.
Furthormore, he did contribute to discussion on that third post. I admit it is not that great but it is far more than ghrur done. It is, as you say, "contributing without contributing." But in this case it is obvious that a townie could make this post, while ghrur has done this far more often.
The point is you think a townie would do it, not that a townie would necessarily do it in the first place. Maybe a townie would do it 10% of the times it is done, but a mafia is doing it the other 90%. Its a whole level of mental fucking yourself. No one purposely does a mafia tell when trying to pretend to be town, it just slips out over the course of your lying. About him dying you could be right, but it just seemed unnecessary, I would view a post like that kind of 40/60 or 50/50 mafia (60-40 in favor of mafia tell) so I reason if a lot of his posts seem like mafia tells, then I either suck, he sucks, or hes red.
On December 01 2010 07:10 Pandain wrote: This? This is why your lynching him? Because he made a mistake? Son Person whos probably older than me if I had a penny for every time someone made a mistake in mafia I'd be a rich man. Heck, I misread my role pm one time. (that was funny.)
You're reading at stuff that isn't there, and saying he hopes he doesn't get killed again is not scummy at all. That is not the post where I posted my reason and gave my vote, this one is: + Show Spoiler + On November 30 2010 20:39 Barundar wrote:So if I understand this lover/sibling mechanic right, we have a group of players, not necessarily mafia, who will always try to swing votes away from each others? But they do not know if each others are town or mafia? Will make it harder to interpret vote swings >_< I’ve read this + Show Spoiler +On November 30 2010 13:07 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:To discuss the other roles in the OP I don't think there was an additional lover. Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 09:43 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Another student got his Pharmocology degree. Somebody has been born anew with the power of love.
I think this acted as a conversion role. "born anew" implies a change in roles from one alignment to other, and since there is no third party and I doubt a mafia got converted by a townie, I think it means one of the mafia just recruited a townie against us. The way the town/mafia ratio is set up it doesn't give us initial start counts or anything, just tells us how much mafia there are in the game, assuming the conversion can't fail then it would be three regardless. I imagine the mafia can choose as to when they do it and the person they choose retains their power this would give the mafia incentive to WAIT on the conversation, but then it might be OP, so there might only be a certain amount of time they can wait for the conversion, but its mere speculation. ... So to summarize, I think there is a mafia conversion power in the lover, judging by how it was used. A Vigi variant in the hooded man, and a possession power in the spirit role. a few times, and I really don’t understand how to interpret the “with the power of love” part of the clue. Care to explain? I agree with the rest of the role assesments. What's everyones thoughts on beggar? Some sort of information role? I’m going to vote for Aidnai for now, his post does seem to paddle through the same sentences a few times on a closer look. #vote AidnaiPS: Pandain time to post :-) I do respect you as a more experienced player, but I posted my reasons for voting for Aidnai, and I haven’t seen any counter arguments, not even a defence from Aidnai. Feels like you are just trying to diminish my opinion.
On December 01 2010 05:06 Pandain wrote:##Vote GhrurGhrur basically hasn't been contributing at all, yet mantains the illusion of such a thing. Very mafia tell imo. Furthormore tells everyone to contribute and scum hunt yet doesn't do it himself, contradiction. His posts:rules I know, I know. Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 07:53 ghrur wrote:Op, so PMs aren't allowed.  Darn. WELL... that kinda throws a wrench in my plans.  Okay? Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 08:39 ghrur wrote: I'd suggest we just pressure people through voting and discuss our opinions on who looks suspicious or not. Also, having a plan for town to organize around is NEVER bad. I mean, if we can get a town circle, all the better right? Let's see, so far those who haven't posted: Barundar RoL Jcarlsoniv annul Pandain (wut?)
Well, might as well be bold.
##Vote RebirthofLegend This I don't like. First of all, note he voted RoL because he hasn't posted. Yet even though he's posted alot now, he hasn't changed. That is VERY suspicious in my eyes. Furthormore, he does what mafia like to do, which is "contributing without really contributing." He tells everyone to say who they think is scum, and doesn't do it himself. Mafia love to do this,have town be the heads of each lynch, while staying in the shadows themselves. Makes it much easier to put blame on someone later. How doesn't it contribute if it helps pressure people and get them to post and vote? Also, is there something inherently scummy about voting for pressure?Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 09:59 ghrur wrote:Why would we want to do that? Dr. H is basically giving us unlimited time to get a GOOD lynch in, and you want to rush it? Why? I think we can hit a mafia day 1 giving our low player pool if we really try.  Cmon Decond, I KNOW you have mafia sniping skills. ^_^ Again, pushes for decon to help without helping himself. Going further, lays accusations on a player for a very weak reason. Mafia does this ALOT. They try to always make players seem suspicious for any single post. Decon says we should rush to day 2? Ghrur lays suspicion on him. This post does nothing except suggest decon is mafia, without even doing that. Will post my reasons for suspecting Decond later on in this post Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 11:42 ghrur wrote:On November 30 2010 10:17 deconduo wrote:On November 30 2010 09:59 ghrur wrote:Why would we want to do that? Dr. H is basically giving us unlimited time to get a GOOD lynch in, and you want to rush it? Why? I think we can hit a mafia day 1 giving our low player pool if we really try.  Cmon Decond, I KNOW you have mafia sniping skills. ^_^ I was mostly kidding <3 Seems more like we switched alignments. >_> What? Ghrur explain this.
Sure, I'll explain. Here's my thoughts on Decond so far. I was going to post this, but I thought I'd rather have him just post some more, and see if I could get off some more analysis and see what some pressure will do.
+ Show Spoiler +Alright, RoL posted. ##Unvote RebirthOfLegend
Hmm, I don't disagree with Aidnai right now, but I'm looking more at decond due to his one line posts, his useless vote tally of who voted who, and his seemingly *townie* idea of role claiming.
Of course, it's day one, so nothings for sure yet, but why do we need a tally of who voted who when 1/2 the game's inactive? The votes aren't even deciding right now. All it does is make him seem useful to town when it really serves no purpose. Then, while it may seem townie to "role claim," it's actually more beneficial to mafia in such a set up. We don't know the roles; they do. We don't know who's blue and who's red; they do. They can easily fake a role like Pandain did in Insane with "Trash Collector" or something and disrupt us. In fact, that's EXACTLY what you would expect mafia to do because we get the least information Day 1 making fake role claims the easiest to get away with. I mean, what else have we gotten aside from Dr. H's "clues?" Nothing. So, I say seemingly townie, actually red for Decond.
Other Decond Stuff: Doesn't wanna vote "This is just a theory based on how the lovers role works in general games" " its possible..." Very defensive, scared play. Posting a lot of useless information like reiterating the vote count or reiterating the clues. I think we can read, ya?
+ Show Spoiler [OTHER MAFIA CANDIDATES] + Aidnai: Post without much information Against "spamming" - trying to limit discussion? Not really discussing, asking others to discuss Against town circle Asking much more questions than in Salem Mafia Pressures people as townie, like Artanis and Radfield, yet backs out of pressuring me really quickly. Not committed
Jcarlsoniv: All he does is agree with people on speculative topics Asking questions, seems unsure. Answer them yourself man. Doesn't even give off any possible information Scum play So unsure of himself, "That's possible. I'm not sure he would give someone two roles though? Not sure" Very unlike his assertive self in Salem, he hardly EVER uses "I think" or "Possibly" or "just a guess" etc Even in Sengoku, states his opinions strongly
On December 01 2010 07:37 Barundar wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2010 07:10 Pandain wrote: This? This is why your lynching him? Because he made a mistake? Son Person whos probably older than me if I had a penny for every time someone made a mistake in mafia I'd be a rich man. Heck, I misread my role pm one time. (that was funny.)
You're reading at stuff that isn't there, and saying he hopes he doesn't get killed again is not scummy at all. That is not the post where I posted my reason and gave my vote, this one is: + Show Spoiler + On November 30 2010 20:39 Barundar wrote:So if I understand this lover/sibling mechanic right, we have a group of players, not necessarily mafia, who will always try to swing votes away from each others? But they do not know if each others are town or mafia? Will make it harder to interpret vote swings >_< I’ve read this + Show Spoiler +On November 30 2010 13:07 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:To discuss the other roles in the OP I don't think there was an additional lover. Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 09:43 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Another student got his Pharmocology degree. Somebody has been born anew with the power of love.
I think this acted as a conversion role. "born anew" implies a change in roles from one alignment to other, and since there is no third party and I doubt a mafia got converted by a townie, I think it means one of the mafia just recruited a townie against us. The way the town/mafia ratio is set up it doesn't give us initial start counts or anything, just tells us how much mafia there are in the game, assuming the conversion can't fail then it would be three regardless. I imagine the mafia can choose as to when they do it and the person they choose retains their power this would give the mafia incentive to WAIT on the conversation, but then it might be OP, so there might only be a certain amount of time they can wait for the conversion, but its mere speculation. ... So to summarize, I think there is a mafia conversion power in the lover, judging by how it was used. A Vigi variant in the hooded man, and a possession power in the spirit role. a few times, and I really don’t understand how to interpret the “with the power of love” part of the clue. Care to explain? I agree with the rest of the role assesments. What's everyones thoughts on beggar? Some sort of information role? I’m going to vote for Aidnai for now, his post does seem to paddle through the same sentences a few times on a closer look. #vote AidnaiPS: Pandain time to post :-) I do respect you as a more experienced player, but I posted my reasons for voting for Aidnai, and I haven’t seen any counter arguments, not even a defence from Aidnai. Feels like you are just trying to diminish my opinion. ' This?
I’m going to vote for Aidnai for now, his post does seem to paddle through the same sentences a few times on a closer look.
That's hardly a reason! @RoL, the point is, it's not a scum OR town thing for what he said. Also he is new, so while he doesn't "suck" he may do things which seem scum(even though I think they really aren't.) You're delving into things that aren't there.
Hey look! RoL and I agree despite me never even reading his analyses. ^_^ Well, I guess we have a lynch candidate.
##Vote Aidnai
EBWODP: ##Unvote RebirthofLegend ##Vote Aidnai
I've been going through each person's posts looking for suspicious activity or lack of activity.
SouthRawrea only has 4 posts. Let's take a look:
On November 30 2010 05:36 SouthRawrea wrote: /in sounds good
On November 30 2010 07:07 SouthRawrea wrote: Abstains aloud?
On November 30 2010 11:06 SouthRawrea wrote: Black hood guy-> Mason? Axe -> George Washington? George Washington = Mason
On December 01 2010 07:10 SouthRawrea wrote:No please do split up your votes 
Main points:
- NO content.
- Vote without an accompanying explanation.
- Expresses satisfaction with lack of town coordination. (I hope this one is a joke.)
I'm going to stick with my vote on orgolove. However, we need to apply pressure to players who are not contributing.
 + Show Spoiler +I don't know anything about the game, but what's up with the kill the new kid trend?
On November 30 2010 16:00 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 13:59 Fishball wrote:On November 30 2010 12:49 orgolove wrote: Hmm. Fishball really didn't respond like a blue at all to coagulation's advances. And considering coagulation's typical behavior, he doesn't seem like a red. -_- though I'm all for removing clutter, it'd be great if we take out a red in day 1.
##Vote Fishball Hell, the game just started. What exactly do you want me to do? And what do you mean "I didn't respond like a blue at all"? There is a specific way on how a blue responds? Well I surely didn't know that! For an immediate Day 1 lynch, I could really care less who wants to vote for who. But if one were to ask me for "advice", I would say I'm more inclined to look at the inactives, especially in such a small game like this. As for why I voted for RoL; Well, I feel like it. If I were a Day Vig, I would have used my kill on him right now. Why? Because I feel like it...  So if you follow your senses and vote for me, I won't have a problem with that at all. I don't even know what to say about that. But if you would like, I would bet my life that Aidnai is mafia and if I am wrong we can kill me tomorrow. Sound fair? I'd make the bet!
What the....? I'm trying to see how this makes any sense as a town play (or a scum play for that matter)? are you just bluffing to put more pressure on me or something? Coag is right, this is a crazy gamble and I don't understand it at all.
As for my 'scummy' posting... I just don't see it. My points were 1) we should focus on schumhunting 2) we need real discussion points to get town talking and 3) I don't really know what we SHOULD talk about, but I do think we SHOULDN'T be wasting time talking about roleclaiming (moot point since it's not allowed for now anyway) or building a town circle (day 1 no DT checks have come back). Do you disagree with any of that?
Also this:
On December 01 2010 02:17 Barundar wrote:I... On Aidnai, this might be mafia slip-ups: Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 06:53 aidnai wrote:On November 30 2010 06:36 DoctorHelvetica wrote: ... The day will end when majority lynch has been reached. For the day to end a single person must have 8 votes on them to be lynched. The day begins now. How are we supposed to muster up 8 votes when there's three mafia? Seems a little crazy... Show nested quote +On November 30 2010 06:59 aidnai wrote: Oh jeez nevermind, I seem a little crazy... I thought there was only 9 townies (12 total)... yet another reading comprehension fail.
Anyway, gl everyone, hope I don't get killed night one again -_- Notice how he make himself more guilty than the mistake entitles, and drop a “I’m town” hint.
I suppose this was a "slip up" of sorts... I had just PMd a question to DrH about how I use my role. Then of course I saw that the information I needed was already in my role PM. So yeah, I was feeling sheepish, and yes, I did get killed night one in salem mafia for whatever reason >.<
Remember, when I posted that stuff we were only five hours into the game, there really wasn't much to talk about. I posted what came to mind, so what? I actually did contribute, which is better than most other people in the thread. And jcarlsoniv, you said I am against a town circle, which is not true at all. I’m against having some random person day 1 focusing discussion on forming a town circle. If a circle happens, it happens. It shouldn’t be the focus.
Now pressuring people with votes and arguments is good, but for the life of me I can’t figure out why RoL is doing this bet with fishball... Does he intend to follow through and willingly lynch himself if I do get lynched today? He stated already that he expects to die tonight, maybe he thinks the bet doesn’t matter? but how does it help town? I really can’t figure this one out, can you explain it to us RebirthofLegend?
On December 01 2010 08:03 ghrur wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2010 05:06 Pandain wrote:##Vote GhrurGhrur basically hasn't been contributing at all, yet mantains the illusion of such a thing. Very mafia tell imo. Furthormore tells everyone to contribute and scum hunt yet doesn't do it himself, contradiction. His posts:On November 30 2010 07:39 ghrur wrote: I'm assuming PMs are allowed right? rules I know, I know. On November 30 2010 07:53 ghrur wrote:Op, so PMs aren't allowed.  Darn. WELL... that kinda throws a wrench in my plans.  Okay? On November 30 2010 08:39 ghrur wrote: I'd suggest we just pressure people through voting and discuss our opinions on who looks suspicious or not. Also, having a plan for town to organize around is NEVER bad. I mean, if we can get a town circle, all the better right? Let's see, so far those who haven't posted: Barundar RoL Jcarlsoniv annul Pandain (wut?)
Well, might as well be bold.
##Vote RebirthofLegend This I don't like. First of all, note he voted RoL because he hasn't posted. Yet even though he's posted alot now, he hasn't changed. That is VERY suspicious in my eyes. Furthormore, he does what mafia like to do, which is "contributing without really contributing." He tells everyone to say who they think is scum, and doesn't do it himself. Mafia love to do this,have town be the heads of each lynch, while staying in the shadows themselves. Makes it much easier to put blame on someone later. How doesn't it contribute if it helps pressure people and get them to post and vote? Also, is there something inherently scummy about voting for pressure?On November 30 2010 09:59 ghrur wrote:Why would we want to do that? Dr. H is basically giving us unlimited time to get a GOOD lynch in, and you want to rush it? Why? I think we can hit a mafia day 1 giving our low player pool if we really try.  Cmon Decond, I KNOW you have mafia sniping skills. ^_^ Again, pushes for decon to help without helping himself. Going further, lays accusations on a player for a very weak reason. Mafia does this ALOT. They try to always make players seem suspicious for any single post. Decon says we should rush to day 2? Ghrur lays suspicion on him. This post does nothing except suggest decon is mafia, without even doing that. Will post my reasons for suspecting Decond later on in this post On November 30 2010 11:42 ghrur wrote:On November 30 2010 10:17 deconduo wrote:On November 30 2010 09:59 ghrur wrote:Why would we want to do that? Dr. H is basically giving us unlimited time to get a GOOD lynch in, and you want to rush it? Why? I think we can hit a mafia day 1 giving our low player pool if we really try.  Cmon Decond, I KNOW you have mafia sniping skills. ^_^ I was mostly kidding <3 Seems more like we switched alignments. >_> What? Ghrur explain this. Sure, I'll explain. Here's my thoughts on Decond so far. I was going to post this, but I thought I'd rather have him just post some more, and see if I could get off some more analysis and see what some pressure will do. + Show Spoiler +Alright, RoL posted. ##Unvote RebirthOfLegend
Hmm, I don't disagree with Aidnai right now, but I'm looking more at decond due to his one line posts, his useless vote tally of who voted who, and his seemingly *townie* idea of role claiming.
Of course, it's day one, so nothings for sure yet, but why do we need a tally of who voted who when 1/2 the game's inactive? The votes aren't even deciding right now. All it does is make him seem useful to town when it really serves no purpose. Then, while it may seem townie to "role claim," it's actually more beneficial to mafia in such a set up. We don't know the roles; they do. We don't know who's blue and who's red; they do. They can easily fake a role like Pandain did in Insane with "Trash Collector" or something and disrupt us. In fact, that's EXACTLY what you would expect mafia to do because we get the least information Day 1 making fake role claims the easiest to get away with. I mean, what else have we gotten aside from Dr. H's "clues?" Nothing. So, I say seemingly townie, actually red for Decond.
Other Decond Stuff: Doesn't wanna vote "This is just a theory based on how the lovers role works in general games" " its possible..." Very defensive, scared play. Posting a lot of useless information like reiterating the vote count or reiterating the clues. I think we can read, ya?
+ Show Spoiler [OTHER MAFIA CANDIDATES] + Aidnai: Post without much information Against "spamming" - trying to limit discussion? Not really discussing, asking others to discuss Against town circle Asking much more questions than in Salem Mafia Pressures people as townie, like Artanis and Radfield, yet backs out of pressuring me really quickly. Not committed
Jcarlsoniv: All he does is agree with people on speculative topics Asking questions, seems unsure. Answer them yourself man. Doesn't even give off any possible information Scum play So unsure of himself, "That's possible. I'm not sure he would give someone two roles though? Not sure" Very unlike his assertive self in Salem, he hardly EVER uses "I think" or "Possibly" or "just a guess" etc Even in Sengoku, states his opinions strongly
Oh look, I'm being accused of posting mostly one liners and useless information. Lets have a look at 'useful' posts by ghrur up to this point:
+ Show Spoiler +On November 30 2010 08:39 ghrur wrote: I'd suggest we just pressure people through voting and discuss our opinions on who looks suspicious or not. Also, having a plan for town to organize around is NEVER bad. I mean, if we can get a town circle, all the better right? Let's see, so far those who haven't posted: Barundar RoL Jcarlsoniv annul Pandain (wut?)
Well, might as well be bold.
##Vote RebirthofLegend
Suggests pressuring people through voting and votes for a lurker, just AFTER I write: On November 30 2010 08:33 deconduo wrote:
Pick a lurker, put pressure on and see how they respond? So basically repeated what I had just said, using more words. Suggests a town circle in a game with no PMs. On November 30 2010 09:59 ghrur wrote:Why would we want to do that? Dr. H is basically giving us unlimited time to get a GOOD lynch in, and you want to rush it? Why? I think we can hit a mafia day 1 giving our low player pool if we really try.  Cmon Decond, I KNOW you have mafia sniping skills. ^_^ Takes a dig at me when I posted a jokey post. The end.
Next, regular vote counts are really important in a majority lynch game, by losing count someone can get lynched a lot easier than you'd think. ESPECIALLY as there are probably vote manipulation roles.
Other points:
+ Show Spoiler +
Doesn't wanna vote
Voting in a majority lynch game is not to be taken lightly. I could go to bed and wake up with someone dead that I didn't want dead.
"This is just a theory based on how the lovers role works in general games" " its possible..." Very defensive, scared play.
We have no roles list, theorizing is all we can do. I'm hardly going to say YES THIS IS EXACTLY HOW THAT CLUE THAT POINTS TO THAT ROLE WORKS
Posting a lot of useless information like reiterating the vote count or reiterating the clues. I think we can read, ya?
Much more useful information than you have posted.
The roleclaim thing? You'll see tomorrow if I'm alive. Can't say anything about it obviously.
Basically you are trying to make a case where there is none to be made.
FoS ghrur
so explain to me why we have gotten off of fishball?
look at the post i made when i voted him, when i quoted his post and showed the two blatant contradictory ideas. then look at orgolove. he either 1. is bussing fishball or 2. someone actually used that power and wants to save fishball, and the only logical use of this is a mafia use
Can we kill him so I can find out the level of rightness I am?
On December 01 2010 08:44 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: I WILL RAPE YOUR FAMILY LSB.