Hello and welcome. Please enjoy my stream. http://www.twitch.tv/ignorantprodigy
I stream mostly 8:30pm EST and later. Sometimes at Lunch because I work from home.
My handle is [NEFN]ignorant. I'm a diamond random player who uses very few hotkeys. I'm "old" in respects to SC2 players.. 32 y/o with 2 kids and married. I have a mortgage, full time job and spend most of my free time playing starcraft.. but it's not much free time.
If you want to learn more about how I came to not use hotkeys...back in 2011 I created a blog about it ignorant blog
I'm on a quest to make masters again.. I made it twice when it was made easy.. I'm top 8 Diamond now.. but I don't beat masters when I play them
This guy is legit. His stream is also pretty funny since half the time people are raging at him or one of his kids is in his lap as he's wrecking on ladder WITH NO HOTKEYS.
Watch it.
NEFN represent!
streaming! going to try to stream on my lunch breaks
streaming lunch time games!
streaming meow. hitting up eu because am server seems to be down atm
thanks for those who tuned in, i'll be streaming a bunch tomorrow I have the day off work
streaming on my day off
streaming a few games tonight
day off! gonna stream a bit
angry ignorant tonight, losing a lot
Definitely going to check the stream out Sounds interesting!
new comp! trying the stream out
gave my two weeks and start my new job soon.. so ive lost all motivation to keep working. so starcraft instead!
Made masters