Some history before we get started:
ahk-gosu's thread on how pros don't impress him and that he can beat them:
On October 25 2004 00:05 ahk-gosu wrote:
after watching a huge amount of vods/replays even though im still waiting for my dream siva vs sync vod
i realized that progamers arent really THAT good except a few select people
seriously im not trying to be cocky but i can beat some of these pro gamers.
after watching a huge amount of vods/replays even though im still waiting for my dream siva vs sync vod
i realized that progamers arent really THAT good except a few select people
seriously im not trying to be cocky but i can beat some of these pro gamers.
If you look at the responses in the thread, most people disagreed with him. But ahk-gosu didn't think so. His reply:
On October 25 2004 00:05 ahk-gosu wrote:
and how seem to know how i play huh 1v1 me
and no you cant really judge me
i have played some zerg pro gamers before and i have beaten some of them
and as for performing under pressure lets say i played mufasa in my lion king play elementary school lol
and how seem to know how i play huh 1v1 me
and no you cant really judge me
i have played some zerg pro gamers before and i have beaten some of them
and as for performing under pressure lets say i played mufasa in my lion king play elementary school lol
When a replay was posted about how he plays really bad, he responded:
that was one of my horrible games but the micro was good
im a lot better now seriously if you wanna play a game just msg me
on useast ahk-gosu
ill do a best of 3 with you
im a lot better now seriously if you wanna play a game just msg me
on useast ahk-gosu
ill do a best of 3 with you
This was the quote that sparked my interests to get a 1v1 best of 3 series going on with this guy to see if he can back it up.
Some more histories about how ahk-gosu really does think that he is at least a pro-gamer level:
On October 15 2004 01:15 exalted wrote:
ahk-gosu you don't need to watch those you can already beat progamers so why bother?
ahk-gosu you don't need to watch those you can already beat progamers so why bother?
ahk-gosu's response:
On October 15 2004 11:13 ahk-gosu wrote:
fine i will
one day ill show you all
fine i will
one day ill show you all
When someone told ahk-gosu that he isn't pro gamer level, his response:
On October 29 2004 21:15 ahk-gosu wrote:
well thats why im taking challenges from people that think i suck.
well thats why im taking challenges from people that think i suck.
Ahk-gosu also makes a topic asking how to make a replay pack of himself for others to see:
He was once again told by a forum member that he cannot beat pro gamers. Ahk-gosu responded that the joke is old and that he CAN indeed beat pro gamers:
On October 25 2004 00:05 ahk-gosu wrote:
pheer that joke is getting old
and yes i can beat pros....
pheer that joke is getting old
and yes i can beat pros....
So yes, I was curious. It's my chance to play against someone who's supposedly of a pro gamer skill level at the least. Who wouldn't want to? So I PM'ed him for a week trying to catch him online to play him in a best of 3 series.
Here are the results:
Game 1 on Nostalgia:
In the first game tfeign wanted to test ahk-gosu's ability to handle cheese. Tfeign opted for a fast dt rush and eagerly wanted to know how well ahk-gosu is capable of handling this much-encountered game situation. The result is as follows, as tfeign's dt managed to stealthily swipe away 22 of ahk-gosu's probes before he was able to catch on and put an end to this ordeal:
Out of desperation, Ahk-gosu attempted to counter with his army of dragoons. Yet unfortunately, his hopeful journey was stopped dead in its track halfway as they were quickly dissipated by tfeign's opposing dragoon force. The game ended shortly after as tfeign's reckless army of dragoons vigilantly marched across the crimson battlefield of Nostalgia to secure a swift victory at the mainland of Ahk-gosu's base.
Game length: 8 minutes 15 seconds
Final Score: Tfeign.legend: 22680 ahk-gosu: 15991
APM: Tfeign.legend: 368apm ahk-gosu: 132apm
Game 2 on Lost Temple
In this second encounter, tfeign wanted to examine ahk-gosu's ability to play a straight up match without any sort of cheese. Tfeign did not cheese Ahk-gosu at all this game and just played a normal, straight up PvP on Lost Temple. The duration of this game lasted a bit longer than the previous, and understandably so. Surprisingly, ahk-gosu was never able to move his units out of the boundary of his base at all during the entire length of this match. The picture below shows the furthest that ahk-gosu was ever able to move out of his base within the course of this 15 minute game before retreating and forfeiting the game as tfeign advanced with an unwearied army of zealots/goons/templars/reavers, parading through the fields of Lost Temple unscathed, and finally reached the destination of Ahk-gosu's base as Tfeign's army laid wastes to his opponent's men in a climatic battle to finally seal the epic series between the pro-killer Ahk-gosu and the valiant tfeign who dared to defy against it:
Yes, that was the furthest that Ahk-gosu was ever able to move away from his base in the entire duration of this game. He was not able to mount any offense at all.
Game length: 15 minutes 25 seconds
Final Score[fixed]: Tfeign.legend: 64844 ahk-gosu: 48277
APM: Tfeign.legend: 305apm ahk-gosu: 130apm
Final results of the bo3:
Tfeign.Legend > ahk-gosu 2-0
Ahk-gosu said after the 2 games that he wasn't playing for real today and will msg me to rematch some time down this week. I'll look forward to our rematch and will give any applicable updates (if it does happen)
Replays can be found here [fixed]:
Game 1:
Game 2: