English only on TL please. |
On April 23 2011 20:07 Furioon wrote: Khaldor, do you have any idea if Aiseiplo is about to play today? regards from Sweden.
He just played MC 20 mins ago, but not on stage. I watched it over MC's shoulder 
+ Show Spoiler +First game was 4gate on 4gate on XNC, ended in a baserace that MC won because of slightly better stalkernumbers. Second game both players went blinkstalkers, MC made 3 gates and Seiplo expanded off of it. MC won pretty convincingly with some good blinkmicro.
EDIT: yet another bracketlink http://www.copenhagengames.com/r/22/bracket/ramme.php?file=Razer_Domination_slut.htm
You are not fair Khalor. I try to get to Denmark for a year by now, and you are there and casting also Starcraft 2...
Btw nice cast, but that is nothing new
Harbour Seal
![[image loading]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/00/Common_Seal_Phoca_vitulina.jpg)
Sea Otter
Which one do you want to be?
Did u get that necklace in New Zealand?
a seal is no fish
hey khaldor, i know this is out of the topic, but i heard that u're working on the promoting games and stuff just now, tell me how to improve the promotion of the game in indonesia since the mindset of indonesian people are playing games is just a waste of time..
Pro player vs caster dance off later?
I'm so sorry Khaldor, that you can't enjoy this beautiful weather. The sun is shining and it's awesome here in Germany Cologne.
it's really hard to fit day9 on a photograph he means
i think one aspect for MC that he gets invite is that he won the intel extreme master at the cebit and he said in an interview that he likes to get invites for tournaments in germany or europe in general
On April 23 2011 20:16 cleric- wrote: i think one aspect for MC that he gets invite is that he won the intel extreme master at the cebit and he said in an interview that he likes to get invites for tournaments in germany or europe in general
That was ST_Ace, MC won Dreamhack.
Hey Khaldor,
you actually were one of those casters I never got to follow but watching this stream convinced me to check out more of your work. Thanks for casting! keep going man! Greetings from Germany
Haha thanks Khaldor! That totally made my day.
Keep up the good work over there, this has probably been the best LAN stream I've ever seen, I just love how there's no downtime at all since you are answering the questions. ^_^
On April 23 2011 20:14 McBrian wrote: [
thx a lot for the link!
What do you do on your spare time?